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FE11 H5 0% growths, with commentary (complete)

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RIP GlueFactory :(

I've really enjoyed the run so far. The warp staff has pumped these videos out faster than any internet connection could.

Edit: How many more turns do you guys think it would take if you were going through all the gaidens?

Edited by Upside-DownFish
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Yay, Palla talked to Minerva.

Jagen, Caeda, Wendell, Minerva, Hardin

Are there any units that you didn't forsee contributing to this run initially that unexpectedly turned out to do something after all?

Besides the triangle attack boss strategy on Chapter 24, are there any other things you would have liked to have adjusted in this run?

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Caeda Jeigan Hardin Wendell Catria

Yeah, Est saving turns would be some hype shit. Oh well. Anyways, questions (assume they're directed at both of you guys).

1) What are your favorite FE games?

2) How would your run change if you couldn't use forged weapons? How about if you couldn't use warp?

3) How would other games' 0% growths runs change if you had the same tools (early and abundant warp staves, forging) you did here? Also don't cheat and say FE5 or FE12!

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Caeda, Jagen, Wendell, Merric, Hardin for Top 5 kills.

Did this run change your opinion on any of the units?

If you also applied the "Access Gaidens without deaths" patch, how different would the run be? Any particular units or items from the Gaidens that could be useful?

Thoughts on Shadow Dragon's Multiplayer?

What is the origin of your two names?

Thoughts on Fates and GIR#FE?

Thoughts on TearRing Saga, Berwick Saga, and the upcoming Vestaria Saga? Any ideas from those games that should be transferred over to Fire Emblem?

Why Fire Emblem? What do you find so appealing about the franchise that makes you want to do skilled playthroughs like this one?

Any bits of lore from the FE canon that you particularly like?

Advice about doing a video playthrough like this?

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Do you find the fact that the majority of Fire Emblem games can be completed without growths to be something that was intentionally done by IS, or just a coincidence?

I'd say that this is more of a consequence of the developers giving you "reasonable" prepromotes every so often in the game so that in case (as a casual player) you end up having your "best" units die in a tough chapter, you're not necessarily forced to restart the game. Combining this fact with some clever tactics, the use of effective weapons (the nerfing of which makes this harder to pull off in FE7), statboosters and promotional gains, it's not that hard to see why it is plausible to complete the game without growths.

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Not really sure why you gave Boah uberstats. He probably will use his magic to kill the bodyguard in front of Medius? Then Tiki goes in for the kill. Why not let Rickart do the stealing this time? He never saw much action, poor him.

Top 5 probably with Jagen and Shiida for sure. Wendell probably, he did some early kills. Then I am guessing Samson, who is doing great late / midgame. Then probably Jake, because he is longer with you. But it could also turn out to be Linde...

Any FE game you would like to a 0% growth run on in the future? Will it be the near future? Or will we have to wait...? Any strategy that you think that could've been better?

Edited by SSJDennis
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Wendell has been killing forever, Jeigan too. Shiida tapered off and I think Palla exceeded Shiida in kills overall

Trailing would be Catria I guess? Samson and Tiki did a /lot though

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What FE games do you think are impossible (or at least the hardest) to 0%?

Is FE4 0% possible? I don't believe you've done this one yet.

I saw on reddit that you were streaming FE5 0%. Can we expect FE5 0% as a Youtube series in the future?

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Oh yea, I also wanted to ask;

Do you think you could LTC 0% Growths any of these games, if you were to also make it so WeaponEXP could not contribute to a unit becoming better?

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iirc dondon said his old FE5 SSS-rank has bad recording quality and he wouldn't want to post it as is, or something along these lines. Misread your post, so this bit doesn't matter. (I just read "said" as "did" for some reason, and yeah he's streaming FE5 planning currently.)

Edited by Gradivus.
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(For the Q&A:) How did you first get into 0% growths? Do you have any advice for more casual players who find LTC/0% growths interesting but are too intimidated to try playing that way themselves?

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FE4 0% has already been done by Martythedemonslayer

Paperblade also did it years ago- don't think he ever uploaded the run or anything but he gave a statistics post of how much of the Final Chapter was completely ruined by base Shannan with the Balmung

EDIT: oops I forgot to post my question. Who was the unit that usually isn't too great in vanilla FE11 that you think overperformed the most compared to usual? Likewise, who do you think is the biggest loss without having growths around?

Edited by Reinfleche
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what is your favorite beatles song?

hows med school?

if you love wendell so much why dont you marry him?

as for top 5 units

sheeda could double cavalierly, also flier

jagen could take out cavalierly with corleone, was required for some of the early game strats

lena for warp staff

wendel has great speed, can function was a staff bot as bishop. can use excalibur and also function as a dracoknight

minerva for axe rank

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