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ngl, kinda judging right now. Thats up there with Most Hated Video Game Ever for me.

Its time to scatter your fucks to the wind and not bother finding them again. The less fucks you give, the easier it will be to just do your own thing.

I never understood that mentality, to be honest. I think its ridiculous. I can get "GET OFF MY LAWN" to an extent, but when it comes to who plays what in terms of video games, its like, so what? So what if someone plays fucken Flappy Bird but also like FE Awakening. I just...i dont even.


I don't think its a "you can't play these games" situation rather, it's like if you've been a die hard fan of a movie series/band your whole life and it's been perfect up until the recently released movie/album that tried to expand its audience by making compromises or having a change in style which moved the series away from its core appeal and the fans feel like they don't have a say in the direction the product is going

people get so up in arms about it which is really stupid

Edited by Alb
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I don't think its a "you can't play these games" situation rather, it's like if you've been a die hard fan of a movie series/band your whole life and it's been perfect up until the recently released movie/album that tried to expand its audience by making compromises or having a change in style which moved the series away from its core appeal and the fans feel like they don't have a say in the direction the product is going

people get so up in arms about it which is really stupid

I dunno mang. Ive been a fan of Marvel's Thor since i was 5. Im gonna be 34 this year, so that gives you an idea of how long ive been a fan of it. (that and Legend of Zelda) I was skeptical of the film(s), and they did appeal to a wider demographic (and a female one), but they ended up being great for the most part. I was happy more people wanted in on the thing i liked. It also rekindled my old love for it.

A better example would be Ocarina of Time i guess. Im of the OG Zelda generation, so OoT was a huge step in a very odd direction. Whoa 3D Zelda. Whoa. Zelda is doing things that are so beyond my dome, i just dont even. But i was excited about it. To see my favorite characters (and Ganon as a person) all fleshed out in pretty 3D graphics. Its exciting. The game came out and for most of you lot posting here, it was your first Zelda. Was i upset cuz you guys were all on my lawn? Was i upset cuz most Zeldas following that game were in the same kind of 3D model? Hardly. I was like "cool more Zelda fans."

It is really stupid how people get so up in arms, yes. Im just trying to figure out why they do that. And why being not-hardcore is a bad thing.

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We have the same issue on Reddit ever since Fire Emblem: If got announced, both parties are voicing their opinion in a very strong way and it's pretty sad. It's mostly happening because some people don't want to have FE14 be alike FE13, so they voice their opinion because it might happen. Before that they didn't as much because nothing would change.

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Don't get me wrong, I also like talking to people with different opinions. That's what forums/comment sections are for. But when someone insults you personally because of your opinion, that is where I draw the line. But you're right. All their complaining doesn't do much.

Well I mean... I wasn't telling you to not draw the line there =o I was telling you to not worry about it/care so much, pretty much much like Integrity said because SURPRISE!!! we have the same viewpoint on something WOW that never happens

fftf is not the place for these types of discussion. if you're looking for a serious answer in this subforum you're going to have a bad time.

.... you say as over half the topic's responses are serious~


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Seeing someone who likes Awakening more than the other Fire Emblems makes me upset for a simple reason. Their decisions to buy games like Awakening and not buy games like the older Fire Emblems affect what kind of games I will get to play on down the line.

If you are someone who dislikes the direction Awakening game went in, every person who loves the changes serves as a reminder that you will never get what you want from the series again. Liking the game by itself wouldn't be an issue if it didn't affect developers' decisions, but it does. The developers are going to make more of what sells, and that means more of what people like the most. Those of us who have been with the series for a while are no longer the biggest group of the consumers for FE titles. They are marketing to newcomers and it is going well.

That stings for people like me. It means that I will never see the features I like come back in new games. It means I will have to buy games that I find seriously flawed just to have new content. Every time I hear someone say Awakening is the best it is like they personally shot nostalgia in the back with their purchase and opinion.

Add in desire for balance and difficulty versus people who just want to win and you get a strong anti-casual temperament from the former.

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It is really stupid how people get so up in arms, yes. Im just trying to figure out why they do that. And why being not-hardcore is a bad thing.

Imagine if, in the upcoming movie, Thor gets a rather drastic makeover. Loses the hammer and the helmet, dyes his hair, starts wearing a cape and a big "T" on his chest, etc. The tickets sell like nicotine hotcakes, and you're forced into the realisation that pretty much nobody liked the old Thor, and unless the developers decide they hate money, they won't make any more movies about him. You can't even introduce the new fans to the old Thor, because they'll reject him for being different to the new Thor.

Granted, that's probably the worst-case scenario for Fire Emblem's future. But I totally understand where those fans are coming through. Not that I condone it; taking it out on the new fans is not only mean-spirited, but will make them less likely to want to play the older games.

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just gonna put this out there, if you have an opinion then you should be expected to back it up, because forums aren't a soapbox

Ninetales is my favourite pokemon because she's (or he's) pretty

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Ninetales is my favourite pokemon because she's (or he's) pretty

What the fuck are you talking about, Ninetales is cute but also the gayest fire pokemon, how could you like such trash? Arcanine is the best because you can ride it like a manly man and stuff and it's a big fire dog. Fuck Ninetales. /s

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i just wandered into some thread in gen fe about fe13 and the direction of fire emblem and holy fuck some people make some massive effortposts about their video games

i walked back out. i hope nobody's breaking any rules there.

moral of the story: like what you like. if what you like becomes something you do not like, move on. i'm lucky in that fire emblem moved from a Thing I Like to a Thing I Like More with awakening, but that doesn't mean i haven't been burned really hard by other things (sarah mclachlan sounds like a bad parody of herself now and it makes me sad :()

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to compensate for my serious post above i will present this tribute story:

i was in kroger just now shoppying for things and i needed mustard and i saw WHITE CASTLE düsseldorf mustard and i picked it up on a lark thinking "lmao what shit processed ingredients go into white castle mustard"

turns out that bullshit is like, farm fresh organic ingredients. what the fuck???

it's also really good?????

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to compensate for my serious post above i will present this tribute story:

i was in kroger just now shoppying for things and i needed mustard and i saw WHITE CASTLE düsseldorf mustard and i picked it up on a lark thinking "lmao what shit processed ingredients go into white castle mustard"

turns out that bullshit is like, farm fresh organic ingredients. what the fuck???

it's also really good?????

was it USDA certified

I say this because companies can legally say stuff like made with organic such-and-such without actually having usda certified on the product itself

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i was exaggerating, none of it was specified organic

it was just like, five ingredients and none of them were unpronouncable


btw putting honey in your mustard is a very good idea and you should do it

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i just wandered into some thread in gen fe about fe13 and the direction of fire emblem and holy fuck some people make some massive effortposts about their video games

whoops I forgot it was ftff

don't support mustard! in wwwun they made everyone put mustard on their sandwiches and two people had allergic reactions and had to be hospitalised! is this the kind of condiment you want on YOUR sandwiches???

EDIT: double whoops I thought you were talking about this thread. I will leave my original post above as a testament to my everlasting shame.

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