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Famitsu 4th June Leak


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The reason is because I don't think Cho'sin and Hoshido could exist in the same world, being so similar, without a "we're not really different after all! there should be peace! huck huck huck!" message stapled between the two countries. Think about it, two similarly cultured countries existing side by side with eachother without some kind of conflict between them does not exist in video games.

I think the idea is that Cho'sin and Hoshido are on different continents, not side by side. Perhaps a very distant continent, but not so distant that there can't be some common heritage that explains the similarities.

Or yeah, it could be outrealms magic.

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I'd sooner have any potential Awakening character's to be just heavy handed expies of the originals than actually them. Otherwise the explanations for it being the Outrealm gate did it will be just opening another can o' worms.

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If the character poll is a thing, I would hope to see Gen 1 characters in Hoshido while Gen 2 in Nohr. That is only if that these lookalikes have nothing to do with Awakening's story.

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Luna's bio makes me think she will just be the same as severa. In which case I'm killing her off very quickly because I absolutely hated severa

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If the character poll is a thing, I would hope to see Gen 1 characters in Hoshido while Gen 2 in Nohr. That is only if that these lookalikes have nothing to do with Awakening's story.

While I wouldn't be against this if it happened, I don't think it's likely. If Hoshido gets anything it'd probably be a different set of kids, I expect the adults to stay in awakening. If they did show up in Hoshido though, following the pattern it'd be Tharja, Cordelia and Gaius. Chrom would get left out for the same reason Lucina did with the kids. Be interesting to have Cordelia and Luna on different routes, although it's also a good part of why I find it unlikely.

Edited by capmalachi
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I have a sneaking suspicion that the story will drop lots of hints as to Luna's background, but they're never going to come right out and affirm or deny anything, leaving us to forever wonder "Is she or isn't she?"

This would be awesome.

Also find Nyx more attractive to use because of her skill.

Only her skill? Between her quotes and bio, she's the strongest reason I have to play Nohr.

Well, that and the fact that Marx has actual facial expressions that look natural to me.

Luna's bio makes me think she will just be the same as severa. In which case I'm killing her off very quickly because I absolutely hated severa

While I think Severa needs a good slap or four upside the head, she's got quite a bit more than "bitch" to her name. Luna's ultra-competitiveness is something Severa has, as evidenced by her support with Cynthia.

The issue should be out when I wake up tomorrow morning. Here's hoping we see more info about the look-alike kids from Awakening!

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As long as those look alike kids aren't notInigo or notOwain I'm cool, otherwise I'll need to plan a few Uriah gambits.

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As long as those look alike kids aren't notInigo or notOwain I'm cool, otherwise I'll need to plan a few Uriah gambits.

You can invite them to your room to give them a hair cut.

Hey, has anyone seen not!Inigo and not!Owain? No? Oh well, I guess they will be missing out on all these meat pies we recently acquired.

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Where are you guys seeing not!Owain? I heard that apparently there was someone named Odin who looked kind of like Owain, but I haven't seen an image of him.

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Where are you guys seeing not!Owain? I heard that apparently there was someone named Odin who looked kind of like Owain, but I haven't seen an image of him.

There was a Owain-looking Dark Mage sprite in one of the segments about walking around MY Castle.

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While I wouldn't be against this if it happened, I don't think it's likely. If Hoshido gets anything it'd probably be a different set of kids, I expect the adults to stay in awakening. If they did show up in Hoshido though, following the pattern it'd be Tharja, Cordelia and Gaius. Chrom would get left out for the same reason Lucina did with the kids. Be interesting to have Cordelia and Luna on different routes, although it's also a good part of why I find it unlikely.

Agreed. Having the adult fight their kids, even if they don't end being the same people, will probably be a no-go.

I'd be against it myself though. It'd be a little too much.

Where are you guys seeing not!Owain? I heard that apparently there was someone named Odin who looked kind of like Owain, but I haven't seen an image of him.


Owain as a grandmaster in Awakening(closest I could find, with grey hair for some reason)



Nohting more, nothing less.

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Owain as a grandmaster in Awakening(closest I could find, with grey hair for some reason)



… Oh my gosh. Why.

EDIT: Why as in "why so many characters that look like Awakening children".

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Agreed. Having the adult fight their kids, even if they don't end being the same people, will probably be a no-go.

It could work if they were able to recruit each other I suppose. I'd be very surprised if any adult characters showed up though, but granted I'm just as surprised that the kids have shown up so at this point I don't want to dismiss anything out of hand.

Don't forget that Owain was always tilted towards magic from Lissa's influence. It's entirely possible that he was better able to nurture those talents in the more peaceful times of the post-awakening timeline. Besides, his base class would be myrmidon and they're not in this game.

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A "chuunibyou" type personality like Owain's aligns rather well with being a dark mage. It's just feels odd since his default class was myrmidon, but even in growths, he's Lissa's son so he has magical talent.

Odin's sprite matches Owain's perfectly, so I guess it means either these are just homages or it's that "children from saved timeline all grown up" idea, which could allow some of them to go in somewhat different directions from their future counterparts even if still similar in various ways. Considering how they all seem to be in Nohr, rather than spread between the factions, I think that idea could be feasible so far. They travel from Ylisse to Nohr, something happens, and they decide to join Nohr's army to help.

The main advantage is that they could have some direct story ties with Awakening, but at the same time avoid addressing any issues regarding canon pairings - The fathers could just not be mentioned, and the children themselves also would be free to have any pairings in this game itself since they aren't their future counterparts. Placing them in a distant land also means that even something like the possibility of Chrom being Inigo's father could still be left open, since his status would have little value there.

Of course, a simple homage also has all those advantages, aside from story ties to Awakening, but it seems rather odd to add at least 3 "homage" characters like this, especially since so far they all seem specifically focused on the children, rather than most popular characters in general (Severa was only 10th in overall popularity among female characters). Also, even the Biding Blade cast wasn't that close to the Shadow Dragon characters, and in that case it was most of the cast in every position, rather than just some specific characters from a specific group of the previous game.

Edited by NeonZ
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It could work if they were able to recruit each other I suppose.

I was open to this idea at first, but the leak revealed that Luna is Nohr exclusive. We don't know about the other two(assuming they're even a thing), but still.

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I feel like this is just a bunch of Awakening pandering with the extra bonus of inflating the roster. Looks like I'll have a few disposables after all.

And we're more like Smashboards. We're now arguing about clones.

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I hope the Awakening look-alikes are merely homages and not the actual children/present day children grown up of Awakening. I don't think there's any benefit to making Awakening and IF take place in the same world … not to mention, didn't an interview with the developers say that IF took place in a new world?

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I take no stand on whether they're the same character of just homages/references who look almost identical, but the different worlds issue is not a huge difficulty anymore if Outrealms of any kind get introduced.

And seeing that you can already kind of do that through the Streetpass feature (alternate Hoshidos/Nohrs), imagining an Outrealm connection to Ylisse/Archanea wouldn't be that much of a stretch.

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I take no stand on whether they're the same character of just homages/references who look almost identical, but the different worlds issue is not a huge difficulty anymore if Outrealms of any kind get introduced.

And seeing that you can already kind of do that through the Streetpass feature (alternate Hoshidos/Nohrs), imagining an Outrealm connection to Ylisse/Archanea wouldn't be that much of a stretch.

Please no. If the Outrealms are actually canon, then this series has dipped into bad fanfiction territory,

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Please no. If the Outrealms are actually canon, then this series has dipped into bad fanfiction territory,

You say that as if the series hadn't always been in bad fanfiction territory

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didn't an interview with the developers say that IF took place in a new world?

This is the quote from Serenes' translation of the interview.

Unlike previous games in the series, this game takes place in a “completely new world”, although there are familiar elements that are sure to bring a smile to those who have played Awakening.

The whole quote sounds kind of odd, since it'd be hardly the first time we get a game in a world unrelated to the previous ones. So maybe they weren't talking about "completely new world" in the sense of "completely new fictional universe", but just that the setting itself is very different from previous games and new to the series - with the western vs east conflict and even Nohr having a much darker aesthetic than previous FE kingdoms?

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Hehe, that part is probably just PR speech. It likely means little, if anything.

I think they said the same with Awakening, and that was loosely based off Archanea.

Of course, I just added/translated that line because it was there.

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