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Smash 4, Character Discussion Thread. #21 Metaknight


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this character has shitty tilts and great aerials, for the most part (and a dthrow that combos into uair, including at kill%s on some chars iirc)

this is more or less the extent of my knowledge about her

e: her dash attack is good as well I guess; both it and bair use her shield. this shield is completely invincible, which means it nullifies any hitbox that comes into contact with it. 90% sure trades don't come into play

e2: palutena discussion on /r/smashbros

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I am the absolute worst at playing Palutena, but I love playing as Palutena

I can never connect her throws into her aerials. Like...never. I heard they're true combos but I can't ever land them.

USmash is deceptively short compared to what you see on screen, and it's really narrow (unlike Robin's Bair which is like wider than 5 Levin swords), and it's rather sad. The lag on her Dsmash is horrible and her Side smash is super punishable with a shorthop.

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I'm pretty sure they reduced the endlag of her d-tilt in a patch, because you can start another one sooo early. It's probably one of her safest moves now. I do hate that you can't use custom specials though, because I want to use Jump Glide, Celestial Firework, and Heavenly Light.

Edited by Zera
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Why would you want to use Heavenly Light? It's totally garbage in pretty much every definition of the word.

Not gonna lie, this character is bad. I think she barely misses out on bottom 10 (because Miis, Ganondorf, Zelda, Samus, Dedede, Charizard, Mewtwo and Jigglypuff exist). Her moveset is jank because of how she's designed as a character. She's intended to be customizable and so her moves work the way they do so that her customization options don't make her too powerful. She's a fortress character and so her moveset is supposed to be keeping the opponent away. Explains her really great range (obligatory dat usmash) and windboxes on so many moves.

One thing I'm working on though is Dair AC. It goes into every Smash attack, and really helps with setting up kills. Try AC Dair -> Warp Cancel -> UAir. It's an awesome kill setup. Her air game is honestly really good, and Warp is an excellent approach and mind games tool and I find Reflect to be an underrated move in her kit.

Also rip customs. Lightweight and Super Speed redefine this character and she's a legit high tier candidate with them.

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If you're not careful, you can get carried across stage with grabs and forward airs.

Other than UTilt, she's bad on the ground.

SideB sucks. You have to carefully place the reflector in the way of the projectile. Normally, you need to quickly land on the ground to do so, or you'll set the reflector to high.

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UTilt's only legit use is as an overhead move, since it's her only move that hits right on top of her. That's pretty much it.

It's the second worst move in her set, beating only FTilt.

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UTilt's only legit use is as an overhead move, since it's her only move that hits right on top of her. That's pretty much it.

It's the second worst move in her set, beating only FTilt.

If Ftilt worked more like Metaknights, where it had like 3 spinning staff motions, do you think it would work better? Like short fast attacks that had the staff properties.

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It's the end lag of the attack that kills it.

On paper, it sounds like a pretty good spacing tool given how good of range it has and it comes out decently quick compared to her other moves.

Her frame data is her biggest weakness, not her moveset. It rivals Shulk and Ganon in terms of slowness.

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I hate Palutena. Just recently lost to TLTC (super good Palutena main in SoCal). Her Bair and usmash are ridulously good, uair, dash attack, and fair are pretty average, rest of her move set is trash. Also has some really nice throw combos.

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It's the end lag of the attack that kills it.

On paper, it sounds like a pretty good spacing tool given how good of range it has and it comes out decently quick compared to her other moves.

Her frame data is her biggest weakness, not her moveset. It rivals Shulk and Ganon in terms of slowness.

Believe me I know your pain, considering I use Shulk a fair bit. Do you think Palutena has any edges on a particular high tier character that could see her getting niche use?

I hate Palutena. Just recently lost to TLTC (super good Palutena main in SoCal). Her Bair and usmash are ridulously good, uair, dash attack, and fair are pretty average, rest of her move set is trash. Also has some really nice throw combos.

TLTC? Are they going to Genesis too?

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Believe me I know your pain, considering I use Shulk a fair bit. Do you think Palutena has any edges on a particular high tier character that could see her getting niche use?

Honestly no. It's an inherant flaw of making defensively minded characters. The only defensive characters that are actually good in Smash 4 are Rosa and Villager. Villager was given tools that the other defensive characters (Tuna, Duck Hunt, Zelda, Zard, Samus, Mewtwo) don't have, like KO options, an approach, good frame data, recovery), and we all know what Rosa has (coughcoughLuma).

As someone who plays largely defensive characters (Rosa, Tuna, Mewtwo and Villager), I find I can play all of them the same way (for the most part), but I need to put in more work with Tuna and Mewtwo than I do with Rosa and Villager, because the former two don't have the tools the latter have.

Then again there's only really like 3 Tuna players with any degree of notability (Ryo, Aerolink [though he's abandoning her for Bayonetta] and TLTC), so her meta isn't exactly explored.

This is largely why my answer to

Is Palutena useable enough to try maining?

is no.

You could do a lot worse, but I don't think she's not "solo viable", at least with her metagame being as unexplored as it is. I have seen some really good Tuna vs Sheik gameplay from Ryo, so it's not impossible.

At least her default set is relatively usable. Imagine if it was:

- Heavenly Light

- Angelic Missile

- Rocket Jump

- Counter

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Believe me I know your pain, considering I use Shulk a fair bit. Do you think Palutena has any edges on a particular high tier character that could see her getting niche use?

TLTC? Are they going to Genesis too?

Yeah, he's going. He's honestly the best Palutena I've played, possibly better than Aerolink.

I've actually heard Palutena does really well against Villager and TLTC says he's positive on all the Mario's in his area (including Zenyou).

I legit think Palutena would be high tier if she had better ground normals.

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Palutena has a hideous amount of flaws. From her irredeemable tilts to her poor default specials, I don't foresee Palutena going anywhere even with patch buffs.

She has good aerials, but that's not exactly special. Cloud and Ness, for instance, have good aerials yet have more options than just aerials.

I can't think of much good to come from Palutena's smashes due to how they work, but the windboxes are helpful. I don't see her KOing very easily with them though. U-Air is probably Palutena's best kill move.

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Or, we could just add endlag to all the better characters!

Do you want this game to be as boring as Brawl?

In the competitive aspects I mean, considering Brawl was still fun.

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I kinda feel like, if Palutena had better frame data, she'd be a lot more viable in terms of tournament play. That, and her tilts need some serious work.

I would've had 0 problem using her, it's just... her ground game is... wow. I mean, I've dumped on Charizard and Dedede before, but at least they had groundgame working for them. x:

I want to use Palutena, but, the sad reality is, I just can't.

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palutena could definitely be used, you'd jusy need to Better Player the other person quite a bit. she reminds me of melee zelda.

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