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Ragnarok Online Mafia [Game Over]


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what makes him worse than Snike IYO?

I just don't see why Snike would be bad. Still "less good" than Crysta but that's because I feel better about her. I could still see both as ITP but it's less likely than ITP!BBM; I don't have any real suspicion against them but I don't want to PoE them as town when my reads on them are weak and I need to think a lot more to have a proper conclusion.

Do you see him claiming doc like he did as ITP (i.e. when too many protective roles were being claimed)? I mean, imagine if I got lynched and 3rd got killed the following night. That'd make people super suspicious of him, and even if they weren't, it'd make him more likely to be killed by scum.

Yeah, because with that amount of protective roles there could have been both ITP and mafia protective roles. I see what you mean with the last point, but it's that, even as ITP he could still have claimed his role if he believed that scum were most likely to be claiming a protective role as well.


Reply to BBM: (I'm highlighting the important points)

Obviously my response is going to be cautious- what exactly am I supposed to say to that? You didn't even say how my play is similar to that game, and then when you did just now, you used a post I made after you gave your reasoning as an example.

Something that's not exclusively avoiding replying, I guess. It was just a random question, meant more as a poke than anything, and your reply was weird. I didn't really think about what you'd say as either alignment, but the reply felt the way I stated. The fact that my example comes from a post that you made later is irrelevant, because I'm trying to describe a general behavior pattern.

I also wasn't cautious in that game at all because I was basically going for broke after I got rolecopped and then especially after I got copped, so ???

I remember you felt that way to me. It's not like you're being cautious in the general sense of the word, it's how you're not being meaningful. I have seen and I expect to see replies that hint that there's townie reasoning behind your actions when you roll town. I'm not seeing that anywhere, so it feels like you're ITP avoiding being meaningful.

Plus, the game isn't going to last for even 3 lynches most likely, so there really isn't a difference between putting everyone there and putting a few people there.

Yeah, lining up lynches was definitely not the word. It feels like you're ok with almost any lynch* is more like what I meant.

I've also been focusing on Refa over anybody else to this point* so I don't know where you're getting that I don't care about the lynch.

I see what you mean but I still feel that way. There's something in the way that you're commenting on people that makes me think like that. I apologize (regardless of your alignment) for such a terrible explanation, I usually try to explain gut but this time I just can't.

But hey, saying my logic is tunnel vision is just not accurate. You don't know what I'm thinking and how I'm thinking, and why I'm doing what I'm doing. I'm very aware that my case on you is not the best case ever, just like I knew that I had no reason to push Gaius and Eclipse before D4 start, and I still wanted to push them and see where that lead. This is not the same, but it's similar.

I don't get your logic about me being confirmed poisoner either.

What, I never said that you were confirmed poisoner, and definitely not on the logic you comment on. I said that if Randa protects SSG and nobody dies then you most likely are. I guess it's not a valid point though if you didn't realize about what I meant right from the beginning. @Randa: disregard what I said.

2-night delayed poison is something that's been thrown around in the thread before; I'm not the first one to bring it up.


there's no real proof SB is poison doctor afaik.

I'm assuming that he is confirmed poison doctor because 2-shot delayed poisoner would be ridiculous, specially with so many protective roles around (even if there actually wasn't a poison doctor), but whatever. Let's just forget about Randa today, lynch someone else and maaaaaaaaybe reconsider later (not very likely in my opinion).

You still need to answer what I asked about Refa.

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I don't know if the two night delayed poison is even possible since so many people died Night 2 that the poisoner probably used poison on someone the night before. It's probably only one night delayed.



because everyone (except for me, Randa, and Mitsuki) seems like a possible candidate to me.

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I'm rereading IWBTS. BBM's focus on bad rolespec, or rather, rolespec that "leans a certain way" with not very strong logic, seems similar.

He feels like he has a lot more conviction that game, at least D4 (the phase I'm rereading), so yeah, definitely not cautious. I'm interpreting that as BBM losing his motivation to play mafia overall.

Going from my case on BBM there I can give more specific reasoning on why I think BBM's play feels similar: In both games, he feels like he's pushing people without a certain aim in mind, and he borrows logic that's not very good from other people (for example: 2-day delayed poisoner, which still burns my eyes every time I read it) to keep suspecting others. Both of these points stand regardless of meta, so yeah.

I'm going to be rereading Snike and Crysta next.

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n1. baldrick

n2. zerosabers

n3. snike, redirected to ssg.


not i have no idea what sb's thought process is on any of these and whether or not they were sensical decisions at the time. not that i'm knowing for making calls that make sense either but idgaf about that.

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My N1 target that probably didn't matter was Refa because he was one of the only people I thought had a decent chance of being killed N1 (the other being Prims for being Prims but I didn't really have a read on him) and N2 was Eury because I was starting to consider that the poisoner was ITP because of Baldrick's rage, and that Eury would probably be a good target for a third party but not so much maf.


##Vote: Randa

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Honestly would have voted SB if he survived tonight anyways because there's no way that ITP would leave a Poison Doctor alive but this makes things a lot easier.

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Inputs directly from my role pm.

Night 1. Refa (crossed off), mitsuki(crossed off), baldrick (not crossed off)

2. Zerosabers(crossed off), snike(crossed off), zerosabers again(not crossed off)

Night 3. Just snike

Night 4. Just ssg.

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Rollbacks will not be issued, as we at Gravity LLC. have discovered and eradicated the source of all of the trouble. Well, with the help of the players, we have anyway.

Randa has been lynched. He was...

Dear SB. Randa, you are the Assassin

You are one of the promoted lines of the Thief class. You care not for helping the team, and focus on quick burst combat and poison to do your duty, while dodging almost anything that comes your way. You can equip Katars, and have access to many different poison-elemental attacks. You can even pour poison onto your katars, making others pay for coming near you with a 10x damage modifier that lasts as long as most standard buffs.

You just want to kill, but don’t want to sully your hands while doing so. Killing is a game for you, and you’ve decided to give yourself a self-imposed challenge of killing everyone without touching them. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with one of the following:

##Night X: Kick in my Sonic Acceleration towards [uSER]. You’ll learn the role of [uSER].

##Night X: Detoxify [uSER]. You’ll siphon the poison from the body of [uSER], who was stupid enough to come near poison in the first place.

##Night X: Preparing to react to the poison of justice. You’ll become lynch-proof for the following day. This draws a ton of SP, and can only be used once. This requires the catalyst of removing your Bulletproof Vest to increase your running speed, which you have one of.

Also, anyone who targets you will breathe in the poison covering your katar, and will die during the following night, unless somehow cured. You will be informed that they are poisoned, but they will not be made aware of this, nor will be made aware that the toxin came from you.

Finally, any scans on you will find you to be aligned with the Global Alliance, with the job of Poison Doctor. That being said, you know that it’s safe to claim this, should the need to do so arise.

In short, you are the Self-aligned Bulletproof Godfather & Reflexive Poisoner & Role Cop & Depoisoner, with a 1-shot Temporary BPV-Sacrificing Lynchproof.

You are aligned with Yourself, and win when no one else is alive to stop you from winning the game, or if nothing can stop this from happening.

And with that, you all log out to resume your lives while Gravity takes down Ragnarok Online's iRO server for one last update; one that includes your names on the Wall of Fame as the literal heroes of the game.

Refa, BBM, Mitsuki+Koneko, Snike, SuperShyGuy94 & Crysta have been Endgamed. They were...

[spoiler=Refa]Dear Refa, you are the Crusader.

You are one of the two promoted lines of the Swordsman class. You specialize in protection and literally tanking the life out of everything. Your skills all build around being able to absorb -return damage, holy damage, healing and team defense. You have the highest HP cap of all the classes in the game, and can ride a mount to boost your average movement speed. Your ranged combat and general DPS leave a lot to be desired.

Since many of your skills are based around not only your shield, but the type and weight of your shield, you don’t have any active abilities. However, you passively have Auto-Guard up at all times, and are thus, immune to anything that could result in you being killed, or set up to kill via other means. Your other passive, Divine Protection, helps you survive damage-inducing ailments like poison. If one of these gets broken though, the other one will not protect you very well on its own, as both are dependent on each other to maximize your defensive capabilities.

In short, you are the Town Poisonproof/Bulletproof Vest

You are aligned with Global Alliance, and win when the only living players are not a threat to your alignment, or when nothing can prevent this from happening..

[spoiler=BBM]Dear Faerie Knight BBM, you are the Priest.

You are one of the two promoted lines of the Acolyte class. You’re the lifeblood of any party, having skills that heal, resurrect, protect and buff. You have a couple of debuffs, and a few holy element attacks (which are amazing), but generally stick to your magical support. Some melee priests exist, and your skill tree even allows for it, but just stick to what you’re good at. With a high enough cast rate, you can solo some dungeons that house enemies not weak to holy magic.

You have unique abilities in that of Aspersio and Cure Poison. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with ##Night X: Enchant [uSER] with the Holy ghost! [uSER] will feel empowered by your magic, and become immune to the killing acts of demons for the night. Due to a glitch in the game’s early beta release, Aspersio also casts the ability of Cure Poison on its target, so [uSER] will also become Strong-Willed for the night, and thus, will be strong enough to ward off anything that would cause their action to not be performed, including redirects and roleblocks. This got fixed with the second major update though, so the Strong-Willed only occurs on the first person that you protect.

In short, you are the Town Strong-Willed Making Doctor.

You are aligned with Global Alliance, and win when the only living players are not a threat to your alignment, or when nothing can prevent this from happening.

[spoiler=Mitsuki+Koneko]Dear Koneko & Mitsuki, you are the Star Gladiator.

You are one of the promoted lines of the Taekwon class. You have the unique access to skills that boost your EXP, weight capacity and general stats based on the map or enemy in which you’re facing. This class is heavily dependent on awareness of the enemy’s stats and elemental attributes and weaknesses, but can deal such insane dps with standard melee offense that it’s widely renowned as the best PVM class for the least material investment. It can’t yet transcend though, so it will be outclassed by transcendent classes that have access to better gear and newer skills. You’re also buggy when engaging in PvP, but that’s ok, because you’re going to use that bug to your advantage.

You’re really powerful in melee combat, and even have an ultimate skill that few can boast matching in overall dps. However, it comes at a cost, because each hit deals boosted damage, at the cost of your own HP. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with##Night X: Letting the Heat explode! You’ll activate Heat, causing your reflexes and power to shoot through the roof, and causing massive DPS damage to anyone near you. When I say massive, I mean like 20-30% HP Damage per second massive, and this is assuming you don’t even attack them with your own means of offense. Each hit hurts you by 2% though, and since you can’t spam normal healing items fast enough, you’ll end up dying in the process. One perk though, is that the damage dealt around you is a considered an AoE, so each hit does 2% damage to you, but activates the 3x3 area hit to anyone in the radius. The other perk is that if you successfully kill someone, you'll gain a ton of experience, level up and have your HP fully restored. Long story short, you’ll kill anyone who targets you, on the night you choose to activate Heat. If no one targets you, you die. If one or more people target you, you live and they die.

In short, you are the Town 1-shot Activatable Paranoid Gun Owner.

You are aligned with the Global Alliance, and win when the only living players are not a threat to your alignment, or when nothing can prevent this from happening.

[spoiler=Snike]Dear prims Snike, you are the Taekwon Boy/Girl.

You are one of the few classes that doesn’t need to promote to hold their own in high-level areas. You have the unique trait of being able to “rank”, and compete with other Taekwons on the server. If you meet the requirement of being in the top ten “ranked” Taekwons on the server (by killing 100 of the allotted monster, X amount of times, with cycling monsters), then you receive an incredible boost of three times HP and SP, as well as being handed every skill you could possibly have, at maximum level. Also, you’ll be able to spam your Stance-Kicks at a remarkable speed of pretty much “how fast can I mash these buttons”. It’s incredibly powerful, but still a Tier-1 class, so equipment is limited, and you lack access to a weapon (and thus, weapon augments), so you’ll never be the best. It’s still lots of fun to kickspam your way to the top, and actually have an in-game competition with people without it just being PvP regulated.

Your offense is based around stances and kicks. You have 4 stances, which each have a 20-25% chance of activating while performing a physical attack, and if you press the correct kick button for the stance you enter, you’ll perform that kick, dealing extra damage and some sort of added effect, based on the kick. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with##Night X: Whirlwind Stance? Whirlwind Kick [uSER1] into [uSER2]! You’ll engage in combat with [uSER], and trigger the kick with the highest activation rate of the four. This kick will cause them to spin around and get dizzy, and will thus, have their vote directed to [uSER2] for the remainder of the day. This will show up on Votals and [uSER] will be unable to deactivate this for the day, even if they unvote.

In short, you are the Town Persuader.

You are aligned with the Global Alliance, and win when the only living players are not a threat to your alignment, or when nothing can prevent this from happening.

[spoiler=SuperShyGuy94]Dear SuperShyGuy94, you are the Knight.

You are one of the two promoted lines of the Swordsman class. Obviously, you're the walking muscle of the group. You have the natural trait of being able to equip the most weapon types (8), and can equip the heaviest and greatest variety of armor. Your passive abilities help improve damage with many of these weapons, as well as improve your HP recovery and negate penalties of knockback. Your active abilities mostly specialize in dealing either flat damage, burst damage, AoE damage, or counter damage. Your transcendant class is the Lord Knight, and it's pretty much the most self-sufficient class in the game, requiring the least general equipment and game knowledge, and pushing out the most yield because of it.

You come equipped with one skill of note, called Provoke. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with ##Night X: Provoke the enemies! You will encourage every acting enemy to direct their attacks at you. However, since you don't know who the enemies are in this game, you'll just provoke everybody. If you successfully activate Provoke, everything that would target a USER will instead target you. This will cause immense strain on your equipment, and thus, you can only use it once, before all of your gear gives out.

In short, you are the Town 1-shot Lightning Rod.

You are aligned with the Global Alliance, and win when the only living players are not a threat to your alignment, or when nothing can prevent this from happening.

[spoiler=Crysta]Dear Crysta, you are the Bard/Dancer.

You are one of the promoted lines of the Archer class. You have the unique access to musical instruments and whips, as well as bows of course, and specialize in performing musical numbers to boost the abilities of your team. You have some of the least effective skills in the game, but your performance skills are just that great, that you’re a pretty popular class. You have the only cast-time reduction skill in the game, and can boost attack speed, hp, defense, dodge, damage and even loot drop rates. If standing adjacent to a performer of the opposite gender, your skills become spamable and receive other added benefits that aren’t huge, but still pretty neat. Just stay out of danger, because you’re pretty squishy.

You’re skilled at entertaining the masses, but utilize strange means to do so. During the night, you will no doubt be awake, either performing for the masses, or practicing for the next gig. Since you don’t sleep, you have the ability to prepare and send messages out to the rest of the world by singing your song to the masses.

In short, you are the Town Insomniac.

You are aligned with the Global Alliance, and win when the only living players are not a threat to your alignment, or when nothing can prevent this from happening.

That's game folks. The Global Alliance (Town) has won. Rant away.


Mafia Chat

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Edited by Elieson
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