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Fedoras... so awesome. Yet so hipster now. D:

Backwards Cabby cap back in the day... Worked for an artsy dude I guess.

...that is a good point randoman, that some people just suck at not being totally awkward with the thought of rejection/rejecting people. In an ideal world, you know... We could all just be cool, if someone feels differently than us? ...damn reality. :\

I can't even where fedoras, my brain is too big.

I find the best way to avoid awkwardness is to not act awkward yourself, even if it seems painful. Say you ask someone out, she says no, next day just pretend like it didn't happen, or joke about it, or whatever. Don't dwell and act mopy and angsty, then that person might feel bad for you, and, as mentioned before, pity is awful. Don't mistake pity or sympathy for romantic feeling, that should be #2 on the most important no-nos, right after don't stalk your crush with a bloody screwdriver.

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Oh no, the guy who freed India had strange sexual views and a few controversial opinions in an age where liberal views were uncommon, so evil.

Did you really just use the "it was normal at the time" card to argue that racist hate speech doesn't detract from being a nice person?

Edited by Makaze
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Kill me now.

Not even going to ask for a last meal?

^Yes, actions speak louder than words, and the actions that Gandhi took have had a much more lasting effect on history then some obscure racist opinions.

Edited by Knight
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Not even going to ask for a last meal?

^Yes, actions speak louder than words, and the actions that Gandhi took have had a much more lasting effect on history then some obscure racist opinions.

that sounds a bit off to me. I am under the caste system is still a prevalent factor in India, and I think it might be a strong consideration for indians outside said country. i am not sure that ghandi could have made a difference in ending the caste system, but i suppose it is possible. He seems to have been revered by his people - the question is whether that reverence would be sustained in the face of a challenge to a keystone of indian culture.
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^Yes, actions speak louder than words, and the actions that Gandhi took have had a much more lasting effect on history then some obscure racist opinions.

You have a fundamentally wrong understanding of that platitude.

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You have a fundamentally wrong understanding of that platitude.

I'm just rambling from a tired brain right now, my arguing skills are piss poor atm

The posted article mentions Gandhi's time spent in South Africa, which is at a much younger point in his life, he was a quite a different person during that time. It'd be helpful if what was quoted was dated.

I do believe, however, that taking someone's opinions and beliefs into a historical context is important. Fair for its day may seem like an excuse, but a lot of our social norms nowadays are built upon individual people who broke the barriers in the past. There wasn't a specific point where everyone in the world decided that gender/race/sexual equality were good things, each of these things had someone different who brought attention to these movements. If someone like Martin Luther King Jr. never existed (as in, there was no equality movement) we wouldn't have our anti-racist beliefs that we have today. 100 years from now, our descendants might look down at our olden ways of not allowing marriage between trees and humans (just an example) or something like that, and we'd be looked at like the unadjusting old elders. So Gandhi may not have turned India into a post-modern liberal utopia, but he did do something that was very good, greatly benefitting the people of India and inspiring civil rights movements across the globe, introducing the idea of non-violent protest and helping dissolve colonialism. If you were to weigh those feats against the more controversial stuff, the good would still heavily outweigh the bad. That is why the image of Gandhi as good person exists. Messiah or prophet might be exaggerating it a bit, but to the eyes of many Indians, he was, or at least his actions were comparable. And who could blame them for looking up to such a person?

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I don't weigh them against each other. Someone who is genuinely nice bears no spite for others except under extreme personally compelling circumstances. If someone is spiteful to anyone without compelling reasons, they are not genuinely nice. Ignoring his spite is misleading at best. Gandhi was not nice to everyone. He was not loving to everyone. He may have done good things, but doing good things doesn't mean he didn't bear ill will for others.

I would put Martin Luther King Jr. in the "genuinely nice" column, but not Gandhi. I wouldn't put either in the "highly successful" column.

Edited by Makaze
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haha this quote chain

[3:20:48 AM] King Nova: See ok

[3:20:53 AM] King Nova: Their brain is SO BIG

[3:20:56 AM] King Nova: it obscures their vision

[3:21:00 AM] King Nova: so they can't find any fedoras

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I don't weigh them against each other. Someone who is genuinely nice bears no spite for others except under extreme personally compelling circumstances. If someone is spiteful to anyone without compelling reasons, they are not genuinely nice. Ignoring his spite is misleading at best. Gandhi was not nice to everyone. He was not loving to everyone. He may have done good things, but doing good things doesn't mean he didn't bear ill will for others.

I would put Martin Luther King Jr. in the "genuinely nice" column, but not Gandhi. I wouldn't put either in the "highly successful" column.

I admit I may be wrong about "successful," but who is nice is too subjective to have an objective answer. It really depends on your own beliefs and what capacity you have for forgiveness. You could still claim Gandhi is generally nice to the majority of people, but whether that is enough is a matter of opinion. Success itself is arguably subjective itself, as there are those in the world that feel fulfilled without wealth or fame, it has such broad criteria.

But I'm tired of off-topic discussion really, so I won't reply anymore.

[3:20:48 AM] King Nova: See ok

[3:20:53 AM] King Nova: Their brain is SO BIG

[3:20:56 AM] King Nova: it obscures their vision

[3:21:00 AM] King Nova: so they can't find any fedoras

How come you know of my problems?

Jokes aside, it's incredibly hard to find hats that fit my enormous head.

Dating tip #3: don't tip your hat and say "m'lady"

Edited by Knight
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show them your internet debates about the meaning of success & they will have no choice but to admit you're a free-thinking enlightened gentleman and fall for you right there

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also "wait it out and give into soul-crushing emotionless void" has worked pretty great every time somebody's had feelings for me. not for me though because i'm already emotionally stunted

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Sorry, don't mean to side-track. But why did you post it here, in this section, of all places?

do you seriously think i'm asking sf for relationship advice

how little faith in me do you fucking have

It's Furet-I mean Parrhesia.

This is a bad post and I don't understand why you made it.

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This is a bad post and I don't understand why you made it.

It is a bad post but I think it wasn't worth responding to and I think you should ignore it too~

But I think the fact that you don't ignore it and let yourself get bothered by it is why he keeps bringing it up... textbook bully behaviour wow mods

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do you seriously think i'm asking sf for relationship advice

how little faith in me do you fucking have

This is a bad post and I don't understand why you made it.

You posted the thread and you know how this place goes. What did you expect would happen. usually

It is a bad post but I think it wasn't worth responding to and I think you should ignore it too~

But I think the fact that you don't ignore it and let yourself get bothered by it is why he keeps bringing it up... textbook bully behaviour wow mods

Bully how. I only bring it up because of he said to Soul like him making this thread would not become what he did not want to hear/read/see from it despite what would happen but I dunno how what he wanted out of it. And it's kinda like he think peeps are SF are not so great in terms of actually talking with for various reasons I do not comprehend. Somehow.

hell, i love being ultra passive aggressive about nothing too

Passive aggressive how. I still have no idea why he no longer goes by Furet. Like did something happen I am pretty sure I have 100% no clue that happened because you guys converse with one another by other means? If that is the case then I will gladly oblige and no longer refer to him as Furet jokingly if it really does offend him. For some reason. A reason I have no idea what it actually is.

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You posted the thread and you know how this place goes. What did you expect would happen. usually

Bully how. I only bring it up because of he said to Soul like him making this thread would not become what he did not want to hear/read/see from it despite what would happen but I dunno how what he wanted out of it. And it's kinda like he think peeps are SF are not so great in terms of actually talking with for various reasons I do not comprehend. Somehow.

Passive aggressive how. I still have no idea why he no longer goes by Furet. Like did something happen I am pretty sure I have 100% no clue that happened because you guys converse with one another by other means? If that is the case then I will gladly oblige and no longer refer to him as Furet jokingly if it really does offend him. For some reason. A reason I have no idea what it actually is.

Holy shit i cannot for the life of me decipher your sentences

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