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An army of Butlers! [children spoilers]


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Since I really like the butler class I have been checking how to get an army of butlers.

From what I can gather from the characters, their available classes and my understanding of this thread on marriage seals and children inheriting classes, this would be the playthrough for Nohr with the most butlers:

M!Kamui (2nd class Rod Knight -> Butler) x Zero (Marriage Seal -> Butler) 1 and 2

Joker (Butler) x (Azura, Luna, Belka, Pieri or Nyx) -> Deer (Rod Knight by default -> Butler) 3, and 4

Azura x (Joker, Odin, Lazward, Silas, Kaze or Flanell) -> Shigure (Rod Knight by inheritance instead of Songstress -> Butler) 5

Felicia x Xander (Marriage Seal -> Butler) -> Siegbert (Rod Knight by inheritance -> Butler) 6 and 7

Effie x Benoit (Marriage Seal -> Butler, because he already has her Knight class) -> Ignis (inherits Effie's Rod Knight because he already has Knight -> Butler) 8 and 9

Charlotte x Arthur (Marriage Seal -> Butler, because he already has her Fighter class) -> Lutz (inherits Charlotte's Rod Knight because he already inherits Arthur's Fighter -> Butler) 10 and 11

Leo (2nd class Rod Knight -> Butler) x (Luna, Belka, Pieri or Nyx) -> Foleo (Rod Knight by default -> Butler) 12 and 13

Elise x (Odin, Lazward or Flanell) (Marriage Seal -> Butler) -> No male child :( 14

Silas and Kaze (Buddy Seal with Joker -> Butler) 15 and 16

16 Butlers

For a 3rd Route Playthrough you can substitue:

F!Kamui (2nd Class Rod Knight) x (any Hoshido male with a male child) (Marriage Seal->Butler) -> M!Kanna (inherits Rod Knight) and Dad's male child (probably won't inherit Rod Knight but Dark Prince) +-0

Felicia x (any Hoshido male with a male child) (Marriage Seal->Butler) -> male child (inherits Rod Knight -> Butler) +-0

Elise x Ryoma (Marriage Seal -> Butler) -> Shinonome (Rod Knight by inheritance -> Butler) +1

Takumi (Buddy Seal with Joker -> Butler) +1

Kisaragi (Buddy Seal with Foleo or Deere) +1

Grey (Buddy Seal with Deere) +1

20 Butlers, but you will have to use your F!Kamui as a non-Butler.

For 3rd Route you could also use M!Kamui and marry any of the females you wish instead of Zero, because you have too many Butlers for the final map anyway.

Edited by Lexington
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I wonder if debuffs stack or if they work on final boss

I want lobster in a butler suit but both Elise and Felicia's str are shit rip Shinonome

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Well I mean, it is the final chapter, I might just pull some elaborate staff tricks out of the wazoo or sth, gotta get that low turn clear

If I do this it would be on Hard at most, if not Normal, so it can't be harder than L+, right

Edited by Thor Odinson
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If you farm to get 120 Steel Kunai and 154 of the appropriate gem you could forge 14 "Steel Kunai +3" with 13 Might, for about 240000 Gold.

You can also marry Aqua to Kaze. If Shigure already gets Rod Knight, you can nab Elite Ninja on him to get Kunaifaire.

You could also grab Luna, Bow Breaker, Rally Strength and Axe Breaker on the units that naturally get them before they reclass, or buy them from other castles.

And most importantly, look sharp

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But Shigure has Rod Knight by default.

Oh! Awesome!

I have been asking about what class Shigure inherits instead of Songstress but haven't gotten an answer until now.

In that case Joker and Azura become more flexible and can just marry whoever they/you want.

You are going to hate Axes and Bows.

How harsh are the weapon triangle penalties this time?

Also on Nohr, I'm not sure if you'd have enough gold to actually buy sufficient seals (because I don't think you get many, if any non-master seals in the game anyway)

Maybe by using My Castle a lot or something?

Another problem is going to be the limited Exp in a Nohr playthrough.

Is it the same for 3rd route?

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I think you're forgetting buddy seals. You can get some of your male characters to A+ support natural rod knights (Jakob, Deere, Foleo), so you don't have to overthink some marriages for the kids, just for the parents to get the class.

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I think you're forgetting buddy seals. You can get some of your male characters to A+ support natural rod knights (Jakob, Deere, Foleo), so you don't have to overthink some marriages for the kids, just for the parents to get the class.

Is there a list of the possible A+ supports yet?

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Heres the male list which i think is the only one you need atm. compiled by squkyshoes on the marriage thread.


So from that list on Nohr, you can buddy seal Kaze and Silas with joker to get 2 more butlers, you can also get Takumi to be one in Hoshido. So yeah you can make Takumi be a butler, i can't believe i just noticed that.

On the Kunai lock, i never played the game so i am no expert, but with an army of 1-2 rangers you should be able to avoid the weapon triangle for counterattacks on your phase as axes and bows are mainly stuck to 1 range or 2 range respectively (unless those 1-2 enemy only weapons are really common) and then you only have hit to worry about and kunai seem to have high hit, and butlers seem to have good skill. And with the right positioning you should be able to mostly avoid Axes and bows during enemy phase. Plus everyone is a staff unit so that might help.

Edited by goodperson707
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I find this hilarious because I went back to play awakening and decided for the last chapter I will make an army of great knights. Then I come onto the forum and find this

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I wholeheartedly approve of this post, too!

Infinite pirouetting army of butlers. It's a shame some 1st-gen pairings don't pass classes to one another. (If what I've read is true, pairings like CharlottexBenoit are pointless. =/)

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Heres the male list which i think is the only one you need atm. compiled by squkyshoes on the marriage thread.


So from that list on Nohr, you can buddy seal Kaze and Silas with joker to get 2 more butlers, you can also get Takumi to be one in Hoshido. So yeah you can make Takumi be a butler, i can't believe i just noticed that.

On the Kunai lock, i never played the game so i am no expert, but with an army of 1-2 rangers you should be able to avoid the weapon triangle for counterattacks on your phase as axes and bows are mainly stuck to 1 range or 2 range respectively (unless those 1-2 enemy only weapons are really common) and then you only have hit to worry about and kunai seem to have high hit, and butlers seem to have good skill. And with the right positioning you should be able to mostly avoid Axes and bows during enemy phase. Plus everyone is a staff unit so that might help.

Thanks! That brings the total up to 16! (or 18 for 3rd) Enough to use only Butlers on the final map!

You can welcome Axes and Bows with open arms if you equip the right people with Reverse Shuriken . . .

With Bowbreaker and Axebreaker being available to some of these characters, as well as the Reverse Shuriken the weapontriangle shouldn't be the problem.

So, if this plan works depends on how much gold you can actually get in the Nohr/3rd path campaign.

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^ the (non eternal) seals only cost 2000 g so i don't see a problem getting the gold you could sell 2 stat boosters and get 5 seals for example, plus you could sell most of your non kunai/staves weapons. You could also use Mouzume/Izana/Anna's access to great merchant and easy-life for a infinite if slow profit off golden coins in my castle battles (i assume easy life works in my castle battles). Luck% chance for 300 gold for 7 turns adds up. Plus you could invest by buying the skill for as many units as you can i forget how much skills cost though. Though the golden coin thing is moot if easy life does not work in my castle.

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For shits and giggles, you have to name your Avatar to "Sebastian" or "Hayate" for this to take full effect.

Man, you've really done your homework on how to get as many units as possible to be a Butler. Major props. And if you do indeed do this, I'd love to see you do an LP of it, or even just a video running the final chapter using only Butlers. I'd REALLY love to see this now.

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Wow, the more information I gather the more possible Butlers seem to pop up.

I'm at 20 for the 3rd Route now.

For shits and giggles, you have to name your Avatar to "Sebastian" or "Hayate" for this to take full effect.

Man, you've really done your homework on how to get as many units as possible to be a Butler. Major props. And if you do indeed do this, I'd love to see you do an LP of it, or even just a video running the final chapter using only Butlers. I'd REALLY love to see this now.

It'll be a while before attempting this, because 1) I have to wait for the EU release 2) this will not be my first playthrough.

Also, I have no real way of streaming or recording anything from my 3DS :-/

As for the name, I don't watch either of these anime, so it would probably be something else. Maybe Alfred or Jarvis. Maybe something generic butlerlike such as James, Giles or Jeeves. Or maybe Gerard Butler.

For those who prefer Maids to Butlers, I'm working on it :P

Edited by Lexington
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I would totally watch an LP of this if you ever decide to do this! This would be an extremely fun stream.

As for the Avatar's name, perhaps Frederick? He's basically the butler in Awakening.

Edited by ChocolaChao
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