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Picture from Famitsu's 27th of May showing. [New and Exclusive Characters!]


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I'm a little confused. Do we know Harold's base class? I don't know why I just assumed he joined as a (Brave) Hero. But seeing that he promotes from something means be must join as a unpromoted class?

Nevermind I reread the write up lol. Fighter it is.

Edited by Kaplan
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Reclassing is dumb, it sould not exist, it should never had existed. Rage moment assumed.

No the character's don't necessarily know, but the player does, and the player is the only one who gets to see the skill. So why name it something boring?

Well people knew who was the Black Knight in Tellius. It's not the the first time that a dev do that kind of thing.

Why naming it something so boring ? Well, they apparently love boring main character, I guess ?

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I'm a little confused. Do we know Harold's base class? I don't know why I just assumed he joined as a (Brave) Hero. But seeing that he promotes from something means be must join as a unpromoted class?

A blond fighter was visible in promotional screens almost two months ago. When Harold got revealed, we assumed it was him, rightfully so apparently.

In any case, how is Hinata dealing 19 damage to that myrmidon with a steel weapon? He's not even promoted either...

Edited by Cysx
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Vincent, the write-up says Felicia can change to a "Great" Hero rather than "Brave." Might want to fix that.

Thanks. Can't believe I made the same mistake as somebody else XD

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A blond fighter was visible in promotional screens almost two months ago. When Harold got revealed, we assumed it was him, rightfully so apparently.

In any case, how is Hinata dealing 19 damage to that myrmidon with a steel weapon? He's not even promoted either...

Them debuffs are no joke man...

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Well people knew who was the Black Knight in Tellius. It's not the the first time that a dev do that kind of thing.

Why naming it something so boring ? Well, they apparently love boring main character, I guess ?

Fair enough. I can't really argue with that logic.

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Reclassing is dumb, it sould not exist, it should never had existed. Rage moment assumed.

I'm thinking it won't be that bad. If skills are distributed kind of like Awakening most of the good skills will be attached to promoted classes, so really you'll only have to reclass a couple of times after promoting and probably won't miss anything too important if you don't for base classes. Otherwise it'll be like Shadow Dragon where you can do it to help in certain situations, but you'll be giving up a seal to do it.

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Hmm, some of the kanjis are still hard to make out, especially in the screenshots D:

I think Kazahana's inactive skill is 死線 though, or "Line between Life and Death". No clue how to make it more elegant. "Life or Death" just sounds too vague.

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I'm looking forward to Elfie and Harold's interactions with Elise. Elfie looks like she might have a motherly bond with her while Harold screams "Elfie constantly scolds me for being too bro-y".

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Hmm, some of the kanjis are still hard to make out, especially in the screenshots D:

I think Kazahana's inactive skill is 死線 though, or "Line between Life and Death". No clue how to make it more elegant. "Life or Death" just sounds too vague.

Line of Death? :p

Edited by Ryo
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Hmm, some of the kanjis are still hard to make out, especially in the screenshots D:

I think Kazahana's inactive skill is 死線 though, or "Line between Life and Death". No clue how to make it more elegant. "Life or Death" just sounds too vague.

Jisho lists "verge of death" as a translation for it, which sounds alright imo.

Edit: Or Death's Door? Which sounds less Engrishy than Line of Death haha

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Something with a little more character than just charismatic. I think I haven't made my point clear. Everyone else's personal skills has some personal trait that tells you something about the character, while Kamui just has charismatic. Charisma isn't a bad trait certainly, but it doesn't really tell you a lot about the character. Sauron is charismatic, and so is Steven Universe, but I wouldn't slap them both with the charismatic label and leave it at that. Just saying charismatic doesn't say a lot about Kamui, and adding mysterious, or miraculous, or fabulous doesn't really help with that.

Strong Bonds would most certainly be better.

While I think Kamui needs a personality that is "accessible", so that he can reasonably command the respect from a large diversity of people, charisma by itself is rather plain. I would like to see Kamui with a bit more brooding personality. Not full on emo, of course, but I'm sure the circumstances of his "adoption" and lineage weigh heavily upon him.

How so? (I know nothing about Valkryia Chronicles).

Personal skills. Not to mention some of the wording, like "Nohr Hater" is exactly like some VC personal skills.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Them debuffs are no joke man...

I... guess?

Then again, he's shown with 11 strength and 21 attack at level 10, so maybe he's just... strong.

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I'm pretty sure the image of Hinata doing 19 damage is from the same fight as the other image of the same enemy being in guard stance with 8 shields that Ryo mentioned, since the enemies and the background are the same. If that's true, then I have no idea what's going on. I thought for a minute that maybe the shield gauge is a percentage of blocked damage, but that'd mean Hinata's 19 damage was 20% of his actual damage, which is just.. not likely. Slightly more likely is that the shield gauge blocks up to ten damage, 8 in this case, but that'd make guard stance very weak, and to be honest 27 still seems like a lot of base damage.

Speaking of Hinata, now that I can see him properly and not blurred, I actually really like him. Would have to see his personality though to see if I actually like him or just like looking at him. Still got nothing on Suzukaze though.

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Jisho lists "verge of death" as a translation for it, which sounds alright imo.

Edit: Or Death's Door? Which sounds less Engrishy than Line of Death haha

I was going to suggest "Near Death" as the shortest way to say it, but Death's Door is fitting.

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Maybe it won't as bad as Awakening, and like I said, it's a step in the right direction, but it still seems bad. :/

I got the impressions that most personal skills will become useless in later chapters. I mean, -3 Strength against a unit with 50 Strength, it just don't work. Maybe those skills evolve or something ?

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Maybe it won't as bad as Awakening, and like I said, it's a step in the right direction, but it still seems bad. :/

I got the impressions that most personal skills will become useless in later chapters. I mean, -3 Strength against a unit with 50 Strength, it just don't work. Maybe those skills evolve or something ?

Since we have six skills after all. The sixth skill shouldn't be too useful either.

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Maybe it won't as bad as Awakening, and like I said, it's a step in the right direction, but it still seems bad. :/

I got the impressions that most personal skills will become useless in later chapters. I mean, -3 Strength against a unit with 50 Strength, it just don't work. Maybe those skills evolve or something ?

any strength debuff can make a difference from your unit living or dying.
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While I think Kamui needs a personality that is "accessible", so that he can reasonably command the respect from a large diversity of people, charisma by itself is rather plain. I would like to see Kamui with a bit more brooding personality. Not full on emo, of course, but I'm sure the circumstances of his "adoption" and lineage weigh heavily upon him.

If you want accessible to be a main trait, then just give the skill a name that implies that Kamui's a people person. Hell, you could just name it People Person. Agreed with you on the personality bit. I'd prefer it we got to choose a personality, or had dialogue choices, but that does seem the way to go for a set personality.

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Harold's chin is incredible. Is it just me or does his grin look very forced, though?

Heroes of justice don't have forced grins. They simply face adversity with their mighty mandibles and their shining teeth. That is the mark of a fiery soul!

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I'm pretty sure the image of Hinata doing 19 damage is from the same fight as the other image of the same enemy being in guard stance with 8 shields that Ryo mentioned, since the enemies and the background are the same. If that's true, then I have no idea what's going on. I thought for a minute that maybe the shield gauge is a percentage of blocked damage, but that'd mean Hinata's 19 damage was 20% of his actual damage, which is just.. not likely. Slightly more likely is that the shield gauge blocks up to ten damage, 8 in this case, but that'd make guard stance very weak, and to be honest 27 still seems like a lot of base damage.

Speaking of Hinata, now that I can see him properly and not blurred, I actually really like him. Would have to see his personality though to see if I actually like him or just like looking at him. Still got nothing on Suzukaze though.

I was actually reffering to the same image as him, but there's indeed that other one.

Interesting tidbit, I'm pretty sure that this:


Is the same place as this:


... but in one of them you're fighting Ryouma, while in the other you're on Hoshido's side, and your enemies are Myrmidons/Samurais apparently. This isn't chapter six from Hoshido either, it's similar but still clearly different.

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Maybe it won't as bad as Awakening, and like I said, it's a step in the right direction, but it still seems bad. :/

I got the impressions that most personal skills will become useless in later chapters. I mean, -3 Strength against a unit with 50 Strength, it just don't work. Maybe those skills evolve or something ?

Maybe stats won't be as inflated as they were in Awakening either. Max Str in the GBA games was 30 and only a handful of units even had access to that cap (and most that had access wouldn't hit it anyway).

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