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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Extroverts tend to be miserable in very profound ways if their needs arent met. (and they tend to make other people miserable in the process.

wow i might have taken a tiny wee little bit of offense :(

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19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion? I find introverts to be happier overall. Extroverts tend to be miserable in very profound ways if their needs arent met. (and they tend to make other people miserable in the process.)

holy shit what

you may need a therapist

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wow i might have taken a tiny wee little bit of offense :(

holy shit what

you may need a therapist

As an extrovert, i know for a fact that happens. It happens with my mum, my best friend, and other extroverts i know. We all get pissy af if needs arent met. Introverted people tend to be contented when they are left alone. And i think i misread the question. I thought it said NEGATIVE affect on people

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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[spoiler=The Spanish Shinquisition]

1. What would you say is your greatest strength?

Being able to listen then make a decision.
2. What are your greatest weaknesses?

Unfortunately executing that decision sometimes takes time.
3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?

Super Robot Wars, too lazy to emulate, too cheap to buy
4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?

Probably a point and click adventure.
5. What would the difficulty be set at?

Hard enough that you need to write down notes regularly and get lost in the overworld
6. Favorite fe game?

7. What constitutes a good day for you.

Waking up after 8am.
8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be?

Violin or Piano
9. What FE character do you relate to most?

Possibly Henry or Kempf
10. Black or white?

11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness?

Probably the latter, although it's kinda a sucky question.
12. Why gharnef?

Because quality threads.
13. If your life was a book, what would the title be?

Crumpets, tea and a colonectomy.
14. What historical figure do you admire the most?

Oliver Cromwell
15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all?

Pretty much identical, although maybe slightly less ragey but more British.
16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with?

Both in different situations, I kinda have both to be honest.
17. Favorite piece of music?

Swan Lake's main overture.
18. How good are you at following your goals?

Pretty good to be honest, most of them tend to be really long term ones.
19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion?

Don't you mean effect, scrublord? I'd say introversion, mostly because it can promote self understanding.
20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future?

I haven't played normal mode since FE7, so no!
21. What does it mean to be successful in life?

To look at what you've done and say "man, that was pretty swag"
22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently?

Nothing much really, I'm pretty content.
23. Fondest memory?

Either getting into uni or my brother's first words.
24. What type of weather represents your mind?

Fairly cool, enough to consider a jacket, with an annoying wind that keeps changing direction
25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality?

26. What personality traits do you admire in other people?

Empathy and honesty. It's OK to be lazy or cowardly, just as long as you don't make excuses.
27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different?

Probably different, although with the same core values.
28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say?

Be prepared to explain that you are neither a nazi or conspiring to overthrow the US government at an airport.
29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell?

Probably hell, just to see how bad it is.
30. Favorite quote from my sig?

"The words on the paper don't matter, it's what you retain" - Shin, it was totally there, I swear
31. How good are you in a crisis?

Pretty decent to be honest, as long as I have a few seconds to figure stuff out.
32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix?

Probably fantasy
33. Favorite thread on this forum?

Soul's containment thread, it was amazing.
34. How adaptable would you say you are?

As long as it's not a total 180, I'm generally OK.
35. Favorite number?

36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be?

Hey, Hey, Let's Dance All Day!
37. Favorite trope?

Badass Old Guy
38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

Jesus, he sounded like a cool guy
39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself?

1. You're better than Horace at X...

2. Anything really, my ego likes being stroked

40. Top 2 insults?

1. You're worse than Horace at X...

2. Doesn't really matter.
41. Pancakes or waffles?

Despite my mafia legacy, actually pancakes.
42. Do you think it could be a children's book? Barring the eating part.

I mean, the very hungry caterpillar was a book, right?
43. At the cost of any of your 5 senses, what super power would you grant anybody you knew, which sense would you sacrifice and why?

I'd give my sense of smell to ensure Integrity has the power to ensure questions like this don't suck.
44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done?

Nah, I talk the talk only because I walk the walk.
45. Favorite place to visit

There's a neat forest near where I live which is pretty nice to walk in.
46. Do you think it's possible to actually have one, at length without childish responses? (Including, but not limited to the use of internet memes and snark.)

Let me ask Lord Helix about that one.
47. What are 3 foreign dishes you would like to try?

Not too sure, but I'll try most things once.
48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it?

Probably the Odyssey.
49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it?

Eddie the Eagle.
50. What do you like about yourself?

A whole lot actually, I'm pretty AMAZING.
51. What historical event would you like to witness?

JFK's assassination
52. Who's the person in your avatar?

Nobody has avatars like Gaston!
53. Opinion of sudokus?

I like them but I never get around to finishing them.
54. Favorite pokemon?

55. Have you got any amiibo?

Only the ones I've been given!

56. Favorite seafood?

Smoked Salmon
57. Opinion of the Tales series?

My weebometer is off the charts!
58. Favourite kind of meat?

59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game?

A self insert character who can marry most of the cast, oh wait!
60. Have you played Mafia before?

61. How do you feel about the Zelda series?

One of my favourite gaming series, kinda been lame for the last couple of years though.
62. Favorite music genre?

A lot of things, I like music that tries to cross genres.
63. Do you have any phobias?

Snails. They're wannabe slugs with helmets. I also stepped on one barefoot as a child.
64. Least favorite pokemon?

Most of the new ones.
65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games?

Yes, all of them.
66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to?

Fun but full of tryhard NERDS.
67. Do you speak anything beside English?

Serviceable German, small amounts of French, Spanish, Latin, Polish, Hindi and Moonspeak.
68. ^Are they languages you want to speak?

I'd kinda like brush up on most of the small ones.
69. What consoles do you have?

3DS, otherwise I mooch.
70. ^What was your first?

Sega Genesis.
71. Opinion of Blackjack?

Cardgame? I like counting cards.
72. Any hobbies?

Music, swimming, tennis, sleeping.
73. What is the best thing you've tasted?

Your mom.
74. Favorite mode of transportation?

75. Bread ot toast?

76. Favourite form of bread?

Tiger Bread.
77. Do you like chocolate?

Only if it's super dark.
78. Salt or sugar?

79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover?

Without a pillow, forgive me my neck.
80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself?

Drive itself, driving is tedious.
81. Opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles?

Never played it, seen a lot of the cutscenes. Seems NEAT. Best voices.
82. Least favourite game you've played and why?

I've played too many sucky games to recall one in particular.
83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions?

If you're as handsome as me.
84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming?

Not gonna lie, this took me nearly an hour.
85. Least favourite part of school?

86. Opinion of shopping?

Enjoyable enough, but the process of getting there and back sucks.
87. Favourite Pokemon type and why?

Grass, had a soft spot for Bulbasaur in the animoo.
88. ^Least favourite and why?

Dragon, they're kinda LAME.
89. Favorite day of the week?

90. Favorite shade of blue?

91. What one mythological item would you bring into existence?

Philospher's Stone.
92. You have one chance to use alchemy, what do you create with it?

A non stick frying pan that works.
93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not?

Lots of things.
94. Preferred accessory?

Bowties are cool again.
95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas?

If you think about it, black is just a really dark shade of grey, and white is just the other side.
96. What are your dreams?

To fly.
97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it?

Why did they cast Charlie Sheen as me.
98. Favorite subject in school?

99. Least favorite?

100. Opinion on ama threads?

Worst thing ever.

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wow i might have taken a tiny wee little bit of offense :(

It's also statistically proven that extroverts are more likely to take offense to passing comments, mostly because they proportionally less time reflecting their internal values and self worth.

They're also known for being SUCKERS.

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It's also statistically proven that extroverts are more likely to take offense to passing comments, mostly because they proportionally less time reflecting their internal values and self worth.

They're also known for being SUCKERS.

Stop posting.

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As an extrovert, i know for a fact that happens. It happens with my mum, my best friend, and other extroverts i know. We all get pissy af if needs arent met. Introverted people tend to be contented when they are left alone. And i think i misread the question. I thought it said NEGATIVE affect on people

it's true that extraverts get pissy if our needs aren't met, but introverts get pissy if their needs aren't met either - their needs are just different

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It's also statistically proven that extroverts are more likely to take offense to passing comments, mostly because they proportionally less time reflecting their internal values and self worth.

They're also known for being SUCKERS.

i like this comment even if you didnt cite a study. im assuming there isnt, but wouldnt measuring something like being an extrovert or introvert be very subjective?

shut up

Stop posting.

no you stfu

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it's true that extraverts get pissy if our needs aren't met, but introverts get pissy if their needs aren't met either - their needs are just different

Yeah. But we, as extroverts, are like really freaking loud about it lmao! Cuz you know...

The actual answer to the CORRECT WORDING of the question, (herbadurr) for me: is both have their merits. And a balance struck between extroversion and introversion is healthiest.

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introverts aren't necessarily quiet and extraverts aren't necessarily loud

I think people keep confusing introverts as quiet (and shy) people and extraverts as boisterous but that's not always the case

Introverts are energized by alone time, extraverts are fueled by socializing. Integrity is pretty loud and really really good at socializing, he's not at all shy. But he gets worn out after enough socializing and after doing so he needs some alone time to rest.

I can be pretty shy and quiet, but I don't at all mind company and in fact I am very capable of feeling lonely. But after being around enough company long enough, I get real worn out.

All different sorts of introverts exist and that's because it's a term that covers a variety of people.

EDIT: but yeah whenever Integrity asks me "hey my chinese professor invited me to a party wanna come" I say "yeah sounds like fun~!" because I am not opposed to having a good time with other people!!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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lol i thought shin's post was actually posted by florina, it's okay in the normal shin context of being on the fringes of the conflict rather than being the straw that broke the camel's ba-

Yeah. But we, as extroverts, are like really freaking loud about it lmao! Cuz you know...

The actual answer to the CORRECT WORDING of the question, (herbadurr) for me: is both have their merits. And a balance struck between extroversion and introversion is healthiest.

oh, come on

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You dont believe people can have both traits? Freohr pointed it out and i think its a good post. And kinda what i meant.

Well what that means is that introverts are just as capable of being loud about their concerns just like extraverts! Because neither of those terms have anything to do with one's vocalness!

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i would say that introverts would be the ones more likely to make others miserable, simply because they don't "tend" to enjoy others company for extended periods and prefer to be alone

either way you may see the one that you're not as more desirable but both get tired of being in a particular situation for too long like freohr said

but y'know i'm a nerd so what would I know

Edited by Tryhard
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You dont believe people can have both traits? Freohr pointed it out and i think its a good post. And kinda what i meant.

i don't know, you said "cuz you know" when i do not, in fact, know your point, besides some generically wrong definition of extroversion

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[spoiler=doot]1. What would you say is your greatest strength?

- I'm a listener.

2. What are your greatest weaknesses?

- I can't make decisions to save my life.

3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?

- I can't think of a series, but I've been wanting to try the newest Counter Strike.

4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?

- The Sims

5. What would the difficulty be set at?

- ( )

6. Favorite fe game?

- FE5 because I like taking a cheese grater to my balls.

7. What constitutes a good day for you.

- hanging out w/ the boys or the girl have never been bad times

8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be?

- Violin. Or piano. Or a piano taped to a violin.

9. What FE character do you relate to most?

- Cordeezy

10. Black or white?

- White

11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness?

- Former.

12. Why gharnef?

- why not

13. If your life was a book, what would the title be?

- Three Days and the Rest of My Life

14. What historical figure do you admire the most?

- None off the top of my head.

15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all?

- If I haven't known you a majority of my life, then it's like night and day. Almost no difference otherwise.

16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with?

- Former.

17. Favorite piece of music?

- lmao i'll never have an answer to this in my lifetime.

18. How good are you at following your goals?

- I have like no goals.

19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion?

- case by case basis cuz knowing when to not talk is just as important as knowing when to talk

20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future?

- i'll probably start whatever next FE on normal like i usually do

21. What does it mean to be successful in life?

- be happy more often than not

22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently?

- I wouldn't change anything.

23. Fondest memory?

- see above

24. What type of weather represents your mind?

- cloudy or rainy

25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality?

- xylophone

26. What personality traits do you admire in other people?

- A good sense of humor goes a long way for me.

27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different?

- Mostly similar with some STRIKING differences.

28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say?

- I wouldn't.

29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell?

- Hell

30. Favorite quote from my sig?

- I'm not turning on sigs to look at them!

31. How good are you in a crisis?

- Pretty good if it's not realted to me personally.

32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix?

- Either or.

33. Favorite thread on this forum?

- this one

34. How adaptable would you say you are?

- very adaptable, only when i need to though i'm lazy

35. Favorite number?

- 7

36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be?

- idklol

37. Favorite trope?

- Joke Character

38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

- they know who they are, probably

39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself?

- "Smart" anddddd "mature" ??? I really can't remember.

40. Top 2 insults?

- I don't think I keep track of these things.

41. Pancakes or waffles?

- Pancakes.

42. Do you think it could be a children's book? Barring the eating part.

- I legit don't understand this question.

43. At the cost of any of your 5 senses, what super power would you grant anybody you knew, which sense would you sacrifice and why?

- Flight. Smell. I think not being able to smell shit or barf or garbage far outweighs all the good smells because bad smells make me barf on demand.

44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done?

- Yes.

45. Favorite place to visit

- don't have one

46. Do you think it's possible to actually have one, at length without childish responses? (Including, but not limited to the use of internet memes and snark.)

- A lot of your questions sound like they're missing like, the most important word.

47. What are 3 foreign dishes you would like to try?

- I don't really look at foreign dishes to actively want to try them, but I've never had sushi or curry off the top of my head.

48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it?

- If you say kanye west in the mirror three times he shows up.

49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it?

- turtle. timmy. timmy turtle.

50. What do you like about yourself?

- My eyes.

51. What historical event would you like to witness?

- if i could be one of the dudes that landed on the moon the first time that would be pretty cool.

52. Who's the person in your avatar?

- I already forgot his name, a sign of my affection.

53. Opinion of sudokus?

- I have a crippling inability to solve sudokus.

54. Favorite pokemon?

- Too many to list, but if they look dumb and/or happy(ie. Wooper, Shroomish, Poliwag) they are on the list.

55. Have you got any amiibo?

- ya

56. Favorite seafood?

- never had seafood

57. Opinion of the Tales series?

- i play them out of obligation now tbh, the gameplay is still good but the story is entirely phoned in

58. Favourite kind of meat?

- dick

59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game?

- all the stupid fucking node shit in xenoblade x actually made me quit the game, only recent example i can think of

60. Have you played Mafia before?

- yeah it sucks

61. How do you feel about the Zelda series?

- I love all the 3D installments but I haven't given the 2D ones their fair share.

62. Favorite music genre?

- none in particular

63. Do you have any phobias?


64. Least favorite pokemon?

- dedenne and the stupid common flower fuck from gen 6

65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games?

- duh

66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to?

- they sure are smash bros games

67. Do you speak anything beside English?

- Not really but I can piece together Spanish if I need to.

68. ^Are they languages you want to speak?

- I ORIGINALLY READ THIS QUESTION WRONG my wrong answer is below, but yeah I'd love to speak Spanish a lot more. by the way this question is extremely dumb.

- I'd like to speak Spanish, Japanese, and some other third language just to say I speak four languages.

69. What consoles do you have?

- too many to list

70. ^What was your first?


71. Opinion of Blackjack?

- don't rly care

72. Any hobbies?

- drawing

73. What is the best thing you've tasted?

- dick

74. Favorite mode of transportation?

- car

75. Bread ot toast?

- Bread

76. Favourite form of bread?


77. Do you like chocolate?

- in moderation

78. Salt or sugar?

- Salt

79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover?

- Former if it's Winter latter if it's Summer bahahah

80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself?

- Drive itself I ain't got time to learn.

81. Opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles?

- First one is top ten RPGs, X is bottom ten I've played, probably.

82. Least favourite game you've played and why?

- uhhh contrary to my last answer I don't actually have absolutes like most or least favourite anything, much less games!

83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions?

- yeah

84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming?

- no

85. Least favourite part of school?

- everything

86. Opinion of shopping?

- I like going shopping w/ someone enthusiastic about shopping!! I'm not a big spender myself.

87. Favourite Pokemon type and why?

- A lot of my favourites are Water.

88. ^Least favourite and why?

- A lot of my least favourites are Fairy, but all the old pokemon that got changed to fairy type are a large part of my favourites so I don't think I have a clear least favourite.

89. Favorite day of the week?

- Saturday.

90. Favorite shade of blue?

- Royal

91. What one mythological item would you bring into existence?

- is this a category I'm supposed to know or is mythological a synonym for "make something up"

92. You have one chance to use alchemy, what do you create with it?

- golden doorknob

93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not?

- breathing, yeah

94. Preferred accessory?

- uhhhh I don't like accessories on myself if I'm interpreting this right?

95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas?

- gray gray gray

96. What are your dreams?

- be happy

97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it?

- no

98. Favorite subject in school?

- English or whatever the fuck they want to dress it up as

99. Least favorite?

- Math

100. Opinion on ama threads?

- largely "who the fuk are you"

Edited by PKLucas531
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i don't know, you said "cuz you know" when i do not, in fact, know your point, besides some generically wrong definition of extroversion

Honestly, at this point, i dont even know my point anymore. Perhaps i just need to learn more about that psychology. But i felt that maybe some people can be both. Is it not really possible? Like, i consider myself more extroverted, but i really rather do things alone lately. I dunno. Last time i took one of those myers briggs tests, the level of introversion was almost equal to extroversion. (unless those dont matter and are full of shit.) If anyone wants to shoot me a pm with a bunch of good reading material on this subject, sock it to me.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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[spoiler=why not]1. What would you say is your greatest strength?


2. What are your greatest weaknesses?
why strength singular but weaknesses plural apathy, disappearing, bois

3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?
p much all of them i don't play games anymore

4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?
rail shooter
5. What would the difficulty be set at?
6. Favorite fe game?

8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be?
electric guitar

9. What FE character do you relate to most?
niles or henry
13. If your life was a book, what would the title be?
Large Print Word Search Puzzles: Erotic Edition
15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all?
cuss more but tell fewer sex jokes
16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with?
small but thick

17. Favorite piece of music?
this oh my god

18. How good are you at following your goals?
no lie initially misread this as "how good are you at not following your goals" so
22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently?
nothing major, kneel before my contentment

23. Fondest memory?
my first one, age 3. made some ppl laugh

24. What type of weather represents your mind?
sunshower wamp wamp

25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality?
playing myself like accordion
26. What personality traits do you admire in other people?
caring, good listener
27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different?
if they're cute

29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell?

hell please
31. How good are you in a crisis?

very but sweaty
32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix?
stiiiiiiiiir it up little darling

33. Favorite thread on this forum?
weekly vicar of music yours truly

35. Favorite number?


36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be?
see #17 i want the protag to cry and we share an existential hug the end

37. Favorite trope?

village burns down lmao
38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

frank ocean
39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself?

funny, soothing
40. Top 2 insults?
blindingly pale, so pale

41. Pancakes or waffles?

44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done?

by default no
45. Favorite place to visit
ur man's private quarters

48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it?
theseus and the minotaur

49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it?
dragon named steph curry

50. What do you like about yourself?
*jeremih voice* i'm cooooooooooooooooool
51. What historical event would you like to witness?
just general u.s. founding fathers stuff
52. Who's the person in your avatar?
rob-ert from iggy's reckin' balls

53. Opinion of sudokus?
kakuros >>>>

54. Favorite pokemon?

55. Have you got any amiibo?

56. Favorite seafood?
fish sticks and i know that's lame but i gotta share my truth

58. Favourite kind of meat?
ur man's private quarters

59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game?

62. Favorite music genre?
rock if i must pick, only cuz it's so broad. can't think of a whole genre i dislike tho

65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games?

66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to?
smash64 is the best cuz it's the one i'm not abject trash at

67. Do you speak anything beside English?

68. ^Are they languages you want to speak?
spanish cuz i forgot it and i feel bad cuz family taught me it at a young age

69. What consoles do you have?
ps2, 3ds, n64

70. ^What was your first?
philips cd-i lmao

71. Opinion of Blackjack?
"the fever (aye aye)" >

74. Favorite mode of transportation?

75. Bread or toast?
gimme back my bread

76. Favourite form of bread?

77. Do you like chocolate?

78. Salt or sugar?

79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover?
without a pillow

80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself?

83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions?
yeah miitomo culture smh
84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming?
no but im sweaty

86. Opinion of shopping?
i like to wander around in the mall and just take it all in and not buy anything #hottake

89. Favorite day of the week?

90. Favorite shade of blue?
kind of

93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not?
listening to music, now, cuz im the pilot of my own life

94. Preferred accessory?
95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas?
who would say they don't acknowledge gray areas

96. What are your dreams?
90% smut, i used to keep a dream journal i did the math i divided that shit

97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it?
yes; the fighting robots were a bit extra
98. Favorite subject in school?

99. Least favorite?

100. Opinion on ama threads?
haven't heard of it so it's probably bad

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