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Trinity Mafia - Game Over


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eh, I think I did miss the elaboration. that makes things look less dumb.

still don't think tg townreading me (or 'protecting me') makes me scum, though, and points more to her looking worse. if you think we're scum buddies and i would draw attention to tg's initial play being lackluster (versus Gaius who was claiming it wasn't that bad of a first post) even before d2 and boron/refa did i'm not sure what to say.

@boron: you're middle of the road in that I don't find anything you've posted scummy but nothing in it makes me super townread you, yolo didn't answer my question but he at least made it obvious he was reading the rest of my posts so i'm not super bothered by it right now, and eclipse is still alright though i don't sense she's making as much of an effort as she was in the last game we both played in (when she ironically was scum) but that may be a symptom of her certainty that there's no scum in her trinity. i don't seem scum!eclipse having that much conviction tbh.

i will always focus more on scum reads than town reads unless the latter makes me start doubting it tbh, but that question is fine (i should really be used to getting asked that)

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I'm not so much asking you (or anyone else) to focus on town reads, but more to make sure that you're rereading the thread and checking to make sure you're not forgetting anything or catching things that you may have missed the first time around.

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I'm not so much asking you (or anyone else) to focus on town reads, but more to make sure that you're rereading the thread and checking to make sure you're not forgetting anything or catching things that you may have missed the first time around.

that's fine, but overlooking shinori's explanation aside, i don't think my vague mafia memory codex is really knocking me off track yet. is there something else that makes you think i'm not reading the thread, other than my lack of commentary on the others outside of my top scum reads?

i'm really not in the same frame of mind as my post-RVS d1 content (thank god) and i'm unsure why you seem to think so.

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I'm not sure where I said I felt you weren't reading the thread. I feel like you're not really evaluating people who are not your scum reads. And I don't know how to make this point clearer because ~words~ but it feels like you're not looking at interactions between people who are not related to your scum reads. If you are and choosing to not state it in-thread, that's one thing but of course I wouldn't know that because I'm not a mind reader.

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I re-evaluated Yolo's case/Gaius in #187 and asked them questions, before and into #209 was when I began to feel more confident in a Mancer lynch (though I probably should have added that in my earlier post, my bad) and I re-read Gaius again and concluded his reasons for suspecting Shinori were actually bad (hypocritical), and the rest of the posts were replying to TG/Shinori when they finally arrived and not getting much in reply from either.

My first post pointed at Izhuark's active lurking which got other people to notice.

I was the first to vocalize I found TG's only contribution at the time (made late, no less) not impressive and intended to do what I was doing in the last two/three posts.

So yeah I can't say I agree with you on myself/know what I'm posting a lot better so eh.

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in addendum: i think this may be relevant to re-state

I'm leaning more towards a Mancer lynch at this point, really, but I'll move my vote when it's necessary. I can see a newbie being dissuaded from posting in the thread right away (through being intimidated) moreso than Mancer given he's been getting heat since the beginning of D1.
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Fair enough. I can't tell if I'm just misremembering something or phrasing myself badly, but right now I think it's just more likely that I'm misremembering things.

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I will make a content post shortly. But first, I want to get some idiot spam stuff out of the way:

anyways I haven't taken a shower in like 2 days. All you people who say that you have no time for mafia, remember that you do. All you have to do is sacrifice personal hygiene. bbl

Can I put this in my profile?

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Also, should I write a hot, sweaty fanfic about BBM x mafia after this game, y/y?

(in other news, still working on the post, but I want to fill my quota of spam posts in the game)

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SF randomly takes forever to post my stuff, so it's not just you guys~!

@eclipse- I don't think Mancer, or anybody, is an ITP. The numbers are too difficult in a 13p game; 9/3/1 sucks for town (possibility of D2 potential MYLO if the ITP has a kill) and 10/2/1 sucks for scum (possible for town to win N1/D2). 10/3 is just way easier to balance.

What about a harmful third party with no kill? Because from my PoV, mafia in my trinity is pretty bad game balance.

I'm questioning everything you say because you feel like Clarinets D1, but with more content. That is, I feel like you're town but it's not just that I disagree with what you're saying, what you're saying/doing doesn't make sense. It's like we're reading a completely different game. Boron barely spoke about Refa killspec. Then you were like "Boron had shitty content until my time 9:30" but the posts she made between that and your previous post saying her lack of content was worrying you were barely anything; less than her previous content in fact. And a 3p masonry in a 13p game?

Time to break down Boron, starting from D2, and ending right before the 9:30 PM post.

First post. The first paragraph is the source of the next three - Refa's list. The only one that isn't derived from that list is the YOLO section.

Here's an Archer of Gold post, which isn't useful because no one was voting/casing her at the time.

Next post. Most of this is dedicated to YOLO, with a slight misread (said misread is null, I didn't catch it the first time either).

Short on Elieson.

Next post has nothing to do with who's scum. This post again asks about Archer.

So her vote is derived from analyzing Refa's analysis of the Clarinets wagon. She's got some side content on YOLO, and the rest are shorts, with two dedicated to a slot that was vacant. I finally figured out what bugged me from D1 - her posts and reads were very safe. For an example of unsafe, read what I said about Mancer - me making THAT strong of an associative read is extremely memorable, and ties me very tightly with him. Boron's posts sort-of tie her to YOLO, but the rest were fairly weak bonds. This is nowhere enough to drive a lynch, but it was enough to catch my attention.

I say "was" because Boron later has a very nice conversation with Crysta, which is a relatively strong associative read.

fwiw I also don't get the difference between "suspicious" and "scummy"; I use them practically interchangeably (goes towards both Boron and TG). If I find enough things people did that are suspicious, they become suspicious people and if they're suspicious people then I'm scumreading them/they're scummy.

The weasel wording is stuff like "not interested in lynching yet", with "yet" being the weasel. That gives me enough wiggle room to change my mind, and should the person I'm talking about lynch and flip scum, I can say "well I didn't think that at the time". Leaving an out for reads is scummy in my books, because it tells me that the person's trying to look townie. . .and why would a townie really care about whether or not they look townie, they're town.

IN OTHER WORDS, that's how you'd do a case against me.

Did crysta make a case on TG that i missed? Or was it just a bad sheep? I see two conflicting arguments and from my personal view I find it weird that Crysta is being protected by TG because of that.

She's got more content once she gets back from work, so if you're casing her, that's where you start.

I'm a little suspicious of Gaius but not for the reasons that Omega stated. Unfortunately he's not here anymore. x_x

Do you mind sharing?

WRT Crysta - It felt like she had to run out the door (that's null), but to do a sheep post and call attention to herself like that was weird. It's super-obviously scummy, but it's also shining a giant spotlight on herself. So the action itself was bad, but the intent behind it confuses me.

Still not scumreading Shinori - I may not agree with his reads (for example, I don't see Crysta as scum), but I can see the logic behind them.

@boron: you're middle of the road in that I don't find anything you've posted scummy but nothing in it makes me super townread you, yolo didn't answer my question but he at least made it obvious he was reading the rest of my posts so i'm not super bothered by it right now, and eclipse is still alright though i don't sense she's making as much of an effort as she was in the last game we both played in (when she ironically was scum) but that may be a symptom of her certainty that there's no scum in her trinity. i don't seem scum!eclipse having that much conviction tbh.

clipsey has a lot of other things on her mind.

So I'm giving this game a bit less attention than I should.


I should change that fanfic to BBM x Shinori. :P:

Ahem. . .Tiny Goddess feels like she's sitting on the sidelines, despite the fact that her name's being called to come on stage. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a newbie-tell, but I think that she could do this as both town and scum (especially if she's newbie scum and someone's coaching her). Even though she doesn't have a lot of reads going out from her, I wouldn't mind her lynch for the same reason as Mancer - she's holding up the game.

Mancer still doesn't exist. How annoying. Ditto Gaius.

clipsey's also not sure about votals ATM, and she's too damn lazy to look them up, so for now. . .


This would be a vote on Tiny Goddess (if I was absolutely certain that I wouldn't hammer), because she's a huge point of contention, and I think she'll help to move the game along. Would be willing to consolidate on Mancer since he still hasn't given me any sort of proper thanks for stepping in on D1 (which would be in the form of actually playing the game). . .and Gaius because his parting shot hasn't convinced me that he's not scum.

Elieson/Quote, please post something significant (hopefully the babysitting gig ends early).

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if tiny goddess could claim that'd be a really good idea (mancer, too, but lol)

there's a good probability i'll be at work at phase end but i intend to be around for a few more hours

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sf doesn't lynch lurkers/inactives/subbers >_>

and seriously omega it's pretty obvious at this point that TG is going to be the lynch. There have been a lot of posts and cases made against TG since the last time you said gaius/mancer; you can't just keep to what you said like 24 hours ago.

And speaking about Gaius/Mancer; why are you forcing a dichotomy here? Gaius refusing to take a stance on Mancer and then finally placing him at the bottom of his priorities could easily be a scumbuddy interaction.

@eclipse- but she's just using refa killspec as a springboard to decide which people to look further into; it's not the sole reason for reading anyone. Her actual TG case has nothing to do with that. It's like if you say "man this wagon sucks" and then go reread everyone on the wagon, which I KNOW is something you do. The only difference between her TG case and the Crysta interactions are that the latter aren't in the same post as the one where she talks about why someone would want to kill Refa.

Via, are you reading the thread?

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Sorry about the incredible failure of producing anything but I'm an insomniac and I'll just do what Refa did since at least I'll be around to do so

With eclipse I guess answering stuff and role shenanigans on a skim just confusing me and requiring more indepth analysis and Omega getting away with being omega, I'll slap my vote on TG and hope for the best.

I'm regretting subbing into two games at once and probably going to restrict myself from mafia for a while after this

##Vote Tiny Goddess

The more I think about this, the more I kinda think it's not really going to be a great lynch but I have no reservations of voting TG since her content this phase has been limited to just answering some questions with relatively generic responses. If this turns out to be a scum lynch it'll be a really lucky one IMO but if it's town then idk I just have nothing else right now

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I won't have a chance to make an actual post before deadline, I'll be able to catch up during the night phase though which I WILL I JUST I HAVE A FINAL TO FINISH BEFORE TOMORROW and then I am good

I can consolidate on Tiny Goddess and do more skin reading but I'm still not very far through the thread ;__; was trying to read last night which is why I was lurking lmao

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oh yeah I missed Eclipse's question- I think it's hard to do harmless ITPs in a small game because they'll just side with whichever side has the slightly more favourable numbers and make it really favourable for them. Like if it was 9/3/1 they would make it 9/4 or if it was 10/2/1 they'd make it 11/2. FMPOV, and I admittedly don't know your trinity power, 3 pseudo-confirmed town players just doesn't make sense. shrug. we'll see.

I'm suspicious of Gaius bc of his stance towards Mancer, who was one of the top scumreads in the thread. He's kind of just like "man these cases suck" without saying what he thinks about Mancer himself. If he'd said straight out "I don't think Mancer has enough content to analyze" that would have been one thing but instead he just avoided giving any opinion. Then when he finally did it was waffling again, like "Mancer's sheep was bad but he was sick so it's not enough for a scumread"... and then he put him at the bottom of his suspicion list anyways.

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