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The way you worded that is misleading. The Discworld novels are over, although she might write stories of her own (and apparenly she's been involved with the script for several video games I've never played).

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G.R.R. Martin, I rather like Rowling's style even though I haven't read much of the books, and Bran Sanderson (though I'm only on the beginning of two of his books).

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Terry Pratchett is good. I'm a big fan of Tolkien, Lewis, and Carroll as well. Also, Anne Bishop's The Black Jewels, while not appropriate for a child audience, is quite good as well. On the sci-fi side, I'm a huge Asimov fan, and Frank Herbert isn't bad either (if you can survive the rather long-winded prose).

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James Loewen, writer of Lies My Teacher Told Me and various other nonfiction books about American history and how it is taught and remembered in today's society.

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does jk Rowling count


Though at the same time, it wouldn't be bad to branch out. Ursula K. Le Guin, for example--A Wizard of Earthsea in particular, since there have been some claims that Rowling..."borrowed" ideas from that series for her works.

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