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if you call me by my old username i will piss in your cereal when you aren't looking

You know that just makes people want to call you by your old name more just to annoy you, right?

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let them come; my bladder is full

no i don't actually care

i think you can have an old username but still be called something else. you're a great example for this case since tryhard really stuck, but i dont think anyone called you ziguldo.

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if you call me by my old username i will piss in your cereal when you aren't looking

Joke's on you, Kelsper, I eat my cereal dry~! :P:

I posted that thing in WW

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he said where fedoras but okay lol

also lol late but i think furet is easier to type than parrhesia.

actually parrhesia is pretty easy to type

no furet is easier

but thats 'cause im so used to it. parrhesia is new. but then again i dont like being called the username i had years ago either because it reminds me of how i used to be too, but i'm not as well known so i dont deal with that haha.

tbf i'm fine with you specifically calling me furet

it's a weird and inexact science.

Joke's on you, Kelsper, I eat my cereal dry~! :P:

it won't be dry for lonjesus christ i felt sick just typing that

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I think it's that you don't mind if people just aren't used to the change and say Furet out of habit, but if they never really gained that habit but try to call you Furet anyway because "aw coo' old/original usernames" or if they look like they're doing it to mess with you then that is UNACCEPTABLE

Though at this point Parrhesia is hardly a recent change, at this point that sticks really well with me. At first it threw me off, but now Furet(chen) hardly ever comes to mind when I see "Parrhesia" and I'm usually too busy calling you cici anyway~

Meanwhile if anybody called me by my earlier usernames that are not my current, I'd just be really thrown off and probably not realize immediately they're talking to me unless they quoted me or something

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...all those cereal related comments... Made me think, Squick.

This image in that context is especially disturbing.


(Oh god... Why is it BROWN!?! DX )

...throws me off when I just don't know the names being used for people, it'd also be a bit weird for me to be called my previous screen name as well, as I purposefully wanted to distance myself a bit from the OC it came from. So yeah, I guess I get being a bit annoyed by it.

...but if we try to tie the op and the current discussion together, maybe one way to confess is to try to get their attention by calling them an old name/trying to get them to notice you online? ...in which case, you've got some secret admirers here Parrhesia? (who knew Ein felt that way...) :0

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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I think it's that you don't mind if people just aren't used to the change and say Furet out of habit, but if they never really gained that habit but try to call you Furet anyway because "aw coo' old/original usernames" or if they look like they're doing it to mess with you then that is UNACCEPTABLE

Though at this point Parrhesia is hardly a recent change, at this point that sticks really well with me. At first it threw me off, but now Furet(chen) hardly ever comes to mind when I see "Parrhesia" and I'm usually too busy calling you cici anyway~

Meanwhile if anybody called me by my earlier usernames that are not my current, I'd just be really thrown off and probably not realize immediately they're talking to me unless they quoted me or something

sup agnaktor

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sup agnaktor

nm u Mr. Spa - b-but that's no fair you get called by both your other names frequently even currently :ccccc

i didn't even have to check your name history to do that B)


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I like how I'm usually just Poly

though that does open up some


disadvantageous nicknames

also tbh I've tried the direct approach and it doesn't really stick from my last personal experience (though I'm about 90% sure that the reason I got was "I'm not dating right now") so shrug

that was admittedly a couple years ago though, now I'm just focused on improving myself and my own life before I try and get into someone else's in that manner

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I don't go by anything because I don't come here anymore.

Never confess feelings. Love doesn't exist. People will only lie to you, disappoint you, and break your heart. Relationships and friendships are meaningless.

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Pretty good, sounds about right. Nobody gives a fuck about you except maybe your family. Everyone else is out to get you in one way or another. This is reality especially for men. You can make a good friend or two but meh, real life is not a Disney movie except maybe if you were born with money, good looks and social skills.

Anyway why do you want a relationship ? I think you are still a little brainwashed by Disney. Relationship aren't the ultimate goal in life and sure as hell does not guarantees happiness. Do you know what the divorce rate is ? It's between 40 and 50 %. And having a girlfriend/fuckfriend is simply overrated. Do you enjoy your free time? Say goodbye to a part of it. Maybe you want to get a girlfriend because ''everybody'' has one ? A real man does not give a fuck about what other people thinks.

You are what you are and if women don't like that then it's their lost. You need to stop caring completely. You are definitely not alone in this.

I'm the same as Boney. I used to want a girlfriend so much it's almost embarassing looking back. Right now I don't give a flying fuck.

You can keep thinking something is wrong with you and be unhappy all your life or simply accept the fact that you aren't popular with women ( it's their lost really, when they are young and hot they have all the men and treat most of them like dirt but when they'll get older and will want to have kids ( by 30 ) they'll change their mind lol).

Anyway if you can't be happy by yourself then you will never be happy. A man only needs his bros, his family or even just a dog for companionship. Women are fun but if you get too emotionally involved you'll get hurt.

Edited by Tryhard
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i think you can have an old username but still be called something else. you're a great example for this case since tryhard really stuck, but i dont think anyone called you ziguldo.

that was just me testing to see what the limit for username lengths was as I changed it back after

it won't be dry for lonjesus christ i felt sick just typing that

nothing wrong with loss of pride and dignity
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Pretty good, sounds about right. Nobody gives a fuck about you except maybe your family. Everyone else is out to get you in one way or another. This is reality especially for men. You can make a good friend or two but meh, real life is not a Disney movie except maybe if you were born with money, good looks and social skills.

Anyway why do you want a relationship ? I think you are still a little brainwashed by Disney. Relationship aren't the ultimate goal in life and sure as hell does not guarantees happiness. Do you know what the divorce rate is ? It's between 40 and 50 %. And having a girlfriend/fuckfriend is simply overrated. Do you enjoy your free time? Say goodbye to a part of it. Maybe you want to get a girlfriend because ''everybody'' has one ? A real man does not give a fuck about what other people thinks.

You are what you are and if women don't like that then it's their lost. You need to stop caring completely. You are definitely not alone in this.

I'm the same as Boney. I used to want a girlfriend so much it's almost embarassing looking back. Right now I don't give a flying fuck.

You can keep thinking something is wrong with you and be unhappy all your life or simply accept the fact that you aren't popular with women ( it's their lost really, when they are young and hot they have all the men and treat most of them like dirt but when they'll get older and will want to have kids ( by 30 ) they'll change their mind lol).

Anyway if you can't be happy by yourself then you will never be happy. A man only needs his bros, his family or even just a dog for companionship. Women are fun but if you get too emotionally involved you'll get hurt.

haha that topic was great, i also found this gem

I had a friend with low self-confidence who had issues talking to girls. It helped for him to tape his penis to his thigh so girls wouldn't notice his erection; maybe you guys could benefit from that too? It'd be one source of embarrassment taken care of, at least.

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I don't go by anything because I don't come here anymore.

Never confess feelings. Love doesn't exist. People will only lie to you, disappoint you, and break your heart. Relationships and friendships are meaningless.

oh jesus the edge

related: actual pic of saw irl


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