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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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What is your favorite Pokemon?

What is your favorite bird Pokemon?

Do you think a Fletchinder with Gale Wings would fit Takumi well? :P:

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1) Spiders: great invertebrate, or best invertebrate?

2) Would you smooch a ghost?

3) How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man?

4) Why was your first thought when I messaged you about the interview that you were in trouble?

5) Do you have a guilty conscience?

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1. Why do you rank Awakening's story so highly on that list?

2. Are there any maps in Revelations that you found enjoyable?

3. Are you sick of all the questions about Fates yet?

1. First of all, I think it's important to point out that Intelligent Systems are not good writers in general, and that my list is made with that in mind.

Secondly, a few games have to fall below Awakening simply because of how bad they actually are. Call it a process of elimination; I've already talked a lot about why I dislike Fates so much, and while I've got much, much more to say, I think I've justified my belief as to why it has to be at the bottom. Blazing Sword is also a game riddled with issues, horrible writing, pacing issues and arguably the worst villains in the entire series, but it doesn't reach Fates' level of awful, so it's the second worst, and so on.

I guess the question for many is why I'd rank Awakening above Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance, especially since I've praised Lyon. Well, I just find Sacred Stones far too simple and unambitious to be interesting aside from Lyon, and Path of Radiance, while it has the best world-building in the series and some amazing moments and characters like Soren, they don't actually do anything with the setting until Radiant Dawn, where more of the world's potential is used; it's like Path of Radiance just prepared us for its successor.

I don't ignore Radiant Dawn or Awakening's issues; they have many, and some of them are quite grave. However, I find that Awakening does many things right that often get overlooked, especially by the people of this site where the norm is to just bash Awakening and never praise anything it did aside from revitalizing the series (and some people try to vehemently deny even that).

A few of the things I think Awakening does wonderfully is the core of the story: the time travel. First of all, I like the idea that you've already lost in another timeline since it actually feels like the villains, while not good characters, are actually threatening. Secondly, I do genuinely find the interactions between the kids and the parents to be very touching. Some are better than others, obviously (I've never used Kjelle or Gerome and I never will), but some of them are actually pretty damn sweet, and I think it's a shame that gets overlooked. Do I wish more of them were active in the main story? Of course, it's one of Awakening's big flaws when compared to the Tellius series, but I still think it's a very good element of the story.

I also like the cast, even if a few of them are definitely flanderized (although, again, I find this issue to be completely overblown, and that the people who say that everyone in Awakening is nothing but a caricature and only has one trait is intellectually dishonest). I actually care about what's going to happen to them in the story and, thanks to the future kids, after the conclusion. Compare this to Blazing Sword or Shadow Dragon, where I can hardly name anyone in the cast due to sheer indifference.

And for my final point so as to keep this post short, I'll just say that I loved Future Past, and that it's what Fire Emblem stories should be more like: dramatic, lots of intense character interactions, the oppressing, hopeless atmosphere balanced out by both humor and some touching dialogue if all of the kids survive the map. It's not the main plot, but I still consider it a part of Awakening's story. Maybe that's cheating, but then I remember that Fates' DLC only made its story worse, so I don't really care.

2. Not a single one sticks out for being enjoyable. I can think of other, less pleasant adjectives though. I dislike mandatory waiting (slow-moving platform, chopping down the ice, waiting for the dragon veins to pop up on the boat map), overly cramped maps with far too many units and later on killing nothing but army of redshirts after army of redshirts in gigantic fields that make Awakening's map design look like a work of art.

3. No. I imagine that's why I'm here in the first place; people know that I consider it the single worst video game story of any game I've ever played, and that I've got many strong opinions about it. I must admit that I didn't think enough people cared about them to drag me to be interviewed though; I'm almost a bit touched. Anyway, I like talking about it provided people are willing to listen, and here I have a chance to reach new forum members. I can only hope people will share my point of view in the future; it's simply a giant insult to everyone involved.

What is your favorite Pokemon?

Do you think a Fletchinder with Gale Wings would fit Takumi well? :P:

1. Dragonair; I'm still no over it evolving into that mutant, baby-faced dragon...sigh.

Other than Dragonair, I also really like Arcanine, Poliwrath, Espeon, Xatu, Escavalier, Eelektross and many more!

2. Of course! I love fan art of characters from other games as pokémon trainers.

1) Spiders: great invertebrate, or best invertebrate?

2) Would you smooch a ghost?

3) How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man?

4) Why was your first thought when I messaged you about the interview that you were in trouble?

5) Do you have a guilty conscience?

1. Dude, I react like girls in cartoons and movies from the 30's when I see bugs.

2. Is it a hot ghost, and is it consensual? If yes, then sure, why the hell not?

3. Three.

4. Because I was afraid of after yet another day of verbally stomping people in debates discussing and exchanging ideas that someone would've had their feelings hurt, and that this was some kind of discussion forum for people who pissed off just a few too many forum members. Like a trial, if you will.

Also, I had only just woken up when I saw it.

5. No, why would I? I'm a decent fellow and I try to do good.

Would you sleep near a spider?

See above.

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I agree, I think he's a decent villain and when compared to his fellow antagonists in the series, he's essentially god tier, since Fire Emblem's bad guys tend to lack nuance and depth, and the series' stories won't evolve until they fix that very glaring issue.

So, Persona 3 or Persona 4, mate? Also, what's your opinion of Naoto? I'm curious.

So sorry for taking so long to respond!

Anyway, I prefer 4 to 3.

One of the reason I like Persona 4 is because it actually sticks to it's theme.

Persona 3's theme of death is interesting, but it only really appear towards the end.

Persona 4's themes of truth and facing oneself are apparent in the whole game.

I also prefer Persona 4's party to Persona 3's party.

Mostly because their friendship felt genuine.

A lot of stories had the whole "power of friendship" cliché, but Persona 4 does this rather well.

I mean sure, it's still cliché, but when Persona 4's talked about friendship, it felt real, it felt like they were really close friends. They knew what they were talking about.

In a lot of stories and games with "power of friendship" speeches, it feels fake, mostly because those characters don't feel like friends at all.

Persona 3 is a good example, the only friendships that felt real were Yukari and Fuuka, and Akihiko and Mitsuru.

And Naoto? I like her, not my favorite character, but I still like her.

It would help her character development if she joined earlier, but in turn, that could have affected the story badly.

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I was surprised when so many people were interested in me a few weeks back, but I was honored all the same. Maybe I just stand out for one reason or another. I can be opinionated on stuff, as well.

Indeed we have. I really should memorize more names here, rather than go by people's avatars, which are often changed.

Bah, everyone in anime is like 8-18 unless you're an ancient god or a dragon, in which case you look like a seven-year-old wearing skimpy clothing but hey it's totally okay you guys we promise.

Anyway, yeah, mages rule. I always choose them in RPGs, and shooting lightning from my finger tips is always satisfying.

18. It's amazing.

19. I don't know, I rather like it the way it is now honestly. I do want more magic diversity, so perhaps I would prefer it, but I wouldn't know how to change it in a balanced way.

20. No, they are definitely too overpowered. 1-2 debuffing weapons that can double and have insane bonuses; I had an underleveled Suzukaze at Hinoka's stage in conquest just killing everything in sight because of that Beastslayer Shuriken or whatever it was called. They really need some nerfs, although they're not at Awakening Galeforce level.

21. No. That's story and gameplay segregation and it's often a necessary evil.

22. Depends on why you hate her, but since I rather like Sanaki, I feel an instinctive need to say yes.

I can understand if you don't remember me. I change my avatar semi-frequently. Mostly it's avatars that I draw myself, recently. I don't have too much trouble with people changing avatars, it's when people change their user names that I have trouble keeping everybody straight.

I hate Sanaki because I generally hate the "young children in positions of power" characters, and she's a rotten brat. She acts like a spoiled twat and deserves everything bad that happens to her and worse. I'm tempted to kill her on purpose whenever I play RD.

2. From best to worst, eh? Well, this is where my credibility will go down the drain on this site, I think. Had to happen eventually.

Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
Sacred Stones
Shadow Dragon
Blazing Sword

I generally agree with your list, but I'd but Blazing Sword a bit higher and Awakening a bit lower. Awakening wasn't terrible, but it had lots of issues like feeling cobbled together with the Valm arc and Grima being able to resurrect himself. (herself?)

I think Blazing Sword did well with the hand it was dealt, needing to be a prequel without raising too many questions about why its plot wasn't a bigger deal in FE6. I admire Conquest for trying something new, if doing it poorly. Birthright tried doing the same plot as most other FEs and did it poorly. Revelations had the worst pacing issues of any FE I've played, in terms of plot.

23. Have I left any impression you during this interrogation or any regained suppressed memories? It's okay if not, I can be forgettable.

24. Which game do you think has the best support system?

25. Any movies or video games that you like that no one else does?

26. Any movies or video games that you hate that everyone else loves?

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So sorry for taking so long to respond!

Anyway, I prefer 4 to 3.

One of the reason I like Persona 4 is because it actually sticks to it's theme.

Persona 3's theme of death is interesting, but it only really appear towards the end.

Persona 4's themes of truth and facing oneself are apparent in the whole game.

I also prefer Persona 4's party to Persona 3's party.

Mostly because their friendship felt genuine.

A lot of stories had the whole "power of friendship" cliché, but Persona 4 does this rather well.

I mean sure, it's still cliché, but when Persona 4's talked about friendship, it felt real, it felt like they were really close friends. They knew what they were talking about.

In a lot of stories and games with "power of friendship" speeches, it feels fake, mostly because those characters don't feel like friends at all.

Persona 3 is a good example, the only friendships that felt real were Yukari and Fuuka, and Akihiko and Mitsuru.

And Naoto? I like her, not my favorite character, but I still like her.

It would help her character development if she joined earlier, but in turn, that could have affected the story badly.

If there's a game that actually does the whole power of friendship well, it's Persona 4, like you say, because it's an established concept from the get-go, it's constantly there and integrated in the gameplay and the cast is likeable and isn't only connected to each other via the protagonist.

Persona 3, on the other hand, like you say, does not do this. They hardly even interact with one another, and they most certainly don't talk about anything other than the plot barring a few rare exceptions. If you play as a male character and therefore can't have a Social Link with the male members (which is a stupid fucking idea), what do you really learn about Akihiko, for instance? He likes to train, speak in clichés and eat and...that's it, that's his entire character, and whenever Junpei tries to inject some humor into the overly stiff writing he just shuts it down.

The problem I have with Naoto is that her personal issues are so poorly explained when compared to the rest of the cast of Persona 4. We never actually get to see her being treated with disrespect because she's young, and for some reason she wants to become a guy to be taken more seriously? But...we don't see this happening either, and it pretty much gets forgotten about immediately after her boss battle. After that, she also pretty much takes over Yosuke's role of being the smart one, interrupting the team dynamic, and just advances the plot too quickly single-handedly.


Her character is fine, but she's got so many plot-related issues. Hell, even her social link is one of the few examples of bad writing in the game aside from the confession scenes.

I can understand if you don't remember me. I change my avatar semi-frequently. Mostly it's avatars that I draw myself, recently. I don't have too much trouble with people changing avatars, it's when people change their user names that I have trouble keeping everybody straight.

I hate Sanaki because I generally hate the "young children in positions of power" characters, and she's a rotten brat. She acts like a spoiled twat and deserves everything bad that happens to her and worse. I'm tempted to kill her on purpose whenever I play RD.

Well, still, I feel bad for not remembering you. I won't forget you after this though, so hey, that's good.

Oh, I'm no fan of kids being everywhere in Japanese entertainment media either. One of my most hated anime tropes is the child genius thing they love so much. However, Sanaki being spoiled and acting like a twat makes sense given the context, and yet in spite of that, her heart is in the right place, and she's got some serious sass which she puts to good use. Her scolding Hetzel is satisfying, and I would've loved to set her loose on Xander.

Anyone taking fanfic requests? I want to read that, and I want to read that now.

I generally agree with your list, but I'd but Blazing Sword a bit higher and Awakening a bit lower. Awakening wasn't terrible, but it had lots of issues like feeling cobbled together with the Valm arc and Grima being able to resurrect himself. (herself?)

I think Blazing Sword did well with the hand it was dealt, needing to be a prequel without raising too many questions about why its plot wasn't a bigger deal in FE6. I admire Conquest for trying something new, if doing it poorly. Birthright tried doing the same plot as most other FEs and did it poorly. Revelations had the worst pacing issues of any FE I've played, in terms of plot.

I agree that Awakening's plot is fragmented and that it suffers a lot for it. The Valm arc, even though I like Walhart for some reason, would've been better spent on building up Grima and the world they're in. However, it's not as bad as, for example, Sacred Stone's "flee the country, rest, dive into the heart of an evil empire with a handful of guys and kill the emperor".

So why did Binding Blade need a prequel? Why was that the hand it was given? Even if that was needed, which I can't judge for myself since I haven't played FE6, it doesn't explain why they made such horrible calls when writing the game. Why did we need three uncharismatic protagonists? Lyn does almost nothing after her prologue. Why would that marquess who had his castle burned down by Lundgren choose to side with the man unless Lyn started crying for him? Why didn't Nergal kill them all when he had the chance? Who thought it was a good idea for Nergal to operate by using invisible magic energy that allows him to do everything the writers need him to which he obtains from killing people off-screen? What did the Morphs have to do that was more important than securing the dragon babies which was Nergal's top priority? How did Nergal open the Dragon Gate without the dragon babies OR his precious quintessence, making the entire plot meaningless?

I'm sorry. While I don't get as worked up as when discussing Fates, I just get reminded of all the issues with Blazing Sword whenever I start talking about it.

23. Have I left any impression you during this interrogation or any regained suppressed memories? It's okay if not, I can be forgettable.

24. Which game do you think has the best support system?

25. Any movies or video games that you like that no one else does?

26. Any movies or video games that you hate that everyone else loves?

23. Sure, you seem like a very interesting person to talk to, and I like your questions and your answers. I would've loved writing this post in a bit more detail, but I really need to go to bed now. It's been a long day.

What kind of impression have I left you?

24. Probably Path of Radiance.

25. Awakening.

26. Fates.

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32. Do you Final Fantasy?

33. Favorite scent from a flower, perfume, etc?

34. Do you play any musical instruments?

35. Favorite flower?

36. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done?

37. What are you dreams?

38. What do you believe can make you great?

39. Do you Metal Gear/Metal Gear Solid?

40. Do you read poetry?

41. Have you or would you play Shoot 'em ups?

Edited by Soledai
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Well, still, I feel bad for not remembering you. I won't forget you after this though, so hey, that's good.

Oh, I'm no fan of kids being everywhere in Japanese entertainment media either. One of my most hated anime tropes is the child genius thing they love so much. However, Sanaki being spoiled and acting like a twat makes sense given the context, and yet in spite of that, her heart is in the right place, and she's got some serious sass which she puts to good use. Her scolding Hetzel is satisfying, and I would've loved to set her loose on Xander.

Anyone taking fanfic requests? I want to read that, and I want to read that now.

I agree that Awakening's plot is fragmented and that it suffers a lot for it. The Valm arc, even though I like Walhart for some reason, would've been better spent on building up Grima and the world they're in. However, it's not as bad as, for example, Sacred Stone's "flee the country, rest, dive into the heart of an evil empire with a handful of guys and kill the emperor".

So why did Binding Blade need a prequel? Why was that the hand it was given? Even if that was needed, which I can't judge for myself since I haven't played FE6, it doesn't explain why they made such horrible calls when writing the game. Why did we need three uncharismatic protagonists? Lyn does almost nothing after her prologue. Why would that marquess who had his castle burned down by Lundgren choose to side with the man unless Lyn started crying for him? Why didn't Nergal kill them all when he had the chance? Who thought it was a good idea for Nergal to operate by using invisible magic energy that allows him to do everything the writers need him to which he obtains from killing people off-screen? What did the Morphs have to do that was more important than securing the dragon babies which was Nergal's top priority? How did Nergal open the Dragon Gate without the dragon babies OR his precious quintessence, making the entire plot meaningless?

I'm sorry. While I don't get as worked up as when discussing Fates, I just get reminded of all the issues with Blazing Sword whenever I start talking about it.

23. Sure, you seem like a very interesting person to talk to, and I like your questions and your answers. I would've loved writing this post in a bit more detail, but I really need to go to bed now. It's been a long day.

What kind of impression have I left you?

24. Probably Path of Radiance.

25. Awakening.

26. Fates.

Binding Blade didn't need a prequel, but since they decided to go with a prequel, it's the best way they could have pulled it off. They couldn't have done the big continental war that most other FE's did, or it would have been mentioned in FE6. Having the battles be smaller in scale with the real threat not being seen on the surface was a nice change from the standard FE story. The could have done a true sequel that showed the aftermath of the old war, like FE3 and especially RD, but they decided not to. Blazing Sword had its issues, but I think it's pretty solid.

I give the games that try something new plotwise Blazing Sword, Radiant Dawn, Conquests, and Revelations more leeway when assessing the plot. I felt RD did the best plotwise (it's the gameplay I hate about RD), followed by Blazing Sword, then Conquests, with Revelations at the bottom.

Revelations started strong, being well paced, with things I'd be willing to overlook, if they were the worst of it. (Izana's death was just stupid.) But they plot just hit a wall after you reached Valla. They wasted a whole 3 chapters on the stupid Anthony arc, then spent the rest of the chapters until end-game with Zombie parent of the day. Some world building for Valla was definitely need here and they failed miserably. Does anybody even live in Valla? When we first got here and met Anthony, I thought so, but then we meet no sentient beings for the rest of the game. No villages, no populace here, nothing. Not even an explanation from Azura about what the heck happened to the people here. Jeez, this turned into a rant. Revelations is like a button for me.

I think you're a nice guy who's pretty opinionated. It's fun to discuss FE with you, even if I don't agree with you on half the stuff; you back up your arguments, and it's a fun read. I like having someone to debate various aspects of fiction who doesn't take things too personally.

27. Do you play D&D or have on opinion on it?

28. Opinion on the Oxford comma?

29. Opinion on people changing user names

30. Opinion on people feeling the need to end lists on a round number?

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32. Do you Final Fantasy?

33. Favorite scent from a flower, perfume, etc?

34. Do you play any musical instruments?

35. Favorite flower?

36. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done?

37. What are you dreams?

38. What do you believe can make you great?

39. Do you Metal Gear/Metal Gear Solid?

40. Do you read poetry?

41. Have you or would you play Shoot 'em ups?

32. No, actually, I've never tried it even though I probably should.

33. You can't go wrong with lavender or roses.

34. I did play guitar before but I haven't touched one in years, and I was never very good.

35. Is rose too generic of an answer? I don't know much about flowers.

36. I think most will.

37. To travel the world is a good start.

38. Make me great? In what way?

39. I've only personally played the first game but I've watched walkthroughs of the other ones. They're pretty nice, and I love the easter eggs, but the series suffered from Konami's meddling, and more than a few things are far too complicated and nonsensical to be taken seriously.

40. Since I study linguistics and just got home from Spain, it was unavoidable. However, as uneducated it makes me sound, I've never liked poetry.

41. Sure, why not?

Really? Nothing like "that underscore person", "that person with no real name", "the one with the purple avi", "master", "bracket-title person", etc?

How are you today?

No, nothing like that. Why should I?

I just woke up and I'm thinking about what I want to do today. How are you?

Binding Blade didn't need a prequel, but since they decided to go with a prequel, it's the best way they could have pulled it off. They couldn't have done the big continental war that most other FE's did, or it would have been mentioned in FE6. Having the battles be smaller in scale with the real threat not being seen on the surface was a nice change from the standard FE story. The could have done a true sequel that showed the aftermath of the old war, like FE3 and especially RD, but they decided not to. Blazing Sword had its issues, but I think it's pretty solid.

And yet that's what they went with, indeed. It had no real role to fulfill or important answers to deliver, yet here it is. It's very uninspired if you ask me.

Sure, that would've been nice, if I would've actually cared about what's going on, and if Nergal hadn't broken the rules set by the game itself towards the end anyway. Just like Fates, the plot barely holds itself together through a string of contrivances, like the Morphs being too busy to do their most important task. The writing is also pitiful, like the aforementioned example with the marquess or Nino's subplot which absolutely no one found shocking when it was revealed that the obvious evil Morph *gasp* wasn't her mother.

I give the games that try something new plotwise Blazing Sword, Radiant Dawn, Conquests, and Revelations more leeway when assessing the plot. I felt RD did the best plotwise (it's the gameplay I hate about RD), followed by Blazing Sword, then Conquests, with Revelations at the bottom.

Revelations started strong, being well paced, with things I'd be willing to overlook, if they were the worst of it. (Izana's death was just stupid.) But they plot just hit a wall after you reached Valla. They wasted a whole 3 chapters on the stupid Anthony arc, then spent the rest of the chapters until end-game with Zombie parent of the day. Some world building for Valla was definitely need here and they failed miserably. Does anybody even live in Valla? When we first got here and met Anthony, I thought so, but then we meet no sentient beings for the rest of the game. No villages, no populace here, nothing. Not even an explanation from Azura about what the heck happened to the people here. Jeez, this turned into a rant. Revelations is like a button for me.

Sure it's nice with variation and when they want to try something new, but if they fail on every level, I'm not going to feel much better about the end product anyway. It's like the people defending Sonic '06 by saying the game was rushed - the game is still bad and broken for more reasons than one, and thinking "what could've been" is not going to improve it.

Revelations was doomed from the start and never had nice pacing. I realized what a mess I was in for when I realized that Azura knew every single detail worth knowing about the conflict from the get-go, yet "couldn't" say anything about it, which is the only, single reason as to why Birthright and Conquest are a thing. After that you collect your siblings like pokémon, and they stay entirely in the background. This is not even mentioning the fact that Revelation moves away from the very premise of the game.

I think you're a nice guy who's pretty opinionated. It's fun to discuss FE with you, even if I don't agree with you on half the stuff; you back up your arguments, and it's a fun read. I like having someone to debate various aspects of fiction who doesn't take things too personally.

I'm glad to hear it! I like discussing things with people who think differently as well; forums would be boring if everyone had the same opinions.

27. Do you play D&D or have on opinion on it?

28. Opinion on the Oxford comma?

29. Opinion on people changing user names

30. Opinion on people feeling the need to end lists on a round number?

27. I've never played it. It seems fun, though I don't know if I'm much of a roleplayer.

28. I'm often torn. Sometimes it's needed to resolve ambiguity though. I do not think we use it in my language.

29. Confusing, but hey, why not.

30. As long as you don't think that constitutes as OCD or makes you quirky, it's fine by me.

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1. Most offensive FE character (besides Corrin)?

2. Favorite non-playable FE character?

3. Favorite character from Ghost Trick?

4. Favorite character from the Zero Escape series?

5. Favorite character from the Ace Attorney series?

6. First and current impressions of me, since I'm sure you can't get enough of this one ;p

Edited by Kon
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1. Most offensive FE character (besides Corrin)?

2. Favorite non-playable FE character?

3. Favorite character from Ghost Trick?

4. Favorite character from the Zero Escape series?

5. Favorite character from the Ace Attorney series?

6. First and current impressions of me, since I'm sure you can't get enough of this one ;p

1. It's a tie between Xander, Camilla and Azura for different reasons. I know you said FE character and not just Fates, but that's simply where all the really big offenses to the players' intelligence are.

Xander - I mentioned earlier that I feel like Xander is two characters: the support version of him is a taciturn, disciplined prince with a nation's weight on his shoulders, yet in spite of it all is kind and caring. His main story counterpart is a sniveling coward completely lacking in morals who only cares about being able to sleep at night; the rest of the world can burn for all he cares.

The narrative tries so hard to make us see Xander as a reliable older brother, but that's just not how he comes across in the main story. He is okay with blindly following orders even when he knows them to be wrong. He needs no reason to do what he does so long as those around him are safe.

Let's take a look chronological look at Xander here. In chapter 6, he tells the prince of the innocent nation he's invading to essentially eat shit and die is a hero. He then tries convincing Corrin to come back to the family that has lied to them all their life and to the country that's ruled by the obvious madman that killed their parents and themselves twice already and help out with the invasion so that as few people as possible have to die - this is important, remember that. If you choose Birthright, he'll play a minor role until you kill him - of course, first he spits on his sister's sacrifice, ignoring what she wished for him to do and then he tells Corrin that he had no choice as the crown prince of Nohr, showing us what a gutless idiot he is for not being able to do the right thing even when the opportunity is served to him on a silver platter.

He doesn't fare much better in Conquest where he's once again fine with killing people left and right. This is also where we see the hypocritical side of him, since he objects to Zola's plan of killing the four Hoshidan royals, effectively ending the war right then and there with minimal casualties - he goes back on what he told Corrin, because this is not the "honorable" thing to do - Xander wants to kill them when they have a chance to defend themselves and can sacrifice far more people instead. This is made even worse when he says what may be the second stupidest line in the game, "justice is an illusion", in a pathetic attempt at telling himself that what he's doing is right. Of course, justice is an illusion, but he still felt the need to save the Hoshidans so that the war could continue, because his honor called for it - I'm trying so hard to see the writers' logic here, but I'm drawing a blank. Even after the war is over and they have won, he still suspects the avatar of treason when they say they need to kill Garon (which is another massive, massive issue, but we're only focusing on Xander as a character here), and he doesn't see anything wrong at all with what they've done until Garon turns out to be a literal monster rather than a figuerative one - the thing is, that doesn't change that Xander did what he thought was right, unable to see that a massacre might not be such a good thing. As a final insult, the player is supposed to be excited when he's crowned king of Nohr. Personally I'd be worried about being ruled by a guy so completely lacking in morals and spine who has shown that he's easily manipulated and willing to go to extremes to do something that's not beneficial for anyone. I suppose this is irrelevant, however, since Birthright and Conquests are bad endings where Sumeragi and Anankos are still alive, and the latter is now unable to be killed since a few of the siblings are dead.

In Revelation, he needs a literal evil monologue to be convinced that his father may not want what's best for Nohr after all. After that he pretty much disappears from the story, like every other character.

I've said this a lot recently, but it does bear repeating: Xander is very similar to Hetzel, yet the way the narrative treats these two characters couldn't be more different. Hetzel is treated like a sniveling opportunistic coward who could've stepped in and stopped tragedies from occurring. Xander, on the other hand, backed by the entire Nohrian royal family plus Corrin and Azura, is incapable of seeing the horrible things happening in front of him, yet the game treats him like a hero. Xander is even worse than Hetzel in that he's got more power than the senator and more allies, yet he not only watches as things unfold around him, but rather takes an active part in making sure they occur.

Xander is a villain in two out of three routes, saved only in the golden path because of a plot convenience, yet he's treated as a hero, and that's why I can't stand him.

Camilla - This is much shorter than Xander's entry in this little list. Camilla is pure fan service pandering, and the game treats her as such. That doesn't stop people from discussing her hidden depths with a zeal, however it often falls flat since there seems to be an unusual amount of headcanons about her.

Here's my take on Camilla: she's got no potential because she wasn't meant to be more than eye candy and fan service. Her role in the main story is tiny, her supports are pretty bad, she's the worst offender of the player worshipping disease that plagues this game, and the characters don't act normally around her. Her entire character is an insult to basic human interaction; people wouldn't be okay with someone like Camilla around, and the Nohrian family, especially Corrin, wouldn't put up with her trying to bone them all the time. She's a suffocating, mentally unstable person who's projecting her own problems onto others or downright threatens or coerces others to get what she wants, yet she's treated as a good person and character both by the game and the fans, and I can't understand that.

Azura - A cold, unfeeling exposition bot in the main story that artificially triples the length of the game because of both a plot convenience and what I can only assume is laziness on her part. I won't speak for her supports since I don't remember them all, but in the main story she's not only boring, but I tend to forget she's even there until she starts spouting exposition in the least interesting way possible or solves a problem with her song - I should never have to forget the person who's effectively the deuteragonist, yet the plot can't even handle the normal royal siblings talking to Corrin or each other, so I suppose it's only natural they couldn't squeeze some personality or emotion out of Azura, but that doesn't excuse it. Since she already knows everything worth knowing about the plot, there's very little opportunity or reason for her to react to what's going on, hampering her character growth even further.

Honorable mention to Peri. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?

2. That honor might go to Lyon, then. I rather like Walhart as well, but he does get playable after Awakening for whatever reason.

3. I'm a big fan of Sissel, but really, the best part is how everyone interacts with one another.

4. I think the characters in Zero Escape are relatively weak, actually. However, I do like both Phi and Sigma, although I never liked Phi's overly mysterious attitude in Virtue's Last Reward, but that's one of the things Zero Time Dilemma changed for the better.

5. Maya and Edgeworth, I believe. The best part about Ace Attorney is that the main characters usually, in spite of some flanderization and finding themselves in bizarre situations that simply wouldn't work in real life, still feel credible and "real". Edgeworth and Maya are two great examples of that; they have great backstories, multiple facets of their personalities and are pretty much the best part of the original trilogy.

6. I get the feeling that you like Undertale.

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2. That honor might go to Lyon, then. I rather like Walhart as well, but he does get playable after Awakening for whatever reason.

Lyon's playable for creature campaign which gives him the same level of availability as Walhart. Walhart does manage to get some flavor text and a support with the avatar though.

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30. As long as you don't think that constitutes as OCD or makes you quirky, it's fine by me.

I know what you mean, but I actually have bona fide OCD that was diagnosed by a psychiatrist and I took medication for. In the round number example, I was just being silly, and it's not something that's going to keep me up at night, but only in some cases do I really prefer certain numbers of things, like my car radio, I like to have on an even number for some reason, but just random groups of things, it's not really an issue. My OCD was primarily compulsive hand washing and germ paranoia, which gets worse when I'm depressed. I also feel a need to recheck things, like making sure my alarm is set correctly, like 7 or 8 times and sometimes feeling the need to go back and make sure I locked the door in the morning (like walking across a parking lot 3 times). I've been managing much better recently, but it's still something that comes back when I least need it to.

Ending my list on 30 wasn't really something that triggered that O component of OCD, it was just a whim.

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Lyon's playable for creature campaign which gives him the same level of availability as Walhart. Walhart does manage to get some flavor text and a support with the avatar though.

Yeah I don't count that. Still, Lyon is my answer, since he's by far the best thing about Sacred Stones.

I know what you mean, but I actually have bona fide OCD that was diagnosed by a psychiatrist and I took medication for. In the round number example, I was just being silly, and it's not something that's going to keep me up at night, but only in some cases do I really prefer certain numbers of things, like my car radio, I like to have on an even number for some reason, but just random groups of things, it's not really an issue. My OCD was primarily compulsive hand washing and germ paranoia, which gets worse when I'm depressed. I also feel a need to recheck things, like making sure my alarm is set correctly, like 7 or 8 times and sometimes feeling the need to go back and make sure I locked the door in the morning (like walking across a parking lot 3 times). I've been managing much better recently, but it's still something that comes back when I least need it to.

Ending my list on 30 wasn't really something that triggered that O component of OCD, it was just a whim.

A thousand apologies if I have said something to offend you. It was meant as a lighthearted jab at people who diagnose themselves with all manners of serious mental issues for whatever reason, as well as the people who do not understand what OCD is. I never meant to say anything that could possibly demean you, and I hope that's not how you interpreted it.

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Yeah I don't count that. Still, Lyon is my answer, since he's by far the best thing about Sacred Stones.

A thousand apologies if I have said something to offend you. It was meant as a lighthearted jab at people who diagnose themselves with all manners of serious mental issues for whatever reason, as well as the people who do not understand what OCD is. I never meant to say anything that could possibly demean you, and I hope that's not how you interpreted it.

I accept your apology, and I'm sorry myself, if I came across as defensive. I was not offended, it's just something that I actually deal with and wanted to set the record straight. As a physician myself, I know full well how annoying it can be when people self diagnose. Rest assured, I hold no ill will towards you, and never did. It's very admirable that you wanted to clarify things and smooth everything over, though. And I commend you for that.

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I accept your apology, and I'm sorry myself, if I came across as defensive. I was not offended, it's just something that I actually deal with and wanted to set the record straight. As a physician myself, I know full well how annoying it can be when people self diagnose. Rest assured, I hold no ill will towards you, and never did. It's very admirable that you wanted to clarify things and smooth everything over, though. And I commend you for that.

You didn't come across as defensive at all. I'm glad we're cool.

...you know what, Thane, I might have to take you up on the Sanaki tearing Xander a new asshole fanfic.

I'll bloody write it myself if that's what it takes. But yes, go ahead and do it, I'll make sure to read it while enjoying a glass of wine or something.

Nominations for #84 are open.

Nomination ends next Tuesday.

My five minutes of fame are over, and I recommend Blah the Prussian for the next session (Blah, it bothers me to no end that you don't spell 'blah' with a capital B).

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