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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1. What three words best describe you?

2. How do you think success should be measured?

3. What scares you?  Do you have any irrational fears?

4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day?

5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again?

9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 

10. What are you most grateful for right now?

11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

12. If you could time travel, where would you go?

13. What are your pet peeves?

14. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?

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Cartie-coo, I am far from weird. How dare you! And yes, I meant marching band. Didn't realise I didn't type "marching".

6. Is @Arcanite a liar?

7. What do you want to do after you leave school?

8. Is the cup half full or half empty?

9. Should I tell @Sorin to get his butt back here for your interview?

10. Do you remember that roleplay?

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2 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:

Cartie-coo, I am far from weird.

Awwww look at little Dusker trying to deny the truth!

6. Isn't that adorable?

14 hours ago, Carter said:

honestly no

7. How do you even live with yourself

14 hours ago, Carter said:


8. Fun fact: a few of his Albums are named after his last name, "Carter"

Isn't that something?

14 hours ago, Carter said:

but you seem like a nice guy

I'm a robot though


9. What is updog?

10. You like eating (like everyone in the world), but do you know how to cook?

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VI. Favorite season?

VII. Fight or flight?

VIII. Do you live somewhere urban, suburban, or rural?

IX. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

X. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

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Hey Ms. Carter. Tell me where have you been?

They've been asking, they've been searching, they've been wonderin' why

13 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:

9. Should I tell @Sorin to get his butt back here for your interview?

10. Do you remember that roleplay?

oh my

Edited by Motendra
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21 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

I wonder if you've played Kingdom Hearts 3D... Because that's where they come from. Catanuki (D) is indeed based on the tanuki... and it's also exclusive to the HD version of said game on PS4.

Rotom is an Electric type Pokémon from the fourth generation. Its secondary typing depends on what appliance it possesses (normal Rotom is a Ghost type as well).

6. Favorite Eevee evolution? 

7. Favorite Legendary Pokemon?

8. Have you woken that slugabed up?

9. Opinion of getoutoftherecat (the tumblr in my sig)?

10. Is battling dinosaur bosses awesome?



6. I like Sylveon

7. Kyogre

8. nope!!

9. tbh I'm not a fan of cats, but it is nice to see them in weird places

10. battling dinosaurs would be pretty nice if i was prepared, but otherwise scary

13 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

1. What three words best describe you?

2. How do you think success should be measured?

3. What scares you?  Do you have any irrational fears?

4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day?

5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again?

9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 

10. What are you most grateful for right now?

11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

12. If you could time travel, where would you go?

13. What are your pet peeves?

14. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?

1. hungry, beautiful, sleepy

2. Success should be measured by................... idk my mind is SO foggy rn

3. i'm scared of spiders and heights and being buried alive

4. take long showers

5. nope. it's making some people more confident, but not full of themselves. though also it can also make some people feel insecure

6. can't really think of any at the top of my head. but if anyone were to tell me to stop because of some unspoken rule, i would definitely keep doing that thing

7. money

8. Sitting by myself on a plane (by myself i mean next to a stranger)

9. Introvert, though some of my friends seem surprised when i say that

10. i guess that i've grown up in a really safe, friendly neighborhood and school district

11. there are specific things that i like to be challenged by and some things that i prefer to be easy, it's not just "i like everything to be a challenge" or "i want everything to be easy" for me.

12. i would time travel back to the time when bride cordelia was still available in the Fjorm legendary summoning, because I saved 100+ orbs and did not get her at all, even though I got 3 Gennys and 2 Lyns. seriously though, i like where i am now. the older time periods seem messy and not as kind.

13. i hate it when people walk slowly in the hallways at school, when people are overly sensitive and get offended by everything, and when people act super entitled, like they deserve things. i had this one friend that always acted like i was the bad one in our friendship, and i always apologized for everything even though i did literally nothing wrong. i recently stopped being friends with her and ugh it feels so amazing bc looking back, she was a terrible friend. she also is overly sensitive and gets offended by A LOT of things. and normally, i would be there and comfort her because of that, but it's been a super long year and i've done enough of that. she doesn't deserve to be friends with me.


15. School year wise, i'd say 2016-17. but year, I would definitely say 2017. I think I really found myself that year (which was basically like 5 days ago lol). I found my group of friends, I dropped toxic people that i used to hang out with. i'm confident, independent (except i can't go to the bathroom by myself out of my house lol), and happy. my grades are up, my skin is clearing!!! 2018 will definitely be good for me. and if things look bad, i'll make it better!!

12 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:

Cartie-coo, I am far from weird. How dare you! And yes, I meant marching band. Didn't realise I didn't type "marching".

6. Is @Arcanite a liar?

7. What do you want to do after you leave school?

8. Is the cup half full or half empty?

9. Should I tell @Sorin to get his butt back here for your interview?

10. Do you remember that roleplay?

6. definitely

7. ......not sure :(

8. half empty. if you fill up an empty cup, it is half empty. if you drink from a cup that was full, it is half full. also, it's both. 2 halves = 1 whole

9. YES!!!!!!

10. ugh, don't remind me!!

8 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Awwww look at little Dusker trying to deny the truth!

6. Isn't that adorable?

7. How do you even live with yourself

8. Fun fact: a few of his Albums are named after his last name, "Carter"

Isn't that something?

I'm a robot though


9. What is updog?

10. You like eating (like everyone in the world), but do you know how to cook?

6. of course :)))

7. i'm a great, caring, loving, smart, and beautiful person. i have great friends that love me and i love them, it is very easy to live with myself :)

8. wow that's cool!!

9. idk man

10. I can bake!!! not so much cook unfortunately

6 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

VI. Favorite season?

VII. Fight or flight?

VIII. Do you live somewhere urban, suburban, or rural?

IX. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

X. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

6. winter!! spring is a close second. Summer is also good because no school.

7. flight. i'm not very confrontational unless the situation involves me and i want to be involved  lol

8. suburban

9. suburban

10. INTJ, i think it fits me. 2 years ago, i was ISFJ. I changed a lot in the past 2 years, and i like the way i am now a lot more. it fits me.

4 hours ago, Motendra said:

Hey Mrs. Carter. Tell me where have you been?

They've been asking, they've been searching, they've been wonderin' why

oh my

tbh schoool takes up a lot of my time. also i haven't been playing fire emblem much other than heroes.

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Did you realize that my first question was actually a song reference to Mr Carter, himself?

Have you graced yourself with Jhene Aiko?

Or Big Sean?


Edited by Motendra
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XI. Hot or cold?

XII. Have you ever gone fishing?

XIII. Quality or quantity?

XIV. Eastern or Western dragon?

XV. Katana, broadsword, or scimitar?

XVI. Ever solved a Rubix Cube?

XVII. Favorite video game franchise?

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21 hours ago, Motendra said:

Did you realize that my first question was actually a song reference to Mr Carter, himself?

Have you graced yourself with Jhene Aiko?

Or Big Sean?


I did not know that!! cool beans

I have not "graced" myself with either of them but i do know them

7 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

XI. Hot or cold?

XII. Have you ever gone fishing?

XIII. Quality or quantity?

XIV. Eastern or Western dragon?

XV. Katana, broadsword, or scimitar?

XVI. Ever solved a Rubix Cube?

XVII. Favorite video game franchise?

11. Recently, I prefer hot. IT's been really really cold where I live

12. Nope!

13. For food, I like a good mix, but i'd say quantity because I'm always hungry

14. western dragon

15. broadsword

16. not that i remember? i got really close though

17. I'm just gonna go with Fire Emblem, but I really haven't been playing a lot recently

3 hours ago, Gemma said:

1) Cake or pie? What kind?

2) Favorite breed of dog?

3) Game you've played recently that you've enjoyed?

4) Do you like snow?

5) Favorite winter snack?

1. Cake!! I love vanilla cake or ice cream cake. Red velvet isn't bad either. I love apple pies too!

2. I love pitbulls, german shepherds, chow chows, and golden retrievers

3. I just played Splatoon again after not having played it for like half a year, and I had a lot of fun. OH, and my brother bought one of those snes classic editions, and we played it together, which was also fun. we played mario kart, which he beat me at, and then we played kirby, and I loved being the helper because I got to be the actual enemy and not a kirby with a hat or something. and then i beat him like 5 times in a row in both megaton punch and samurai kirby :)

4. I LOVE SNOW so much

5. there are specific winter snacks?!?!!? i just like hot chocolate with marshmallows

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2 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:



16 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

(On mobile, so I can't do the red text.)

Me too, so I cheat and quote someone else 

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1.Is it nice for a new interviewer for a change?

2. If Fire Emblem Heroes didn't exist, what would you do with your free time?

3.Have you ever been on a boat?

4.Star Wars or Star Trek?

5. Your opinion on me?


Edited by Jingle Jangle
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1. Opinions of the following:



a. ee06c1c24e.gif

b. e67647148a.gif


2. Do you think you have rigid, porous, or healthy boundaries with people? If you wanna specify between acquaintances, friends, close friends, romantic partners, sure thing. For reference, here are some common traits of each:

Rigid boundaries: 
* Avoid intimacy and close relationships
* Unlikely to ask for help
* Has few close relationships
* Very protective of personal information
* May seem detached, even with romantic partners
* Keeps others at a distance to avoid the possibility of rejection

Porous boundaries:
* Overshares personal information
* Difficulty saying "no" to the requests of others
* Overinvolved with other's problems
* Dependent on the opinions of others
* Accepting of abuse or disrespect
* Fears rejection if they do not comply with others

Healthy boundaries:
* Values own opinions
* Doesn't compromise values for others
* Shares personal information in an appropriate way (does not over or under share)
* Knows personal wants and needs, and can communicate them
* Accepting when others say "no" to them

3. Branching from the above question, which kind of boundary do you have for:
* Physical (personal space and physical touch)
* Intellectual (thoughts and ideas)
* Emotional (personal feelings)
* Sexual (emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of sexuality)
* Material (money and possessions)
* Time (how someone uses their time)

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6 minutes ago, Mister IceTeaPeach said:

Oh... interviewed person has a kitty avatar... so it makes it easy for me.


1. Do you own cats?

2. Favorite cat bread?

3. Favorite fictional cat?

4. Favorite cat in FE?

5. Favorite cat picture?

1. I have just one cat. I would like to have more cats, and animals in general, one day.

2. Probably this one, since it looks like my cat. I just looked it up on Google Images.



3. That would be Noihara Himari. She is probably the first cat girl that I encountered in media.

4. I have not played Path of Radiance nor Radiant Dawn, so I am not too familiar with the feline Laguz of Fire Emblem. I do have Trick or Defeat Sakura, so I guess she will be my favorite Fire Emblem bakeneko.

5. Here is my cat. I like to rub my face all over her belly when she sleeps like that.




23 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

1.Is it nice for a new interviewer for a change?

2. If Fire Emblem Heroes didn't exist, what would you do with your free time?

3.Have you ever been on a boat?

4.Star Wars or Star Trek?

5. Your opinion on me?

1. Do you mean interviewee? I guess it is nice to have new people to interview. It is fun to get to know more about people.

2. I will most likely have gotten the Switch now and a new computer so I can finally play Skyrim on my own machine. I have gotten really tired of Fire Emblem Heroes lately, and since I do not have a Switch nor a new computer, I mostly watch YouTube and I am trying to find a new anime or show to binge on in two or three sittings. I also work on my Fire Emblem Heroes spreadsheet to expand my Excel skills when I am not sick of Heroes.

3. Yes, I have been on ferries and an aircraft carrier. If I can ever afford it, I would like to own a huge cruise ship with a runway on top that can accommodate the A380 (I guess it is technically an aircraft carrier, but it is intended for cruising and entertainment instead of military use). Actually, if I can afford anything that extravagant, I might as well own a few more. A ship that size would be pretty slow, so I if I want a change of scenery I think it is better to have several of them across the globe.

4. Warhammer 40,000. I prefer Star Wars. I like the mix of fantasy and science fiction elements. I used to watch Star Trek when I was kid, but then Star Wars Episode I came out and grabbed my attention much better. I preferred Star Wars ever since.

5. Who does not like a hot stalker? Positive? We are all Fire Emblem fans. I have not really given much thought.

10 minutes ago, Byakuren Hijiri said:

1. Opinions of the following:

  Reveal hidden contents


a. ee06c1c24e.gif

b. e67647148a.gif


2. Do you think you have rigid, porous, or healthy boundaries with people? If you wanna specify between acquaintances, friends, close friends, romantic partners, sure thing. For reference, here are some common traits of each:

Rigid boundaries: 
* Avoid intimacy and close relationships
* Unlikely to ask for help
* Has few close relationships
* Very protective of personal information
* May seem detached, even with romantic partners
* Keeps others at a distance to avoid the possibility of rejection

Porous boundaries:
* Overshares personal information
* Difficulty saying "no" to the requests of others
* Overinvolved with other's problems
* Dependent on the opinions of others
* Accepting of abuse or disrespect
* Fears rejection if they do not comply with others

Healthy boundaries:
* Values own opinions
* Doesn't compromise values for others
* Shares personal information in an appropriate way (does not over or under share)
* Knows personal wants and needs, and can communicate them
* Accepting when others say "no" to them

3. Branching from the above question, which kind of boundary do you have for:
* Physical (personal space and physical touch)
* Intellectual (thoughts and ideas)
* Emotional (personal feelings)
* Sexual (emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of sexuality)
* Material (money and possessions)
* Time (how someone uses their time)

1. I am not really sure. I guess I like the green one better since I like green more than blue.

2. It depends on how much I know them.

With my friends, I think I lean more porous than healthy, although I do not dig into their problems and we are past the point of worrying about rejection; we are almost siblings at this point.

With my family of the older generations, I am rigid. With my cousins from my dad's side, I think I am healthy, although I may lean porous if I get to spend time with them more. With my cousins on my mom's side, I lean rigid since I do not interact with them much. I have only one nephew so far from my dad's side, but I have not spent time with him much, but I assume it will be combination of healthy and porous like my cousins if I spend more time.

With my less close friends/acquaintances (I prefer the term acquaintance, I think the term "friend" should be reserved for those closest to you), I am pretty rigid.

I am currently single, but I was porous with my relationships.


I get pretty touchy with my friends. I grab and slap their butts and they do it to me. I need neither personal space nor privacy, but I do respect theirs. I am generally hands off with everyone else, although I do hug people if they initiate or if they look like they need a hug.

I am pretty open with my thoughts with my friends and family. In my opinion, I think it is a good idea to let your friends and family know where you stand on beliefs and issues so people can agree to disagree if an argument comes up.

I can cry and curse and express whatever with my friends. I am pretty closed to everyone else.

For my relationships, I pretty open to anything that does not involve anal sex, excrement, or another man. I am not a big fan of anal sex or urine or feces. I think I am straight; I had a dream involving anal sex with a friend and it was awful and scary.

I am very materialistic. I give my friends money rather than lending it if they need financial assistance. I do not like to keep track of who owes me what, and I rather just let them treat me out for dinner to show appreciation. Offering to pay the full bill occasionally also gives me unrivaled veto power when there is something I do not want to do as a group. For my family, they generally gave me money for tuition and stuff. I do not mind my friends borrowing my stuff, but we never really borrowed each other's stuff outside of cars and games. I do not like to lend stuff to other people though.

I like to spend time with my friends, but not so much with my family or other people besides my cousins on dad's side. Chilling is fine, but I prefer going on road trips and experiencing new things with them.

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6 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

1. Summer or Winter?

2. Damage, Tank, or Healer?

3. Tea or Coffee?

4. Do you listen to any Podcasts?

5. Favourite Youtuber/Twitch Streamer?

1. I love Winter. I wish I was back in New York experiencing the snow.

2. I prefer to fight or contribute from the back lines, so I would go with healer, although I am fine with any support class or a long range area damage dealer. In Battlefield 3, I play Support and Sniper class. For Support, I put down an ammo pack back at base, I stay a little behind my allies, and shell the front line with my mortar. If I die, I respawn as a Sniper, go near my ammo pack, and I deploy my MAV drone to spot enemies for my team for the rest of the match. If the enemy shoots down my MAV, the ammo pack will give me another. I have terrible aim and I like to observe the battlefield from afar so the MAV is perfect for me. I also get to participate in battle by running enemies over with my drone if they do not look up or watch their backs.

3. I do not have a preference for either, as I like soda or anything fizzy way more. A coffee flavor that I tried recently that smelled really good was vanilla nut; it was still bitter so I poured a quarter can of condensed milk into my coffee to sweeten it. Jasmine and mint tea are the teas I drink the most, but all the ones I have tried are not quite satisfactory; I like the jasmine in jasmine tea, but I am not a big fan of the green tea leaves; I like sweetened mint tea, but all the mint tea that I have tried is very weak unless I throw two or more packets into the cup. If they can just put the jasmine flowers into a big packet of mint leaves, then that will be perfect.

4. Nope. The only audio media that I listen to are primarily ASMR artists and Taylor Swift.

5. I do not have a favorite YouTuber. I just favorite whatever channel that piques my interest. The channels are mostly about animals (AntsCanada, Brave Wilderness, Kitten Lady, PBS Eons, etc.), ASMR (AccidentlyGraceful, ASMR Darling, ASMR PPOMO, The ASMR Circus, etc.), education (Last Week Tonight, PBS Space Time, Primitive Technology, Shadiversity, etc.), and gaming (LowkoTV, MxR Mods, Nintendo Mobile, Phoenixmaster1, Yandere Dev, etc.). I am not interested in Twitch and most game play YouTubers; I avoid popular game play YouTubers like Markiplier and PewDiePie since I find their voice to be super annoying and highly irritating.

Edited by XRay
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1. What books/movies/games did you used to enjoy but now dislike and why the change?

2. What books/movies/games did you used to dislike but now enjoy and why the change?

3. What books/movies/games do you enjoy, but most people seem to dislike and why do you like it?

4. What books/movies/games do you dislike, but most people seem to enjoy and why do you dislike it?

5. Why is Adam West's Batman the best of them all?

Edited by Phillius the Crestfallen
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1 hour ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

1. What books/movies/games did you used to enjoy but now dislike and why the change?

2. What books/movies/games did you used to dislike but now enjoy and why the change?

3. What books/movies/games do you enjoy, but most people seem to dislike and why do you like it?

4. What books/movies/games do you dislike, but most people seem to enjoy and why do you dislike it?

5. Why is Adam West's Batman the best of them all?

1. I do not think I have any.

2. The Handmaid's Tale. I had to read it back in high school. It is probably still boring if I read it today, but I now appreciate the themes and plot more. The book presents an alternative history where the United States has fallen and the country has been taken over by the Christian far right. After Trump got elected, having read the book gives you the feeling that domestic terrorism and anti-American elements comes not from abroad but from within our borders. International and Islamic terrorists never frightened me because their group is so small and so spread out that they never had any real chance of destroying America that is thousands of miles away across the ocean. They will have to do more than hijacking a few planes to kill 300 million Americans or impact our quality of life. On the other hand, seeing a whole political party betray their principles and fallen to the far right is disheartening. I used to lean Republican for their economic agenda, but after they elected Trump and swerved far right, I consider myself Democrat or at least lean heavily towards Democrat since they moved towards the middle and aligned with my values more.

3. Most people do not seem to like ecchi and fan service in media. I like it because it appeals to my base instincts. For example, I like the petting mini game from Fire Emblem Fates, but most players do not seem to care about the removal in its international release. I already got a Japanese 3DS and their version of the game so I did not miss out on anything, but I prefer to play the full game in my own language rather than in another language.

4. My friends follow PewDiePie and Markiplier. I do not because their voice is irritating. It is almost like listening to a screeching chalkboard. Their voice is fine if they speak normally, but their voice often becomes a bit high pitched when they get excited or scared.

5. I have not watched the really old live action Batman, but their quirkiness seems interesting. I saw the George Clooney Batman and I really liked it. I find the nipples on the costume and the booty shots to be hilarious, and I also like Arnold Schwarzenegger's role as Mr. Freeze. Christian Bale Batman is really good too with a more serious and "realistic" feel, and I like Michael Caine's and Morgan Freeman's roles as Alfred and Lucius.

I also waive the 5 question limit since I think it is easier for people ask everything at once and I can reply back all at once too.

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