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5 minutes ago, Slumber said:

This whole thing makes Herman Cain's death so much sadder. Not that I think Cain's death was a tragedy in the sense that he was some great man who left an impact on the world, but this man supported Trump, DIED from Corona, which he got campaigning for Trump, and everyone just forgot. None of his peers cared to remember that he died, and his death wasn't a big enough deal for them to consider the virus dangerous.

Now Trump has it, and NOW republicans care.

Worse, his twitter then got use posthumously as a shill for the misinformation train. Regardless of how the man himself would feel, that's morbid.

I have kinda avoided saying much as a foreign observer because I know that I'd be liable to cause a scene based on where I lean politically. So watching the US Covid response has been mainly about keeping the bare minimum, I can't even listen to current affairs comedians at this stage it's that bleak at the worst case. Beyond that and cursory looks at how they're responding the the UK government being at it when it comes to Ireland once again and Pompeo being told the Pope isn't interested in endorsing today, not much has intrigued me.

But it's amazing to think that people are going full conspiracy that he's faking the whole thing to come out swinging and claim something stupid as the miracle cure in a few weeks and that's part of the plan. Four years of lies and deception, incompetence and neglect was all it took for me to think that crazy line of thought was anything beyond mad 4d chess.

Just, I'll leave a musing that the last 4 years since I compared Trump's acceptance speech to Paw Patrol has given me. I feel like America isn't going to be fixed by Biden winning. Not alone. There's a lot of stuff within the laws, standards and precedents that looks like they need addressing, but it would take some long term acknowledgement and willingness for some of that to even get discussed.

But I hope to fuck Trump doesn't win regardless, because that second term could kill the US.

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It is still possible that the resentment towards the Republicans for enabling Trump might also win out as well even if Trump himself kicks the bucket.

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I'm probably gonna upset someone and get a lengthy reply, but here goes:

I understand that Trump may not be the nicest person, and he's done good and bad things in his presidency, but as a human being, I don't think that anyone should have to go through any pain or sickness. Saying it bluntly, it sucks. However, that's not the kind of world we live in, and it may be too late to say that considering how many people have already left us due to complications with the virus. A lot believe believe that Trump has caused many unnecessary deaths due to his negligence, and I can understand that and perhaps agree, but I don't think that he or anyone else deserves to contract this virus.

I'm both worried and saddened. I'm worried because of how uncertain the future of our country has become in recent times. I'm also saddened by how indifferent people seem to be about the situation. Maybe he's finally getting his just desserts, I don't really know. I do know that people will be quick to point to how much death he may have caused that could have been prevented, which I guess makes what's happening ironic in that way. I'm not very interested in the politics of the situation; I'm more concerned about the health of another human being, which may be hard for others to consider given his position of power and what he's done with it and how much negative publicity he has. I don't think I've ever seen so much contempt for a single person, and quite frankly, I'm not really interested in how justified others believe they are in their contempt.

At the end of the day, I sincerely hope that all of us affected by this virus can continue to pull through, whether it be to help and care for those who are infected or to support those who have lost loved ones. If you've got a scrape on the knee or are missing an entire leg; if you got a mild cough or are vomiting up your lungs; you have my sympathy and support to make it through whatever may be afflicting you.

And unless this is some kind of divine trial to test humanity, I really hope that this all goes away soon. I know it's most likely a faulty sentiment, but I want things to go back to normal. It's all been going downhill ever since I graduated high school; I always knew that growing up sucks, smh dude. Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Edited by indigoasis
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I'm more worried about the dozens of White House staff these idiots likely have infected who can't afford to lose their jobs, who didn't deserve to be endangered because of their gross negligence.

I personally want him to live so he can lose the election, get tossed in jail and eventually die alone completely bereft of his wealth and self-respect. Covid is almost too easy.

Edited by Crysta
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47 minutes ago, indigoasis said:

I'm both worried and saddened. I'm worried because of how uncertain the future of our country has become in recent times. I'm also saddened by how indifferent people seem to be about the situation. Maybe he's finally getting his just desserts, I don't really know. I do know that people will be quick to point to how much death he may have caused that could have been prevented, which I guess makes what's happening ironic in that way. I'm not very interested in the politics of the situation; I'm more concerned about the health of another human being, which may be hard for others to consider given his position of power and what he's done with it and how much negative publicity he has. I don't think I've ever seen so much contempt for a single person, and quite frankly, I'm not really interested in how justified others believe they are in their contempt.

I do not think it is sad that people are indifferent to Trump catching COVID. It is what it is. I could just as easily flip the empathy argument the other way.

In my opinion, expecting people who have lost loved ones to COVID to care about Trump is even more downright insensitive. No one expects victims of bullying, robbery, rape, etc. to care about their abusers being punished. If we do not expect those victims to care about their abusers, we should not expect Americans as a whole to care about Trump.

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Man, if you think there's indifference and/or animosity going on here, you oughta have checked right-wing sites like Breitbart during McCain's death. Textbook examples of vitriol as far as the eye could see.

A friend was surprised to find that even though I despise Trump as much as I do, I'd still prefer that he recovers from this as the timing is pretty bad in my opinion. Folks can say it's Karma, divine intervention, just desserts or whatever the fuck they want to say but it's just the same foolishness you should come to expect from a kid catching a cold because they were out in the rain when told not to be.

I agree with the sentiment that it's better for him to recover so he could lose instead of having Covid as a way out for his base and the Republicans to keep making excuses. Losing in the election, prosecution by the states will serve the country better in the long run than the buffoon dying to Covid and ending up portrayed as the Martyr of Christians and Whites in the US. Do I feel bad that he caught it? Fuck no, he has effectively inflicted worse on people who didn't vote for him and people just seeking asylum.  

11 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

To resolve this problem, I propose we replace the office of the president with a hereditary monarchy.

Hell no. You could argue about the flaws of democracy and the impact misinformation can have on it all you like but at the end of the day the most disastrous and irresponsible presidents we've gotten have undeniably come from the Electoral College and the people that want to keep that shit are the same people playing hyperpartisan tactics to do whatever they want regardless of how much their own constituents disagree with them.

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2 hours ago, indigoasis said:

I'm probably gonna upset someone and get a lengthy reply, but here goes:

I understand that Trump may not be the nicest person, and he's done good and bad things in his presidency, but as a human being, I don't think that anyone should have to go through any pain or sickness. Saying it bluntly, it sucks. However, that's not the kind of world we live in, and it may be too late to say that considering how many people have already left us due to complications with the virus. A lot believe believe that Trump has caused many unnecessary deaths due to his negligence, and I can understand that and perhaps agree, but I don't think that he or anyone else deserves to contract this virus.

I'm both worried and saddened. I'm worried because of how uncertain the future of our country has become in recent times. I'm also saddened by how indifferent people seem to be about the situation. Maybe he's finally getting his just desserts, I don't really know. I do know that people will be quick to point to how much death he may have caused that could have been prevented, which I guess makes what's happening ironic in that way. I'm not very interested in the politics of the situation; I'm more concerned about the health of another human being, which may be hard for others to consider given his position of power and what he's done with it and how much negative publicity he has. I don't think I've ever seen so much contempt for a single person, and quite frankly, I'm not really interested in how justified others believe they are in their contempt.

At the end of the day, I sincerely hope that all of us affected by this virus can continue to pull through, whether it be to help and care for those who are infected or to support those who have lost loved ones. If you've got a scrape on the knee or are missing an entire leg; if you got a mild cough or are vomiting up your lungs; you have my sympathy and support to make it through whatever may be afflicting you.

And unless this is some kind of divine trial to test humanity, I really hope that this all goes away soon. I know it's most likely a faulty sentiment, but I want things to go back to normal. It's all been going downhill ever since I graduated high school; I always knew that growing up sucks, smh dude. Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk.

I think he stays alive to see us as Americans rebuke his bullshit. But I hope he suffers through it every step of the way.

He could be calm and still be suffering. But right now I bet it's killing him that he can't have a rally. Either way, many of us can argue that the last four years let alone the preceding decades were disqualifying for Trump to receive sympathy from people. Especially since this is some cosmic irony for perpetually downplaying COVID so he could blame Democrats.


He knew what he signed up for.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Should people have felt bad when Bin Laden was killed?  Hitler?  Stalin?  Sadaam Hussain?  I think it was mostly celebration.  I don't think people were hoping they would continue to live and prosper, cause all human lives are sacred.  Trump is just as monstrous as those individuals, but there are more checks in America (even if many are failing). 

Don't worry about Trump though, everything breaks his way.  Like always.  Luckiest man on Earth.  This is my prediction.  He recovers quickly, like by mid next week.  He claims he was hospitalized for precautions, and the virus was no big deal.  People praise his toughness.  He cheats/rigs/wins the election.  Destroys America.  Never suffers a single real consequence in his entire life.  Maybe drops Melania when she gets a little older and picks up another wife, rapes a few more women, continues to profit off the presidency and run cons left and right.

Sympathy for the devil?  No thanks.  I'm not so morbid to wish for his death, but I'm certainly not shedding any tears if that is what happens.  

I'm sick of Trump and the corrupt Republican party.  Hear about the robocall scam in Wisconsin?  Or how about how Texas governor decided now to only have one poll drop box per county.  Yeah the city of Houston will only have one box. Why?  Cause of security reasons or some other bullshit. Voter suppression at its finest. Biden only trails by 3 points and they want to make sure he has no chance.

  This party needs to be utterly destroyed, as I said before.  Then like beaten humiliated dogs they can rise again as something else, a respectable conservative party that plays by the rules. .  

Edited by Lewyn
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I'm glad I didn't take that to Twitter, or I would've gotten absolutely flamed (I arguably still got mildly toasted, though). 

11 hours ago, XRay said:

I do not think it is sad that people are indifferent to Trump catching COVID. It is what it is. I could just as easily flip the empathy argument the other way.

In my opinion, expecting people who have lost loved ones to COVID to care about Trump is even more downright insensitive. No one expects victims of bullying, robbery, rape, etc. to care about their abusers being punished. If we do not expect those victims to care about their abusers, we should not expect Americans as a whole to care about Trump.

I agree with this. As someone who doesn't pay all that much attention to politics (my only real news sources that keep me up to date would be this thread and twitter), I'm definitely naïve when it comes to caring about others, but that's probably just how I am in general. I don't expect everyone to suddenly flip their switch, obviously, especially for someone none of us personally know and have done some bad and questionable things. I don't really like either candidate as options for the President of the US, and I definitely see Trump as abrasive and rude. If I talked to others that way, I would probably get smacked (you can't really smack the President, though, or you'd prolly end up with longer than a life sentence in Alcatraz).

But I do hope he pulls through. I don't want to see a sitting president die in my lifetime, and I would hate not knowing what will happen in the future if he does dip out. As an unestablished young person, it's a scary thought. While I doubt it would happen, I hope he can see the error of his ways after he recovers. I think something like that would serve as a very alarming wake-up call. That doesn't mean he shouldn't face his due consequences, though.

12 hours ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

A friend was surprised to find that even though I despise Trump as much as I do, I'd still prefer that he recovers from this as the timing is pretty bad in my opinion. Folks can say it's Karma, divine intervention, just desserts or whatever the fuck they want to say but it's just the same foolishness you should come to expect from a kid catching a cold because they were out in the rain when told not to be.

I agree with the sentiment that it's better for him to recover so he could lose instead of having Covid as a way out for his base and the Republicans to keep making excuses. Losing in the election, prosecution by the states will serve the country better in the long run than the buffoon dying to Covid and ending up portrayed as the Martyr of Christians and Whites in the US. Do I feel bad that he caught it? Fuck no, he has effectively inflicted worse on people who didn't vote for him and people just seeking asylum.  

I absolutely despise knowing that another person is actively suffering. I wouldn't want something like that inflicted on even my worst enemy. Basically, I don't want people to suffer from any kind of pain, sickness, or physical/mental affliction that would or could be a detriment to their overall health. But I won't deny that someone should receive their due justice for their faulty actions. As SammyClassicSonicFan puts it, your actions have consequences.

I think that statement summarizes my thoughts the best.

10 hours ago, Lewyn said:

Should people have felt bad when Bin Laden was killed?  Hitler?  Stalin?  Sadaam Hussain?  I think it was mostly celebration.  I don't think people were hoping they would continue to live and prosper, cause all human lives are sacred.  Trump is just as monstrous as those individuals, but there are more checks in America (even if many are failing). 

Don't worry about Trump though, everything breaks his way.  Like always.  Luckiest man on Earth.  This is my prediction.  He recovers quickly, like by mid next week.  He claims he was hospitalized for precautions, and the virus was no big deal.  People praise his toughness.  He cheats/rigs/wins the election.  Destroys America.  Never suffers a single real consequence in his entire life.  Maybe drops Melania when she gets a little older and picks up another wife, rapes a few more women, continues to profit off the presidency and run cons left and right.

Sympathy for the devil?  No thanks.  I'm not so morbid to wish for his death, but I'm certainly not shedding any tears if that is what happens.  

While I wouldn't go so far as to compare him to those guys, or even the devil for that matter, I'm not sure if I would necessarily be sad about it either. It's not something any of us can control, so there's no point in getting upset about it, I suppose. With that logic in mind, I probably shouldn't be sad about how badly others treat others, but I still feel that way because I know that's not how you treat another person, and being able to treat others kindly is something within my realm of control that I can do.

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remove trump from the equation and a significant amount of people would stop suffering or be prevented from starting to suffer

additionally, the suffering he's currently enduring is due to his own hubris, not due to us being mean to him

you would not expect a drunk driver who recklessly drove over multitudes of people to be given much sympathy when we discover later that he has cirrhosis

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20 hours ago, Excellen Browning said:

I would not compare Trump to Hitler, Stalin or Saddam, but I wouldn't be very sad if he goes.

I do believe his chances of survival are very good, though.


10 hours ago, indigoasis said:


While I wouldn't go so far as to compare him to those guys, or even the devil for that matter, I'm not sure if I would necessarily be sad about it either. It's not something any of us can control, so there's no point in getting upset about it, I suppose. With that logic in mind, I probably shouldn't be sad about how badly others treat others, but I still feel that way because I know that's not how you treat another person, and being able to treat others kindly is something within my realm of control that I can do.

I compare him to those guys cause he is also an egomaniac sociopath with zero empathy.  He doesn't have a grand evil plan like racial purity, but he is just as evil and selfish.  If killing 10 million people would benefit him and he could get away with it he would do it without a second thought.

Now I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot.  What if Biden got Covid, what would Trump do?  Mock him about masks, call him weak, unpresidential.  What if Trump pulled a Putin and had him killed?  His degenerate supporters would be frothing at the mouth and cheer.  

The world will be a much better place without Trump, that is for sure.  

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I wouldn't compare him in sheer magnitude.

After his tax returns came out, it's very obvious to me he seized upon nationalism mixed with his own simpleton brand of racism / functioning to basically funnel shitloads of money towards his debts. He wants to keep being president to keep from paying his debts. He's very much the kind of person who would be the antagonist of Marge vs. the Monorail.

But this has still gotten 200k people killed, he wants power so he refuses to strike down white supremacists, lots of people have the plague (including him), and he ramped up bombing and drone strikes in the middle east by a shitload. He's also a huge sexual predator on top of being a con man, etc etc I really don't feel bad he has COVID.

My ideal situation is that he lives long enough to be prosecuted by the state of New York. Optimal humor is that he turns into the sick kid in the South Park episode Stanley's Cup, and I'll leave you guys to look that up.

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I'd rather Trump go to prison than die before he can be prosecuted, but I'm pessimistic enough about that actually working that I sure wouldn't complain if he just dies now.

 Especially if it helps derail the Supreme Court nomination and/or any attempts to fight the results of the election.

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1 hour ago, Excellen Browning said:


edit: and have another one


Not surprised about the falsehood. It’s been their M.O. of late. Heck, the white house released two staged photos od Trump “hard at work”, ten minutes apart and recycling the same three props: a black binder, a sharpie, and blank paper. Who wears cufflinks in a hospital?

Also, screw this guy, seriously. Those poor secret service.

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3 hours ago, Dai said:

Also, screw this guy, seriously. Those poor secret service.

At least let them wear hazmat suits or whatever the military equivalent to that is. A mask is good but you're asking a lot from it when the wearer is stuck in a hermetically sealed vehicle with an infected individual. But no, the maniac wants us to think we can co-exist with the virus. Trust the virus. Love the virus. The rest of the world won't matter.

Not all of us can afford six or seven experimental steroid serums as treatment. Good work, sir, you've proved the connection between our medicare system and our class system. If I had COVID, my prescription would be Tylenol and tea

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Okay after that motorcade stunt, I am hoping for his death.  So he has an active Covid infection, is contagious, and he forces secret agents to cram with him in that car so he can wave as a gesture of strength?  What a disgusting disregard for human life.  


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25 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

Okay after that motorcade stunt, I am hoping for his death.  So he has an active Covid infection, is contagious, and he forces secret agents to cram with him in that car so he can wave as a gesture of strength?  What a disgusting disregard for human life.  


And that’s if he actually has an infection. He could still very well be faking it. Nonetheless, it’s ridiculous.

They’ve got him on dexamethasone, now. I’ve heard it’s got some bad side effects, mental in particular.

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I kind of wonder if he truly does have it. I mean...someone brought up a fair point.

Within around seven days:
1) His tax documents show he's broke and paid around only $750 inauguration year and the year after in taxes with $450 million in debt
2) Leaked tapes with Melania show how bad she is with her disdain for Christmas and children, with special mention to those caged at the border
3) He arguably lost the presidential debate against Biden
4) He tried to hide his positive test result
5) And now, today’s “victory lap”?

Plus, this b.s. on the White House gift shop website:


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Trump being firehosed with scandal after scandal isn't anything new.

The victory lap that endangers everyone around him because he's insecure, has been watching the coverage, and wants to look strong is 100% within his character. So is hiding his test results. And trying to make merch out of virtually anything. He'd do all that even if he was sick and getting sicker.

He has it lol


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