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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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I only listen to the local radio when I'm driving with the spectamom, since that's what she's got in her truck

otherwise if I'm in a not-just-shuffling-my-music-library mood, I have both pandora and itunes radio

itunes radio is my favorite mostly because their kpop selection is muchmuchmuchmuchmuch larger

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when i'm sewing or driving my mom's truck, yes. also pandora internet radio like all the fuckin time.

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE: How fast have you ever driven/been driven?

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The fastest I've driven is 0 mph \o/

The fastest I've been driven..... well if my dad ever went over 90 before it'd be that, otherwise the quickest would be somewhere in the 80s.

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About 100mph driven?

As for myself, I'd say about 80-85mph. My 8-9 year old Almera has only 5 gears and begins to...vibrate...around this speed and the rpm is like 5-6k.

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Fastest i've driven was 100 km/h, which is about 60mph. I'm too afraid to drive faster than that.

Faster that I've been driven was like 200km/h (125mph) when I travelled to Germany, because Autobahns are awesome

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birthright and it is way better than i expected

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FOUR: Do you listen to the radio? How about internet radio services?

No and very rarely.I dont subscribe to satellite or webz radio. In the car, i listen to cds which i have LOADS of.

when i'm sewing or driving my mom's truck, yes. also pandora internet radio like all the fuckin time.

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE: How fast have you ever driven/been driven?

The fastest i can recall being in a vehicle going, was about 120 mph. And that was over 15 years ago. The fastest my Jeep ever went was 80.

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