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Valentines Day


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You know that holiday that's thrown into everyone's face. Yet we seem to go with it anyways?

I like the concept honestly, but the marketing always pissed me off, not to mention people in High school who bullied me on said day because I didn't have a GF (I ignored them mostly).

A cozy day with your special someone, be it your husband, wife, bf, gf. Heck even people you aren't like intimate with, such as family could count as a day of love couldn't it?

I'm just kinda curious how everyone views this "holiday". Despite the fact it isn't one at the same time (confusing huh).

I have 2 girls to ask ^^; if either want to be my date but I'll probably not ask either. I'm scared into my usual shy self when this kind of stuff comes up, plus I shouldn't fall to peer pressure anyways! It's silly, I used to fall under the pressure and ask whatever girl I was into at the time. Rejected every time. Good times :P

But random tangents aside, what are your thoughts and do you have plans?

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It's just another day for me, to be honest. I shouldn't have to dedicate one set day every year just for my theoretical partner, nor would I want to. As you can probably guess, I have no plans for it

Edited by DodgeDusk
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I don't like the holiday, personally. Sure, it's great if you have a lover. But if you're single, especially if you desire a lover, it's like a big punch to the face. You have to sit and do nothing all by yourself while all the couples have a good time together. It honestly feels like shit.

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I don't celebrate the holiday at all, not to mention I'm not in a relationship and don't plan to be anytime soon. Even if I did, I wouldn't need a specific day to show appreciation for the fact.

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Don't have much of an opinion about Valentine's. Over here it's also known as "Day of Love and Friendship", so it doesn't mean much to me that I don't have a girlfriend since I do have my family. So usually the plans for that day is just going out somewhere or just gather at home to eat with them. Nothing special, but it's still something I guess. Specially this year since it will fall on the weekend, where it's more probable to have more of the family gathered since otherwise work will have them unavailable.

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We used to make cards and such in elementary school, but not anymore.

It's a pretty typical school day, but I go around school saying "happy valentines day loser" to all my friends in the morning / at lunch. But going back home, nothing special really happens. We might go out for dinner, but that's about as special as it gets.

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It's a cute enough concept, although its significance is massively overhyped. One of my favourite Valentine's Days was when I was like 14 and they released a new chapter of FMA. Good times.

Although I seriously hope I get a nice pair of socks this year.

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There are a few girls that I like in my classes, but nobody I know well enough to ask out. Who knowsthough, maybe something weird will happen. 95% chance that I'll spend it lazing around my house.

Never was really bothered by the holiday though, not since grade 10 at least, why should I be grouchy when other people are enjoying themselves. That said, I am very bothered when people point out that I still don't have a girlfriend, but that's just a product of them being an asshole.

5/10, overshadowed by winter break hype.

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I don't like the holiday, personally. Sure, it's great if you have a lover. But if you're single, especially if you desire a lover, it's like a big punch to the face. You have to sit and do nothing all by yourself while all the couples have a good time together. It honestly feels like shit.

Nailed it. Single people don't need a day set aside to make them feel out of place every year.

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Valentine's day is like the 2nd omst commercial holiday after Christmas. It's kind of funny.


chocolate sales hype

Man Chocolate and Flower prices get so inflated a single rose will run you like $5 here in the city ugh.

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