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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Or what, you'll drop a brick on my foot?

Takumi is a passable anti villain, as long as you ignore a certain scene just before the endgame.

Damnit man I need all the bricks I have

Which scene? The one where he becomes a zombie?

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So a lot of people have been wondering...

1: Impressions of me?
2: Hot or cold?
3: Which country would you most like to live in?
4: Worst injury?
5: What did you do last?

1. Like a few of the folk that asked me, I actually don't know that much about you, to be honest. Sorry. :c
2. Cold, all the way.
3. uuuuuuhhhhhhhh, I actually haven't made up my mind on that, that much, yet. Liek, I sometimes have little fantansies where I'd see myself living in NY, or Miami (which I'm not specifically answering with "the US", since it's not exactly the case). While I really like big cities, I'd also like to be able to have a place that's closer to the antique and a sense of a more "personal" enviroment. I can be rather fickle, and appreciate the change of pace and balance.
aaaaaaand, that wasn't anywhere close to what you actually asked.
4. Pretty sure you mean physically, in which case, since I've never been much of an outdoors kid, there's not much to brag about on my resumé- HOWEVER, there was time when I kind of fractured my pinky knuckle (...or whatever it's called), since I literally only punched a piece of wood with it at a Taekwondo exam (i still broke it, tho).

Mentally/Emotionally: "Depression". :p
5. I was kind of watching a movie: american pie the beta house

1. Have you played the older FE games?
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
3. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?
4. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?
5. Forgiveness or retribution?

1. I played most FE games, barring FE1, 2 (well, unless you count 5 minutes of play) & 12.
2. uuuuuuhhhhh, same I answered to Frosty. I wouldn't be able to tolerate very still places, which is why I also really like big cities (also not entirely sure what would fit my criteria).
3. I think I'd be pretty awful. I'd probably let my folk do my thing (like, advisors and shit) while I just sit back and enjoy. I'd be a male version of Marie antoinette, basically.
4. I'm very much not a politics person, but I am pretty straight-forward about certain ethics and morality. as such, I can be pretty traditional about it. I'd have to go with the latter.
5. Retribution, of course. >[/size]:3

7. Is there any reason to change yourself in the future?
8. What could do FE10 better?
9. What's your opinon of SF?
10. Did you enjoy your interview?

I never forget things. :P
Awww :......(

After watching Nealuchi oneround Ludveck I was so hyped to see more.
I'm a bit sad but I understand you.

7. For me, there usually is. I'm not much of a fan of my current self, and I haven't been for a while. I'd like to be like I use to be, more "true" to myself. I always try, but I also always fail- to the point where I also fail at failing. Double negatives.
8. Me, personally, I'd just really like to know more about Sanaki. This does not include paired endings, HOWEVER.
okay, you meant in general:

Blade Lord Shinon. Now.

9. all in all, it's actually pretty great. always felt pretty welcoming, and people are generally pretty appropriate about their opinions regarding FE.
10. It was cool to know people remember me, 'aye. I'm not saying this to sound pity, however. There's usually a point where I don't log in as much, and new people start signing up, in which case, yeah.

I think you forgot someone


Edited by Soul~!
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Damnit man I need all the bricks I have

Which scene? The one where he becomes a zombie?

The one where he tells Corrin that he never really hates him and then becomes assimilated into the Corrin blowjob brigade.

Oh yeah, and Soul, Marie Antoinette never was actually a ruler, she was the wife of one. You'd be the non gender bent version of Commodus. I'm still at a loss for what exactly you're doing here.

Edited by blah the Prussian
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The one where he tells Corrin that he never really hates him and then becomes assimilated into the Corrin blowjob brigade.

Oh yeah, and Soul, Marie Antoinette never was actually a ruler, she was the wife of one. You'd be the non gender bent version of Commodus. I'm still at a loss for what exactly you're doing here.

Oh yeah. That is pretty stupid. I guess I just didn't notice because so much avatar worship has made me devlop a filter for that sort of thing. Though I suppose to try and rationalise it I guess I could say death gives one a new perspective on things. Which is logic you can't really argue with since no one has managed to fully die and give us their opinion.

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6. Greatest prank you've pulled?

7. Worst thing you've eaten?

8. What would your anime self look like?

9. What do you think of my game(s)?

10. Would you travel to the past or the future? How far is up to you.

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6. Greatest prank you've pulled?

7. Worst thing you've eaten?

8. What would your anime self look like?

9. What do you think of my game(s)?

10. Would you travel to the past or the future? How far is up to you.

6. At one point I convinced my friend that there was a new Pokemon called Regidoom that was supposed to be the most powerful of all the Regis, and was the master of Regigigas, and really had him going for a while. Like as in I told him how to get it in the game (I forget how I told him) and he did it. It was pretty funny when he found out it was a lie.

...yeah, I'm hardly Loki.

7. A few weeks ago, actually, I made the mistake of eating cheese that was simultaneously moldy and rotten. It was not a choice I look back upon fondly. Also, Mexican food in Prague in general is shitty. I would not recommend it.

8. Like me with big eyes, I guess.

9. I have not played them. What are they available on?

10. I would absolutely travel to the future. I'd go to the moment just before humanity was whipped out, and I'd use my time machine to get the entire history of the human race, and maybe some aliens, so I don't die on a cliffhanger. I mean, imagine dying right now. How shitty would that be!? I wouldn't know who won the election, I wouldn't know if ISIS ever fell, I wouldn't know anything that happened after my death! I don't want to not know how humanity's story continues.

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The first is available for free on Windows systems. https://powermaster.itch.io/power-master-1-a-strange-journey

Alternatively, there's a link to it in my profile.


Unfortunately, I have a Mac. I'll play it if you make a port.
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Unfortunately, I have a Mac. I'll play it if you make a port.

Yeah, you and almost everyone else I talk to. Unfortunately, RPG Maker VX Ace isn't compatible with Macs, though the new MV is. However, the external program Wine can do a wrap-around or something.

Some more questions:

11. Why a Mac Favorite place to visit?

12. Favorite soda flavor?

13. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be?

14. Have you ever gone go-karting?

15. Least Favorite character from your favorite FE?

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Yeah, you and almost everyone else I talk to. Unfortunately, RPG Maker VX Ace isn't compatible with Macs, though the new MV is. However, the external program Wine can do a wrap-around or something.

Some more questions:

11. Why a Mac Favorite place to visit?

12. Favorite soda flavor?

13. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be?

14. Have you ever gone go-karting?

15. Least Favorite character from your favorite FE?

11. Well, my favorite place in Prague is Wenceslaus Square, because it has a great view and plenty of places to sit and eat.

12. Don't know if apple cider counts, but if it does, that.

13. Akbar the great, Emperor of the Mughal Empire. First of all his name is in english Great the Great, so that's always good. Secondly, though, he was a famously learned and enlightened man, bringing about de facto secularization of his Empire. He would definitely be interesting to talk to, and as I love Indian food, and as he was the Emperor of most of India, the food would be awesome too.

14. Yes, with friends. At one point the kart ran out of fuel midway through.

15. Corrin and Xander from Conquest.

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11. How did you find your interview?

From my side it was by far the most interesting interview.

I learned even some new stuff about historical things.

Thumbs up!

11. Via a message from Hattusili on my profile.

Glad to hear it!

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11. What event, or series of events, marked the fall of the Roman Empire, in your opinion?

12. What's your opinion on the succession question of Edward the Confessor? Was Harold Godwinson, William of Normandy or Harald Hardrada the legitimate King of England?

13. Have you played or would you be interested in playing the older FE games?

14. What is your opinion on Emperor Nicholas II?

15. First and current impressions of me, if any?

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Ah, sorry. I thought that it was fun, although some of the questions did get repetitive. I also really wanted someone to ask me who my least favorite fictional monarch was, so I'll put that here: Pruncess Elise, from Sonic 06. I've never seen such a cowardly and pathetic person presented as a good leader. Whatever. But yeah, I'm glad and flattered I was selected.

Edit: Hattusili:

11. The fall of Constantinople to the Turks.

12. Harold was the legitimate King.

13. I've played FE7, FE8, FE9, and FE10. Not sure if any of those count as older.

14. Nicholas was incompetent, but less so than how everyone thinks. I don't have much of a problem with how he ran Russia prior to WWI, sans Pogroms. Everything about what he did in WWI, however, was the height of idiocy. He was an average at best peacetime leader and a terrible, terrible wartime leader.

15. This is quite a good thread you have here, and you seem to share my interest in history. Positive.

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16. Have you read any of Tolkien's works? If so, which ones and what do you think of them?

17. Have you read Marcus Aurelius's Meditations?

18. What do you think of the continued (yet short-lived) existance of the Despotate of the Morea after the fall of the Roman Empire, and Thomas Palaiologos's claim to the title of Emperor?

19. Do you have a favorite mythological story?

20. Opinions on Emperor Diocletian?

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16. Have you read any of Tolkien's works? If so, which ones and what do you think of them?

17. Have you read Marcus Aurelius's Meditations?

18. What do you think of the continued (yet short-lived) existance of the Despotate of the Morea after the fall of the Roman Empire, and Thomas Palaiologos's claim to the title of Emperor?

19. Do you have a favorite mythological story?

20. Opinions on Emperor Diocletian?

16. I think they're pretty good. I think that the elves being basically a race of Jesuses in power and goodness takes some of the tension away, though.

17. Unfortunately, no. I have heard some of his sayings, though; my favorite one is "How much greater are the consequences of your anger than the causes?"

18. I think that he was basically the only one left who could claim the title at that point. Had he by some miracle liberated Greece from the Turks he would have been the legitimate Emperor.

19. Probably the Gods vs the Titans, from Greco-Roman mythology. It does have some dumb moments like Saturn mistaking a rock for Jupiter, but overall it's an epic story.

20. Hit and miss. On the one hand, I like that he got religious legitimacy for the Emperors as a way of deterring military coups. On the other hand, the Tetrarchy, while good in theory, needed Diocletian to survive. Mike Duncan, who did a podcast about the Roman Empire, suggests that the Tetrarchy would have survived had Diocletian not insisted on the two Augustuses to be equal, that is, have one senior Emperor with the others all answering to him, and I agree.

Have you played Long Live The Queen? If so what are your opinions?

It's a great game with great writing. I think that unfortunately it can be frustrating at the beginning, but once you complete it for the first time it's great. My personal favorite path is to have Elodie become a military genius and then crush Togami's fleet. But yeah, overall it's a great deconstruction of princesses in western media.
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16. I think they're pretty good. I think that the elves being basically a race of Jesuses in power and goodness takes some of the tension away, though.

17. Unfortunately, no. I have heard some of his sayings, though; my favorite one is "How much greater are the consequences of your anger than the causes?"

18. I think that he was basically the only one left who could claim the title at that point. Had he by some miracle liberated Greece from the Turks he would have been the legitimate Emperor.

19. Probably the Gods vs the Titans, from Greco-Roman mythology. It does have some dumb moments like Saturn mistaking a rock for Jupiter, but overall it's an epic story.

20. Hit and miss. On the one hand, I like that he got religious legitimacy for the Emperors as a way of deterring military coups. On the other hand, the Tetrarchy, while good in theory, needed Diocletian to survive. Mike Duncan, who did a podcast about the Roman Empire, suggests that the Tetrarchy would have survived had Diocletian not insisted on the two Augustuses to be equal, that is, have one senior Emperor with the others all answering to him, and I agree.

It's a great game with great writing. I think that unfortunately it can be frustrating at the beginning, but once you complete it for the first time it's great. My personal favorite path is to have Elodie become a military genius and then crush Togami's fleet. But yeah, overall it's a great deconstruction of princesses in western media.

Pretty sure I completely filled the military stats, climbing and magic and paid for mercenaries and still couldn't beat that damn fleet.

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Pretty sure I completely filled the military stats, climbing and magic and paid for mercenaries and still couldn't beat that damn fleet.

IIRC it's still somewhat based on luck. But it's possible.

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