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Anyone feel like Kozaki is the perfect Fire Emblem character designer?


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He has some good, some bad. Not my favorite at all, though. I was hoping we would get a new artist just to continue with the ever changing artists that the previous games do. Maybe next time!

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Kozaki has made some pretty solid character designs, although they can be a bit over designed or too fanservicey in some cases. Awakenings biggest design issues are class outfits, rather than the characters themselves. Tharja has really beautiful hair, for example. My favorite artwork has come from the Elibe and Tellius titles.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Apparently Kozaki drew three of the TCG cards: Jugdral Anthology Lewyn/Levin, Leif/Leaf, and Sara!

I think it'd be fun to have Koya Katsuyoshi (the artist for most of the TCG cards) come back and draw a few of the newer characters in his own style.

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I like the GBA and Tellius FE games' artwork the most. Awakening (at least for the characters) are alright in my eyes, especially Cordelia, Lucina and Severa. It could have been worse (just look SMTxFE).

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Kozaki has made some pretty solid character designs, although they can be a bit over designed or too fanservicey in some cases. Awakenings biggest design issues are class outfits, rather than the characters themselves. Tharja has really beautiful hair, for example. My favorite artwork has come from the Elibe and Tellius titles.

This, as many people had said, the Knight, Cavallier and General classes are ridiculous in Awakening. I'm not a big fan of Hero either, and the great knight only fits well to Frederick IMO, they should have done a different generic one because lets say Ricken looks ridiculous on it. I liked most of the Awakening characters nonetheless. As of the new FE i hate specially the Camilla's, she's even worse in terms of fanservice than Aversa or Tharja and her fanbase is already annoying.

I agree with a lot of people that the most well designed characters and outfits in general are the ones in Tellius and the GBA in close second.

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Kozaki has made some amazing characters, so yeah, I'd say he's perfect. Especially with Hinoka. Spot on, Kozaki-san, spot on.

The only qualm I have is, like some people, Camilla. Not a whole lot wrong with her except the clothes. I mean come on, battle panties? It must get cold some time of the year...

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Fan service is not the issue here. Not strictly. Weird cut outs, strange clothing etc contributing to the fan service is the issue. Like Camilla who wears a loincloth with a cut out to show her under wear. Or Tharja with her metal thong. Or Aversa and whatever the fuck she's wearing.

Take a look at Sonia who shows as much skin as the above 3 but her clothing is sensible, pleasing to the eye bit most importantly, fucking normal and not bizarre.

This is the reason why the Thracia art is one of my favourites. The designs are simple, sensible and functional.

Bad design philosophy. Kozaki's art stinks of it. Not just his Fire Emblem work.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Kozaki has made some amazing characters, so yeah, I'd say he's perfect. Especially with Hinoka. Spot on, Kozaki-san, spot on.

The only qualm I have is, like some people, Camilla. Not a whole lot wrong with her except the clothes. I mean come on, battle panties? It must get cold some time of the year...

and more than half of the pegasus riders in the series don't get cold in a skirt and thigh high boots?, especially at higher altitudes.
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and more than half of the pegasus riders in the series don't get cold in a skirt and thigh high boots?, especially at higher altitudes.

Especially when you consider the Elibe games, where the Pegasus Knights come from snowy Ilia.

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and more than half of the pegasus riders in the series don't get cold in a skirt and thigh high boots?, especially at higher altitudes.

lol, Shirow Masamune himself (he did artwork for Shadow Dragon) questioned the idea of Pegasus knights (like Caeda) wearing short skirts before he wrote off thinking that the Pegasus' wings would cover her... (commentary in an artbook of Masamune's works),

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^^ I actually didnt think off that good point, fe4 pegs came from a snowy land too though the art for them is inconsistent on pants or lack thereof.

^ but wouldn't the most wind come from a dive where you think the wings would be needed. And being covered dosen't make you get much warmer if your already cold and the whether os cold enough especially the legs the wings probably wont be able to cover all of it properly

Edited by goodperson707
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^^ I actually didnt think off that good point, fe4 pegs came from a snowy land too though the art for them is inconsistent on pants or lack thereof.

^ but wouldn't the most wind come from a dive where you think the wings would be needed. And being covered dosen't make you get much warmer if your already cold and the whether os cold enough especially the legs the wings probably wont be able to cover all of it properly

It's more of implied gratuitous fanservice (what do short skirts equal to?) than being concerned about air temperatures.

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Absolutely, I adored the elegant design of the Dancer (she is soooo pretty, I can't help it OMG!). Kamui is looking to be the best looking Lord ever even in his/her default appearance.

Edited by Awakener_
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You do realize that is an actual medieval helm right?

You do realize it was mostly used for tournaments and not actual warfare? It was great for jousting and that's it. Doesn't seem like the art desginer knew this though.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I love how most of his characters look, except their clothes. I mean Camilla's face is so pretty but her outfit is so stupid looking. That extends to most of his armor as well, the knight class' huge upper body and F!Kamui's exposed thighs are just horrid

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I always liked the GBA concept art, but I also like how the artist has changed throughout the years for Fire Emblem. There have been ups and downs for character designs in each game.

BTW, Am I the only one who thinks that Camilla's clothes make her look like a cat because of those thingies in her hair, and twizzle-twins hair makes her look like a rabbit. I'm trying to picture if any of the other characters clothing/ hair makes them look like animals.

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You do realize it was mostly used for tournaments and not actual warfare? It was great for jousting and that's it. Doesn't seem like the art desginer knew this though.

Yes I am aware, but the usual argument against the GK helm is that it isn't realistic or something on the mark. I figured this was another case of it.

Edited by Jedi
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You do realize it was mostly used for tournaments and not actual warfare? It was great for jousting and that's it. Doesn't seem like the art desginer knew this though.

I think we can let that slide considering most of the previous artists showed little to no awareness of what actual medieval armor or clothing looked like.

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If improves on awakening however the design in both games is at best a disappointment. The fire emblem series has traditionally only had minor sexualization of characters (usually reserved for Fem. Fatales). Awakening sexualized everything including outright ridiculous "panty riders" which sadly seem to be returning. (Brief history lesson pants were first appeared in the paleolithic for the propose of riding horses until relatively modern human history dating back to the paleolithic. Seriously pants have existed for most of human history, Greco Roman culture however was adamantly opposed to them it just wasn't till much latter that they were worn for things other than riding. Every mounted character should be wearing pants... ) -_-

Looking at FE art clothing wise Awakening and IF have some of the most ludicrous designs featuring random exposed skin, armor that would kill anyone that tried to use it by crushing them under their own weight... yeah...Art wise I prefer the older games

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