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Team Hoshidan or Team Nohr?


Who's side are you on?  

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  1. 1. Who side are you on?

    • Team Hoshidan
    • Team Nohr
    • Third faction.

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Most of what I've read makes me think I'll prefer Nohr, so I'll probably play as them first.

Mostly I just dig the idea of reforming a corrupt nation from within far more than the "you as good guy country must fight the bad guy country" which Fire Emblem has already trotted out far too many times anyway. That I prefer Nohr's character designs (minus the little sister character), black colour scheme, and the fact that it sounds like a more tightly-bound linear experience is just a bonus.

Obviously I intend to play all available routes, though. I'm much too big a fan of these games to consider not doing so, unless this game drops the ball in a way I can't even begin to anticipate.

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Obviously I intend to play all available routes, though. I'm much too big a fan of these games to consider not doing so, unless this game drops the ball in a way I can't even begin to anticipate.

Nohr is secretly a first person shooter with mandatory stealth sections and hacking mini games.

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Ryouma and Tsubaki are like the biggest reasons for me to go Hoshido first haha

ngl from what it looks like though Nohr does have most of my favored classes but classes don't beat (currently visual) favorite character

But really I just want my Nohr family and Hoshido family to get along, get married, settle down peacefully

Then I take the combined armies and conquer the continent

This is Walhart's origin story, dlc3?

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Nohr. Not for the titties or because evil is edgier and cooler - but because I think it's the disguised "best route for everyone".

I normally do good guy playthroughs on my first runs through non-linear games, but reforming the evil nation is far more effective in achieving long-term peace than simply beating them off and killing them each time they inevitably step out of line. Because, ya' know, they remain controlled by assholes and you've given them every reason to despise you by killing their people, justified or not.

Peace-loving Hoshido can't do it... BUT I CAN, now that I have in-roads into the royal family. I'll kill "daddy" and take over.

Edited by Crysta
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Team Nohr! The Direct made Nohr sound more intriguing, so I'm quite confident it'll be my first choice. I'm planning on playing all the GBA era Fire Emblems before If comes out, so by then I might want something other than the "traditional Fire Emblem experience". The only thing I'm a bit worried about is the promised challenge. I'm not that good at these games, but it's not a deal breaker.

If I had to pick based on the character designs we've seen so far, I would absolutely side with Hoshido, I just love their designs and color schemes. At least Nohr has Marx, he's very handsome. Would marry if I could.

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Okay, so the majority of people are choosing Nohr because it'll have a different story approach than the cookie cutter defend against invaders, and that because of this the difficulty will be more intense.

Or, you know, the purple haired girl. Everyone loves her. Not sure why though... hmm.

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Okay, so the majority of people are choosing Nohr because it'll have a different story approach than the cookie cutter defend against invaders, and that because of this the difficulty will be more intense.

Or, you know, the purple haired girl. Everyone loves her. Not sure why though... hmm.

How could you not?

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Nohr. Not for the titties or because evil is edgier and cooler - but because I think it's the disguised "best route for everyone".

The "best route for everyone" is probably the 3rd path DLC.

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The "best route for everyone" is probably the 3rd path DLC.

Sitting on the fence isn't necessarily the best strategy in preventing conflict, so I'm not so sure about that. I think the third path is likely to be gimped on unique content, too.

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cuz they seem to make armor out of rubber, instead of some kind of metal ;P

No mere metal can contain the power of her titties!

Nohr today. Nohr tomorrow. Nohr always. I like the characters, setting, titties, and difficulty much better. I also like the storyline to be about revolutionizing Nohr.

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I think it's a bit too soon for me to say for sure which side I'll like better. I plan on buying and playing through both (/ all 3). I do think, though, that based on what we know so far, I'm more intrigued for the Nohr side, mostly for the storyline difference from your typical FE plot, though I'll probably start with Hoshido because I like to start easier and work my way up througo the difficulties.

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I think it's a bit too soon for me to say for sure which side I'll like better. I plan on buying and playing through both (/ all 3). I do think, though, that based on what we know so far, I'm more intrigued for the Nohr side, mostly for the storyline difference from your typical FE plot, though I'll probably start with Hoshido because I like to start easier and work my way up througo the difficulties.

I kinda suck at FE, so I'll start w/ Hoshido.

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It really doesnt matter to me which side because I know I'll eventually buy both and then the third side. I feel like i'm the only one not enamored by titty-chan, yeah shes good looking but meh

Prolly start with Nohr though since its story line is (hopefully) different from previous games. Hoshido is the same old same old.

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If anyone has read Fiela's Child by Dalene Matthee, you would know why I side with Nohr.

Nature vs. Nurture?

I pick Nurture in this case.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Conquering the world on horseback is easy; it is dismounting and governing that is hard." Genghis Khan

I hope that Nohr shows that. The Conquest of Hoshido should not eat up too much of the nohr side.

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If I heard correctly, Hoshido was supposed to be easier, right? Since I want to preserve some level of challenge, I will go with Hoshido first then Nohr. I think it would be better to stream it that way as well, since if you suddenly start curve stomping people left and right near the end of your playthrough, it might take away from the pressure that I liked in these games.

If I could only choose one, and there was confirmation on a third faction, I'd go with the third--presumably--mediator faction? If not confirmed, then easily Nohr.

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I'm tentatively going with Team Nohr but I'm somewhat torn. I generally like "Light" stuff a lot more than "Dark" stuff (For example, angels, valkyries, paladins are the kind of things I like). I like nature and all that jazz. Nohr seems to be an ugly-as-heck place from the town image we've seen and Hoshido is simply gorgeous.

Normally, Hoshido would be my easy pick. The thing is, the story setup for Nohr interests me more. As for Nature vs Nurture, I heavily lean toward Nurture. And finally... There's something that just rubs me the wrong way about Ryouma. It's just based on a 2 minutes trailer so it's obviously just a knee-jerk reaction, but I get the feeling he's not genuine at all. Marx on the other hand looks like he really cares about Kamui. I usually don't self-project myself in my games, but I feel I'd genuinely feel bad about picking the "Betray Marx" option... Although I'll obviously still do it at some point in the future after I complete the Nohr campaign, but it'll be the non-canon playthrough :)

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So, for all the people who are picking Nohr for Camilla (or whatever her name is), she is basically your sister, right? Even if adopted, if find the idea of marrying my sister a little odd.

As far as Hoshido vs Nohr, I'm honestly picking Hoshido more for the fact that their morals seems to be much better, as opposed to any "nature vs nurture" deal.

Edited by AsherCrane
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So, for all the people who are picking Nohr for Camilla (or whatever her name is), she is basically your sister, right? Even if adopted, if find the idea of marrying my sister a little odd.

As far as Hoshido vs Nohr, I'm honestly picking Hoshido more for the fact that their morals seems to be much better, as opposed to any "nature vs nurture" deal.

Bah! Nothing based on Feudal Japan can be good! *ignores that Nohr is based on Fuedal Europe*

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I went with third faction. I wish there was a little more info about what exactly that path entails, but I have faith it will pull from both sides; which I want the most complete path of the game. Although, Hoshido is probably my second choice/first choice if the third path turns out kinda lame. I want ninjas.

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Nohr has the medieval European aesthetic that I love and is supposed to be more difficult. It will definitely be the first one I play, though I can not definitively say if it will actually be my favorite.


Pretty much Nohr's theme song.

I am now even more sold on Nohr than I was before. I will loop the entire Carolus Rex album as I play it.

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