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Famitsu 5/28 preview


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We can already see characters we've not seen before, yes?

There looks to be a redhead mercenary/fighter/myrmidon guy we've never seen, so there's at least that.

And what looks to be Felicia class changing to an armored unit in the top right corner of the preview. I think it's Felicia, cuz it says メイド (Maid), but I only know katakana, so Im grasping at straws.

Edit: The preview is terribly small, so it's impossible to confirm, but there's a blue-purple tint to the Maid's hair, so it's probably that other Maid that hasn't been seen yet.

Edited by BlizzardWolf95
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That was quick... wasn't expecting skill info this early.

Also, Elfie?


(Remind me to re-upload)

I like how much more practical this armor design is compared to FE13's laughable Cavalier and Knight designs. I read once that boob armor like this is actually more hazardous to your health because something as simple as falling onto your chestplate causes what's essentially a spike to be driven into your sternum.

I rather like the sullen look on Elfie's face (and Facebook is littered with 'S'Elfie pics already). It implies something towards her characterization, which might be meaningful? Won't know till we see the leak but I'm hopeful that there's a reason she looks so blank.

I think the mag is starting to leak now.

Just need to wait until FE's turn : P

I'm tempted to take a walk though...

what's taking you so looooooong!?

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That was quick... wasn't expecting skill info this early.

Also, Elfie?


(Remind me to re-upload)

This isn't Elfie. At least I don't think. Effie's pics are a girl with shorter hair. I may be wrong but this looks more like the long haired knight we see on the Nohr side in one of the earlier game screenshots...

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This isn't Elfie. At least I don't think. Effie's pics are a girl with shorter hair. I may be wrong but this looks more like the long haired knight we see on the Nohr side in one of the earlier game screenshots...


Looks like Elfie to me, you can see the bun.

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This isn't Elfie. At least I don't think. Effie's pics are a girl with shorter hair. I may be wrong but this looks more like the long haired knight we see on the Nohr side in one of the earlier game screenshots...


Look at the bottom screen. It's her.

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Looks to me like there will be something on branch promotions. hopefully its interesting. Actually I'm having trouble telling if the images with new guy, are branch promotions,a second seal, or a parallel seal to an unpromoted class.

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what's taking you so looooooong!?

I'm here.

I'm just not the person leaking the magazine XD

Hmm... I think it's possible there won't be a FE leak today. Presumably this week's feature didn't have anything shocking (eg. Phoenix Mode or Maids) to warrant posting about.

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Elphie may have just overtaken Kazahana's spot as best girl


Also, what is wrong with boob plates? Am I missing something? I imagine it'd be tough for a woman with c-cups or higher to wear armor that doesn't address her... needs. She wouldn't be able to breathe if it were as tight as ordinary armors.

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Whoops. Yeah I'm probably wrong. I guess I just thought back to this picture: http://oi62.tinypic.com/33xygq0.jpg

The armor knight on that map has the long hair on the sides of the face as well...

Also, what is wrong with boob plates? Am I missing something? I imagine it'd be tough for a woman with c-cups or higher to wear armor that doesn't address her... needs. She wouldn't be able to breathe if it were as tight as ordinary armors.

Boob plate like that literally directs sharp things into the chest. It'd be a better (practical) design to have something like a... uh... uniboob if the boobs need to be accommodated.

Those issues aside, boob plates don't usually bother me. Though now that someone mentions it, yeah, falling on your chest with boob plates... ow.

Edited by L95
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I'm pretty happy with Elfie's design, especially her hairstyle.

In what board on 2ch are the leaks? ゲーム?

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Also, what is wrong with boob plates? Am I missing something? I imagine it'd be tough for a woman with c-cups or higher to wear armor that doesn't address her... needs. She wouldn't be able to breathe if it were as tight as ordinary armors.

Boob plate like that literally directs sharp things into the chest. It'd be a better (practical) design to have something like a... uh... uniboob if the boobs need to be accommodated.Those issues aside, boob plates don't usually bother me. Though now that someone mentions it, yeah, falling on your chest with boob plates... ow.

Visual aid: http://i.imgur.com/80bznP4.png

Edited by egobarrier
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Also, what is wrong with boob plates? Am I missing something? I imagine it'd be tough for a woman with c-cups or higher to wear armor that doesn't address her... needs. She wouldn't be able to breathe if it were as tight as ordinary armors.

I made a post about this earlier in the thread. Basically you just want a normal breastplate with more breathing room at the top. No special boob holders needed.

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Yeah, it may not be the best answer per-se - the uniboob is indeed a better design - but there's nothing inherently wrong with giving space for breasts in armour. If a person with excess stomach fat needs extra room for their belly, why wouldn't someone with excess chest fat need extra room for their boobs, especially if they have big ones? Either way, I wouldn't be worked up with it too much; it's only armour. At least she has some.

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Hmm... I think it's possible there won't be a FE leak today. Presumably this week's feature didn't have anything shocking (eg. Phoenix Mode or Maids) to warrant posting about.

Which is unexpected. Dont leakers leak everything no matter how insignificant?

Edited by Belmont
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Which is unexpected. Dont leakers leak everything no matter how insignificant?

I don't follow the non-FE leaks, but maybe not?

I assume some of the leakers (if it's more than one person) only have limited time to take as many pictures as they can (or memorise the contents) and then they have to spend time to unload all the information.

Occasionally leading to hilarious typos like "Great Butler".

That and they have to be careful not to leak everything or Famitsu would probably get angry... (because people wouldn't need to buy the magazine.)


Even just looking at the previous FE leaks, they only leaked the most important information. Not everything. Or I wouldn't be writing up a ton of info the day Famitsu actually comes out.

Edited by VincentASM
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Terrible boob-plate aside (which i have already known about since the battle model was a thing so I expected it), I do like the rest of her design. The bulk is not a problem; she's an armor knight and I welcome the bulk. Way better than FE13's armors, at any rate.


Also, what is wrong with boob plates? Am I missing something? I imagine it'd be tough for a woman with c-cups or higher to wear armor that doesn't address her... needs. She wouldn't be able to breathe if it were as tight as ordinary armors.

1) sports bra compression does wonders. You'd be surprised about how much you can actually compress those things

2) the problem with boob plate isn't having more room for boobs, but rather separation of the boobs. a dent inbetween the boobs not only will likely kill you if anything trips you (and knowing there's a shitton of sweeping techniques in martial arts, it doesn't have to be the wearer being clumsy) due to pushing metal up your sternum, but it will also redirect blows right into your throat.

3) http://puu.sh/i1m5f/7f6225b459.pngthe first one is the problem. The second one is very close to actual historical breastplate (yes, even for men, those things are roomy as fuck because they're padded to hell and back anyway) , and the third one is a (terrible, not representative of my designing skills) demonstration if you want something more form fitting without being a literal hindrance and can still look good provided you actually take the time to design it and not draw it in 3 seconds like I did.

4) Addendum to 3.2, women did historically participate in battles (usually in far smaller number and in disguise) and they fit fine into dude armor. Women who participate in ren-faire in armor with the helmet down are indistinguishable from men. Now I understand in fantasy in order to make characters unique etc etc designers often want things that can make characters stand out, but boob plate is a terrible, overused, not only impractical but a direct hindrance design element that is absolutely not necessarily to show femininity or to look good. I think it looks pretty terrible and ridiculous tbh.

I promise you, our lungs are not in our boobs. We'll be fine without boobplates. Like, ever.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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But we DID at least got the names and classes of the new characters. The fact that the magazine has already revealed they have bios on half a dozen new characters and nothing has leaked is strange.

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Indeed, says new info on Master Proofs (seals), class changing, skills, and 7 new characters. Will keep an eye out and be ready for a full translation tomorrow if there are no leaks today.

Edited by Kirokan
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