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How would you feel if FE15 featured two female lords?

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Looking at the whole series in general, I loved all of the female Lords so far. I looked up to them as a young child. They inspired me to learn how to be a leader and know how to put my foot down when I needed to. They all had their faults and that's perfectly normal. No one is perfect. One thing that bothered me about them is how they always have to share the spotlight with male characters. You could argue that FE14 has two female lords if you make Kamui female but honestly, it seems like the Male version is more featured. Even in the Japanese direct of the last trailer, you only see F!Kamui for a split second.

So my question is for you guys... How would you feel if FE15 featured two female Lords?

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I wouldn't mind having more female lords. I guess maybe we could use a bit more.

Not happy, especially since all the female Lords we've had so far suck.

Lyn and Lucina aren't so bad, especially the latter.

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I don't care what gender the lords are, as long as they are well-written characters. So I guess I wouldn't feel anything special if FE15 had two female lords. I would feel annoyed if both sucked as characters, though.

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Not happy, especially since all the female Lords we've had so far suck.

I kind of agree, but I'd welcome more female lords anyway, because I want a female lord that I actually like. I can't say anything for Cellica though, since I've yet to play the game that she's in.

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I don't care what gender the lords are, as long as they are well-written characters. So I guess I wouldn't feel anything special if FE15 had two female lords. I would feel annoyed if both sucked as characters, though.

My thought exactly.

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Depends. Are they lesbians? Because even if they're not there's gonna be people shipping 'em.

I prefer female leads so I think it'd be cool. As long as they're well written and not stereotypical or something.

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Banzai no

EDIT: I guess I don't have a preference for male leads or female leads, but I guess I find that on average male leads are written better so I tend to like them more. But really, I don't care what the gender of the lord is as long as their character is good.

Edited by Sunwoo
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I kind of agree, but I'd welcome more female lords anyway, because I want a female lord that I actually like. I can't say anything for Cellica though, since I've yet to play the game that she's in.

Based on what I've heard regarding Gaiden....Celica blows all the other female lords out of the water.

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I wouldn't mind any Fire Emblem game having a female only lead, but I'm wary of the actual execution of the idea. I haven't found our current set of them to be that interesting: rather more stereotypical, though perhaps Michiah and Luciana have been less trope like. I just fear how bad a really bad female lord could be, compared to a bad male lord who is just the classic good guy who does good guy stuff, boring, but not wretched.

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Depends. Are they lesbians?

Does this really make or break it for you?

I'd be in favour, all other things equal.

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FE hasn't done a good job with woman Lords.

Lyn is a tutorial character who lost any importance she had after her arc (ignoring that excuse scene in Bern's mountains). Among other issues, Micaiah suffered from being in the same game as Ike, and so she ended up being wasted potential. Lucina is a walking marketing gag who doubles as an exposionbot. Kris and Robin are poorly handled FemSheps.

So, I'd be more wary.

Edited by Mayus
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FE hasn't done a good job with woman Lords.

Lyn is a tutorial character who lost any importance she had after her arc (ignoring that excuse scene in Bern's mountains). Among other issues, Micaiah suffered from being in the same game as Ike, and so she ended up being wasted potential. Lucina is a walking marketing gag who doubles as an exposionbot. Robin and Chris are poorly handled FemSheps.

So, I'd be more wary.

You're missing Celica (FE2) and Eirika (FE8). I know nothing of the former. The latter had her own story arc, and while I didn't care for how it played out, it wasn't awful.

EDIT: Oh, right, topic. Don't really care, as long as the story isn't focused on OMG FEMALE LORDS!

Edited by eclipse
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If they are good characters, then I'd totally be down for that. I honestly could care less about the gender of the main character(s) in any sort of media, I just care if they are well written.

Edited by Monado Boy
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I'd like, but above all they must be well written.

However I see a problem: we need ONE main lord, especially if a woman. So far the greatest problem of female lords was that they shared space with other leaders. This problem would remain even if they were all women to share space. And also this is equally right for every lord, males too. We need ONE leaders, who can shine in the game. We need a strong woman who no need of men for bring feminism into Fire Emblem!

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I like the idea, so long as it's done well (meaning the characters are well-written). More gender variation is always nice.

@ENS: To be fair, whether these hypothetical female lords "share space" in a bad way or not depends on execution. For example, they could have each with their own story arcs. Then, should their paths merge, it could be shown that they're individually as competent as any of the better Lords in previous games. Merely splitting duties or what-have-you wouldn't take away from them living up to the good FE Lord name.

Just a general idea; hope it shows my point clearly.

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I'm with the general consensus here, I can enjoy characters of either gender. As for whether it should be one main character or multiple, once again, as long as it's done well I don't care.

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