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TearRing Saga: New Translation Finished! (v1.04)


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Thanks for all the interest! I've been worried (somewhat selfishly) that I'd do all this work but only end up with a handful of people who actually cared about it. It makes me glad that more and more fans are taking interest.

Np, your hard work is very very much appreciated.

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[spoiler=Newly-caught errors]

Chapter 1:
Villager lady: please take this Wooden Shield [Leather Shield]
Russ dying: >Ugh... I failed...


Sasha: Are you familiar with the Battle of, Balt, Lord Runan?
Sasha: After seeing Codha's tyrrany [tyranny]

Sasha: Count Marlon is the lord of Verje Province, to the east, and one my father's most loyal subjects.

"the lord of Verje Province" sounds suspicious to me and I question Province's capitalization.

Chapter 2:

Raffin: I have sworn swear loyalty to the princess

Raffin: One day I'll have to leave to my home {awkward text stop} country. I can't be [...]

Runan: My father worked tried so hard to end the war

Runan: But the Empire had somehow resurrected back the Holy Dragon


Sasha: I barely {awkward text stop} escaped from the palace with my life!

Runan: We will subdue them so that will be inactive for a fair time


Eugen: Bishop Lee specializes in both healing offensive magic.


Barts: he didn't waste any time to throw into the dungeon.

Barts: "Never overlook a person in need,' is one of the most important teachings of Master Eisenbach." [Not sure how to read those quotations]

Edited by Miacis
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Dang. I'd love to be able to finally try out TRS, but it turns out that my 6 year old laptop can't handle a PS1 emulator.

If you have an Android phone, there's a kickass PS1 emulator on the Google Play Store. Fair Warning tho, ePSXe's Android port costs real money, but it's worth it imo since it works on the go.

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caught another, chapter 4 roger's battle quote, i am the roger the paladin

also right before map 5 for some reason if youre on the world map and you go to Guenchaos's screen his description says "verje"

Edited by Xylon7373
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If you have an Android phone, there's a kickass PS1 emulator on the Google Play Store. Fair Warning tho, ePSXe's Android port costs real money, but it's worth it imo since it works on the go.

Nah, my phone's about the same age as my computer so I'd probably run into the same problems.

And when I said "doesn't work" I meant "chugs along at 15 fps"

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[spoiler=Newly-caught errors]

Chapter 1:

Villager lady: please take this Wooden Shield [Leather Shield]

Russ dying: >Ugh... I failed...


Sasha: Are you familiar with the Battle of, Balt, Lord Runan?

Sasha: After seeing Codha's tyrrany [tyranny]

Sasha: Count Marlon is the lord of Verje Province, to the east, and one my father's most loyal subjects.

"the lord of Verje Province" sounds suspicious to me and I question Province's capitalization.

Chapter 2:

Raffin: I have sworn swear loyalty to the princess

Raffin: One day I'll have to leave to my home {awkward text stop} country. I can't be [...]

Runan: My father worked tried so hard to end the war

Runan: But the Empire had somehow resurrected back the Holy Dragon


Sasha: I barely {awkward text stop} escaped from the palace with my life!

Runan: We will subdue them so that will be inactive for a fair time


Eugen: Bishop Lee specializes in both healing offensive magic.


Barts: he didn't waste any time to throw into the dungeon.

Barts: "Never overlook a person in need,' is one of the most important teachings of Master Eisenbach." [Not sure how to read those quotations]



(Only joking; the help is very much appreciated!)

also right before map 5 for some reason if youre on the world map and you go to Guenchaos's screen his description says "verje"

That's... rather bizarre. That might not even be a translation error, it could be a pointer error...

I'll try checking the Japanese version.

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I'm not sure if it's for weapons also but if you use up a healing staff it'll still say "Heal was killed!"

Now that's just ridiculous.

I'll have to ask the programmer about miscellaneous system text like that, too. None of the text files I edited had that sort of thing in it, and now I realize how much they too need editing.

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Now that's just ridiculous.

I'll have to ask the programmer about miscellaneous system text like that, too. None of the text files I edited had that sort of thing in it, and now I realize how much they too need editing

Some of the stat boosters still use names that were used in the old patch such as AGL+ instead of it being SPD+, or WLV+ when it should be something like Mastery+.

I can't remember from which chapter these errors were from but I have a little screenshot gallery going that I'll update as soon as I see an error while I play through the game.


Edited by Pretty Cool Guy
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I'm not sure if it's for weapons also but if you use up a healing staff it'll still say "Heal was killed!"

Some things just shouldn't be fixed

Yeah I noticed this too for the healing staff haha.

Edit: I noticed in the opening scroll of a new game, it says Ryunan.

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Thanks so much for doing this! I haven't played the patch yet(I'll wait a few releases for some major stuff to be fixed(, but all the same it's going to be cool to play TRS with a patch that doesn't shit the bed halfway through.

Nah, my phone's about the same age as my computer so I'd probably run into the same problems.

And when I said "doesn't work" I meant "chugs along at 15 fps"

Do you have a Wii? If push comes to shove and you don't mind softmodding it, there's a PS1 emulator for that that seems to have decent compatibility. Though I've never tried this game with it myself, so I can't say for sure if it works.

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[spoiler=Then there were more]

Chapter 2:

Plum: If only were able to fight...

Bartz: ...All right. {double-space} I'm sorry, Plum.

Enteh: Oh, {double-space} it's nothing...

Julia: this isn't the time for, reminiscing, is it?

Plum: But that was man killed in the war

Chapter 3:

Arkis: Besides, I've got something to look forward to. I can't . also whut???


Seafarer teacher: on he high seas

He also gives the "you already know that skill" speech even if you don't, but still teaches you.

Chapter 4:

Eisenbach: You've finally made your move... {no text stop after sentence}

Eugen: our enemies' peronal matters

Arkis: I should have forced her come with us

Chapter 5:

Sasha: I heard about her from her Sir Luca

Old village man: And now, he has no choice but to follow Codha's commands. He's {awkward text stop}

Martel: we'll Verna and Frau to come too

Guenchaos: Where have you hidden the Shaman of Water.


Narron dying: I can't... write you... anymore lett{line break}ers

And I guess a couple of more general comments and suggestions

- May I suggest giving cool flavorful names to the stat-up potions? LCK+ is bad, but making it Luck Plus wouldn't be that much better.

- Why Sellsword and not Mercenary?

- "Yutona" is a very romanji transliteration, and I'm not sure why it was favored over either Utna or an alternative.

- Line length and line breaks between sentences seem inconsistent and might want to be given a full do-over in due time.

- dat P.H.Y.S.I.C. acronym yo

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Do you have any ETA on how frequently you'll be updating and fixing things? I was all ready to jump on board but if you're planning on prudent updates I might wait a bit longer before I play.

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Edit: I noticed in the opening scroll of a new game, it says Ryunan.

The opening scroll still needs to be re-done. It's actually one big graphic, so since I was only editing text files, it completely slipped my mind to even do it.

That, the game intro, and the place names on the world map still need a first redoing.

And I guess a couple of more general comments and suggestions

- May I suggest giving cool flavorful names to the stat-up potions? LCK+ is bad, but making it Luck Plus wouldn't be that much better.

- Why Sellsword and not Mercenary?

- "Yutona" is a very romanji transliteration, and I'm not sure why it was favored over either Utna or an alternative.

- Line length and line breaks between sentences seem inconsistent and might want to be given a full do-over in due time.

- dat P.H.Y.S.I.C. acronym yo

  • I originally had them as [statistic] Potion (with Agility corrected to Speed), but our hacker told me that since that the total system text has limited space (it's stored in the actual PS1 executable, apparently), he had to revert a couple of the longer changes, those names included. I like the idea of having, say, Angelic Potion, Energy Potion, Spirit Potion, etc., though.
  • There is a "Mercenary" (戦士) class in-game, used by Xeno and Attrom (and the unused Poyce), but it's distinct from the enemy only "Sellsword" (å‚­å…µ) class. The thing is, I gave FE-name privileges to playable classes first, which wrote me into a corner when it came to the enemy-only class Sellsword. That said, it's basically a clone of the Mercenary class (much like the FE3 Berserker is just a weird Hero), so I suppose I could call it Mercenary, too... but that would ruin the naming bijection.
  • I chose "Yutona" (and pronounce it YEW-to-nuh) because:
    • Thanks to synesthesia, I absolutely loathe words that begin with a plain U pronounced /ju/.
    • I didn't want to use "Yutna," since that could easily be misconstrued as YUTT-nuh.
    • "Yutona" isn't that romaji-esque of a translation. It could almost be a Roman name if it weren't for the Y.
  • Agreed. Thankfully, it does get better as you go on in the patch, since I started being more proactive about typesetting.
  • Liked that, didja? I had to get creative with that joke, since it was originally a Japanese pun. In Japanese, the guy is complaining that some fools think the staff's name is not too iyashi no tsue "staff of distant healing" but rather the nonsensical tooi yashi no tsue "staff of distant coconut palms."

Do you have any ETA on how frequently you'll be updating and fixing things? I was all ready to jump on board but if you're planning on prudent updates I might wait a bit longer before I play.

I'm going to finish the whole game and catch as many typos as I can before releasing the next version (shouldn't be incredibly faraway, but I'm still just before the halfway point), but after that, I'm going to do more frequent updates.

I've been streaming it lately. It's been rather sporadic, but if you want to see typos and errors feel free to swing by. Otherwise, I'll just be enjoying it.

Whether or not I'll be able to watch during broadcast is questionable at this particular time. I'm currently moving house this week (in addition to already doing summer research), so I'm quite busy. But I can try to catch it!

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Hey just wanted to let you know of another one i caught, in ch 15 San says shes already taller than San, i think she means frau.

Also same chapter Lyria says she will become a priest who cans sing

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Hey ch 17 Carnell says he's leading to fort balt with all his well earned riches, i believe he means leaving

Also in the description for Rishel's sunflame, it says mag +10 when its really def +10

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I want to mention that some of the names of the towns on the world map don't match up, such as the city of Bladd still being called Bradd on the map. The same goes for Ocus being called Oaks, and Mahl, being called Marl, among others

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Umm i dont know if anyone else has caught this but im at what is supposed to be chapter 29, Flag of the Privateers, but it says map 30 when i load the battle. So somewhere along the line the map numbers got messed up, i think it was at map 26, but i dont rememeber.

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