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Favorite character so far


Favorite character so far  

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  1. 1. Favorite character(s)?

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I don't really get the love for Marx or Camilla... The former has boring facial expressions and an okay design while the latter is just hideous-looking, imo... But that's just my opinion. Some people will have a different one for their own reasons...

Man, Ike is such a boring character. He's blunter than an oversmoked blunt on 4/20. And that is all there is to him. Non-nobility aside.

Roy, however, is the son of Eliwood, the guy who could hold a BFS larger than Ragnell on horseback. Of course, Roy doesn't get a BFS, but he does get the next best thing: a sword that sets itself on fire to murderize things. Roy also actually fights for his friends, which is why he doesn't promote as early.

On-topic, Marx is a Cool Big Bro to Kamui.

Edited by ScarletFlame
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Her face and hair aren't, no. It's the rest of her that's the problem. I've seen plenty of other people make complaints about her design too.

Marx is okay looking at best. I don't really see any cool factor in him, but that's just me.

This is a favorite thread though, so don't let me get in anyone's way of talking about their favorites. I'm just sad to see so little talk of Ryouma. Are me and Thor really the only ones here that like him? :(

Her hair is fine and her face is caring, but otherwise the same as everyone else's. Not sure what you hate there.

I mean, I don't really like her myself but I'm not really seeing where you're coming from. If you don't like her because fanservice, just say that, haha.

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Her hair is fine and her face is caring, but otherwise the same as everyone else's. Not sure what you hate there.

I mean, I don't really like her myself but I'm not really seeing where you're coming from. If you don't like her because fanservice, just say that, haha.

Yeah, her design is really unnecessarily fanservicy and it...well, disgusts me, for lack of a better term. So yeah, it's basically the fanservice.

On topic, I also really like female Kamui. I'll explore what customization options she has though, of course.

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For some reasons that only the heavens know with absolute certainty, my favorite characters are the green haired ninja from Hoshido and the white haired archer from Nohr just because of their sprites. I haven't seen their dang portraits yet, but I'm already getting these vibes from these characters. Not sure why, but I'll be keeping my eye on these characters. Maybe I'll keep loving them maybe I won't, fact is I'm going to make them kill each other specifically depending on what route I take.

Whoa... that went a bit dark. If he can be recruited and have supports then I'll try making them best buds or something.

On topic now, if I had to choose a character from the poll with a recognizable face then... I'll take Saizou just because he has that sexy serious face on him.

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Kamui in both genders. We potentially have an instance of a manakete lord, as well as manaketes of various body types, which I like. Also, save for the lack of shoes, their armor is also sweet-lookin. :3

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Yeah, her design is really unnecessarily fanservicy and it...well, disgusts me, for lack of a better term. So yeah, it's basically the fanservice.

On topic, I also really like female Kamui. I'll explore what customization options she has though, of course.

I'm just glad there's a fairly 'plain' long hairstyle, Robin didn't really have any, they were all tied into ponytails/pigtails or something.

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Ryouma, no contest. ^^ I'm surprised he's not getting more votes. This guy was super cool to me from the moment I first saw him.

I don't really get the love for Marx or Camilla... The former has boring facial expressions and an okay design while the latter is just hideous-looking, imo... But that's just my opinion. Some people will have a different one for their own reasons...

Marx made me think of Frederick from the moment I saw him in the first trailer. I was immediately smitten. I agree about Camilla's armor (if you can call it that). I think she has a very pretty face, but her armor looks ridiculous to me. I like Ryouma, too, but not nearly as much as Marx.

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Really? I wasn't thinking of any past FE characters at all when I first saw Marx... In fact, the only time I thought of a past FE character at all was when I saw Dancer Girl, who reminded me of Lucina. xP

Well, Kazahana reminds me a bit of Sumia too, actually.

Edited by Anacybele
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Really? I wasn't thinking of any past FE characters at all when I first saw Marx... In fact, the only time I thought of a past FE character at all was when I saw Dancer Girl, who reminded me of Lucina. xP

Well, Kazahana reminds me a bit of Sumia too, actually.

Marx kinda has the look of a more mature, slightly older guy like Frederick. Also, in the first trailer, he hit harder than any of the other characters and rode a horse. I think that's why.

I definitely thought of Sumia when I saw Kazahana.

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I really like Camilla's design until you get below the head and hair and the ridiculous fanservice design takes over. It's like they said, "okay, let's make a nice, motherly/big sister character" and then someone said "guys let's make her the obligatory fanservice villain design" and then bad things happened. Luckily it seems most of that will be covered up by text boxes.

Also I notice Ganz and Garon are not on the poll, why no love for the super ugly guys?

Garon seems like a pretty decent guy

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This is a favorite thread though, so don't let me get in anyone's way of talking about their favorites. I'm just sad to see so little talk of Ryouma. Are me and Thor really the only ones here that like him? :(

It's okay

I'll make up for quantity with quality art of Ryouma

...once i have less programming hw to do

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Assuming Blarth = blond dark mage Marth-looking dude, I picked him. I like his design. Although I think Tsubaki's design is a close second.

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Ryouma, no contest. ^^ I'm surprised he's not getting more votes. This guy was super cool to me from the moment I first saw him.

I don't really get the love for Marx or Camilla... The former has boring facial expressions and an okay design while the latter is just hideous-looking, imo... But that's just my opinion. Some people will have a different one for their own reasons...

Maybe its because Marx looks like the kinda guy who rallies morale for an army? Or the fact hes a hot piece of ass? Or maybe because his horse could trample Hoshido turncoats into the dust? Or Camilla's wyvern likes to nom on the domes of many an enemy? Or shes a really nice person despite her poor choices in armor? It could also be because they are gonna be like, the roflstompers of that team. Marx is your jeigan. Camilla is a flier. Bamf as fuck.

This is a favorite thread though, so don't let me get in anyone's way of talking about their favorites. I'm just sad to see so little talk of Ryouma. Are me and Thor really the only ones here that like him? :(

No you arent. Ryouma has a lot of fans in the corners of the fandom.

Assuming Blarth = blond dark mage Marth-looking dude, I picked him. I like his design. Although I think Tsubaki's design is a close second.

Im down with Blarth's being a dark mage. I actually didnt even notice until i looked at that promo image closer. "Ohhh hes holding a tome.." He looks like swank Dark Knight material, and i really hope Dark Knights can dark magic in this game.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Currently it's Sakura, just going by design. I just really dig the simple and clean look she has. I like most of the other Hoshidan character designs too (I like them all a lot in fact), but I think that's the defining thing that brings Sakura out for me.

Although part of this is because there's been no particularly good shots of Tsubaki yet.

Edited by Irysa
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Right now we mostly just have designs and one or two lines so it's almost impossible to tell! I mean I guess I think the single most promising character is Marx since he feels most strongly positioned to have questions about his own motivation and morality and that could certainly be cool (plus I love the design). But it's not like I'll be surprised if I don't end up liking him and instead like someone who so far I couldn't care less about.

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The problem with going based on looks alone is that the characters we've seen so far seem so overly designed. They simply have too much going on, in my opinion. One could argue that it makes sense for royals, but while I think the characters themselves look nice, the clothing and armor usually do not - the only reason I voted for Ryouma is because of his dreamy voice (the exact opposite of Sakura...I will never use her when I play through the Hoshido side of the Japanese game, or else I'll go deaf...)

On another note, I can't believe female Kamui is losing against her male counterpart. Sure, her pose looks downright painful and she bares a small portion of her thighs (I'll never get over this, it's just so stupid!), but male Kamui looks so...boring and silly. I really hope we can change his hair completely.

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On another note, I can't believe female Kamui is losing against her male counterpart. Sure, her pose looks downright painful and she bares a small portion of her thighs (I'll never get over this, it's just so stupid!), but male Kamui looks so...boring and silly. I really hope we can change his hair completely.

Because boring and silly are completely objective terms that everyone agrees with? ;/

For the record, if I could have multiple votes, they would've gone to Tsubaki, then male Kamui, then female Kamui, then the archer in that order. (This is still all based on designs, we know fuck-all about personalities.)

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Because boring and silly are completely objective terms that everyone agrees with? ;/

If you got that impression from my post, then I apologize. However, I thought it was quite clear that it was my opinion, and nowhere did I claim that it was fact since, just as you say, this is very subjective.

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I don't really have favourites yet but as far as appearance I like: Marx, Ryouma, Hinoka, Sakura, Tsubaki, Orochi, and both Kamuis.

Wow so one sided... The Nohr people just strike me as trying too hard to look cool. Their outfits are a little meh. :/ Blonde Marth is probably the one I like most other than Marx but he looks a little awkward somehow, can't place it lol.

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On another note, I can't believe female Kamui is losing against her male counterpart. Sure, her pose looks downright painful and she bares a small portion of her thighs (I'll never get over this, it's just so stupid!), but male Kamui looks so...boring and silly. I really hope we can change his hair completely.

Don't worry, I agree with you. I think male Kamui looks ridiculous. I find female Kamui to be WAY better-looking, despite her weird pose and two left feet.

Or the fact hes a hot piece of ass?

That's an opinion, not a fact. Don't present it as such. I'm told not to do so, so I don't want to see others do it. I think Ryouma is the hot one, not Marx.

And Marx is getting way more votes than I thought he would. I guess I can't see his appeal at all.

Edited by Anacybele
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From what I've seen, I like Marx and Camilla the best.

From the bit of characterization we have seen and their designs, they just seem like cool family members.

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