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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

    • FF10
    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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Console because they are more powerful than handhelds and therefore capable of more. They're also cheaper than PCs. Many Xbone and Playstation games are playable on PC now, but Nintendo games aren't, which is why I prefer consoles atm.

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FE11 is simplicity done right. I don't need ridiculous stat caps, the life story of every character, or weapon triangles within triangles. And even if you lose your characters, you'll get replacements, either in the form of gaiden chapters or generics.

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I never really thought FE11 was a bad game and couldn't really get why it got a bad rep. Its good for what it is meant to be a faithful remake of FE1 and giving people a way to play the original game in the series fully translated in English.

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I never really thought FE11 was a bad game and couldn't really get why it got a bad rep. Its good for what it is meant to be a faithful remake of FE1 and giving people a way to play the original game in the series fully translated in English.

Yeah, but the only difference was a graphical update (and the art style is awful. The OA looks great, but the in-game portraits look so blah. They don't feel like they have any life or character in them and just lack emotion to me). It didn't get any of the current features, like supports, skills, etc. Imo, that kind of defeats the purpose of it being a remake. I can understand if the DS might not have been able to handle a few things, but really now.

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^You clearly haven't played the original FE1, if you think all it got was a graphical update.

Put bluntly, the original FE1 lacked the weapon triangle, the ability to promote several classes, and had an artstyle so hallariously bad that I legitimately can't recruit Ogma in the original without falling over laughing at his portrait.

Never mind how the townspeople are somehow more vauge than the old man in Zelda 1, and trading behaved very, very differently to the point it was near useless.

The amount of stuff FE11 DID add to the original should be applauded, but instead, we Americans who never got the game in the first place will complain that it didn't have features that honestly wouldn't work so well in FE 1 in the first place.

Skills for example, if they were in FE1, would basically break the game without reworking each stages design around them. In which case, you may as well make a new game anyway.

As for supports, look at New Mystery's excuse for support convos to see why they are a bad idea here.

FE11 is a fantastic remake when compared to the original, or the half-baked remake in FE3, which is more than can be said for most game remakes.

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Yeah, but the only difference was a graphical update (and the art style is awful. The OA looks great, but the in-game portraits look so blah. They don't feel like they have any life or character in them and just lack emotion to me). It didn't get any of the current features, like supports, skills, etc. Imo, that kind of defeats the purpose of it being a remake. I can understand if the DS might not have been able to handle a few things, but really now.

*What MCProductions said*

...Plus the fact that, y'know, healers only gained XP from getting attacked.

Shadow Dragon is what it is: it's simple, yes, but to me and many others, it's still a fun experience.

I'm always ticked off when somebody (or even an article) so much as implies that Shadow Dragon is what put the series in a bad spot. Nope; just look at the sales numbers. It was the Radiant Duelogy.

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Shadow Dragon obviously updated certain gameplay aspects from its original, but there's still a problem in that it still feels like a twenty-year-old game. Compare it to Pokemon remakes as an example; they simultaneously feel like the same game as the original and a new game at the same time because of specific features kept as well as other features updated and important new features implemented.

Skills for example, if they were in FE1, would basically break the game without reworking each stages design around them. In which case, you may as well make a new game anyway.

So...do just that? Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen managed to incorporate abilities, natures, two special stats, held items, and more without breaking the game. Why couldn't Shadow Dragon.

As for supports, look at New Mystery's excuse for support convos to see why they are a bad idea here.

Or they could have implemented them the way every FE since Binding Blade (sans RD) did. Why is New Mystery's system the only possible way Shadow Dragon could have done it? Even so, those are better than nothing. Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Some features in Shadow Dragon were added without a second thought however, they failed to accommodate the enemies with the addition of the weapon triangle, and some characters are much less useful since this is no longer a game with 20 caps. I'll defend that Shadow Dragon is an enjoyable game, but it's a rather lazy remake.

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Considering New Mystery's support system is basically POR's without the 5 max supports BS, I fail to see where you're coming from there, Red Fox.

Also, tho my only experience in Pokémon is Blue and Leafgreen, I honestly noticed the same amount of changes between those two games and SD and the original.

Tho I forgot this earier, supports DO exist in Shadow Dragon, just not in the form of support convos, tho support boosts do exist.

Am I the only one the game didn't feel 20 years old to. Maybe I just have odd tastes, but the game felt just fine and new enough to me.

There's a big difference between what skills do, and all those completely worthless additions in Pokémon do. I notice the effects skills have, and considering my only Pokémon experience is Blue and LeafGreen, and I noticed no real differences in difficulty, or what strategy was most effective between the two versions. Watch me be flamed for not knowing what those additions are in Leafgreen, or not even noticing them in my playthroughs

Also, I played both games at the same time FYI

Edited by MCProductions
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Sure, SD didn't start FE's decline, but it sure didn't help fix it. And I still think that if PoR and RD had gotten proper marketing and production, they wouldn't have started making the series decline. Look at how popular Ike is now despite his games' sales. His name and all got out there and he's loved. Japan actually loves him, contrary to what some of us (even I) believed! His games would sell much better now, I bet you anything.

Edited by Anacybele
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The only reason Ike is popular now is the same reason Marth and Roy are popular, Smash Brothers. Don't get me wrong, I like Ike, he's my second favorite character in the franchise, but proper advertising wouldn't of saved POR due simply to a lack of forgiveness for screwing up and accessibility in general that honestly FE didn't get until Shadow Dragon with its replacement characters and New Mystery with casual mode.

What got Awakening to sell was not advertising, but word of mouth when the game came out. For example, I didn't have internet access to see Nintendo Directs back when Awakening was released, nor did I watch tv whatsoever, yet I still heard of Awakening due to word of mouth, tried it out, and fell in love with the series.

Honestly, what surprised me about that Japan poll was that my number 1 and 3 characters were on there.

For craps and giggles, and to see how unpopular an opinion my like of these characters are, I'll post my top 5


2. Ike

3. Tiki

4. Roy

5. Lucina

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WRT Shadow Dragon: Red Fox said pretty much everything I would've. I don't necessarily think simplicity is in and of itself a bad thing, but too much of it can be a bad thing, and Shadow Dragon is pretty much Exhibit A in my book. To be fair, though, Radiant Dawn being its immediate predecessor might have something to do with that...

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Shadow Dragon had an excellent art style, Marth, and real multiplayer. The prologue, sound test, and updated mechanics and interface were wonderful.

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I won't vote in the SD poll because while FE11 is not a bad game at all, I can't really call it good either. It's like all the pros and cons of the game balance each other out perfectly so in the end it leaves me with nothing. What FE11 does, it does RIGHT, but the lack of features really bring it down.

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As far as SD goes, I do agree that it uses what it has alright for the most part, which is why I don't think it's a bad game. It just lacks so much substance.

What got Awakening to sell was not advertising, but word of mouth when the game came out. For example, I didn't have internet access to see Nintendo Directs back when Awakening was released, nor did I watch tv whatsoever, yet I still heard of Awakening due to word of mouth, tried it out, and fell in love with the series.

But the catalyst for word of mouth in this case is advertising. To look at the major marketing push Awakening got compared to its predecessors and say it wasn't important, word of mouth is what did it, is really naive. A good game will get people talking, but they need to know about it first.

In my personal experience, I obviously already knew about Awakening, but I didn't actually hear any of this supposed word of mouth myself (that is discounting anything on this site). I did, however, see some advertising, despite having not watched a minute of live television programming in years, nor watching Nintendo Directs (I didn't even know they were a thing at the time). It was just various ads around on the internet on YouTube and some gaming related wikis.

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I won't vote in the SD poll because while FE11 is not a bad game at all, I can't really call it good either. It's like all the pros and cons of the game balance each other out perfectly so in the end it leaves me with nothing. What FE11 does, it does RIGHT, but the lack of features really bring it down.

Wouldn't that just make it an average ok game?

I know you are not saying this but...

It seems to me that unless a game is ball dropping amazing now in days then it immediately sucks more shit than playing Superman 64 with a hangover by default (and lets face it that would suck ALOT of shit). At least thats the general feeling I get when very average games are brought up like SD or even Other M which I consider to be a very ok game. (gonna prepare my anus for that one)

Edited by LordTaco42
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The only reason Ike is popular now is the same reason Marth and Roy are popular, Smash Brothers.

Actually Marth was popular (in Japan) before Smash Brothers. It was because Marth was popular that he got into Smash Brothers in the first place.

The rest of your point still stands, though.

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Shadow Dragon obviously updated certain gameplay aspects from its original, but there's still a problem in that it still feels like a twenty-year-old game. Compare it to Pokemon remakes as an example; they simultaneously feel like the same game as the original and a new game at the same time because of specific features kept as well as other features updated and important new features implemented.

For all intents and purposes the Pokémon remakes are entirely new games, they share almost nothing in common with the original other than the Pokémon used and the map layout. Like in FireRed and LeafGreen, they didn't remake Gen 1 games, they just made Gen 3 games in Kanto. It's about as much of a remake as X-Com Enemy Unknown is to UFO Defense or Punch-out Wii is to the NES version. They're more like movie remakes, everything is completely different that it might as well be a new movie but the familiar characters and story is used to bank on nostalgia from old fans.

I don't think this should be how remakes should be made. They should focus on just improving the UI, fixing glitches, updating graphics and maybe tweaking levels and mechanics so they actually work like they're designed to. Anything else and you're not preserving the original and bringing to a new audience, you're just making a new game and claiming it's the old one.

Edited by Shrouded In Myth
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Let's see here

- 2D Zeldas > 3D Zeldas

- Majora's Mask > OoT

- Luigi is superior to Mario

- Shadow Dragon is a good game

- Radiant Dawn is also a good game, and had a good story

- I never cared too much for the story in FE games

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The only reason Ike is popular now is the same reason Marth and Roy are popular, Smash Brothers. Don't get me wrong, I like Ike, he's my second favorite character in the franchise, but proper advertising wouldn't of saved POR due simply to a lack of forgiveness for screwing up and accessibility in general that honestly FE didn't get until Shadow Dragon with its replacement characters and New Mystery with casual mode.

What got Awakening to sell was not advertising, but word of mouth when the game came out. For example, I didn't have internet access to see Nintendo Directs back when Awakening was released, nor did I watch tv whatsoever, yet I still heard of Awakening due to word of mouth, tried it out, and fell in love with the series.

So? It's stil popularity and it doesn't mean there aren't now plenty of people that want to play Ike's games, yet can't because IS won't re-release them.

And Marth was popular before Smash...

No, Awakening did great because of advertising and casual mode. Just because you heard of it by word of mouth doesn't mean everyone did. And why do you think you heard of it from someone? Because it was advertised enough for plenty of people to spread the word.

Edited by Anacybele
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