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Classes that need a buff/nerf?

Paper Dragon

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^ to be fair FE6 archers were downright terrible, and the snipers were merely passable. Klein/Igrene are only slightly better than someone like Innes, and Snipers in general aren't that bad other than like, FE9 Shinon. FE2 bows in general are actually pretty terrible despite how good they look on paper too, they have awful hit (except the Holy Bow) and gaiden is filled with ridiculous terrain and very few fliers.

Honestly all the classes that need buffs like Archers and Knights lose their uniqueness if they're changed at all, and by the looks of it at least archers are getting an advantage when attacking from range. It might be nice to give them like +damage when attacking from range as well? I dunno. I think Knights/Generals are just irredeemable unless they're a solid earlygame presence like Oswin, who falls off as maps get bigger. It'd be cool if shapeshifting classes like Taguel that are locked to 1 range get a movement buff or something, 6 move seemed to be not enough for a supposedly agile class.

Edited by General Horace
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^ to be fair FE6 archers were downright terrible, and the snipers were merely passable. Klein/Igrene are only slightly better than someone like Innes, and Snipers in general aren't that bad other than like, FE9 Shinon.

Honestly all the classes that need buffs like Archers and Knights lose their uniqueness if they're changed at all, and by the looks of it at least archers are getting an advantage when attacking from range. It might be nice to give them like +damage when attacking from range as well? I dunno. I think Knights/Generals are just irredeemable unless they're a solid earlygame presence like Oswin, who falls off as maps get bigger. It'd be cool if shapeshifting classes like Taguel that are locked to 1 range get a movement buff or something, 6 move seemed to be not enough for a supposedly agile class.

I think Taguels are out-and-out irredeemable (and odds are I doubt they'll even show up as a class, but who knows).

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I think Swordmaster needs a buff.

Get it back to FE 6/FE 7/FE 8 form with it's crit rate.

Though it was just downright inferior to Assassins in FE 13 other than defensive stats. Swordmaster had less skill than Heroes and Assassins, and also is weapon locked. The only things that Swordmaster had on them was defensive stats and magic. Assassins had more strength, skill and speed. Heroes had more Strength and Skill and also was durable.

I just want them to have their perks over Assassins. There was little reason to stay a Swordmaster after you got the skills you want.

Edited by Vermilia Scarlet
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This is quickly going to turn into the bow thread. What if Snipers had an ability that let them double their range but prevented them from activating other skills or doubling? It would give them utility beyond what other bow users can do.

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Tactician/Grandmaster is really strong, Veteran is ridiculous and Rally Spectrum is also extremely good. Not sure if the class is coming back though.

Rally Spectrum just felt awesome, but impractical at the same time... I mean, sure, +4 to all stats is amazing, but on the other hand, knowing that that comes at the cost of one of your best units' turns is a huge buzzkill.

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I'd like to see War Monks/Clerics get a buff if they return. Maybe have one that actually has STR?

Especially since, aside from Renewal, it's probably one of the worst promoted classes (a physical class where the majority of characters that can turn into it are more MAG based, with Cherche being the only War Cleric candidate that really has good STR). I just like it since I think it's probably one of the best designed classes in Awakening.

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Ballisticians need a buff by existing again. Come on IS! You let us rain death upon or foes from the sky in the very first game and thought let's never do that again unless we're remaking it?

Edited by Jotari
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Everything that needs it gets pants.

General gets lots of extra Res- if it can't look intimidating, it might as well be intimidating.

Monk gets more Skl and/or Tomes. Being axelocked with poor Skl is lame, and it doesn't have any of Berserker's perks to compensate.

SM gets innate critical bonuses back. Berserker doesn't, though.

Troubadour promotes to Falco instead of Cleric. The way it is now just makes no sense.

Sorcs can stay the way they are now, but Nos hits off of Str and hits Def instead, and doesn't stack with Sol.

Griffons get Swords and have slightly higher Skl/Spd caps.

Wyrmsbane is automatically a property of Dragonstone+, and Manaketes get useful skills (and optionally start with D weapons upon changing class).

Taguels leave and never come back.

Dancer has negative bases, but the actual unit has high personal bases- so if they have a child his/her bases won't reek.

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Archers just need a melee range bow, which has NOT a fixed attack power.

Would Archers even be Archers if they could attack at melee range? Having an exploitable weakness makes them what they are.

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Would Archers even be Archers if they could attack at melee range? Having an exploitable weakness makes them what they are.

I think giving them one weapon that can attack at short range isn't going to take away their uniqueness. After all, their niche is being able to attack at range and that is something pretty much all other weapon types have access to on at least one weapon. So give archers a short bow that covers their bases in the same way cavaliers have javelins. It's still only one weapon with moderate power and usage.

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Would Archers even be Archers if they could attack at melee range? Having an exploitable weakness makes them what they are.

back in Gaiden they had 1-5 range, which to be honest would be good to see again.
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One thing I always found clunky was hybrid classes. In PoR Mist being the character that bothered me the most. Sure she has high magic, but the fact that she can only get decent damage off a levin sword? Really?

Or giving falcon knights staves in awakening, which was practically useless for them unless you get EXTREMELY lucky with magic increases.

The idea of hybrid classes is nifty, but I don't feel like it has been implemented in a way that incentivises the player to have a hybrid class.

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One thing I always found clunky was hybrid classes. In PoR Mist being the character that bothered me the most. Sure she has high magic, but the fact that she can only get decent damage off a levin sword? Really?

Or giving falcon knights staves in awakening, which was practically useless for them unless you get EXTREMELY lucky with magic increases.

The idea of hybrid classes is nifty, but I don't feel like it has been implemented in a way that incentivises the player to have a hybrid class.

Hybrid classes can be a little tricky. Physical units gaining magic and magical units gaining physical weapons often leads to them having low ability in their newly acquired skill-set. The promotion gains and level up stat gains should be carefully examined to ensure that these classes can succeed in both of their roles, not just their primary weapon skill. That said, I think turning healer classes into hybrid melee ones was always a bad idea. It's not wise to make a hybrid out of contradictory roles (a soft target that should be kept far away from danger and a close range melee fighter).

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One thing I always found clunky was hybrid classes. In PoR Mist being the character that bothered me the most. Sure she has high magic, but the fact that she can only get decent damage off a levin sword? Really?

Or giving falcon knights staves in awakening, which was practically useless for them unless you get EXTREMELY lucky with magic increases.

The idea of hybrid classes is nifty, but I don't feel like it has been implemented in a way that incentivises the player to have a hybrid class.

Being able to fly and use staves is an amazing utility no matter what your magic stat is, especially when you have Rank E Rescue Staves. What's your issue? Not healing enough, then use a Recover staff. Mend will probably cover you with it's base healing power regardless. You shouldn't be healing someone at 1 hp to 80 often, only enough for them to not die next turn. Sumia also has a 25% magic growth which means she's going to get one magic point every four levels on average. The site doesn't have average stats statistics but with promotion gains included I reckon she'll probably have about 15/16 magic by level 20/20 without reclassing. That's enough to move 8 and rescue 8 which is fantastic on many levels. Not to mention you can reclass other magic based characters into it like the Avatar or many of the kids. You even get Aversa, a primary magic user who you get with galeforce and will likely want to reclass to Falcon Knight. I can understand hybrid damage classes not making sense, but adding a stave onto a class is immensely useful since magic really isn't as necessary when it comes to healing.

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Even shit magic falcoknight is awesome because you have unlimited rescue staff to spam for free exp lol

Don't even need to fight.

I never really used Falcon Knights that much because I thought it was better to use rescue staves with Lissa or Maribelle since that was a good way to level them up with all that XP so if we crossed that off the list, it... eh? For me anyways. Plus I never used Rally Speed in Awakening. Rally Movement was better in my opinion, so I used Dark Fliers a lot more then FKs.

Now if there were male FK's I would have no qualms with that class but that's the Pegasus line in general...

Edited by DualMix
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One thing I always found clunky was hybrid classes. In PoR Mist being the character that bothered me the most. Sure she has high magic, but the fact that she can only get decent damage off a levin sword? Really?

Or giving falcon knights staves in awakening, which was practically useless for them unless you get EXTREMELY lucky with magic increases.

The idea of hybrid classes is nifty, but I don't feel like it has been implemented in a way that incentivises the player to have a hybrid class.

Hybrid classes can be a little tricky. Physical units gaining magic and magical units gaining physical weapons often leads to them having low ability in their newly acquired skill-set. The promotion gains and level up stat gains should be carefully examined to ensure that these classes can succeed in both of their roles, not just their primary weapon skill. That said, I think turning healer classes into hybrid melee ones was always a bad idea. It's not wise to make a hybrid out of contradictory roles (a soft target that should be kept far away from danger and a close range melee fighter).

In a way, I agree that both of you have a point.

I never really used Falcon Knights that much because I thought it was better to use rescue staves with Lissa or Maribelle since that was a good way to level them up with all that XP so if we crossed that off the list, it... eh? For me anyways. Plus I never used Rally Speed in Awakening. Rally Movement was better in my opinion, so I used Dark Fliers a lot more then FKs.

Now if there were male FK's I would have no qualms with that class but that's the Pegasus line in general...

Funny you say that, because imho Rally Movement isn't all that great. I mean, it has its uses, but still, 1 extra move for that turn isn't exactly worth giving up a unit's turn for...

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I never really used Falcon Knights that much because I thought it was better to use rescue staves with Lissa or Maribelle since that was a good way to level them up with all that XP so if we crossed that off the list, it... eh? For me anyways. Plus I never used Rally Speed in Awakening. Rally Movement was better in my opinion, so I used Dark Fliers a lot more then FKs.

Now if there were male FK's I would have no qualms with that class but that's the Pegasus line in general...

Rally speed is amazing on higher difficulties. Also EXP is EXP, doesn't matter who's doing it. Rescue staves are buyable, so they convert money into EXP regardless of who's using them, so it's not really about which is "better" unless we're trying to do long range rescues, which is still totally fufillable as a subobjective. This matters less if you're grinding since now exp is actually infinite, but in a nogrind playthrough, there's only a limited amount of EXP per map, so being able to churn out more is a net positive.

And even disregarding all that, it is pretty awesome to be able to fly over terrain and use the rescue staff since it's essentially the only way to secure 1 turns for some maps such as chapter 18.

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Rally speed is amazing on higher difficulties. Also EXP is EXP, doesn't matter who's doing it. Rescue staves are buyable, so they convert money into EXP regardless of who's using them, so it's not really about which is "better" unless we're trying to do long range rescues, which is still totally fufillable as a subobjective. This matters less if you're grinding since now exp is actually infinite, but in a nogrind playthrough, there's only a limited amount of EXP per map, so being able to churn out more is a net positive.

And even disregarding all that, it is pretty awesome to be able to fly over terrain and use the rescue staff since it's essentially the only way to secure 1 turns for some maps such as chapter 18.

True, true. They do have their uses. I guess I was just too lazy to bother using them... I am a lazy person.

Well to throw one out there.... how about Warriors? They have great strength and eventually the skill Counter which is a good skill in my opinion. Maybe give them a small nerf? Plus they have access to bows, although not usually recommended for them to use.

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Well to throw one out there.... how about Warriors? They have great strength and eventually the skill Counter which is a good skill in my opinion. Maybe give them a small nerf? Plus they have access to bows, although not usually recommended for them to use.

Counter IS a good skill, alright... For the enemy, that is. Player units are liable to get little out of it in general because by the time they get Counter, they're likely to have good enough defense that they're not taking (and this returning) much damage, and this is ignoring the fact that Counter only works on units in melee range, where the more dangerous enemies AREN'T likely to attack from.

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