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There has to be something Morally Wrong/Odd about siding with Hoshido


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Frankly, I find it curious how a manakete being born into a non-manakete family works. Would be sort of funny if it turns out that Kamui isn't blood related to the Hoshido royal family either, especially if you chose to not side with them during the route split. Would make their claims towards you quite hollow, wouldn't it?

Kamui, Aqua, and the eight siblings all have dragon's blood; however, Kamui is the only one capable of transformation. They are all capable of using Dragon's Vein/Pulse, though, which is proof of their connection to dragons.

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I'm thinking that Aqua was kidnapped (is it confirmed that she was kidnapped or merely that she is a Nohrian princess currently in Hoshido?) after Kamui was taken, possibly in retaliation for them taking Kamui and also to ensure an equal peace through possessing a hostage. If Aqua was kidnapped first, that would make their "peace loving" statement a flat out lie.

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^ It said that she's held prisoner in Hoshido, so they definitely captured her. It didn't clarify if that was a kidnapping though.

Edited by Ryo
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Agreeing with the OP, I believe that they should make Hoshido morally grey, but idk if they will.(http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MarySue)

I mean, for a "peace-loving" country, they seem to have a pretty impressive military.

Oh, and they have ninjas. Ninjas. Professional killers. I mean, "peace-loving" is sounding less and less true each time.

This again... sigh...

If you love peace, you must disband your army, right? And watch your home burn in the next month. If you love peace of your home, you need to protect it. And large army can help with that.

Also, ninja's not always killers. They are spies too. Information about your potential enemy is useful, if you didn't know that.

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This again... sigh...

If you love peace, you must disband your army, right? And watch your home burn in the next month. If you love peace of your home, you need to protect it. And large army can help with that.

Also, ninja's not always killers. They are spies too. Information about your potential enemy is useful, if you didn't know that.

I didn't mean to repeat something already said, sorry about that.

Just calm down. I'm not saying that it's weird that they have an army, I'm just saying that its weird they have such a big army.

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I am curious to see what Aqua's relationship with the Hoshido royals is like. We've seen Kamui is close to the Nohr siblings and is treated as family, despite originally being their prisoner/hostage. The way the Hoshidans have treated Aqua in comparison should be quite telling.

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I didn't mean to repeat something already said, sorry about that.

Just calm down. I'm not saying that it's weird that they have an army, I'm just saying that its weird they have such a big army.

What's weird about having 10 thousand army if enemy always has more (i think it was confirmed that Nohr is bigger than Hoshido)?

Forced consciptions, obligatory military training (if it's just on level *what spear is and why you must not point it at your friend*) - all is fair when the enemy is knocking the door.

Of course for some people it isn't morally good or something. But when there is a chance that you entire nation can get wiped out...

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There has to be something Morally Wrong/Odd about siding with Hoshido

Answer: Make it much like Sengoku Japan. Comeplete with guns and ear mounds.

Edited by Mayus
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I didn't mean to repeat something already said, sorry about that.

Just calm down. I'm not saying that it's weird that they have an army, I'm just saying that its weird they have such a big army.

You can have a big army and still be peace loving if it's for defense. Why do you think South Korea has forced military duty?

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yeah, I beleive that choosing Nohr means Nohr are still a little bad, but you are going to reform it, you just have to deal with the Hoshido first. But ultimate enemy is likely Garon. And very possible that Aqua is a "willing captive" mainly because many times there were exchange of hostages. Hoshido couldn't let Kamui sit there, but don't want war, so Aqua was sent over to ease the hostilities. It was more common in feudal eras, an exchange of prisoners, especially in times of war. To prevent war, we exchange hostages and neither side will rebel.

Which can still make Hoshido a bit gray, but in a different way.

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^ Yeah. And watch your culture, family, friends and home burn.

That's freaking genius.

It isn't *loving peace*. Its *love to be killed*

Why people didn't surrender to Nazi's in WW2 again?

surrendering generally doesn't mean in real life having all that shit burn.

not to mention i can't see Noir actually doing all of that, it'd be much for beneficial for their empire to keep all that stuff intact for future conquests.

you're most likley the type of person that wouldn't understand why the Shu Emperor Liu Shan surrendered.

also the moment you start compairing anything to nazi's is when you've gone to the extremes in terms of comparisons, i don't believe Noir is going to be literally Hilter

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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^ Medieval times. Surrender means you just asking for rape, burned field and mass murders.

Nohr isn't bad. But even if you are Jesus you can't control every soldier/bandit whatever

Shu Emperor surrendered after how many military campaigns? I lost count to them. Also, internal conflicts. They were destroyed by themselves and lost almost all resources.

Well, i think it was kind of miracle that Shu was established as Kingdom. But it's another topic

Also, for reason here are more personal thoughts about it. Don't read it if you live in the pink world where you can surrender without any consequences

Just calling to surrender without any fight is maddening. History of my little nation was kinda like that - we had army, resources, knowledge. We even won some battles against invaders

But some *pacifists* said - Let's surrender. It isn't worth it. We will lose countless lives if we do not.

Result - populace of 3+ million people reduced to 100k in 300 years. Language almost forgotten, culture is dead. Let's not forget about racism. And now i read in history books... That land, where we lived, was almost inhabitant. Only monkeys and barbarians lived here. Here is your price for surrender

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You do know that we're talking about a fictional world, right ? With a (probably) very J-RPG mindset ?
I doupt there were any rape, or even murder, in Awakening, despite the utterly ridiculous number of bandits or such.

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^bandits can destroy villages and can kill villagers in Awakening

There were missions when you need to protect bunch of NPC. Some of them isn't even armed, i think

Also, prologue was about bandits having fun with villagers before Chrom and his little company interrupted them.

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Yes, they kill villagers and destroy villages, but that's it, and like in all FE it's not that developped. I really doupt that it will be darker than that in If. If we can even call that dark.

Like I said, real life and fiction are not the same.

EDIT: Ah, crap, I realized my mistake, in my previous post, I wanted to say that in Awakening, there was no rape, and not that much people killed. Please forgive me for this mistake.

Edited by B.Leu
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^Ah, now that post makes sense :D

I was like *wut? was my memory always that bad* so i checked that.

i don't think IF will be like Future Past from Awakening level of dark (imo. most grim part in FE games (again, my opinion, and to be honest i didn't played that much))

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I think the point Random Person was making was that it would be naive to think surrender should be the first option for a "peace loving nation" because your nation will still be lead to ruin. (what country are you from, btw?)

"Speak softly and carry a big stick"

You don't need to start conflicts, just have enough military strength to let your neighbors know you shouldn't be messed with.

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I think the point Random Person was making was that it would be naive to think surrender should be the first option for a "peace loving nation" because your nation will still be lead to ruin. (what country are you from, btw?)

"Speak softly and carry a big stick"

You don't need to start conflicts, just have enough military strength to let your neighbors know you shouldn't be messed with.

True. I mean, just because you're "peace loving" doesn't have to mean that you don't have a military.

It's just that, historically speaking, most "peace loving" nations have not had militaries. The most obvious examples of groups that never started conflicts would be native americans (although they had warriors, they had no formal armies, and most tribes were the essence of peace loving) and monasteries (although they were frequently attacked, monasteries never employed any sort of military protection).

I'm just saying that generally speaking, I've never heard of a historical example of a group considering themselves to be "peace loving" and actually having a military. In the past, "peace loving" was generally considered to be a bad thing. Can you imagine the Romans calling themselves "peace loving?" Or the Germans? Or the Greeks? I mean, many Greek city states didn't even have armies, but they still didn't call themselves "peace-loving."

But if anyone has an example, feel free to share.

BTW, NekoKnight, I keep reading your tagline as saying "Lovely tities... what else do you claim to be?"

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Yes, they kill villagers and destroy villages, but that's it, and like in all FE it's not that developped. I really doupt that it will be darker than that in If. If we can even call that dark.

Like I said, real life and fiction are not the same.

EDIT: Ah, crap, I realized my mistake, in my previous post, I wanted to say that in Awakening, there was no rape, and not that much people killed. Please forgive me for this mistake.

well in FE6 Narcian was likely planning on raping Clarine through what can be interrupted from his speach.

also FE4 had incest as well.

and FE14 does have a higher age rating than previous titles

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It's just that, historically speaking, most "peace loving" nations have not had militaries. The most obvious examples of groups that never started conflicts would be native americans (although they had warriors, they had no formal armies, and most tribes were the essence of peace loving)

Noble savage myth. The indigenous peoples of the Americas also had warfare.

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To be honest, there were and are peaceful people and they are almost always a small group or country with no armies. Amish, Tahitians, Inuit, the Semai, Nubians, and many others have peaceful cultures, they don't have standing armies of their own. In essense, you don't become a large and powerful country by being peaceful. But it is a JRPG, Hoshido can be portrayed and lauded as peaceful without me having any qualms, but historically, peace loving people don't ever have big armies.

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Or maybe they got invaded before in their past, and so in the present they're smarter and realized that they need a large army to protect themselves from neighbors like Nohr?

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