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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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I'm pretty bad at keeping up though, so usually what ends up happening is I binge on one.

EDIT Wrong link.

Edited by Refa
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Meanwhile I hate temperatures above 25C

I consider 16C and up to be tshirt temperature, even

this is why we are brothers.

it's getting cold and i'm getting sad

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIX: Do or did you do webcomics?

Its snowing about 15 miles up the hill from me and im doing snoopy dances because I MAY HAVE A BLOODY SKI SEASON AAA!

Also todays question: Sorta? I somewhat follow Awkward Zombie. Outside of that, not really. I dont make any either.

Oh shit, i did forget that i love Scandinavia And The World. But i dont really keep up with it too much.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Webcomics? A little bit. I wanna catch up on gunnerkrigg (sp?) court sometime. I also read a fair portion of 'em in the past. The only webcomic I can think of that I actually finished is Hitmen for Destiny, which I loved.

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..I'd read Dinosaur Comics but theres so many of them with a new one pretty much everyday(unless they stopped) that it'd take forever to catch up ;_;

I tried reading Homestuck up until the one recentish huge pause, but the plot never made any fucking sense what with all the different timelines and people dying and coming back and shit, I hated having to decipher all the trolls' and any other unique character typing quirks in the chatlogs and it seemed to get more pander-y with more forced jokes and love triangles and people hooking up with someone else constantlyyyyyy.. 2muchclusterfuck

thats about it

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wait integrity what about korean not-manga that are published in a chapter-by-chapter format, by lareg corporations, but nevertheless are exclusively online?

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Over there only now they're dropping below 30C?

Oh man, I envy you. Except for the humidity. I prefer my arid home. Over here they dropped below 40C when October started. And with October over they've now dropped below 30C. I don't like it. It has become a bit cold for my tastes. And cloudy at times, but thankfully no rain.

I miss summer...

Heat index is a bitch. Also, it looks like I lied. I really wish things would cool off, for the sake of my electric bill!

Now, for today's question. . .nope. I'm not a huge fan of comics in general.

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...are we talking reading them or making them? Because yes to both.

I only read them now though.

Anyways, I read far less than I used to... But I still read a few that I very much enjoy. Comics in General and any kind of art, or media are awesome to me. :)

...I wonder if my old megaman sprite comics are anywhere on the net still... Ah teenagehood...

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