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SFMafia's Greatest Hits - Day 6


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@Elie- I... don't think you get what I mean about Omega's hated claim and the Gaius flip. I'm not saying it's a reason he's scum, I'm saying it's not a valid reason for him being scum.

I still would have randed on N1 even if I had no clue what was going on, but I guess there are reasons for idling. And I'll admit I didn't realize how early in D4 you switched to Omega being town, so the Bookie target is okay I guess.

BUT wrt your N2 action- I call bs. Asking J one question about his Eclipse vibes was like the entire extent of your interactions with him on D2; choosing to target him out of curiosity makes no sense. Your main D2 scumread was Hannah; you could have targeted her to verify she was only a Neighbour, or you could have targeted Omega or Marth, who were secondary suspicions. Hell, you could have targeted Prims, who you'd suspected earlier in D2 though had dropped by the end mostly.

The hated thing really doesn't have anything to do with anything, like at this point if it's not his real role it's a modgiven fakeclaim because it's incredibly specific. I think at best it can be argued as a null, since while there's no reason for him to out it as scum, there's no reason for him to not out it as town either. Though, see above for something that actually concerns me which is kinda related

Granted though all this omega talk makes me realize that he never out'd his target last night which doesn't make sense since he was locked to Gorf for two nights prior and I figure there'd be 1: no reason for him to switch implying that a save should've happened and 2: immediate reason for him to out failure if he failed

which J never responded to so...

I can see why the Hannah thing makes sense but I mean i was already scumreading her so I didn't feel like i needed to scan my lead scumread. To verify she was a neighbor...would mean that eclipse would have had to be lying about being hannah's neighbor, which is a ballsy D2 gambit to pull. I was more or less townreading prims by the end of D2, not sure why I'd want to scan someone i'm townreading really. Omega, i guess I could've done that instead. I'll give you that one. Marth subbed in over zero and i wasn't really thinking that much about the slot in general since i figured things would pick up

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Granted though all this omega talk makes me realize that he never out'd his target last night which doesn't make sense since he was locked to Gorf for two nights prior and I figure there'd be 1: no reason for him to switch implying that a save should've happened and 2: immediate reason for him to out failure if he failed

was it because you're mafia decoy and redirected him to you?????

is omega scum? you keep saying things about him like what you pointed out about his claim. i can't tell where you're going with it.

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meh, I didn't consider that about the kill failsafe in Shinori's role

it's just like... the other option FMPOV is... Snike? Which I guess is possible since I was thinking yesterday that Gaius/Eclipse/Snike was too much info. But then there's no town info role that can catch Shinori, and there's still the Weapons/Gilgamesh interactions.

I don't think Marth is scum; his tone started sounding townier in the second half of D4. And I don't think you're scum; your tone and posts read really town to me.

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Got you.

Well that was a thing.

First off, mafia sucks. thought about NoLynching, but I think it's a bad idea

second, yea prims has another ability he said so that'd be cool to hear about

Last, Town!Jack thanks to the glorious FAYZ mafia. I'll go into more detailed flavor if you want but it's basically a mishmosh of everything that went wrong in the game (D1 Turbolynch on me :(, scorri pushing for char&flavor claims and getting modkilled and Town!Mancer counterclaiming Town!Marth's Role+Char). I've got:

?Bookie? (I've never heard of bookie until this game; If I correctly predict the next day's lynch, then I get a one-shot Doc for the that night phase)

N1: Idled (because clueless and also I wasn't paying that much attention to the game at the time since I was still dealing with Tyler and Hospital-related issues
N2: J (failed obvs: targeted since eclipse's track on J failed and I was curious)
N3: Idled (because why /waste/ a shot)
Last night (N4): Bookie on BBM because secondary scumread after gaius and an extra protectshot at this point would be cool if i'm right with this

How did you know eclipse targeted J + she was tracker? I was going to vote you anyways for the vote pattern, but your rationale doesn't fit with the information town had on n2.

##Vote Elieson

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why would i even fakeclaim decoy of all things?

why would i fakeclaim a rolecop on J when I could've just as easily (as BBM said) checked omega or i guess hannah according to logic and shared that? out of all the things you know I'm capable of trying to bs town with in the past and you think i'm scum now trying to fakeclaim something so simple as a rolecop on J? Totally WIFOM now that I type this out. it's mudslinging at best. If I were scum fakeclaiming:

I'd have a buddy to bounce ideas off of and come up with something more believable and arguably/fitting with the theme, more creative.

I'd have had days to come up with a fake, as well as all night phase after yesterphase's gaius lynch

I could've just as easily counterclaimed some other kind of modifier based full-doc today and said I just didn't want to out it yesterday since obscurity

And most of all, I deathtunnelled gaius yesterday because of what I view as a 1v1 for the lynch vote thing that happened the first time. Before LYLO. Why would I as scum throw myself into a 1v1 against a person who wasn't confirmed town, was looking likely to be lynched anyway, and would likely get my lynched right back (today) following a mislynch because of the analysis of the wagon and the possibility of letting myself be caught (twice now) as a hated maker or mayor or something?

BBM (and prims )if you can give me a logical reason for me to do all of that as scum then...i dunno that'd be fine i guess

also fwiw my flavor talks more about modkills and bad play, and just barely hints at the d1 docturbo never forget

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Got you.

How did you know eclipse targeted J + she was tracker? I was going to vote you anyways for the vote pattern, but your rationale doesn't fit with the information town had on n2.

##Vote Elieson





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is me/omega a scumteam in this game elie? really?

I don't think so but I'm trying to get answers out here and if I'm wrong on you then I need something else

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uh, the point of what Snike said isn't about what we know know. It's that based on the info you had on N2, all you knew was that Eclipse's role had failed. She never mentioned targeting J and never mentioned she was a tracker, so it couldn't have been a reason you targeted J. All you had was J not responding to one question that was embedded in a big wallpost, over scumreads on other players.

Also faking a rolecop report on Omega wouldn't have fit with your D3 play.

Nobody ever brought a 1v1 into play on D4 between you and Gaius.

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Looking at the votes though and the next phase, it's the first thing that crossed my mind was "how did this happen" and as soon as Gaius flipped the next day i figured "fuck i'm gonna get lynched today anyway" because of wagon logistics. I spent posts upon posts bringing it up to him so I completely expected it today

Also @bbm what I mean is that of all the things i could fakeclaim, claiming a result on somebody who's dead or somebody who's already claimed, why would I claim a failure on a person who claimed+flipped ascetic

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There was a roleblocker named Shinori.

but yeah bbm already clarified my point.

Also Eclipse sort of hinted she targeted J, but that wasn't anything that anyone appeared to have caught during D2 (probably due to Gilga's voyeur report)

I think waiting for omega's fine.

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You may not agree with whatever i was thinking when i targeted J but I targeted J and got a failure back and given what we know it makes sense as a likely possibility

just like it makes sense for me to have an extra vote, which would mean that up until now I'd have to knowingly attach myself to two mislynches and also intentionally not claim (which, if I were responsible for the D3/D4 lynches, me claiming mayor or something super early on would make far more sense)

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goddamnit i misspoke and i'm flipping out now because town is gonna lost because of my inability to think immediately upon waking up and posting before having caffeine

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Well, I'd go ahead and assume the last scum is BBM, as even though Gilga's role suggests his role exists I don't think it fits well with what we know.

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cya in postgame i'm gonna just sleep since i'm already exhausted from moving furniture and boxes all day

if game's still on in the AM then that's 2/3 of the phase I can pound through to try to figure shit out

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as being town-sided, that is.

Gilga's role suggests BBM's exists because he can't use 3 actions in one night, though that might be referring to normal, jack + nk.

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I don't think Gilga's role wording refers to my role? At least when I read it I got the impression it referred to not being able to self-watch/jack/NK in the same night.

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