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What was the best SNES RPG?


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It's hard to deny that the SNES is the best console for RPGs. So of course that begs the question of what the best SNES RPG is, quite possibly the hardest question ever. Personally, I'm torn between the two most cliche answers, Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger, but because I just can't justify putting anything over my favorite game of all time, I'm going to have to give it to Chrono Trigger.

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Not sure between Earthbound and Chrono Trigger. The former had the best atmosphere but an ordinary gameplay, while the latter had an interesting gameplay, plot and atmosphere...

But I guess I'll stick to Earthbound.

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I second Chrono Trigger. That game just did everything right.

Well, okay, I would have liked it if Marle had learned one more powerful attack spell, like Holy (or Pearl, as it was called in the SNES era). But that's splitting a very fine hair.

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I second Chrono Trigger. That game just did everything right.

Well, okay, I would have liked it if Marle had learned one more powerful attack spell, like Holy (or Pearl, as it was called in the SNES era). But that's splitting a very fine hair.

Or they could've just gave Luminiare to Marle. Kind of wasted on Crono.

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Wow you asked quite possibly the hardest question ever, considering the SNES is like the goldmine of RPGS

Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen

Seiken Densetsu 3

Chrono Trigger



7th Saga


SMT 1/2

I haven't even scratched the surface yet.

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To be honest, there are so many good ones on SNES that I'll only consider the ones that aged well.

FF6 and Chrono Trigger feel good to play and look/sound decent even by today's standards. FF6 feels more glitchy and weird but Chrono Trigger has a really simple RPG battle system. Ehh everything else about Chrono Trigger is fantastic so I'll go with that.

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Oh... Seiken Densetsu 3 was amazing! I completely forgot about that one.

But yeah, in terms of "best RPG," I would probably stick to either FF6 or Chrono Trigger. Those games were both just spectacular. I honestly don't think Earthbound/BoF/SoM compares.

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Seiken Densetsu 3 for actually being mutliplayer and allowing a seamless adventure with multiplayer. No person is sitting around doing nothing the entire game. It's glitchy, but still fun. Man, I wish there were more multiplayer games like that.

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Yeah. I love Earthbound... in a quirky fun kind of way. Mechanically speaking, it's pretty archaic. Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI hold up in ways that Earthbound does not.

That being said, Final Fantasy V is my favorite.

Final Fantasy V is so underrated. It has a unique feel that hasn't been matched in an FF game to date, and it's pretty fun.

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Final Fantasy V is so underrated. It has a unique feel that hasn't been matched in an FF game to date, and it's pretty fun.

Exactly. It had a goofy but loveable feel, and I'd even argue that it has among the best gameplay in the series. If it weren't for Final Fantasy VI being so epic, I'd consider V to be among my favorites.

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There's just so much, it is imposible to say what is the best.

Chrono Trigger, SMT2, Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, Earthbound, FFIV/V/VI, FE4 and 5, Breath of Fire 2, Live A Live, Zelda A link to the Past, Ogre Battle, Tactics Ogre, Tales of Phantation, Star Ocean, DQV/VI... hell, i doubt I named them all.
EDIT: Shame on me, I forgot Super Mario RPG, you can't forgot this one.

There's just way, wayyyy too much of god-tier RPGs... but I'll probably pick Chrono Trigger at the best one, since it did everything right at every single point. Doesn't mean that the other aren't as great !

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I'd say Super Mario RPG, though there's a lot of nostalgia tied into that game for me (it was the only SNES RPG I played back in the actual SNES days, besides Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, which I'd also rate better than most people would based purely on the nostalgia factor). Objectively, I'd have to say that the SNES Final Fantasies (especially VI), Chrono Trigger, and Earthbound were all superior, since they held up well enough that I enjoyed playing them in remake form or on an emulator (since, at the time I first played them, Chrono Trigger DS and Earthbound's virtual console re-release didn't exist yet) long after the death of the SNES. I don't know if Super Mario RPG would've held up if I played it for the first time within the last decade, but I'd like to think it would. Mystic Quest almost certainly wouldn't, but I have a soft spot for it.

There's also The Illusion of Gaia, another game from my childhood, but I'm torn on whether or not it technically counts as an "RPG" or not.

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I don't know if Super Mario RPG would've held up if I played it for the first time within the last decade, but I'd like to think it would.

Same here. IMO it has pretty stellar graphics for an SNES game, has a good sense of humor, and plenty of other good stuff. That being said, I do think that Paper Mario and TTYD took the basic idea of Mario RPG and substantially improved the gameplay.
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