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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1. What's your favorite historical event and why?

2. Greatest stunt you've pulled off, or at least walked away from?

3. Have you ever done extreme BMX biking?

4. Impressions of me?

5. What current event in the world do you wish you could change, if any?

5a. Historical event?

1. In terms of improving the quality of life of the people of the world, the fall of the Soviet Union. I can't imagine living through something like that, but it must have been incredible. Even if conflicts remain, the world was changed immeasurably for the better in a few years. It's not every year something like that happens. In terms of interestingness, as I said before the fall of the Roman Republic, the Crisis of the Third Century, and the French Revolution.

2. Well at one point I went tubing and had my uncle, who was driving the boat, do it as crazy as he could. My fingers hurt like hell afterwords, but I did it.

3. No.

4. Although I disagree with your views on LGBT, you seem like a nice enough person. Good luck on Power Master 2.

5. I would have the US stop supporting Syrian Rebels and work with Assad and Russia to defeat ISIS. I would also restore the Libyan Monarchy.

5a. Now this is complicated, but basically I would prevent the Three Pashas (assholes and Ultranationalists) from coming to power in the Ottoman Empire in 1914. What this would have done is stop the Ottomans from entering WWI. So already you've kept a lot of the issues in the Middle East that persist today, because the Ottomans still act as a unifying force. With the Turks out of WWI, this keeps Russia from going Bolshevik, as the Ottomans were instrumental in the blockade of Russia, which led to famine, which led in a surge of antimonarchy sentiments, which the Bolsheviks capitalized on. So that's Stalin out of the picture, which is also likely Mao out of the picture because Mao couldn't have come to power without Stalin's help. No Soviets also means that the Nazis likely don't come to power, since much of their early succes was built on (possibly justified) fear of the Soviet Union. So there you go, most of the bad stuff that happened in the last century resolved, because of one little failed coup.

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1. Why the interest in history?

2. Favorite non-FE game?

3. Least favorite FE game?

4. Favorite Fates character?

5. Least favorite Fates character?

I actually remembered to ask questions for once

1. It's like any other story, but you can be sure there weren't any plot holes. Really, history for me was better because I was interested in it before school, so I learned history first from my dad, who knew some stuff about WWII, and then from this excellent series of kids books about US history called A History of Us. They made learning it much more fun.

2. The World Ends With You. Great gameplay, great music, great characters, a great story, and a great amount of depth. Also my favorite game, period.

3. Blazing Sword. Nothing feels as epic, and the gameplay is only okay.


5. Corrin and Xander, for reasons that Thane already stated.

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1: Initial/Current Impressions of Me? Do you know who I am?

2: Would your impression of me change, if I told you I have Bavarian blood through my mother's side, making me Rezzy the Bavarian?

3: Opinion on children, and do you plan to have any?

4: Opinion of the name Rachel?

5: Do you have any interest in genealogy? If so, anything interesting about your ancestors?

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1: Initial/Current Impressions of Me? Do you know who I am?

2: Would your impression of me change, if I told you I have Bavarian blood through my mother's side, making me Rezzy the Bavarian?

3: Opinion on children, and do you plan to have any?

4: Opinion of the name Rachel?

5: Do you have any interest in genealogy? If so, anything interesting about your ancestors?

1. You seem nice enough. Just so you know Sanaki is my main girl tho.

2. Hah, Old Fritz screwed your ancestors over good in the War of the Austrian Succesion by allying with Duke Charles of Bavaria to weaken the Austrians but then hanging them out to dry to keep them from getting too powerful! Ironically enough, I'm 1/4th Bavarian, but I just think the Prussians had cooler helmets. Other than that, not really. :p

3. Kids are fine, so long as they don't shriek really loudly when you have a headache. I definitely plan on having kids. I was also a shitty baby according to my mom.

4. I have no quarrel with the name Rachel, you will be pleased to learn.

5. Well, from what I gather my great grandmother on my dad's side swam across the River Dnieper to escape the Bolsheviks and eventually settled in Texas. On my mom's side, Norweigian fishmongers and Bavarian peasants as far as the eye can see.

Edit: going to bed now. More answers in the morning Prague time.

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6. What is your favorite era of history?

7. What is your favorite house/family of history?

8. What do you think of the line "Woe to you, O Land, when your king is a child"?

9. What do you think of many of the significant historical events of the middle ages happening in large part to succession issues? England 1066, the Shipwreck of the early 1100's, the Hundred Years War, the Wars of the Roses, Henry VIII's husband of the year awards, etc.

10. What do you think of medieval era fashion?

1. You seem nice enough. Just so you know Sanaki is my main girl tho.

2. Hah, Old Fritz screwed your ancestors over good in the War of the Austrian Succesion by allying with Duke Charles of Bavaria to weaken the Austrians but then hanging them out to dry to keep them from getting too powerful! Ironically enough, I'm 1/4th Bavarian, but I just think the Prussians had cooler helmets. Other than that, not really. :p

3. Kids are fine, so long as they don't shriek really loudly when you have a headache. I definitely plan on having kids. I was also a shitty baby according to my mom.

4. I have no quarrel with the name Rachel, you will be pleased to learn.

5. Well, from what I gather my great grandmother on my dad's side swam across the River Dnieper to escape the Bolsheviks and eventually settled in Texas. On my mom's side, Norweigian fishmongers and Bavarian peasants as far as the eye can see.

1. I see, well, my wrath against Sanaki shall be held for now. I generally hate it when kids are reigning monarch.

4. This is good.

5. Cool, I'm a European mutt, with chief claims being a member of Clan Leslie from Scotland, and being a descendant of one of the Norman families that took over England in 1066, assuming there wasn't a false paternity in the thousand years since then.

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2. The World Ends With You. Great gameplay, great music, great characters, a great story, and a great amount of depth. Also my favorite game, period.

I love The World Ends With You! It is probably my favorite or 2nd favorite game.

6. Uhm, I'm not really a fan of these kinds of questions, but impressions? I guess.

7. Have you played/do you have an interest in Tokyo Mirage sessions?

8. What game systems do you own?

9. Do you like Pokemon?

10. Are there any Fire Emblem games you have not played?

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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1. Favorite videogame theme?

2. Which country does have the best political system for you atm?

3. Short opinion about the European refugee politics?

4. What do you think of the EU right now?

5. What has been the best day in your life yet?

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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1. Most recurring story in human history that you have been able to observe?

2. If history could be expressed in colors, what color(s) would you use to paint the current era?

3. How has history changed your views/perception of the world? Others?

5. Era or event in history that you would like to see a game based on?

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6. What is your favorite era of history?

7. What is your favorite house/family of history?

8. What do you think of the line "Woe to you, O Land, when your king is a child"?

9. What do you think of many of the significant historical events of the middle ages happening in large part to succession issues? England 1066, the Shipwreck of the early 1100's, the Hundred Years War, the Wars of the Roses, Henry VIII's husband of the year awards, etc.

10. What do you think of medieval era fashion?

6. I'm a huge fan of the Roman Empire, as well as the French Revolution. I do, of course, side with the Royalists there.

7. The House of Bourbon, because even after all the shit they've been through, they still have the throne of Spain. I like that pluckiness.

8. I would have to say I disagree with that line. A child monarch is only as good as their regent. So France prospered during Louis XIV's minority because they were ruled by Anne of Austria, who was a kickass regent, while China didn't under Empress Dowager Cixi. As for the monarchs themselves, there have been plenty of child monarchs who went on to do great things, like Louis XIV, Peter the Great, Charles XII, Hussein of Jordan, and others. I will say that if nothing else I feel bad for the kid who's forced to have such a stressful job at such a young age, but then if it's too much for them they can always abdicate.

9. I think that who your leader is going to be is a perfectly valid thing to fight a war over. It was basically country's ways of legitimizing their expansion, like for example in the 100 Years War, or the War of the Soanish Succesion, where Louis XIV wanted to rule Spain so he tried to put his grandson on the throne. All things being equal, it's one of the better reasons to go to war.

10. I'm a sucker for Byzantine era clothing, especially on women (don't know if that's wierd) but apart from that, I'm somewhat meh on it to be honest.

I love The World Ends With You! It is probably my favorite or 2nd favorite game.

6. Uhm, I'm not really a fan of these kinds of questions, but impressions? I guess.

7. Have you played/do you have an interest in Tokyo Mirage sessions?

8. What game systems do you own?

9. Do you like Pokemon?

10. Are there any Fire Emblem games you have not played?

6. Sorry, none. You like The World Ends With You, so you definitely have excellent taste, at least.

7. Not really, especially since I don't have a TV.

8. 3ds and computer. That's it.

9. Absolutely.

10. All the NES ones, Thracia, Binding Blade, and 12.

1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

1. I got second place in a debate tournament of all the international schools in Europe (and the International School of Cairo crashed the party). That was pretty awesome.

2. Eastern Europe has these pastries called Bureks that you can fill with pretty much anything. I love potato, cheese, and beef Bureks myself.

3. I love the sound of my own voice.

4. Well, at one point I was in Minnesota (where my grandparents live) while I lived in Lrague. I was pretty far from home then.

5. Mega Dragonite. I hate how it's been sidelined. It actually needs one to get a boost,

1. Favorite videogame theme?

2. Which country does have the best political system for you atm?

3. Short opinion about the European refugee politics?

4. What do you think of the EU right now?

5. What has been the best day in your life yet?

1. Three Minutes Clapping from TWEWY.

2. For its circumstances, Jordan. It has an Executive Monarchy, where the King acts as the executive and is supported by an elected government. It works well as a way of making sure the people's voices are heard, without risking too much stability. I think it's telling that Jordan is the only Arab country not fundamentalist, not a dictatorship, or not having a civil war between the two, and that's because of the monarchy. I also think any Constitutional Monarchy should have a clause in the Constitution allowing for the monarch to take executive power, but only in times of crisis, and after a referendum.

3. I think that if Germany is going to keep taking refugees they should stop giving benefits to all non citizens, because the welfare state cannot function if it pays for the support of more people than there are people paying taxes into it. I also think Norway has the right idea with its anti rape classes, and all countries should adopt similar programs.

4. It definitely needs reform. I would also prefer it be the United Kingdoms of Europe, but that's a pipe dream. I do think that the EU going would be diasastrous. Without the EU I give it a few decades, tops, before WWIII, because the countries won't have the economic incentive not to go to war anymore.

5. When I won that debate tournament. Also, when I made my first friend in Prague.

1. impressions?

2. impressions on expressions?

3. favorite roman emperor?

4. what do you think of anime series that genderbend historical figures?

5. when did the roman empire end

1. I don't think we've interacted before, but you remind me of Dondon if only because of the no punctuation thing.

2. Expressions are quite useful at times,

3. Marcus Aurelius. I can greatly respect that he never wanted to be a soldier, but the Parthians were attacking the east, and the Marcomanni were attacking the west, so Rome needed a soldier, so he would give them one, whether he wanted to be one or not. I also like Aurelian for restoring Roman control over half the Empire in only a few years. Finally, Domitian is by far the most underrated Emperor. He pissed off the Senate so everyone who could write hated him, but he was actually quite the benevolent monarch, and he made a meritocratic Imperial military and beauraucracy.

4. There is a special place in hell for them. History deserves more respect than that. I wasn't aware such a thing existed before, but it's insulting to women, and it's insulting to history.

5. 1453, with the fall of Constantinople to the Turks.

1. Most recurring story in human history that you have been able to observe?

2. If history could be expressed in colors, what color(s) would you use to paint the current era?

3. How has history changed your views/perception of the world? Others?

5. Era or event in history that you would like to see a game based on?

1. Now this is an interesting one. I'd say it's the one where the rich and the poor start being combative with each other, then a demagogue begins to rally support from the poor, then rule of law slowly breaks down, then finally the demagogue wins because rule of law broke down, and then society is radically changed. It happened in Rome, it happened in France, it happened in Russia, it happened in Germany, and now it's happening in America. Then again, some demagogues, like Caeser and Napoleon, were good, while others, like Lenin and if you'll forgive me giving away my political views, Trump, were and are bad.

2. I would paint it in red because I see red as the color of change, and this is the most change the world has experienced probably since 1989, and depending on how things go this could be even more transformative. You have increased LGBT rights, the rise of the far right, Islamic fundamentalism all coming to a head, and an economic crisis.

3. I think that it's mostly changed my perception of Trump, because looking at history, specifically the Roman Republic, and he's the harbinger of something much bigger. He's already awakened the anger of poor whites against the establishment, and that isn't going away. Meanwhile in the Roman Republic the military became the only way for the poor to advance. If the military goes the same way as the police, I think American democracy might be on the way out. It might not happen for another few decades, but a Trump has gotten the ball rolling, so to speak.

4. I have two ideas. First, I'd like to see a game similar to Revolution 1979 (about the Iranian Revolution, great game) but about the Revolutions against Communism in Europe. You could play as a minor dissident, or something. I also would like to see a Fire Emblem style SRPG set right after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and the player could command a band of mercenaries looking for employ. You could choose to be hired by anyone from that period, from Clovis to Theodoric to Justinian, and I think it would be a great way to teach history.

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5. Mega Dragonite. I hate how it's been sidelined. It actually needs one to get a boost,

Amen to that. Practically every other pseudo legendary has been given one apart form the original. Make it Special orientated so Hyper Beam can once again be a viable move.

6.Three historical figures you'd most like to go on a road trip with?

7.Three fictional heroes you'd most like to go on a road trip with?

8.Three fictional villains you'd most like to go on a road trip with?

9.Should men wear skirts?

10.Terroism, cowardly, deceitful and inherently evil, or an intelligent and valid method for waging war?

Edited by Jotari
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1. Do you speak Czech fluently?

2. Being an american expat, what do you miss the most about the USA?

3. Similarly, what's something about the Czech Republic you prefer over the USA?

4. Being a monarchist, do you have any opinions on D. Pedro II of Brazil? If so, what?

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Amen to that. Practically every other pseudo legendary has been given one apart form the original. Make it Special orientated so Hyper Beam can once again be a viable move.

6.Three historical figures you'd most like to go on a road trip with?

7.Three fictional heroes you'd most like to go on a road trip with?

8.Three fictional villains you'd most like to go on a road trip with?

9.Should men wear skirts?

10.Terroism, cowardly, deceitful and inherently evil, or an intelligent and valid method for waging war?

6. Akbar the Great, Theodore Roosevelt, and Charles Maurice de Talleyrand.

7. Phoenix Wright, Hobbes of Calvin and Hobbes fame, and Hildegard Von Mariendorf from Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

8. Sho Minamimoto, Lex Luthor(the non Snyder version), and Egil from Xenoblade.

9. Eh. I don't really care.

10. It's somewhere in between. I wouldn't call it cowardly by any means, but it is a tactic and not inherently evil. On the other hand, to use terrorism against civilians is evil, so I think it should be limited to soldiers and civilians important to the war effort, like factory workers.

1. Do you speak Czech fluently?

2. Being an american expat, what do you miss the most about the USA?

3. Similarly, what's something about the Czech Republic you prefer over the USA?

4. Being a monarchist, do you have any opinions on D. Pedro II of Brazil? If so, what?

1. Nope. I can get by, though,

2. I miss Five Guys.

3. A lot of things, but the biggest would be the history. European history is more interesting than American history.

4. I think he was a great Emperor who provides an example of even Constitutional Monarchs being forces for good. On themothernhand, he should have acted to put down the coup, as he could have done. A mixed bag.

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6. What task would you favor in a political cabinet of a democratic state like Czech (head of government, foreign minister, etc...)?

7. Your favorite historical attraction / place?

8. Do you like playing games which feature different epochs like Age of Empires?

9. What's your opinion about pils (if you have drunk it yet)?

10. When will start WW III?

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6. Akbar the Great, Theodore Roosevelt, and Charles Maurice de Talleyrand.

7. Phoenix Wright, Hobbes of Calvin and Hobbes fame, and Hildegard Von Mariendorf from Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

8. Sho Minamimoto, Lex Luthor(the non Snyder version), and Egil from Xenoblade.

9. Eh. I don't really care.

10. It's somewhere in between. I wouldn't call it cowardly by any means, but it is a tactic and not inherently evil. On the other hand, to use terrorism against civilians is evil, so I think it should be limited to soldiers and civilians important to the war effort, like factory workers.

On the subject of Legend of the Galactic Heroes, it's treatment of Terrorism is one of my major gripes I have with the series. It does a fantastic job of showing the advantages and disadvantages of monarchies vs democracies with an even hand but condemns terrorism outright without any form of attempt to explore its positive qualities. Because apparently assassinating key political figures is wrong but killing millions of soldiers for the sake of one's pride or honour is aokay.

Edited by Jotari
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6. What task would you favor in a political cabinet of a democratic state like Czech (head of government, foreign minister, etc...)?

7. Your favorite historical attraction / place?

8. Do you like playing games which feature different epochs like Age of Empires?

9. What's your opinion about pils (if you have drunk it yet)?

10. When will start WW III?

6. Probably Chief of Staff. I do like grand strategy.

7. My favorite historical place probably would be the tomb of Napoleon. It's so grandiose, but at the same time he deserves it all.

8. I've never played Age of Empires, but I do like Civilization.

9. It's good beer. I've drunk it occasionally. I'm not strictly speaking allowed to, but the Czechs don't give a shit about that sort of thing.

10. I don't think WWIII will happen until some way of repelling nukes is developed. Human's are too smart to blow ourselves up.

On the subject of Legend of the Galactic Heroes, it's treatment of Terrorism is one of my major gripes I have with the series. It does a fantastic job of showing the advantages and disadvantages of monarchies vs democracies with an even hand but condemns terrorism outright without any form of attempt to explore its positive qualities. Because apparently assassinating key political figures is wrong but killing millions of soldiers for the sake of one's pride or honour is aokay.

My main problem is that it doesn't go into detail about how Terraism rose. A good arc for the remake, I think, would be focusing on a soldier in the Alliance army who grows disillusioned with the Alliance after he gets wounded and the government does nothing. Then, we follow him as he gets radicalized and joins Terraism, so we can explore what its appeal is.
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1. For someone who is a history nut, do you think Hitler was a great leader for saving Germany from economic collapse?
2. Most underrated historical figure?
3. What song would you like to be played at your funeral?
4. If History was never a subject taught at school, which subject would have been your favourite?

5. Favourite FE Archetype?

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1. For someone who is a history nut, do you think Hitler was a great leader for saving Germany from economic collapse?

2. Most underrated historical figure?

3. What song would you like to be played at your funeral?

4. If History was never a subject taught at school, which subject would have been your favourite?

5. Favourite FE Archetype?

1. Absolutely not. Hitler wasn't really responsible for saving Germany from economic collapse, that honor would go to Hjalmar Schacht and Albert Speer, Hitler's ministers of the interior. Further, the Nazi revitalization of the economy was a double edged sword. By 1939, it was actually close to collapse, because a lot of its succes was build on military buildup. WWII saved it in the short term, but in the long term the Nazis couldn't have been at war forever. Eventually, the economy would have caught up with them.

2. My most underrated historical figure would be King Louis XVI. He's often maligned as a callous and ignorant king who lived in luxury while his people starved, and who wrecked France's economy. This simply isn't true. Louis knew exactly what he had to do: raise taxes on the nobility while lowering them for the common people. He tried to do this many times. The problem was that France, unlike Austria or Prussia, wasn't an absolute monarchy, and the noble's could act against the King. As to financial ruin, that wasn't his fault either. He had a Secretary of the Treasury, Jacques Necker, who was a corrupt ass. Basically, Necker wasted a lot of French money, and then looked at the situation and realized he was about to be fired. So what he did was he straight up lied to the King about the state of French finances. It wasn't until years later that Louis finally found out the truth, and by then it was too late. He never would have embarked on costly ventures like supporting the Americans if he had actually known the true state of finance. Overall, Louis XVI was a good king who unfortunately was in charge when France needed a great king. He did his best, and he did a better job than most would have in the face of obstructionist nobles and corrupt ministers, but unfortunately his best wasn't enough.

3. Funeral March, undoubtedly.

4. English, because I also like writing, even if I'm not always the best at it.

5. I think that overall characters in the Michalis archetype, that being the ambitious early game enemy, are the most fun to watch. Special mention to Narshen and Valter for being so over the top, and especially Narshen for being so hilariously pathetic that he can't even get teenage girls he's about to molest (Clarine) to be scared of him.

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6. View on capital punishment?

7. Cavalry, infantry, or archery?

8. Are guns unfair in combat?

9. Worst Royal family ever of all time?

10. Best non-monarchy ever?

6. Okay for mass murderers and those who commit treason. Should be given at judge's discretion for those crimes.

7. I'm assuming you mean in a pre gunpowder setting. In that case, infantry, because they're the most versatile; pikemen beat cavalry, tetsudo beats archers.

8. Fuck no. If you have a gun and the other guy has a sword by all means use the gun.

9. Bar none, the House of Saud. Reactionary, support terrorists, employ de facto slave labor, and have brought about the cultural poisoning of so many people in their country. I don't think there's a bright future for Saudi Arabia, suffice it to say.

10. Probably Finland. Basic income is a great idea, and I like their education system. They also had balls of steel resisting the Soviets like they did.

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11.Favorite Bond movie?

12.Favorite Disney movie?

13.Favorite Shakespeare play?

14.Favorite Queen song?

15.Favorite Harry Potter Character?

11. Doctor No. Can't go wrong with the classics.

12. The Lion King is pretty great overall. It certainly has the best message for kids, that being royalty isn't just about looking pretty, that when your asshole uncle tries to take your throne and ruin your nation it's your job to fuck him up. That's a lesson plenty of other Disney movies could use.

13. I love Macbeth, largely because Macbeth is one of the best villains ever written, and I love the character development of Lady Macbeth especially, how she realizes that she created a monster when Macbeth kills Macduff's son, because she knows what it's like to lose a child. It's just so well crafted.

14. I'm not much of a music geek, like at all, as in I'm tone deaf, but We Are the Champions, I guess?

15. Probably Fred and George. I'm not that big of a Harry Potter fan either, although I like them fine, I don't think they're quite masterpieces. Still, though, Fred and George are always a lot of fun, except when they're dying, I guess.

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