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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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God I've been away for a while. Utterly forgettable. I don't want to spend time thinking about someone I hate.

Plus, being forgettable is one of my primary traits.

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i prefer being forgettable

but as far as media goes, dislikable trumps forgettable any day of the week, as it can provide entertainment and foster discussion (and often provide entertainment because of the discussions - ie flame wars - it fosters)

entertainment that isn't worth discussing at any level is a literal waste of time


I think being utterly forgettable is better but it's still pretty sad.

And this.

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As a society the majority becomes utterly forgettable for the lack of major impact they make. I would prefer being actively disliked though, if I had the just causes for being disliked (going up against something I believed in)

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I was gonna say I'm not certain, but then this came up so I'll go with it:

As a society the majority becomes utterly forgettable for the lack of major impact they make. I would prefer being actively disliked though, if I had the just causes for being disliked (going up against something I believed in)

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628: All of my plans for world domination are strictly altruistic, not villainous.

629: Forgettable, all the better to accomplish my villainous altruistic goals. (realtalk: what Koneko said)

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As a society the majority becomes utterly forgettable for the lack of major impact they make. I would prefer being actively disliked though, if I had the just causes for being disliked (going up against something I believed in)

You know, this is a super good point. I'll include it in my answer too.

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irl i tend to use a really clipped "yeah" or "okie-dokie" but that's just comparatively, i use a whole lot of shit

online tends to reflect my speaking patterns, so various clipped forms of "ya" "ye" "yeh" etc are the most common

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY EIGHT: What's your villainous motivation? How do you intend to carry it to fruition?

it's wednesday, it's the middle of the week, let's get evil sf

Mine villainous motivation? VENGEANCE, OF COURSE! Also, to make those worthless swine ruling this world pay with blood. I aim for the throne!

I will do so through careful usage of the interwebz and propaganda. And then, when their guard is down, TAKE IT ALL BY STORM!

my motivation is simple world domination and i will accomplish it with force of arms

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY NINE: Is it better to be actively dislikable or utterly forgettable?

apply this to yourself, people, media, whatever. is apathy preferable to distaste?

Highly disliked, because at least then, my bloody point would have been made. Best to leave a mark on the world for doing what it is you believe in (within reason, of course), than to fade into obscurity.

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Actively disliked. I would rather be disliked for what I do, rather than be swept aside and forgotten

EDIT: The acronyms came from a quote in my profile.

Edited by Soledai
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As a society the majority becomes utterly forgettable for the lack of major impact they make. I would prefer being actively disliked though, if I had the just causes for being disliked (going up against something I believed in)

Yeah I find that a really good point and if I were hated by standing up in what I believe in at least I'm sticking to my morals

But I feel like the question isn't depending on what my morals are? And I would still prefer keeping my own morals and being forgettable over keeping my own morals and being hated for it ^o^

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