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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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when i was like 14 i ended up with a condom with my basket, and im not sure how it got there. i didnt know what it was at the time, but mom got to it before i did, though id like to think i was smart enough not to have open it and put it in my mouth if she didnt find it.

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Worst: Twizzlers.

Best: Almond Rocca/Cotton Candy/Coke (which isn't really the best but it felt like it because of all of that walking around and candy eating).

Edited by Refa
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I went trick or treating once and while I don't remember the best, the worst was probably a slice of pizza that some kind but tragically short-sighted person dumped in my bag. It was not edible by my return.

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I never trick of treated as a kid. Since having Kids though, my wife and I have gone out trick or treating. Last two years I was a Pirate... But this year, I was Batman... And it was fun as hell! :)

*even had people ask to pose for picture with him as he hammed it up outside as Batman/BatDad*


So best Trick or Treat stuff? ...uh? Hmm... I dunno really? I pay less attention to what is given tbh than the houses and people.

I guess getting some candy, but then also pop for the parents was kinda cool? Think I got a seven-up or ginger-ale? ...other cool house this year had a wheel you spun to select a treat. I spun for the best treat!('cause I'm Batman)

...worst thing, anything that is not edible. Like seriously, I don't want a draft, or some lame chalky crap... Gimme some good stuff mang. ;-;

@ how my Halloween went:

Pretty sweet, did a hell of alot of Trick or Treating. Saw many AU Batmans, and asked other Justice League members where the rest of the crew was at. Then went to my first actual Halloween party. So pretty awesome night actually. ;)

...and I got to be Batman, and have my kid calling me Batman and BatDad... What is better than that? XD

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Yesterday was so much fuuuuuun I got to sit with other people getting drunk and all in real pretty costumes and the pumpkins we carved all came out real nice

The evening was just chilling, it was really nice

and hey since I took a picture of the pumpkins...


left to right: spectegridad's pumpkin, integrity and spectegrimom's collaborated pumpkin, specta's pumpkin, my pumpkin

Edited by Freohr Datia
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my halloween was pretty boring

I didn't really do anything myself

we didn't even have much candy

so at one point when a bunch of kids came to my door (way earlier than I expected, like around 6 or something), I had to run back, get the only bag of candy I could find, and give like 3 of them to each kid. And there were like, 30 kids. Who all came at the same time. By the time they were done I had like 1/8 of what was in the bag left.

I didn't even see anyone who had really interesting costumes this year. Everyone was sort of just really boring abstract things. Part of that I guess is because most people who live around here are young children. still, it was boring.

the only good part was that when those kids came the first few all yelled "MERRY CHRISTMAS" which I have to admit was actually kind of funny, if only because they were the first people who came.

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Halloween was really underwhelming tbh. The town only allows two hours of ToT-ing. We only spent 45 minutes. My bag was only a quarter full and mostly full if stuff I don't care for.

Best: got a 6-pack of soda once!

Worst: freakin milk duds, does anyone like those. banana laffy taffy sucks too.

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trick or treating rules and i don't remember any of it so my halloween went pretty great

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-EIGHT: How much do you store on the cloud?

do you prefer to save your documents to a hard drive or have you fully embraced the dropbox revolution?

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I don't use cloud storage much either; it just doesn't have that sense of...permanence which is weirdly important to me.

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Vast majority of my text stuff is either Evernote or Googledocs. Everything else is generally on the PC, it's not something I really direct too much thought towards.

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