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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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mspaint for most things, occasionally photoshop if i want to do something more complicated

mspaint wins overall for convenience though

Edited by Vendetta
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I wanted to do the 100 questions thing but Saturday I was too busy to be at my computer and Sunday my internet didn't work.


1. What would you say is your greatest strength? - My ability to keep going.

2. What are your greatest weaknesses? - I'm horribly unmotivated and have trouble starting in the first place.

3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have? - Digimon games.

4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be? - Puzzle.

5. What would the difficulty be set at? - Intense.

6. Favorite fe game? - Gay-den.

7. What constitutes a good day for you. - Not getting yelled at too much and/or something I was hoping would happen actually happens.

8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be? - Drums.

9. What FE character do you relate to most? - uhhhhhh Sety cuz I'm more helpful to other people than I am to my family. :(

10. Black or white? - Black.

11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness? - The former, because I live with the latter and am not happy.

12. Why gharnef? - Because he's old and we need to give him attention b4 he kicks the bucket :<

13. If your life was a book, what would the title be? - Harry Potter and the Shameless Knockoff

14. What historical figure do you admire the most? - Orpheus because he went to the FUCKING UNDERWORLD for the woman he loved, but had her taken away from a stupid technicality, which I can relate to and shit. ...Mythology counts as history right.

15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all? - I'm more awkwardly reserved IRL, but more awkwardly awkward online. I play up the weirdness online I guess.

16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with? - Small group I know well.

17. Favorite piece of music? - Anything by Michael Jackson.

18. How good are you at following your goals? - I have no goals so I guess I'm good at following them?

19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion? - uhh extroversion

20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future? - What game?

21. What does it mean to be successful in life? - To be content, safe, and able to take care of yourself with some degree of certainty.

22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently? - I've been growing more depressed over the past year in particular, please don't.

23. Fondest memory? - This birthday, my friend took me to sushi. It was really special because I was otherwise expecting a dull birthday.

24. What type of weather represents your mind? - Stormy.

25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality? - uhh synthesizer?

26. What personality traits do you admire in other people? - Patience.

27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different? - I can't tolerate myself, so...

28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say? - "Don't get caught up in this shit."

29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell? - Heaven so I have something to strive for instead of something to fear.

30. Favorite quote from my sig? - Whose sig?

31. How good are you in a crisis? - I freeze up.

32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix? - both for most fun.

33. Favorite thread on this forum? - Touhou thread is the only one I really post in so...

34. How adaptable would you say you are? - Depends on how I need to adapt.

35. Favorite number? - 22

36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be? - I still need to make it.

37. Favorite trope? - I shouldn't say.

38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? - I shouldn't say so I don't embarrass them.

39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself? - "I'm considerate" and "I'm a good friend" although I'm not honestly convinced on the latter.

40. Top 2 insults? - "neckbeard" and "retard" are the only ones I remember. The former just for how much of a weird term it is and the latter because I call myself it all the time.

41. Pancakes or waffles? - Pancakes.

42. Do you think it could be a children's book? Barring the eating part. - What kids book?

43. At the cost of any of your 5 senses, what super power would you grant anybody you knew, which sense would you sacrifice and why? - I'd give up my sense of smell (it doesn't work anyways, I can't smell ANYTHING unless its offensively bad but then I'm smelling something offensively bad) to give my mother better healing factor, or something.

44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done? - Probably.

45. Favorite place to visit - my local game/comic shop, although that's falling apart somewhat.

46. Do you think it's possible to actually have one, at length without childish responses? (Including, but not limited to the use of internet memes and snark.) - One what?

47. What are 3 foreign dishes you would like to try? - Korean food, uhhhh Thai food, uhhhh help.

48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it? - Orpheus and Eurydice.

49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it? - Bahamut. I'd name... it... Bahamut. >.>

50. What do you like about yourself? - uhh I guess I'm good at making jokes about anything?

51. What historical event would you like to witness? - uhhh the end of G4? The whole thing was like watching a friend deteriorate going down a bad path, and for a while you couldn't see them or check up on them (had no cable much of the time) but when you finally get to see them again you find out they're already dead. I mean I can watch it on Youtube but it doesn't feel the same...

52. Who's the person in your avatar? - Koishi from Touhou, from a weird Simpsons reference.

53. Opinion of sudokus? - They're not too challenging IMO.

54. Favorite pokemon? - Zapdos

55. Have you got any amiibo? - Roy, Robin, Ryu, ZSS, Ness, Shulk, Zelda.

56. Favorite seafood? - I'm vegetarian.

57. Opinion of the Tales series? - It looks cool.

58. Favourite kind of meat? - I'm vegetarian.

59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game? - I dunno if it counts, but Bomberman MAX 2 on the GBA tried the prerendered 3d graphics thing that DKC and Mario RPG did. It was on the GBA so it looked like shit.

60. Have you played Mafia before? - Once. I got voted off really fast because I'm naturally introverted and people got suspicious of that.

61. How do you feel about the Zelda series? - I like it.

62. Favorite music genre? - uhhh I guess rock?

63. Do you have any phobias? - Fear of rejection mostly.

64. Least favorite pokemon? - I'm not too fond of Scrafty for whatever reason. Also Landy-T is kinda annoying to me for different reasons (it's the most Overused pokemon ever but Smogon seems to gleefully ignore it's "removal of overcentralizing forces" thing)

65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games? - Yes

66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to? - It gets taken too seriously by people. Also tier lists are funny.

67. Do you speak anything beside English? - no

68. ^Are they languages you want to speak? - no

69. What consoles do you have? - Wii, 3ds, PS2, N64, SNES. The latter two I don't have much of my games for anymore.

70. ^What was your first? - my first was my NES which I no longer have.

71. Opinion of Blackjack? - 21.

72. Any hobbies? - YuGiOh and slight MMD I guess?

73. What is the best thing you've tasted? - Teriyaki sauce from a brand I don't remember.

74. Favorite mode of transportation? - Car.

75. Bread ot toast? - Both.

76. Favourite form of bread? - Advent Bread.

77. Do you like chocolate? - hell yes.

78. Salt or sugar? - both are good together.

79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover? - I've slept without either before so.

80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself? - Drive it myself.

81. Opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles? - I'M REALLY FEELIN IT

82. Least favourite game you've played and why? - Spiderman 2 on the Gameboy Color because I rented Pokemon Crystal from Blockbuster but got that instead (with a Crystal sticker on the cart) and HOW!?

83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions? - College tests.

84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming? - I took it one question at a time and am already at 80-something so not especially.

85. Least favourite part of school? - Waking up to go there.

86. Opinion of shopping? - I wish I had my friend to help me a bit more because when I make the big shopping trips and have to walk all that crap home on foot its exhausting.

87. Favourite Pokemon type and why? - Psychic because it feels powerful, even though it's weak to a lot and strong against a little.

88. ^Least favourite and why? Ice kinda is weak to everything.

89. Favorite day of the week? - Friday.

90. Favorite shade of blue? - Azure.

91. What one mythological item would you bring into existence? - Excalibur.

92. You have one chance to use alchemy, what do you create with it? - The Philosopher's Stone. If I only have one shot why not go all out?

93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not? - Playing MH4u with my friends. I've been too tired to play it properly myself (I'd suck ass) and I didn't ask because I feel my friends who I play it with are busy with other games.

94. Preferred accessory? - None.

95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas? - "Everything is black or white or grey whenever it suits you!"

96. What are your dreams? - To be among my friends and have a stable life.

97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it? - No, it's boring and depressing and the guy is angsty.

98. Favorite subject in school? - Math.

99. Least favorite? - History.

100. Opinion on ama threads? - What?

And for today, I mostly just use MSPaint. or Paint Shop Pro if I need to do something more technical.

Edited by Zak Something
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I like Paint Tool SAI for drawing and art stuffs and I like GIMP for image editing and good ol' MS Paint is fun for simplicity

same except i use corel painter for my art

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