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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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when I see someone irl I usually just say "hey" or "hey *name*"

online basically the same although sometimes the person's name is switched with hey

so either "hey", "hey *name*" or "*name* hey"

shit I forgot

also online sometimes as of late "hoi" or "hOI!!!!" although that will probably change eventually I just really like undertale

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Usually hello because it demonstrates distance and i hate most people i exchange formalities with

but if its with someone close i dont even say hello or hi i just go into my conversation.

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pretty sure I usually say "hi!" or "hey" and every now and then "hello" (not unlike another particular thread out there)

online, well... hi or hey or hello or hi~

I'm not very creative

I love when people say oi though c: it just looks/sounds so cute but I almost never think to use it myself

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ayyy wassup bro (regardless of gender, which i guess is a bad thing but w/e no one's said anything to me thus far), followed by wassup, followed by hey/hello.

via text, formally i say hello (like in professional emails), informally i stick with hey

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"hey" irl; "hi" if I'm feeling formal. "heya" if I feel like mixing things up a bit.

online it's literally anything - depending on a true random number generator, not time of day - but I guess I'm partial to "hi" and "sup" and "yo"

"oi" for a particular subset of people

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"Hey, how's it going?" Irl


"Yo" "Hola" *waves hello to -insert name here-* or some specific thing based upon my mood or a pun off of their name online.

...so basically in real life I am fairly polite and friendly, whereas online I am more casual and playful. ;)

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