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Etrian Odyssey


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I've been playing the original Etrian Odyssey recently (basically trying to get my $22 out of it before I virtually abandon it and buy a better entry someday) and I'm just wondering when y'all think is a good time to fight the first boss. I've been kinda paranoid about it considering the game's brutal difficulty and have so far grinded my way to level 20 on all my party members. Should I keep grinding or would I do alright if I tried?

If you must know:

Protector, Landsknecht (sword variant)

Medic, Survivalist, Troubadour

I think you should be able to take out the first boss, given your level. Make sure your gear is up to snuff and all that.

Now, if you really want to break the game. . .

Max Immunize on your Medic, and spam it like crazy. Immunize is bugged in this one, to the benefit of the player.

I don't remember the rest of the ways you can break the game in half, though.

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Huh, maybe I'm really bad or I picked some unideal subclasses. I think I'm at least above 40.

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Huh, maybe I'm really bad or I picked some unideal subclasses. I think I'm at least above 40.

What's your main/subclasses, and what did you have in mind when making them?

The better I can understand your team, the better I can (try) to help~!

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Holy crap, Life Trade is good, even at just level one.
It was useful in the quest 'Call of the gunner' (which, judging by the enormous room, totally isn't related to any optional bosses. :p), she used it right before the enemies could act. The trolling of it. The damage are good, but not great, it's he healing that is pratical, it's enough to heal almost everything.

Of course, to have Life Trade, I had to put 10 point in HP Up, Sourire, have 260 HP, where Bouclier, my Protector, have 268. :p

Froid's Ricochet is at level 6. Burst Shot is at level 1, should I level it up more ?

Marron is starting to get Barrier, it's level 4 for now.

Gee, I wonder if the monster you talked about was a


I swear, I almost lost my crap when seeing it for the first time, and even more so after it petrified Fouet. but I nuked it with Force skills before getting the hell outta there. :p

I also recently got a Weapon Free Lv10 and a Force Shield lv5. both from Fafnir. (duh)

I reckon that Weapon Free is not as good as Limitless... but would this get he job done ? The difference between them on paper is that Weapon Free lessen the damage, while Limitless is a skill that you have to use, wherear Weapon Free is a passive skill.

Edited by B.Leu
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I think you should be able to take out the first boss, given your level. Make sure your gear is up to snuff and all that.

Now, if you really want to break the game. . .

Max Immunize on your Medic, and spam it like crazy. Immunize is bugged in this one, to the benefit of the player.

I don't remember the rest of the ways you can break the game in half, though.

...That Immunize would have been nice to know. I've pretty much been building all the healing skills so far and yeah, I did manage to scrape together Revive and Salve II, but now I'm a bit worried. Meh, if I need to I'm sure some FOE's musta respwaned by now so I can grind a little more. BF4 has been too quiet for too long.

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Gee, I wonder if the monster you talked about was a


I swear, I almost lost my crap when seeing it for the first time, and even more so after it petrified Fouet. but I nuked it with Force skills before getting the hell outta there. :p

I also recently got a Weapon Free Lv10 and a Force Shield lv5. both from Fafnir. (duh)

I reckon that Weapon Free is not as good as Limitless... but would this get he job done ? The difference between them on paper is that Weapon Free lessen the damage, while Limitless is a skill that you have to use, wherear Weapon Free is a passive skill.

Now aren't you glad that thing only petrifies one person at a time? :P:

Ahem. . .Weapon Free's damage limitation hurts. The level 10 one you got only allows for 75% of the damage you'd normally do. With something like Drain Bite, you want full damage, because the amount you heal is based off of the damage you do. That's why I prefer Limitless with Drain Bite. If you want to enable something like Shield Bash (where you care more about the effect than the damage), Weapon Free is fine.

...That Immunize would have been nice to know. I've pretty much been building all the healing skills so far and yeah, I did manage to scrape together Revive and Salve II, but now I'm a bit worried. Meh, if I need to I'm sure some FOE's musta respwaned by now so I can grind a little more. BF4 has been too quiet for too long.

It'll become more important as you hit the later strata. It's also great for SURPRISE FOE BATTLE YOU DIDN'T WANT.

(yes I'm mad that FOEs move one square per battle turn, especially when I'm ambushed)

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What's your main/subclasses, and what did you have in mind when making them?

The better I can understand your team, the better I can (try) to help~!

I'll get back to you on this, when I boot up my EO3 cartridge.

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Barrier is really, really useful, I really dunno what I would've done if I did not have it.
Again, I really thank you for telling me to have it.

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...So It took me up to the 18th Floor to realize EOU2 automatically chosed the old soundtrack.

I thought EOU did the same thing.

Really, I don't get it, since the arrangement is all kind of amazing. At least it allow me to enjoy the music once again, I guess.

And it played on the Knight Blazer aspect of Fafnir quite nicely...

Btw Ginnungagap 3F was one of my most dreadfull EO experience. Especially after I used my only Standard chance on a stupid mantis. Learning Flee saved my life here.

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  • 5 months later...

Any of you folks with a Japanese 3DS got hold onto the much coveted(by non-Japanese fans) Etrian Odyssey 5?

Tell me about it. Ever since I got the memo that a fifth game was coming out, I was looking forward to it. I hope it gets released over here, too.

Although calling myself a 'fan' might be an overstatement since I missed the DS era of the games. I started on EOU: The Millenium Girl and having a blast playing EO2U and 4 right now.

Speaking of Etrian Odyssey 4 what skills should I prioritize with this party setup (just completed the second land) and when exactly does subclassing become available?

Front row: Nightseeker, Dancer, Fortress

Back row: Sniper, Arcanist

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Tell me about it. Ever since I got the memo that a fifth game was coming out, I was looking forward to it. I hope it gets released over here, too.

Although calling myself a 'fan' might be an overstatement since I missed the DS era of the games. I started on EOU: The Millenium Girl and having a blast playing EO2U and 4 right now.

Speaking of Etrian Odyssey 4 what skills should I prioritize with this party setup (just completed the second land) and when exactly does subclassing become available?

Front row: Nightseeker, Dancer, Fortress

Back row: Sniper, Arcanist

If you enjoy EO and have played at least 1 game I think that's enough to call yourself a fan if you like.

Subclassing becomes available sometime during the 3rd stratum. Either midway through or after completing the main dungeon.

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I love this series to death - I've played 1-4, and MG.

While I think that 4 was the best overall, especially since its final stratum was most fair (you had a chance to weaken the boss and didn't have to blindly remember turn counts or be forced in to specific builds).

But, the first one is a classic - and by far has the best story. The other stories weren't bad, I liked them, but the hook at the end was the best reward for completing a labyrinth. It wasn't too flashy, but it was done really well and was good world building. For that reason alone, I frequently go back to the first - MG classic mode is really just awesome.

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Have a Japanese 3DS, don't have EO5 though. Was thinking about getting it before localization just because I want the new game so bad, but I got so burned out by Japanese Fates that I don't want to take the risk of getting burned out again.

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In an interview, the devs commented about how from III onward parties started feeling too solid and complete- hence why there's no subclass/grimoire system in V. Though whether that means they did buff the classes a bit or that there will be a difficulty spike remains to be seen.

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If you enjoy EO and have played at least 1 game I think that's enough to call yourself a fan if you like.

Subclassing becomes available sometime during the 3rd stratum. Either midway through or after completing the main dungeon.

Thank you for the info!

And yes, I thoroughly enjoy the games I've played so far (Untold, 2 Untold and 4).

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So I finished the original EO on DS a few months ago and I gotta say, I'm satisfied. I don't have much experience with the endgame content because the thought of facing even harder challenges, especially since my party won't get stronger from here, is terrifying but here's my two cents on the main game.

I actually found the difficulty curve to be somewhat inverted to what most people would imagine. I just did all my heavy grinding early on and managed most to kill most normal enemies without breaking a sweat as I went deeper, even brand-new FOEs didn't stand much of a chance if I just spammed all my best skills. Though I will say the bosses and side challenges ranged anywhere from "I'm gonna make you use your brain for once" to "ATLUS HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!?" Case and point things like the final boss were a lot of fun, and being forced to spend three hours on floor 8 were absolute torture.

My favorite aspect of Etrian was definitely character customization. It really does pain me that we couldn't get a more meaty story out of this (though what little story there is was actually better than I expected), but the fully customize-able party made up for it by the end of the game. Right from the beginning getting to choose the name, class, and haircut of every party member is a lot of fun and it really felt like my band was my own. I like to imagine my front-liners Fiora the Landsknecht and Xander the Protector were the brave and stoic powerhouses who never wavered in keeping the back-line safe. I was a Medic who put his all into keeping his stalwart warriors in the fights, Rose the Survivalist was a silent but strong ranger character, and James the Troubadour provided moral support and a cheery smile when things got tough.

Graphically, the game shines in it's ability to produce large 3D corridors, but besides that and the wonderful art for the party members, it's a fairly uninteresting looking game due to a dungeon that takes its sweet time changing up the visual theme and monsters that just stare back.

Finally, gameplay wise the best part by far is its cartography. Roughing out just a few more tiles of progress before popping that warp wire was always exciting. It's a fun mechanic that really makes the game worth suffering through its learning curve. Without it combat would be the only real meat to Yggdrasil and combat is really primitive if you think about it.

So in conclusion Etrian Odyssey 1 a solid 7/10. If you like character customization and are feeling particularly thirsty for grinding one day give it a shot. Have fun risking your life to crawl home with the butterfly eyes you need for jewelry.

Edited by PeaceRibbon
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