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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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It is better to be disliked but be sincere, but it's not a rare occurrence, to say the least, to be disliked for something that is solely your fault. There applicability of the term 'martyr' is rather narrow contrary to what some like to believe. But certainly, everyone will continue to receive a lot of pain at the hands of human vice to some extent.

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Actively disliked. I would rather be disliked for what I do, rather than be swept aside and forgotten

i like this, op, and it goes for the things i consume as well.

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY: What's the best Let's Play you've ever read/watched?

feel free to provide one of each if you want!

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I am really bad at comprehending/keeping enough focus for text/screenshot LPs so I don't read those

I'm not fully sure if I could narrow down to one, I really enjoyed this minecraft let's play which involved 4 lpers and has four viewpoints. But I also really enjoyed this Twilight Princess Co-op because the two girls who play it get along so great and just have the time of their lives at some points. AND YET there's another co-op I really loved of Banjo Kazooie. and apparently all of those LPs involve the same girl she's just really social I guess ^o^

I just love LPs with more than one person because the interaction is always my favourite part. That makes them more likely to go completely off track with the commentary and aren't talking about the game anymore, but that's not a huge concern with me. I heard that's a real concern with Integrity and Specta which I can understand but anybody who doesn't like that won't like these ^o^

but that also leaves shoutouts to Integrity's L4D2 LP because that was four SFers and it was pretty entertaining as well~

SO YEAH huge list but I really can't decide on just one ;u;

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Too many to decide!

This. It's really hard so I'll just mention one that I enjoyed.

Chuggaaconroy's Kid Icarus: Uprising Let's Play was pretty good. He was so passionate about the game and that got me pumped.

Also there were moments were I nearly slept while watching bc of exhaustion, but he'd wake me up with his yelling. :P

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Horace's screenshot LPs tend to accentuate the exact things that I find most interesting about video games, so I have to mention him.

As for video LPs, don't really watch them at all (in fact, I am infuriated when I'm looking for something on YouTube and a voice appears saying 'hewwo guyz diz iz me and welcum back to my letsplay..."), but Archael's and Bastard Poetry's FFT SSCC LPs were good because the content and the person playing warranted checking some of that stuff out, even if it was derivative of the SSCC runs documented in text form many many years prior to it becoming a fad for video series of sorts.

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"shit I'm late I'm sure someone has already posted the greatest LP, fire emblem or otherwise" except nobody had linked to it yet so I get to post


alternatively alternatively, this one

LPs I like seem notorious for not being finished

Edited by Euklyd
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Esme's FE7 one was pretty great. And Let's Rage FE8 with Shin.

Another one was Boron's Avatar Run for FE13. goodshit.txt

But my all time favorite one ever is this beautiful Xenogears LP by the Dark Id. Ill still brush it off to read once in a while.

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The Drakengard series on LPArchive.

The games themselves are a mindfuck, and then there's the guy commenting on the games being a mindfuck.

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I'm at that point of assbutt creed level where watching bad assbutt gameplay will just end up annoying me instead of being entertaining, and I don't mean it in like, oh a mistake here and there being bad, I'm not a perfectionist, but too many people I've watched don't know what the fuck they're doing.

Geop's LPs of Ass Creed I and II not only have decent gameplay, but very informative commentary. Not to say reactionary commentary isn't good (and iirc there is still a bit of that in this anyway, it's been a while though), and a lot of the most funny commentary are reactionary, but due to the nature of Assassin's Creed itself, I really enjoyed the educational approach Geop took with his commentary, in that since AC is so deeply rooted in history, he took the time to actually explain historical events as he played and that was really refreshing compared to most other AC let's plays I watched.

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