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Do you in general prefer the Red or the Green cavaliers?


Which cavaliers do you prefer?  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. Red or green?

  2. 2. Bonus Question: the strong or the fast cavalier?

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I'm just curious to see which on the two "colors" of cavalier people here tend to prefer, be it on gameplay, personality or whatever.

In general, I prefer green Cavaliers to the Red ones. I prefer Abel, Lance, Sain, Kyle, Oscar and Luke to their red counterparts. On the other hand, I prefer Sully to Stahl.

I'm also asking about the strong or fast cavalier because which of the colors is which changes depending on the game.

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For me. . .it's a split. I like Cain, both Kent and Sain, Oscar, and am meh on Sully/Stahl, Forde/Kyle, and Alan/Lance. I don't care which is supposed to be stronger or faster, the one that stays is the one that I need for whatever situation is at hand.

(in other words, I can't answer the poll)

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I overall like the red cavs more, but I really like Abel and the rest of the green ones.

Just to me, Alan, Kent and Sully stick out as some of my favorite cavs so yeah :P

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FE4: Noish, makes kickass swordtwin dad.

FE5: neither lol

FE6: Lance. Patience of a saint and usually has more stats in my runs.

FE7: neither. With averages in mind I like Sain's spread more, for what it's worth, but neither of them wants to actually get me enough stats to just use over Marcus and Isadora and I also don't like Sain's personality.

FE8: I use neither Forde nor Kyle, but Forde has long hair and a ponytail and he edges a design win for that

FE9/10: Not really into either, Titania masterrace

FE11/12: Abel yess

FE13: Sully no competition

red 3 green 2 not really a clear win, especially considering that Abel and Sully are the only ones I actually strongly prefer to their counterparts (and also most other units in their respective games, or at least Abel in 11 because rip unit balance in 12); Abel and Sully are the faster ones, though, but my real preference is Seth and Perceval types aka free god units |D

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Let's see,

Abel has been a little more reliable than Cain (Green/Speedy)

I like Noish a little more than Alec (Red/Strong)

I like Lance a little more than Alan (Green/Speedy)

I like Sain more than Kent (Green/Strong)

I like Kyle more than Forde (Green/Strong)

Oscar has been a little more reliable than Kieran (Green/Speedy)

I like Rody (Him?) a little more than Luke (Red?/Speedy) If it's Luke v Cecil then Luke wins

I like Stahl more than Sully (Green/Strong)

So that makes 6 green v 2 red and 4 strong v 4 speedy. I generally like the strong ones more comparatively than the speedy ones though.

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1/3/11/12: Abel, I guess - despite his questionable taste in women. Yet to play 12 translated, so not really sure about the differences in supports.

4: Alec, easily. Top, top lad.

5: ... Are there Red/Green knights in 5? Are Kein and Alba or whatever red/green? Neither of them have lines ffs

6: Lance, I guess. They're both featureless.

7: Sain, easily.

8: Forde, though Forde and Kyle together are my favourite pair.

9/10: Kieran. Oscar's fairly bland and has stupid perma-closed eyes.

Haven't played 13.

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I forget who I used in SS, so pass.

In SD I always used Abel as my main cavalier; my secondary cavalier would change in each playthrough, but Abel was the constant (plus he's badass in the manga).

However, in Awakening I tend to use Sully more, simply because Stahl has a bad habit of getting early-game RNG-screwed.

In general, however, I like the green cavalier designs more.

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Usually the green knights, but with one big exception. lol

I love Sain, and I also really like Oscar, Stahl, and Kyle. But my favorite cavalier knight of all is a red one. XD You can see him in my sig. :P

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FE6/FE8/FE11-No preference/other

It looks like I prefer the green guys over the red. But both Sain-Kent and Sully-Stahl are definitely very close; Oscar is the only clear winner for me.

In general, I prefer speed over strength in my units (even though it looks the opposite in my choices). Cavaliers, even the strength ones, must be fast enough to satisfy me.

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Usually, green knights. I like Sain and Kent equally (just like Alan/Lance), but I prefer Alec to Noish, Oscar to Kieran, Stahl to Sully and Abel to Cain. I'm not sure whether Luke is a green or red cavalier, but I prefer him.

I prefer stronger units than faster units. I had a run where my Lance turned out with ridiculously low str and absurd speed. Since then, I am traumatized.

Edited by Rapier
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I counted and it turns out I like more green ones than red. Stahl, Sain, Lance, Kyle and Alec, but I also like Cain and Kieran.

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FE4: Leaning more towards Alec in regards to overall ability. But I will use Noce if I'm using him for breeding.

FE6: Don't have any preferences for either. But If I had to choose one, I'd probably say Alan. Even if only due to that Fire/Fire combo with Roy, alone.

FE7: I like them both. But I prefer Sain. Marcus > both, though.

FE8: I'm more likely to use Franz and/or Seth, than I am to use either Kyle or Forde.

FE9: I lean more towards Oscar in this for his availability alone.

FE10: Neither one gets much preference from me.

FE11: I'll use both.

FE12: Same as FE11.

FE13: Same as the above two.

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Let's see:

Green: Abel, Alec, Lance, Oscar

Red: Kent, Kreiss, Forde

Since they are both so iconic and loveable, I really can't decide between Kein and Alva, so I guess it's green. And I usually don't see much of a difference between the Speed and Str values. You are usually fast enough to double either way and they rarely stronger enough to need fewer hits for a kill then the other.

Edited by BrightBow
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Lets see I liked Cain and Abel used them both, preferred Sain but Kent was good too, Titania wrecked shit, and I preferred Sully over Stahl. So I guess that makes me a red?

Sorry to nitpick, but Titania wasn't really a red/green cavalier. Like I'm sure you know, she was a jeigan. Kieran was the red cavalier IMO, albeit having a later join time than Oscar.

I mostly like reds better. Never played much of 1-3. I like Noish, Kent, Forde, Oscar and Sully more than their respective partners.

I don't have an opinion on Kein and Alva as I never used either.

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FE4: Noish (red/strong): Mostly for inheritance, as neither are very good

FE6: Lance (green/speedy): I usually use both early on and drop the one that isn't growing as well. Lance has been more consistent for me.

FE7: Sain (green/strong): He's much stronger than Kent and barely slower.

FE8: Kyle (green/strong): If I want a quick cav, I'd use Franz

FE9: Kieran (red/strong): Both are great, and I use both. I just like Kieran more.

FE11: Abel (green/speedy): Similar the Allen/Lance situation.

FE12: Luke (green?/strong): If I want a quick cav, I'd use Cecille.

FE13: Sully (red/speedy): Who I use is usually determined by who my pairs are, but I like Sully more.

So 3 red and 5 green, and 5 strong and 3 speedy. Speed is still the god stat, but most strong cavs are still fast enough to consistently double, so I usually prefer the extra damage.

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1/11: They're interchangable so both

3/12: Cain because he's more useful than Abel could ever hope to be

4: Noish for passing down critz

6: They're interchangable so both

7: Sain because personality is now more of a thing and I guess he's just overall better too. No one can beat the badass known as Marcus though

8: Kyle, though I generally prefer Franz and especially Duessel over the Christmas duo (assuming Seth ban lol)

9/10: Oscar is probably my favorite cavalier in the series so extreme bias here

13: Stahl just because he has the most adorable supports. I guess he's really good during maingame too.

Edited by The Batter
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1/3/11: Usually Abel over Cain but not by much

3/12: ...Does this one count?

4: I'm never not using both due to the nature of the game so...

5: lol

6: Alan tends to do better for me

7: Sain

8: Neither really

9/10: Close, but Oscar has the availability edge

13: I like both but Sully sees more use

More green than red here but it's so close it doesn't feel right to put one over the other

Usually strength over speed cavs though

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The only time I preferred the red cavalier is in Awakening because Sully was my waifu. Green is my favorite color, so I always picked that one. I also assumed the red one was stronger, but slower because of the color, so I didn't pay much attention to red as much as I did with the green one. I prefer units with high speed, as most people do.

I don't play for the gameplay as much as other people, so excuse me if I sound ignorant about the stats of the archetype.

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