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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Oh hey Shin.

1. Impressions of little ol me?

2. What's your favorite arc of the entirety of Dragon Ball? So I'm including the original, Z, GT etc

3. How exactly did the Horace rivalry start? Was the the Folgores deal or was it in Drafting?

4. What would you say is your favorite game franchise?

5. Favorite animal?

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1. Senpai, impressions, please?

2. How long have you been noticing me, senpai?

3. Could you please give a detailed description of the origins of the "Shin is old!" joke?

4. What is it about mafia that you like?

5. When you're writing fiction, like say RPs, what is it that goes in your head to make better characters and pull off funny lines?

6. What are some great SF memories that you'd hold close to your heart?

7. Opinions on BREXIT!

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Given that you've been continually nominating me in this interview thread, what is it you want to ask me?

1. My questions for you will have to wait until it's your turn! They're really interesting so I'd hate to waste them during my silly little interview!

If you were to write a poem for a class assignment, what would be the theme?

1. It's been a good number of years since I've had anything remotely close to an English class! If I had to choose, I'd probably do something about what I saw around me. I find that exploring and romanticising the scenery in front of you can produce something interesting!

1. Favorite FE Archetype?

2. What song would you like to be played at your funeral?

3. Currently playing FE4 for the first time and I'm on Chapter 6, should I recruit Johan or Johalva?

4. Worst game mechanic in FE?

5. Do you play Smash Bros? If so who is/are your main(s)?

1. The Jeigan. From a gameplay perspective, they help with early game design and from a story perspective they give the usually naive lord some input.

2. This.

3. For love, for Radney! Johan's way funnier, and possibly marginally more useful.

4. Pair Up, especially in Awakening.

5. I do! I main Link, but have Wario, Shulk and Jigglypuff as back ups.

1. Impressions?

2. Favorite food?

3. Hot or cold?

4. Pet peeves?



All I could think of was CatDog.

2. Probably CHICKEN.

3. Cold, anything above 25C is pretty uncomfortable for me.

4. I hate it when people leave their washing up in the sink, or walk on my lawn!

Oh hey Shin.

1. Impressions of little ol me?

2. What's your favorite arc of the entirety of Dragon Ball? So I'm including the original, Z, GT etc

3. How exactly did the Horace rivalry start? Was the the Folgores deal or was it in Drafting?

4. What would you say is your favorite game franchise?

5. Favorite animal?



2. Probably pre-Ginyu Namek, Gohan and Krillin were a lot better protagonists than Goku and the Vegeta sideplot was unique and something not really done elsewhere in DBZ.

3. Drafting, that FATASS decided he'd take my record. The Folgore Rangers had him as a villain so I could try and antagonise him. In the end, it just resulted in everyone being mean to Camdar.

4. It'd be hard to say, I'm not particularly loyal and tend to jump between and skip games.

5. Probably butterflies. They're pretty INTERESTING. Plus, my great-grandfather used to collect them.

1. Senpai, impressions, please?

2. How long have you been noticing me, senpai?

3. Could you please give a detailed description of the origins of the "Shin is old!" joke?

4. What is it about mafia that you like?

5. When you're writing fiction, like say RPs, what is it that goes in your head to make better characters and pull off funny lines?

6. What are some great SF memories that you'd hold close to your heart?

7. Opinions on BREXIT!



It was a long day, sue me.

2. Probably for the last 3 years or so. It took me a while to distinguish you from BBM!

3. Basically, there was a skype group where I, surprise, surprise, was pretty much the oldest member. By chance, I found out that I was actually SB's father so the joke began to propagate. Before long, it became widely established I was OLD.

4. I like figuring people out and finding intent and contradictions in what they say. I find the fun in mafia isn't about winning or losing, but comparing what you observe in the other players and the progress of the game. It's fun to look back in retrospect to see how close you were!

5. I like to explore themes when roleplaying. Each character has a key motive that I want to build on throughout it, so I build up from that. The more different a character is from me, the more interesting they are to write!

6. Beating Horace in SFDTT when everyone decided that he'd pretty much already won.



It makes it far more tempting to move abroad!

Who is your favorite member on SF?

Who is your least favorite member on SF?

In-N-Out or British KFC?

1. Myself Second row down, third from the left.

2. Horace. the LUCKY, FAT, TALENTLESS jerk.

3. That'd be a hard one. I'd go for the former because I don't have as regular access to it!

Edited by Shin
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Definitely agree w/what you said about gaming in the 2000's.

1) Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

2) I don't know what that means, I just said it to sound cool. Wait, this isn't a question. Or is it? It's not. I think? Yeah, definitely not.

3) First and current impressions of myself. Hold on, this isn't a que-

4) How did Horace beat you today?

5) What are your favourite games? Animes? Recreational drugs?

6) Is there any particular reason that you're interested in psychology?

7) Do you ever get stressed out/depressed? How do you deal with it?

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11: Who's SB that you're the father of? How did you find out/not know?

12: Does nobody rage like Shin?

13: Is there any video game, movie, etc that you love that everyone else hates?

14: Is there any video game, movie, etc that you hate that everyone else loves?

15: If you were a FE character what would your class and stats/growths be like?

16: (Artistic) Impression of yourself?

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16: (Artistic) Impression of yourself?

Welp, goodbye world, Shin's awesomeness is too much for it to handle! :P:

Ahem. . .

1. What's your impression of me, in less than five minutes?

2. How do you like your eggs?

3. If you could make one rule on SF, what would it be?

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I don't usually do this thread but

1. Could you do an artist impression of me

1. Maybe you can pick up a few tips from my ART.


Like never letting me near a pencil ever again.

Is there a saying or rule that live by or keep in mind everyday?

1. The most important thing in life is to understand how you actions affect other people. Either that or "Horace sucks".

Worst thing you've eaten?

Impressions of me?

Impressions of yourself?

Are you active on any other communities?

Favorite vacation spot?

1. My younger sister made a curry once at school and took it home. It was borderline lethal.



It's too early for me to justify my bad drawings, sue me.



4. A couple, not many online ones though!

5. California, hopefully when the weather's a little cooler!

Definitely agree w/what you said about gaming in the 2000's.

1) Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

2) I don't know what that means, I just said it to sound cool. Wait, this isn't a question. Or is it? It's not. I think? Yeah, definitely not.

3) First and current impressions of myself. Hold on, this isn't a que-

4) How did Horace beat you today?

5) What are your favourite games? Animes? Recreational drugs?

6) Is there any particular reason that you're interested in psychology?

7) Do you ever get stressed out/depressed? How do you deal with it?

1. Yes, he stepped on my toes and skipped out on the bill.

2. I think it might be, but it did sound cool.



You expected less, bro?

4. Well, when I stepped on the scales, it turned out Horace already had the high score.

5. Games? Probably CS:GO and Smash currently, animoo, I've been watching JOJO and Psycho Pass. Drugs, plenty of PARACETAMOL and IBUPROFEN for dem knees.

6. Mostly because I like how unpredictable people are. People are generally logical but irrational, so it's kinda cool to see where that comes from.

7. Probably, I just have some ICE CREAM and take a nap. It usually does the trick.

11: Who's SB that you're the father of? How did you find out/not know?

12: Does nobody rage like Shin?

13: Is there any video game, movie, etc that you love that everyone else hates?

14: Is there any video game, movie, etc that you hate that everyone else loves?

15: If you were a FE character what would your class and stats/growths be like?

16: (Artistic) Impression of yourself?

11. See a few posters below.

12. Many have tried, few have succeeded. Those who did succeed were incredibly underwhelmed.

13. Brawl, other than a few balance issues, the game wasn't that bad!

14. I wouldn't say I hated Awakening, but I had far more distaste for it than a fair few people.

15. Either a Sorcerer or a Trickster, with fairly middling growths other than a deficit in luck and maybe a smidge more skill than average.

16. See above.

Welp, goodbye world, Shin's awesomeness is too much for it to handle! :P:

Ahem. . .

1. What's your impression of me, in less than five minutes?

2. How do you like your eggs?

3. If you could make one rule on SF, what would it be?

1. Compiling all I know about you in a limited time frame...


I wish I had laser vision too!

2. Hard boiled, enough so that the yolk is solid!

3. Every time someone receives a warn, they have to write a haiku expressing their remorse and post it publicly.

Why am I a superior son to Darros?

1. For a start, I didn't drop you as a child! That kind of set the tone for the rest of the story!

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If Erik and Josh started up a comedy routine together, how many people in England do you think would pay to see them perform?

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1. Maybe you can pick up a few tips from my ART.


Like never letting me near a pencil ever again.

when you think about it though him having a crab/lobster thing on his hat actually makes sense

i mean it probably wasn't intentional but

it's kind of fitting

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6. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings etc.)? If so, what are your opinions on them?

7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

8. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

9. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

10. Retribution or forgiveness?

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11.Favorite Bond movie?
12.Favorite Disney movie?
13.Favorite Shakespeare play?
14.Favorite Queen song?
15.Favorite Harry Potter Character?

11. Die Another Day, I'm one of the seven people worldwide who actually liked the theme!

12. That's a tough one, either Lion King or Frozen. I always forget Shrek isn't DIsney!

13. A Winter's Tale. I did it for a class at uni, as odd as it sounds, and got to play Leontes!

14. Killer Queen, although Bohemian Rhapsody is pretty swag.

15. Lockhart, he's a really nice example of why not all bad guys are death eaters. Moody is a close second.

hi Shin

1.) Impressions or whatever you're doing for those I guess

2.) How does it feel being OLD?

3.) What is a status update on POKESHIN?



It makes SENSE.

2. If you're not using your knees, I wouldn't mind having them.

3. I've been incredibly BUSY, so it's taken a backseat. I might have time for it sometime this year.


1. What did you think of smash brothers subspace emissary?

2. Favorite foods?

3. Artist impression?

4. What killed the dinosaurs?

1. Too much Kirby, and the Great Maze sucked. Otherwise, it's a really neat co-op experience!






1) what's new and fun?

2) do you like FUN?

3) do you like Funk?

4) Funkiest thing you ever saw?

5) Am I funky?

1. Helping the elderly do their shopping, it's far more rewarding than it looks! Plus the bags are heavy.

2. Of course, fire burns down all the houses, uranium bombs, no survivors and all that.

3. Back when I was like 16 or so, I was actually in a funk rock band. The genre's pretty good and you can go in so many directions.

4. I saw a one man band do Uptown Funk.

5. So that's what the smell was!

If Erik and Josh started up a comedy routine together, how many people in England do you think would pay to see them perform?

1. Of course, although they'd be doing their best to escape the stage.

when you think about it though him having a crab/lobster thing on his hat actually makes sense

i mean it probably wasn't intentional but

it's kind of fitting

I've been JoJoing since before the animoo was aired, I can POSE.

last time you felt like quitting SF for good?

Never actually. Even if someone is unpleasant or doesn't like me, I figure that I'm popular enough for it to not matter too much!

1) Do you like hurting other people?

2) How did you express your ultimate rage?

3) If you could do just one thing to make the world a better place, what would it be?

4) What is the most Shintastic thing that has happened to you?

5) Chaos or Order?

1. If I don't hurt them, I can't fix them afterwards!

2. By doing the most vicious and spiteful thing I know. Calling Horace FAT.

3. I'd have it so every time there was a disagreement, people would play DDR in order to solve their disputes.

4. I once turned up an hour early to a class by accident, but it turned out that we were having a test that morning an hour before the class was due to start. That was fortunate!

5. Order. You can't chaos a pizza.

6. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings etc.)? If so, what are your opinions on them?

7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

8. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

9. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

10. Retribution or forgiveness?

6. I've read the Hobbit, the Fellowship and half of the Two Towers. His world building's really impressive, but the pacing of his writing really makes it tough to stay engaged at times. I should really go back and finish them one day!

7. Tough question! Either Australia or the West Coast of the US. Maybe even CANADA.

8. Ideally somewhere in the middle, although leaning more towards active. There's no point having ideas if nobody else likes them or they're not really appropriate for the situation!

9. Probably the latter, laws for the sake of it "being the law" doesn't make a fantastic society.

10. Forgiveness, that way you can move on!

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