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I now understand why today is usually not of national importance. This is incredibly boring to watch. And then that jackass Hawley had to go and make it another couple hours longer. Republicans, man. *shakes head*

EDIT: Oh, the first guy speaking in the House is lying. What a shock. I'm shocked.

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All this is very politically beneficial to the Democrats.  They won both Senate seats in the runoffs, and this is much scarier and more offensive than all of Trump's complaining the past few months.  This is going to turn off most all independents and many Republicans from Trump and Trumpists.  I don't know why even after all this some of these Republicans think it is politically beneficial to keep peddling Trump's false claims.  

2 weeks is much too long, Trump needs to be removed tomorrow.  25th amendment is the only fast way to do it I think.  Facebook and Twitter banning him is a good start, hopefully all TV stations refuse to give him airtime.  He is obviously going to continue his claims and incite violence.

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Considering they are domestic terrorist and many probably traveled there from all around the US, can businesses refuse to provide service to them even if they had prior agreements, like a travel agency?

I think a case can be made that these people pose a significant threat to their employee's safety.



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5 minutes ago, Clear World said:

Considering they are domestic terrorist and many probably traveled there from all around the US, can businesses refuse to provide service to them even if they had prior agreements, like a travel agency?

I think a case can be made that these people pose a significant threat to their employee's safety.



Uhh. . .what?  I'm literally not sure what the point of this is.

I guess they could, if they started threatening their workers.  Or hell, I'd do it on the grounds that they're probably not wearing face masks.

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4 hours ago, eclipse said:

Or hell, I'd do it on the grounds that they're probably not wearing face masks.

Yeah, it is a lot easier to refuse service based on this than them wearing a MAGA hat. Businesses are required by law to enforce mask wearing in stores at least in California. Refusing a customer because they are wearing a MAGA hat seems pretty questionable. Just because some Trump supporters are criminals and terrorists does not mean they all are.

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I think @Clear World is thinking specifically of the domestic terrorists that stormed the capitol. Because letting terrorists fly with airplanes might not be the best idea.


Although we mustn't forget that they're all just protestors, amiright?

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2 hours ago, ping said:

I think @Clear World is thinking specifically of the domestic terrorists that stormed the capitol. Because letting terrorists fly with airplanes might not be the best idea.


Although we mustn't forget that they're all just protestors, amiright?

Unless they release security footage or something, we do not know who broke into the Capitol though, so it would be kind of hard to create a no fly list until we identify them.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

Unless they release security footage or something, we do not know who broke into the Capitol though, so it would be kind of hard to create a no fly list until we identify them.

Some of the lunatics were proudly posing on pictures so it shouldn't be too hard to track some of them down. 

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7 hours ago, Excellen Browning said:

It's probably time to start calling your senators and telling them to impeach.

Is it possible to do it in the thirteen days Trump has left? I would have thought that it would take a lot longer than that.

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His first impeachment lasted less than two weeks, off the top of my head, and involved a week of testimony. All of that can be skipped now.

In all honesty, just impeachment isn't the solution I want. I want trump to be removed from power under the 25th amendment, and then impeached and banned from ever holding public office ever again.

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54 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Some of the lunatics were proudly posing on pictures so it shouldn't be too hard to track some of them down. 

Yeah, I guess it is always good to start banning some terrorists from flying, especially the really obvious dumb ones who post pictures of themselves. The FBI are also looking for information and tips to see who broke into the Capitol, and they are requesting digital media (I assume that means those dumb selfies that some terrorists took while in the Capitol) to track them down.

The police also found pipe bombs and molotovs near the Capitol building. So yeah, I do not think it is a stretch to label these rioters as terrorists.

I guess for me personally, the most infuriating thing is to see that stupid ass Confederate flag in the Capitol. That really pisses me off. Not only is it a symbol of slavery, it is also a symbol of treason and betrayal, and I find displaying such a flag at the Capitol to be utterly despicable.

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On the one hand, certification did happen.

On the other hand there were plenty of people trying to stir shit in the proceedings and peddling lies and fantasies.

I'm going to link the list here, it's amazing how many were willing to do so.

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15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Already on its way.


I think business lobbyists are also trying to do something similar via the Republican side through Pence and the cabinet to get Trump removed due to him being unfit for office? But yeah, doing both at the same time would be good, since I am not sure Republicans are going to do much against Trump even with business lobbyists urging them to.

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I'm happy that Congress reconvened last night to finish certifying the votes, once it was safe to do so. With everything that's going on, we can't waste a single day. 

The common meme for the past week is that 2021 is just 2020 "going into extra innings" but if you ask me, we'd be off to a great start getting that monster out of office ahead of schedule. 

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It's kind of amazing, looking in the right-wing version of reality, they believe that it is the double-standard that BLM are the ones that were always treated well by the police and the powers that be and they are the ones that are discriminated against.

Mind you, when they storm a federal building in a way that can only be described as insurrection.

Maybe if they had some sort of legitimate grievance or issue, but their goal is to put a rich elite reality tv star back in office after he lost his second term, and nothing else.

I suppose Trumpism and by extension authoritarianism has fully taken root even after he is gone. But somehow they don't see it that way.

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