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Corrin/Kamui in Smash


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I think a vast majority of smash players don't understand the true purpose of the smash ballot and the number of representatives of some series.

It's not that Sakurai doesnt want to add popular characters but you need to discover new games instead of always following the same (and making moneys, of course)

For example, who knew who was Shulk before smash4? I didn't for sure (same for Bayonetta right now).

Unlike Activision or Treyarch, Nitendo doesn't make 1 game per year for each series (look at the time between Awakening and Fates, this is like 3 or 4 years).

About Corin/Kamui, well... this is the same story as Melee Roy: publicity for a FE game but Kamui seems to have a descent moveset at least.

But plz, stop being so salty. Yes, it's sad that King Rool or Dixie Kong didn't make it but FE and some franchises don't get the recognition they should get.

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If you want actual salt go to the GameFAQs board. If you can't handle mild negativity (especially those actually backed up with a reason even if flimsy instead of just a kneejerk reaction) then you shouldn't bother reading message boards.

Edited by Tryhard
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If it will remove Corrin from Smash and make Intelligent Systems write better, strike me down.

Here's a great idea for you: don't buy Corrin. Then Corrin will never be in (your) Smash!

Also I hope you're fluent in Japanese and have played Fates in Japanese because if not then smh.

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For example, who knew who was Shulk before smash4? I didn't for sure (same for Bayonetta right now).

Japan, The people in the UK, as well as those who followed Project Rainfall and waited patiently for it, but that was a relatively smaller number than now of course, I just figured I'd answer literally :P:

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If you want actual salt go to the GameFAQs board. If you can't handle mild negativity (especially those actually backed up with a reason even if flimsy instead of just a kneejerk reaction) then you shouldn't bother reading message boards.

People around here do handle negativity. People around here each have probably said their fair share of negative things.

It's that the same opinion, being touted by the same person, over and over, can get pretty frustrating; especially when you're trying to have a productive discussion only for it to come up again and de-rail things.

For example, who knew who was Shulk before smash4? I didn't for sure (same for Bayonetta right now).

*raises hand*

I actually watched every cutscene in the game via youtube before he was confirmed, in preparation.

Edited by The DanMan
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How is this "rewarding" anything? Sakurai is a fan of the series; he saw a potentially fun and unique-looking character, and decided to go for it. I don't give two figs who the "character" is in Smash; I don't really like anybody in it as "characters" from whichever series they're from, but I enjoy and judge them as bundles of moves and frame data.

I hated the inclusion of Dark Pit (who I frequently called Dank Sh*t in my circle of friends); that didn't stop me from messing around with him and ultimately preferring him to plain Pit. If K. Rool or Inkling or whoever was added, I would still try them out and mess around with them, even though I don't care for them one bit as characters. I don't even have any major attachment to the Star Fox series (played 64 and Command years ago), but I really wanted Wolf back because he was a fun character.

I'm sorry for my exasperation, but the steady stream of salt and negativity is getting to me. I don't really see how your post is adding to the discussion (I believe you said the same thing almost word-for-word already).

I have not said the same thing word for word; in the other thread I just linked the infamous Darth Vader "no". Maybe someone is stealing all of my good lines.

I understand you're pissed off at everyone's salt and negativity; believe me, I get it. I've never once debated about the inclusion of other people in the Super Smash Bros. series because I figure there are fans for every game and every character, and the same thing holds true for Corrin. However, Fates is literally the worst game I've ever played in terms of story and writing, and this feels like Mr. Sakurai is giving the writers of that abomination a thumbs up. I want the game to be forgotten, the story criticized and a message sent to Intelligent Systems so that they may learn from Fates and improve.

Here's a great idea for you: don't buy Corrin. Then Corrin will never be in (your) Smash!

Also I hope you're fluent in Japanese and have played Fates in Japanese because if not then smh.

First of all, I won't buy Corrin.

Secondly, Corrin being in my Smash is not what bothers me, it's their inclusion in a fantastic video game series that consists of characters from other amazing series, and Corrin simply is not worthy of being in the game. Like I stated above, I've never once complained about Super Smash Bros. characters before, but this feels like rewarding bad behavior.

Thirdly, I do speak some Japanese, have played through all three routes (Revelations and Birthright twice) and I've also personally talked with people who speak far better Japanese than I to make sure I understood everything correctly. I hope that's good enough for you.

Japan, The people in the UK, as well as those who followed Project Rainfall and waited patiently for it, but that was a relatively smaller number than now of course, I just figured I'd answer literally :P:

Wait, Shulk was an unknown character? I kept hearing how good Xenoblade Chronicles was, so I thought the entire world knew who he was.

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People around here do handle negativity. People around here each have probably said their fair share of negative things.

It's that the same opinion, being touted by the same person, over and over, can get pretty frustrating; especially when you're trying to have a productive discussion only for it to come up again and de-rail things.

I was going to respond to Tryhard's post but didn't know how to put the words together lol. But this is what I've thought as well.

Also to note: I don't care at all if someone think's negative about something. Not everyone's gonna like something. But like The DanMan has said, the unnecessary backlash isn't needed over and over again. People can express their disappointed without being harsh. And for the ones that do I respect that.

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Secondly, Corrin being in my Smash is not what bothers me, it's their inclusion in a fantastic video game series that consists of characters from other amazing series, and Corrin simply is not worthy of being in the game. Like I stated above, I've never once complained about Super Smash Bros. characters before, but this feels like rewarding bad behavior.

Speak for other often, do ye?

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Found this on Corrin's page on the Smash Wiki.


Looks like Sakurai made her a little less busty as well as making her legs fully clothed. I'm cool with that. Though now it makes me wonder why ZSS was made so busty.

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I blame Smash Brawl and sakurai being forced to hold true to canon.

If he changed it in any way, you know flack would appear from all angles

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I have not said the same thing word for word; in the other thread I just linked the infamous Darth Vader "no". Maybe someone is stealing all of my good lines.

I understand you're pissed off at everyone's salt and negativity; believe me, I get it. I've never once debated about the inclusion of other people in the Super Smash Bros. series because I figure there are fans for every game and every character, and the same thing holds true for Corrin. However, Fates is literally the worst game I've ever played in terms of story and writing, and this feels like Mr. Sakurai is giving the writers of that abomination a thumbs up. I want the game to be forgotten, the story criticized and a message sent to Intelligent Systems so that they may learn from Fates and improve.

From "Corrin in Smash", in the FE14 subforum:

I want the series to continue, and while I'm not one of the people who claim that waifus destroyed the series, I am concerned with their intention of making the game "an anime you can live in", as I believe someone stated. Adding Corrin, and it increasing the copies sold of Fates, feels like rewarding horrible writing and will give them the wrong idea that the abomination they created actually was good.

So, not exactly word-for-word, but virtually identical wording and meaning.

Secondly: I know you play video games for the story. But most people (including most of us here) don't prioritize that; it's a nice bonus, but we can deal with it (Fire Emblem has never had the best writing). And the actual gameplay, from everything I've watched and read, seems to be pretty darn good. And that's what people primarily play video games for. And one way or another, it will be remembered; whether you want it to or not.

Who knows what will happen in the future with IS? The game designers paid attention the gameplay complaints; the fanservice (thanks to some stuff from the 25th anniversary book) was really pushing things with Nintendo, and I would bet $50 that the story will get near-universally panned once it releases unless the Treehouse somehow did a bang-up rewrite that they haven't let on. Maybe things will get better; maybe they won't. I wouldn't worry much, because it's only a video game.

Edited by The DanMan
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Urgh, with that model, this pose is even more awkward to look at as in the original artwork. I really don't think bodies should bend that way, even if she wouldn't also walk on her toes while lifting her massive sword over her should with just one arm.

Now, this artwork does look like the counterpart to Male Kamui on the Smash homepage but this image of female Kamui isn't on that site. So I would really like to know if this is her actual artwork. I mean, they did use a different pose for male Kamui, so I find it weird that they would think that her pose was great as it is and simply copied it 1:1 except for her heels not being lifted quite as high.

Edited by BrightBow
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From "Corrin in Smash", in the FE14 subforum:

So, not exactly word-for-word, but virtually identical wording and meaning.

Secondly: I know you play video games for the story. But most people (including most of us here) don't prioritize that; it's a nice bonus, but we can deal with it (Fire Emblem has never had the best writing). And the actual gameplay, from everything I've watched and read, seems to be pretty darn good. And that's what people primarily play video games for. And one way or another, it will be remembered; whether you want it to or not.

Who knows what will happen in the future with IS? The game designers paid attention the gameplay complaints; the fanservice (thanks to some stuff from the 25th anniversary book) was really pushing things with Nintendo, and I would bet $50 that the story will get near-universally panned once it releases unless the Treehouse somehow did a bang-up rewrite that they haven't let on. Maybe things will get better; maybe they won't. I wouldn't worry much, because it's only a video game.

Oh, sorry, you quoted my "slap with a cactus" post when you asked that question, so I thought that was you referred to. The other thing I wrote I did indeed repeat since the other thread was closed. You scared me a bit, because I only wrote the cactus part in a private conversation as a joke, so I briefly thought you had access to my private messages.

Anyway I'm well aware that people generally don't prioritize story as much as I do. However, I do not understand why that would change the way I feel about Corrin's appearance in Super Smash Bros., and I don't understand why you write the words "video game" in italic, as if that would somehow make your point more valid; yes, they're an interactive medium, but Intelligent Systems went all out with the story this time around, and boasted proudly about it.

I don't think you're one of those people who would tell me to go read a book if I don't like video game stories, but I don't understand your argument.

Speak for other often, do ye?

I speak for no one but myself. I would've thought that to be obvious since I didn't claim otherwise in my post.

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Wait, Shulk was an unknown character? I kept hearing how good Xenoblade Chronicles was, so I thought the entire world knew who he was.

He was relatively known by Xenoblades reputation, but overall compared to the other newcomer choices before the DLC, he was one of the least known.

But thanks to Smash getting the word out, the New 3DS port and of course Chuggaconroy being a huge fan of it and doing a LP of it (Not to mention buying it for a number of his fans), have all given it tons more attention than it originally got. Basically it was one of those games you'd occasionally hear about, I just heard that the U.S wasn't getting some 3 RPG's on the Wii, but Europe was. And I joined the Project Rainfall stuff to ask NoA to bring it here, and thats how I looked into it, when a UK group I watch called "HellfireComms" did a stream of it, I fell in love with it, but had I not done the research I'd have probably been just as in the dark.

Edited by Jedi
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Man, this is ridiculous.

As a huge fan of FE, I find it VERY unjustified and way much earlier than it should have been.

If you would tell me "Corrin for Sma5h !" I would be ok of course, since it would be the most recent Fire Emblem "Lord".

But for Sm4sh ? Dudes ! The game isn't even already out in Europe and America ! That's completely preposterous !

This is just to fulfill an awful marketing goal and by the same way, it will really discredit more, AGAIN, the Fire Emblem fanbase regarding Smash, because even if Corrin would be the world's most original character, he still uses a sword, and that confirms the stupid stereotype about Fire Emblem characters. God damn it, WE SHOULD HAVE Fire Embem characters wielding other weapons instead of this !

This is completely ridiculous, we got more characters than the Zelda series in Smash AND EVEN MARIO ! Even if you consider Yoshi being a part of it, that's still equal ! It's insane in terms of series importance in video-games universe guys !

How could we come to such an end...

Edited by Seo
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Oh, sorry, you quoted my "slap with a cactus" post when you asked that question, so I thought that was you referred to. The other thing I wrote I did indeed repeat since the other thread was closed. You scared me a bit, because I only wrote the cactus part in a private conversation as a joke, so I briefly thought you had access to my private messages.

Anyway I'm well aware that people generally don't prioritize story as much as I do. However, I do not understand why that would change the way I feel about Corrin's appearance in Super Smash Bros., and I don't understand why you write the words "video game" in italic, as if that would somehow make your point more valid; yes, they're an interactive medium, but Intelligent Systems went all out with the story this time around, and boasted proudly about it.

I don't think you're one of those people who would tell me to go read a book if I don't like video game stories, but I don't understand your argument.

The italicized "video-games" is because they're games; that was part of my point. It feels like you're taking things way too seriously for a piece of entertainment that isn't trying to make a point or have an ulterior motive.

Also, I actually did once tell you to read a book if you want a good story; you responded with that you were currently reading through the complete works of Sherlock Holmes.

Considering IS seems to have taken a spitballed initial draft and then followed it to the letter, I seriously doubt any one of them knows/cares enough about writing to even bother.

So, here's the point of that post: you're taking things too seriously.

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This is completely ridiculous, we got more characters than the Zelda series in Smash AND EVEN MARIO ! Even if you consider Yoshi being a part of it, that's still equal ! It's insane in terms of series importance in video-games universe guys !

Uh...let's count.

1. Mario

2. Luigi

3. Peach

4. Bowser

5. Rosalina

6. Bowser Jr.

7. Dr. Mario

1. Marth

2. Roy

3. Ike

4. Robin

5. Lucina

6. Corrin


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