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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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mine is on vibrate 95% of the time tbh but my ringtone is starting here for when i do


is it just a fad? are normal games on the way out?

this qotd brought to you by ninjamonkey

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Not sure, to be honest, but I don't think non-VR games will die, certainly not for the forseeable future. They'll remain niche, I think, eventually plateauing.

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All I wanna know is that I wanna try it at some point (but since it seems to give some people motion sickness I have a feeling it'll happen to me too~)

I don't really make predictions or anything like that ;u;

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vr seems hella cool

i don't think it's about to replace normal games (especially not things like handhelds and stuff in the long run, since immersion isn't really a portable and playing-in-public-friendly concept) but i also don't think it's just a fad. i just assume it'll continue to grow as a kind of format for video games, like any other, that brings new opportunity for game design and stuff

that said, i know nothing about vr besides it looks cool and that horror games in vr can fuck you the fuck up for realsies

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All I wanna know is that I wanna try it at some point (but since it seems to give some people motion sickness I have a feeling it'll happen to me too~)

I don't really make predictions or anything like that ;u;

same fam i wanna try it but i also get nauseous from fullscreen, first-person games so i think that bodes poorly

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I don't think it will replace traditional gaming and will be pretty niche. That said, I think it has uses outside gaming, such as letting surgeons practice complex procedures before they operate on a real patient, or training pilots to fly aircraft.

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I'm not familiar with the gaming aspect of VR, but overall I think it is the next step into gaining a new type of media. Being able to gain all of these new insights and experiences gives us the possibility to learn and to see almost anything if the person is up for it.

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I don't see VR replacing traditional gaming, at least not for the foreseeable future.

That said, I think it has uses outside gaming, such as letting surgeons practice complex procedures before they operate on a real patient, or training pilots to fly aircraft.

This too.

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I think it will give me motion sickness so I personally am not interested, but the tech is cool and I could see it becoming big. I doubt it will ever fully supplant traditional forms of gaming, though I can see it becoming more relevant in other areas.

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Sounds like a neat concept but I'm not sure how well it'll work if implemented any time soon. And as other posts have said, it'll probably give a few people motion sickness.
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need that pokémon vr game, game freak!


I'm open to VR gaming, though nothing that's out right now interests me. And with the current price tag for most VR platforms, I can't see myself getting one any time soon. The potential for the concept is incredibly high

Edited by DodgeDusk
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I'm not sure if it's a fad or not, but I think if it wants to be successful, it's going to take some time and some good marketing to gain traction. Possibly a lower cost too. Though as the technology advances further and further, I believe people will flock to it more and more. It will become the ultimate form of escapism, and I think a lot of people will definitely want that. I don't think, however, that it will completely replace traditional forms of gaming, much like the Wiis and DSes haven't really eliminated that, and much like 3D games haven't entirely eliminated 2D games, even discounting the indie scene. There might even be a little bit of panic at just how immersive the games can get and the effects they might have on certain individuals.

As for non-gaming, I can see a lot of practical uses for it, yeah. The surgery and pilot thing NinjaMonkey mentioned, for example, could be pretty neat.

I'm not familiar with the gaming aspect of VR, but overall I think it is the next step into gaining a new type of media. Being able to gain all of these new insights and experiences gives us the possibility to learn and to see almost anything if the person is up for it.

Also agree with this.

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