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That moment when the mayor of Montreal make a little ''joke'' about Americans being on their way to Canada:

"Veuillez prendre note: notre Bureau d'Intégration des Nouveaux Arrivants de Montréal sera ouvert exceptionnellement après vote Américain..."

''Take note that our office integration of newcomers of Montreal will exceptionally be open after the American's vote.

Edited by Nym
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He's not. He's good at making himself rich more than making his businesses flourish. The USD already took a hit and his lowering tax plan for the rich relies on a trickle-down effect to actually help America thrive.

The USD took a hit when Obama became president. It's standard economic uncertainty. Plus, it's recovering faster than with Obama.

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People are really giving presidents more credit then they are worth. They aren't the real decision makers Congress is and nobody likes them.

-Reverse any Supreme Court decision:

This includes Obergefell v. Hodges, which made same-sex marriage a constitutional right; Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, which reaffirmed a woman’s right to choose first articulated in Roe v. Wade, another Supreme Court case. Grutter v. Bollinger, which instituted affirmative action, the entire body of Civil Rights case law, plus anything related to due process, including the right of minors to due process, your right to an attorney, Miranda rights, inadmissible evidence, etc.
(Even if Trump appoints the worst possible SC nominee, they still can’t reverse any of these decisions without a really significant case coming before the Court with new facts, and then they have to write an opinion stating how this case is different than that other case…it’s unlikely to happen.)

-Write law or repeal any existing law

While traditionally, presidents have exerted influence on the legislative agenda (see, Obama’s role in advancing and promoting the Affordable Care Act) they cannot actually write or pass legislation. Bills, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, and simple resolutions must be introduced in the House by a Representative.

-Presidents cannot strike down law.

Only Congress can repeal laws, and only the Supreme Court can strike them down as unconstitutional.
Presidential influence is just that—influence.
(And if—for example—you are hated by 95% of the party you joined last week, and burned all your goddamn bridges by insulting them at various points in your campaign…..they’re unlikely to partner with you in crafting legislation.)

-Make any law or declaration that infringes in any way on the rights of the states

So in the US, most of the rights are reserved to the states. You name it, it’s a state-run power. Criminal procedure and law? States. Medicare and Medicaid? States. The definition of marriage? States. Insurance, health departments, housing, unemployment benefits, public education, all these are state programs. And the president cannot infringe on those powers given to the states.
(This is why down-ticket voting is so important, because Mike Pence as governor of Indiana had 800x the power he’s going to have as VP.)

-Declare war.

This one is the most complicated, because with the advent of our “conflicts” in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. there has been a significant shift in the articulation of the war doctrine, and it is one of the least restricted of the president’s “restricted” powers. But, despite all that, a president still has no power to declare war.

-Unilaterally appoint heads of administrative departments

-Unilaterally make treaties with foreign nations

Essentially, while presidents have a lot of power, it’s mostly unofficial—they can’t make sweeping laws, they can’t overturn existing rights, the most they can do is refuse to enforce them (which is absolutely a threat! and a problem!) but we aren’t electing de facto royalty here.

Presidents are really just figureheads or spokesperson. They barely have any significant power compared to the congress hell most of their laws they try to push would get quickly shot down. There's a reason why congress is so unpopular with the public yet no one has the drive to do anything about it.



it is dangerous and other choice words to think that the united states' head of state is a figurehead. there are three branches of government each with enumerated powers and checks and balances. the executive branch is one of them, and trump is now the head of it.

The USD took a hit when Obama became president. It's standard economic uncertainty. Plus, it's recovering faster than with Obama.

that's probably because obama came in during a recession.

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Belinda started crying, fearing for my safety here in the South during the election more than when I first moved here.

She has nothing to worry about, neither do you.

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So, uh what would be the best case scenario for America in the next four years seeing as Trump won?

I actually don't know; there's a large part of me that's just really, really curious as to what'll happen, because of how nebulous Trump's position on everything actually is.

I guess best-case is that nothing much happens?

Also, I'm eager to hear what Bob Gale (writer of Back to the Future) thinks...

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What gets done depends a lot on how much gridlock there is in Congress. Since Republicans are so fragmented, I feel like not much will get done, especially since a lot of Congressmen don't like Trump. The only thing I can imagine happening right now is repeal of Obamacare.

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Trump won and the Republicans control everything, happy day. :D Paul Ryan himself just said this is the first time this has been the case since 1928 holy crap, so this is historic. Ryan said this is all because of Trump too. Trump really surprised people! I figured as much too, because I had a feeling people were underestimating the guy and overestimating Hillary.

Hope this is all worth it in the end though.

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I've just watched the news and holy heck are people freaking over Trump winning.

Literally, a few people broke their TVs after watching the news of him winning.

Kinda scary, considering some people are fearing for their lives now, since he won.


in India,Trump supporters dance and try to feed his poster with sweets. I'm fearing for my country now.

Do you mean India or Indiana? I didn't know there were Trump fans in India. Sorry if that sounds bitchy, Est kept me up all night.

I actually don't know; there's a large part of me that's just really, really curious as to what'll happen, because of how nebulous Trump's position on everything actually is.

I guess best-case is that nothing much happens?

Also, I'm eager to hear what Bob Gale (writer of Back to the Future) thinks...

I'd imagine it would be like the joke:

Doc: Who's president in 1985?

Marty: Ronald Reagan

Doc: The ACTOR!?

Doc: Okay, who's president in 2017?

Marty: Donald Trump

Doc: Great Scot!

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I'm afraid as well. But generalizing such that all Trump supporters are enemies goes against the very spirit of "being united as a country despite our different views".

Belinda started crying, fearing for my safety here in the South during the election more than when I first moved here.

Labeling a group like how they do shows that fear has taken them over. It's a dark road to walk.

I have little respect for the man, but I respect the office. The authority that comes with it. While democracy is terrifying sometimes, it is what it is.

Aren't you a naturalized citizen? If so you're a legal citizen, you won't have to worry about deportation.
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Trump won and the Republicans control everything, happy day. :D Paul Ryan himself just said this is the first time this has been the case since 1928 holy crap, so this is historic. Ryan said this is all because of Trump too. Trump really surprised people! I figured as much too, because I had a feeling people were underestimating the guy and overestimating Hillary.

Hope this is all worth it in the end though.

Why do people keep saying this? The Republicans had the White House and both houses of Congress from 2003-2006. It was only 10 years ago.

Edited by Rezzy
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Why do people keep saying this? The Republicans had the White House and both houses of Congress from 2003-2006. It was only 10 years ago.

Because Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House, just said it? Why would he make a mistake like that? I'm afraid you're mistaken, Rezzy.

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Yeah, I don't think Bernie would've won, either. I don't know who else could've, really.

I think he would've done much better against Trump and probably won, but shoulda coulda woulda now. The DNC know they've made a huge mistake.
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Then Paul Ryan is mistaken. I just looked it up and the republicans did have majority in both houses of Congress from 2003-2006

Or he would like to forget the Bush Jr presidency.



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Then Paul Ryan is mistaken. I just looked it up and the republicans did have majority in both houses of Congress from 2003-2006

Hm, I still think it's odd that he would do so, but maybe he did. Huh.

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Or he would like to forget the Bush Jr presidency.



Could be, but now I'm looking back, and it seems the republicans also ruled both houses in congress and the presidency between '53-'55. So maybe he simply just didn't do his goddamn homework.

What a surprise.

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So, uh what would be the best case scenario for America in the next four years seeing as Trump won?


I can't say it's the best case, but I'm going to say it's a "likely case" scenario: we get a repeat of Reagan or Bush. And all that entails.

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Because Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House, just said it? Why would he make a mistake like that? I'm afraid you're mistaken, Rezzy.

Ryan is incorrect.

Bush was president from 2001-2009

In 2002 elections, the Senate was 51-48-1 in favor of Republicans, with the House at 229-205 with GOP advantage

In 2004 the Senate was 55-44-1 GOP, with the House 232-202 GOP

I've followed politics closely since the mid 90s, so I'm surprised that people forgot about this, when it was so recently.

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Because Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House, just said it? Why would he make a mistake like that? I'm afraid you're mistaken, Rezzy.

He was probably just trying to hype this up

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Haven't personally sourced this. Hope it's true though.14955872_1155481551154414_55505977850827

I have heard this before (though not quoted from Cobain), but I just have to ask, what makes a business tycoon incorruptible? Not to mention one has to also ask what their intentions might be. Is his intentions for the people, or for his pocket?

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Aren't you a naturalized citizen? If so you're a legal citizen, you won't have to worry about deportation.

It's not just a deportation issue; post-Brexit UK saw a sharp rise in racial attacks. Why wouldn't people fear that that might also happen in the U.S.?

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Nebraska re-installing the death penalty is probably the worst thing that happened in this election. Four states legalizing the herb is great though.

I'd imagine it would be like the joke:

Doc: Who's president in 1985?

Marty: Ronald Reagan

Doc: The ACTOR!?

Doc: Okay, who's president in 2017?

Marty: Donald Trump

Doc: Great Scot!

Made my day.

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