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Code Geass Mafia - Game Over


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Too bad- you get what you asked for, and more~ #Asianqualitythatisn'tfromChina ;D (And screw da SAT srsly- always hated the whole testing methods n' shit they do. Test themselves aren't hard, but the procedures n' shit were needlessly long imo. Nearly ended up doodling on my answer sheets in class...)

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Votals 1.4

Green Poet/Mitsuki (3): Bluedoom, Polydeuces, Boron/eclipse

Bluedoom (2): Baldrick/Paperblade, Eurykins

Eurykins (2): Refa

Baldrick/Paperblade (1): Green Poet/Mitsuki
Refa (1): kirsche
Blitz (1): Junko

Boron/eclipse (1): Proto

Proto (1): Elieson

Not Voting (3): Radiant Dragon, Kay, Blitz

With 14 alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch. There are 37 hours and 18 minutes left in the phase.

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Eury are you saying we are deliberately trying to sabotage each other or something

Wow, you're literally so scummy that you're not only sabotaging town but yourselves as well. That's an accomplishment.

I should probably read the posts on this page or something considering two of my scumreads are there but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wallposts why do you do this to me.

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fornicate thou

You run into a hallway with two passages- left and right- with a Hydra standing by. Hydra has two heads. One head tells you go left, which leads you to a safe passage. Other head tells you to go to right, which leads you to certain death. One of the passageways is incorrect, but which one? Clearly one person/head is working to help you, which is fine, but the other is clearly there to mess with you, or potentially get you killed. And the other one certainly isn't helping you by trying to lead you down the death pit, so it's by simple logic that he's thus antagonizing the situation. But how does the person who's relying on their information know who's telling the truth, and who is lying to them?

This analogy instantly fails because you assume both heads (in this case, Baldrick and I) have perfect knowledge and thus the one that is wrong is doing so maliciously. I can't stress this enough but people can be wrong. Being wrong is not inherently scummy.

Your problem is you're trying to treat us like one person making posts contradicting themselves when there is no reason to do so. I am still my own man, it's just my life is tied to some Aussie

"If you were scum" statement moreso seems to apply to your earlier notions (that a few others considered) of "There's probs scum amongst the Hydras- but it's not this slot!". After all, who would dare consider a scum hydra slot entertaining/throwing out that idea for people to consider? It'd seemingly be risky gameplay, but as I looked through the posts, some of them (oddly enough) contained the concept/statements of "So, BETWEEN MITSUKI/BORON SLOTS, WHO'D BE SCUM?", which, for some reason, implies that your own slot isn't a scum hydra slot. Weird, isn't it?

Lynch me, baby, you know you want it.

Also, it could be contributed to the fact that you're prone to not necessarily work seemlessly with your hydra partner- who knows? You've not necessarily been known/seen (as far as I've seen/recall from past games with you) to be the type to confer/comply to such restrictions or otherwise perform in the means that should generally be done, and so your gameplay has been sporadic in other games as well.




Born for trouble, poised for action

Ready to spring at a moment's notice

Nerves like a trigger, waiting to be pulled

Covered with sweat, it ain't nice


Help me please I'm burning up

I got this fire in my heart

Won't let me sleep, can't concentrate

Even when it's cold I'm dripping sweat

It ain't nice


Rivers running down my back

Makes me slippery, like a fish

If I don't stop, I might drown

Falling down, down, down, down, not dead yet

Covered with sweat

The cool boys bit the dust

They couldn't take the pressure

Those cool girls got knocked up

They only wanted to have fun

Where did they go?

They fell in love and suffered

Where did they go?

They picked up guns and hammers

Where did they go?

Without friction there's no heat

Without heat there's no fire

Without fire there's no desire

You're making me hot, hot, hot, hot, hot YEOH

**Currently though, you're not necessarily in the limelight in terms of the "possible scum lurking amongst the Hydras" though (not nearly as high on the list compared to Boron/Mitsuki atm from what I can see/tell), so in that sense, your gameplay doesn't necessarily have to be/seem safe. Plus, there's always the "Scum wouldn't possibly risk doing X, so I'll do X just because it'll make it seem like I'm not buddying/playing to everyone's good side." sort of logic that some tend to apply to this game- there are many plausible explanations for anyone's actions in these games. We'll just never know until people say things, or otherwise results happen one way or the other.

I have too much content to be lurking

I kinda feel like Eury is trying to discredit me, and it really hurts my feelings.

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Also at this point, I'd be fine with consolidating on Elieson. It's not his content that bothers me (well, besides his vote on Proto), but moreso how he's been deliberately avoiding giving content. I mean, I can understand early on since he was doing other things (streaming Super Metroid OP), but I don't see why he hasn't made any effort to do anything in the next 24 hours despite being here.

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It's OK Jasmine I still love you.


- I don't believe that what poly said about GP is why Marth originally voted for her, because his original reasoning was too vague. If you have a problem with someone you should always be specific when possible.
- Proto logic is borrowed from other people and doesn't expand on it. Why do you think this is scum logic and not bad logic?
- Elie looks like an easy target. He clearly hasn't read the thread properly so there's less chance of getting a response in a timely manner.
- If you don't understand the purpose of the questions, why not ask for clarification?


Elie doesn't even have any votes on him. Why are you saying you're consolidating on him? Is there a case I've missed?

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##Vote: Green Mitsuki

Why are you voting me if I'm green? Green is the colour of town

On a serious note, I remind people that I won't be posting (unless it's a few hours to deadline and Green poet is not here). You'll have to get my thoughts through her.

But we don't agree on any read and we haven't talked so far, BEST HYDRA

(Green Poet please post in our thoughts QT)

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Elie doesn't even have any votes on him. Why are you saying you're consolidating on him? Is there a case I've missed?

I mean he's someone I'd vote at deadline but I'm not going to leave my vote on his slot because I wouldn't get anything out of it.

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I was gonna make a post last night on how Eury was overreacting too and hers seemed weirder, but my net disappeared and just came back now (the guys somehow thought I hadn't paid my bills and cut my line thinking that and took me a while to get a hold of them)

will make an actual post after catching up

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I hate reading wallposts, they get me demotivated and casts slow X10 on my already low agility stat

anyways, where to begin? I think, I am gonna start off with my problem with Eury's reaction to Baldrick, which I actually missed earlier (and it seems I was actually totally wrong, Baldrick's question did do some good) Eury goes in and says,

"Though now I'm curious- why vote me over a joking matter in RVS? Lol (In what seems like a semi-serious manner)"

which is more like a bad reaction than a question and her play in general, as in reaction to

also, her questions to Proto,

"However, why ask about the legitimacy of the claim in that manner? (Seems doubtful, or otherwise at least a bit skeptical for any sort of reason.) Do you think he'd have any reason to fakeclaim it/say it, if he isn't being serious with his claim? (TL;dr: Thoughts?)"

sorta feels like throwing dirt around by indirectly painting Proto as a role fisher

so, @Eury, why kind of response were you expectig from Proto when you asked him those questions?

and as for Eury's not one, not two, BUT THREE wallposts, (someone help me), I will start off with the first one,

Even though I do not agree with looking for scum in the way mentioned by Blade, I do however agree with Blade, Proto and RD that it is far more likely that SB would change the set up to make sure and the discussion did bring a lot to the table, I don't mean host!meta speccing wise, but reaction wise. I would say, Blade contributed a lot more than Baldric, IMO.

Actually, the other two wall posts are about what my Hail!Hydra business with Blade and I think what Blade said makes sense. As long as the hydras don't use the same anony account and don't change votes like crazy to and fro cause they don't find the same guy suspcious, it isn't a problem to have two differnt voices, which I admit is unlike the norm, lol. The games I was hydra in, I did have fun talking to the other heads and planning what to do, but if both heads were taking part in thread, which we didn't do, it would have provided better overall content, albeit making things confusing at times.

also, wrt Kay, I think she is normally busy on weekends and game started right before the weekends for her.

I also, do not like how you also paint Proto as scummy, but do not mention his name in your offenders list cause it seems like a coninuation of the previous work. So, why didn't you mention Proto in the offender's list?

##Vote: Eury

inside joke @Proto: following only GP is a BAD idea cause GP=.75Mitsuki

@Kirsche, I do not get your Refa case actually, also Refa did say he would make the post about who he thinks is scummy when he felt more like playing and less like doing something else, iirc. I don't think what GP did was scummy because of meta reasons, but I do not get the logic part.

@Marth, I dunno, but IMO, having more player power helps because of all the different perspectives, however for scum, it does improve chances of being caught and for town, the difference in tone can get you lynched (lol, us). But hydras do provide a power

@Junko, when Baldrick said something like, was your vote serious? I thought it was his reaction, which would be an overreaction from his part. He did claim it was because he really wanted to ask that. But I thought it couldn't be the case because asking a question like that forms no good reaction (normally anyways). So, I basically thought he was lying, which later on after the reread and his later posts made me think he was telling the truth and if he is telling the truth, I do not see any reason to suspect him.

@Poly, I hope you post about me and Junko soon.

@Elie, you haven't done anything to change my slight scumread, which has grown by now

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It seems kind of ridiculous to me that you didn't seem to think at all that he might have been asking the question in RVS to try to get something out of it?...

Also I don't understand your Eury case at all. Most of it seems to just be disagreeing with Eury and I don't remember where she called proto scummy? She asked him some questions and I got from her reads wallposts that she just finding him "hard to read" and "wanted to hear more".

Refa I have one question though. In your reads content post I'm having trouble understanding how you felt Eurykins was scummy for being non confrontational about poly calling her grasping. I think I'm just having trouble seeing how non confrontational is scummy. Like perhaps you could explain more indepth how you thought Eury might have gone about it because I read her post and i'm having trouble understanding how you came to that conclusion.

GTG now bye!

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My justification was that town would have a more definite opinion on mod meta

It's really picky to say that saying something is ok, essentially saying that there's nothing wrong with it, is not definite enough. There's a difference between definite and enthusiastic.

You were misrepping because you made it out like she was looking for justification in her opinion ("can you give definitive proof?") rather than asserting something is not good because there's nothing to point towards thinking that way. To clarify because that doesn't make it perfectly clear as it's definitely subtle, but there IS a difference between going "we need proof" and "do you have any proof?" and you made it out to be the latter when I think it's quite obviously the former? At this point I'm almost speaking for her though.

My vote was made because I felt your vote was really poor and just a jump on the bandwagon and then you make a statement afterwards like "yo I have opinions but I'll explain them later" which is really easy to do. I also didn't feel like you're play was very good before that, it felt as though you were just watching from the sidelines.

I feel kind of justified in calling it out though because in doing so as you've realised that you haven't got much of a leg to stand on. You completely drop Junko and are basically voting Eury because she's not as confrontational as you would be or how you think she would be. Why is she scummier than GP all of a sudden, what has GP done that has made you think she's more likely town other than ask Eury a few questions that you would ask her? You bring up more points against her then drop the vote in favour of getting Eury to explain one behaviour difference.

Can i just say how horrible this logic is, and that I should probably vote you for saying something so utterly ill-informed?

Elie can you stop making shit votes in D1 please. If I'm scum on gut then vote me don't vote someone who is just making silly assumptions.

PB vs Eury makes me unhappy with Eury because her reasoning is pretty stupid. PB's suggestion and him disagreeing with Baldrick isn't scummy and I'm inclined to agree that from what she presented GP would be a better target than PB. Her reads are all over the place. Her biggest scumread is bluedoom which is because he's more interested in catching scum than covering his own arse and then completely misrep (yay buzzwords) that second post. He pursued a line of suspicion and acted upon it. Whoa much scum.

Still happy with my Refa vote, Eury/Elie are other suspects.

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Ok I wasn't going to read Blitz's post because /effort but he made me reread Eury's wall again, especially the bit about Proto. Proto is another victim of Eury's nonsensical logic:

I'm not overly fond of the Boron slot vote either. It seems based on the concept of "Boron reacted poorly to the (rather poor, imo) PB Hydra theory, by stating openly that it's a pretty dumb idea", while also stating, "Boron looks worse that Mitsuki slot" (So it seems as though your vote/logic is all stemming from the basis of "The creators of this game must've made at least one of the Hydra slots scum".

Now I've bolded the important part, the rest is just there for context. But Eury using this as a line of attack is especially dumb considering that she herself said that Paperblade looks worse than Baldrick and that that is enough to be her second highest scumread. Now THIS is a hypocrisy worth chasing because it's clear that you acknowledge that you can have differing opinions on two people in one hydra yet use that against someone just a few paragraphs later.

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kirsche, I'm not a hydra with Mitsuki. I'm a hydra with eclipse.

Also, I won't be around for most of today, sorry.

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I hate reading wallposts, they get me demotivated and casts slow X10 on my already low agility stat

anyways, where to begin? I think, I am gonna start off with my problem with Eury's reaction to Baldrick, which I actually missed earlier (and it seems I was actually totally wrong, Baldrick's question did do some good) Eury goes in and says,

"Though now I'm curious- why vote me over a joking matter in RVS? Lol (In what seems like a semi-serious manner)"

which is more like a bad reaction than a question and her play in general, as in reaction to

also, her questions to Proto,

(2)"However, why ask about the legitimacy of the claim in that manner? (Seems doubtful, or otherwise at least a bit skeptical for any sort of reason.) Do you think he'd have any reason to fakeclaim it/say it, if he isn't being serious with his claim? (TL;dr: Thoughts?)"

sorta feels like throwing dirt around by indirectly painting Proto as a role fisher

so, @Eury, why kind of response were you expectig from Proto when you asked him those questions?

and as for Eury's not one, not two, BUT THREE wallposts, (someone help me), I will start off with the first one,

Even though I do not agree with looking for scum in the way mentioned by Blade, (3) I do however agree with Blade, Proto and RD that it is far more likely that SB would change the set up to make sure and the discussion did bring a lot to the table, I don't mean host!meta speccing wise, but reaction wise. I would say, Blade contributed a lot more than Baldric, IMO.

Actually, the other two wall posts are about what my Hail!Hydra business with Blade and I think what Blade said makes sense. As long as the hydras don't use the same anony account and don't change votes like crazy to and fro cause they don't find the same guy suspcious, it isn't a problem to have two differnt voices, which I admit is unlike the norm, lol. The games I was hydra in, I did have fun talking to the other heads and planning what to do, but if both heads were taking part in thread, which we didn't do, it would have provided better overall content, albeit making things confusing at times.

also, wrt Kay, I think she is normally busy on weekends and game started right before the weekends for her.

I also, do not like how you also paint Proto as scummy, but do not mention his name in your offenders list cause it seems like a coninuation of the previous work. So, why didn't you mention Proto in the offender's list? (4)

##Vote: Eury

-> Hates reading wallposts, and then makes a mini one of his own. Lol.

Bolded: Lol. Already explained it a while ago (latter part), and I questioned Baldrick because he chose to prod my clearly RVS post in a semi-serious manner. Being curious as to what smeone's doing ED1 shouldn't be a crime, but you seem to be painting it as such.

Bolded #2: For one, I never once implied or claimed that he was role-fishing (though I vaguely remember someone else in the thread pulling up that possibility- don't remember who though), so that in itself is a false accusation. Secondly, it's not necessarily common for people to seem so hesitant/doubtful of a miller claim (given that Poly did NOT seem to post it in a joking manner or anything of the sort), so I opted to ask him about his seemingly odd reaction to his claim? (Please, stop making me beat this dead horse.)

Bolded #3. Whether a GM would/should/could make a change like that or not is irrelevant. It's pretty stupid as a whole to keep specc'ing about ANYTHING honestly- flavor, role, player slots (in this case, the hydra slots), whatever. The game is to be played based on reactions, people's actions/words taken, etc., and less about "CAN WE BREAK THIS GAME OPEN BY EXPLOITING X Y OR Z?!" Secondly, speccing can also be easily manipulated by people, both town-sided and scum. But morelikely- say, if scum were the one who threw out the idea of speccing on Hydras to begin with (and there was only one scum slot amongst the Hydras), what does this mean for the town slots? Do we keep shooting based on "HYDRA SPECCING" and nail the innocent townies just because SB may or may not have tossed in a scum or two amongst the hydras? What makes the hydras "More likely than not" to almost indefinitely house a scum or two within, as opposed to the other player slots? Hydra =/= more powerful slot, it just means another person to plausibly garble up posts and/or make mistakes imo.

Italics ('cause I got bored of using Bolds): Different thoughts are fine, as I already stated. But if they're coming out with black/white results and/or otherwise not coming to a more singular conclusion, then it's not going to make reading them + trying to apply their reads for their player slot any better for the rest of us. Because if one person, say, buddies/works closely with someone else, yet the other person buddies with another or possibly is antagonistic with the other hydra's buddy, what do the interactions tell us? "Oh, the hydra's other head is just an asshole, and hates Hydra's A's buddy. But clearly due to Hydra's B distrust of Hydra's A buddy, there's no real association/connection to them in terms of possible scum/town interactions."

Tl;dr: Re-read my posts wrt Hydras and stop asking questions you already have the answers for.

Bolded #4. Your reading skills/accusations continue to astound me, honestly. Quoting myself from earlier:

Tl;dr: Most of the later posts seem to be running under the PB's hydra shit, which is really skewing a lot of what I'm hearing/seeing in your posts. Not overly fond of it personally, and I'd like to hear more of your thoughts as a WHOLE (what do you see/hear/read from each person/player without the thought of "SCUM MUST BE IN ONE OF THE HYDRAS" affecting your post in the process).

1. Please tell me where I paint him as "scummy" in my tl;dr/overall post? Nice attempt to try and misrep what I said/did though.

2. Most of my concern/thoughts on Proto's posts are because they seem to wrap around PB's Hydra concept shit for the most part, which I (as I stated now and have MULTIPLE times) disagree with. Thus, I wished to hear more from him, hopefully with lesser input from using the Hydra slot concept.

So. Why exactly are you voting for me, Blitz? Because I disagree with your notion that the "Hydra slot" PB thing is a good thing? The fact that I asked Baldrick about his semi-serious post that was poking at my clearly RVS post? Because I'm having a hard time figuring out why exactly your vote's on me, as the reasons don't really seem valid.

IPB vs Eury makes me unhappy with Eury because her reasoning is pretty stupid. PB's suggestion and him disagreeing with Baldrick isn't scummy and I'm inclined to agree that from what she presented GP would be a better target than PB. Her reads are all over the place. Her biggest scumread is bluedoom which is because he's more interested in catching scum than covering his own arse and then completely misrep (yay buzzwords) that second post. He pursued a line of suspicion and acted upon it. Whoa much scum.

Still happy with my Refa vote, Eury/Elie are other suspects.

For one, my reads aren't "all over the place"- I have my priorities, thank you.

Secondly, it's one thing to "want to catch scum right off the bat". It's another to be a complete hypocrite as a result- criticizing someone for something he himself never got around to doing (and when he did, it was pretty damn poor; + he falsely accused her of not doing something [iE. Voting] and then once she proved him wrong, he complains about it.). So no, it wasn't misrepping his second post, when honestly that's exactly what happened. He also didn't give much of anything else during that time, and his posts were lacking/terrible in terms of content. Yeah, much scum.

Ok I wasn't going to read Blitz's post because /effort but he made me reread Eury's wall again, especially the bit about Proto. Proto is another victim of Eury's nonsensical logic:

Now I've bolded the important part, the rest is just there for context. But Eury using this as a line of attack is especially dumb considering that she herself said that Paperblade looks worse than Baldrick and that that is enough to be her second highest scumread. Now THIS is a hypocrisy worth chasing because it's clear that you acknowledge that you can have differing opinions on two people in one hydra yet use that against someone just a few paragraphs later.

Boron's already answered this part, so will leave it at that.

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@Eury; in regards to the italics, you're talking a lot of theory, but can you point to specific quotes where that is happening? E.G. where paper and I are doing that hydra A/hydra B situation like you described?

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Votals 1.5

Green Poet/Mitsuki (3): Bluedoom, Polydeuces, Boron/eclipse

Eurykins (3): Refa, Blitz

Bluedoom (2): Baldrick/Paperblade, Eurykins

Baldrick/Paperblade (1): Green Poet/Mitsuki

Refa (1): kirsche
Blitz (1): Junko

Boron/eclipse (1): Proto

Proto (1): Elieson

Not Voting (2): Radiant Dragon, Kay

With 14 alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch. There are 23 hours and 54 minutes left in the phase.

I would prod Kay but her role pm hasn't even been opened yet and I'm assuming it's just being busy at the weekend.

Edited by SB.
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Agreeing with the wagon on Green Poet being passive.

Proto's logic on Poly's claim was weird, but how is it scummy?

Paperblade, why not ask SB if roles were fully random before making the hydraspec argument?

mmmmmmmm I read back and saw your vote but... its dissatisfying.

##Vote: Green Poet

You feel passive in your approach and I don't know why you're voting Poly in the first place.

(Was going to originally vote Refa for being passive but then I saw the mayor claim whoops)

I thought there was some Baldrick wagon or something but it turns out that empty vessels have been making a lot of noise.

This is kinda hypocritical here. "Dissatisfying" seems like a good way to slip out of actually having a scum read - could easily be turned into "well I wasn't suspicious, I was just prodding her for better content" or a scumread.

The rest of the case doesn't change that problem, and the rest of the post is "Look, I was going to have more opinions and be doing things but lol nevermind".

##Vote: Kirsche

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Because SB could easily lie about things being randomized? Prims does it and I do it. I don't even necessarily believe SB, I just wanted to throw that out there for reactions

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