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Skinship is out, says kotaku (new info on page 71)


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Nobody said that "Japan hates the skinshipping". What was said, was that a small minority are arguing over it while most people didn't care and just played the game, many of them happy to use it. AKA, what would happen here if it was left in, despite what the people who hate the skinshipping want to think.

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I'm dissapointed then. I thought you had the consideration to be in a localization team but give them a better name and do good.

Chances are they're not going to listen to a young white/asian girl above an older male executive regardless of the fact I've both stood in the shoes of fan and producer (for other forms of entertainment at least) and I've LIVED IN BOTH COUNTRIES FOR A CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF TIME.
...not bitter or anything.
To play devil's advocate on myself though I have no idea how many sales come from an average person that wouldn't want skinship, so I'm probably not in the place to speak. Of course if the majority could understand Japanese and was part of the culture, but still needed an English translation because they had a region locked 3DS, there WOULD be minimal changes.
I recently heard that Sumia actually didn't bake pies, she made bento boxes. Now that's hilarious.
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I think at this point nintendo isnt going to make any announcement because everything is very divided, i would say most people are angry at it being out but there are still lots that are happy at it being out and wanted it out. So it doesnt matter what they reveal a big chunk of the community will be pressed so better not deal with that and affect sales

Also from what i heard the skinship isnt disliked in Japan and was a liked feature so i would assume this would make a comeback over there, i like kpop and have some japanese friends that are into gaming so yep from what they told me the feature there werent too many people against it so yeah but this is just what my friends so yeah lol

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The word of the creators at last. One of the higher chain of command speaks that Richard doesn't know. See...just overreacting. Certainly aren't going to belive Kotaku again.

Edited by PuffPuff
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It seems like too many of the latest reply is popping up denying it. I'd say it's pretty certain it is gone at this point, sad as that is.

This tumblr post has screenshots of three emails confirming it is gone.

It all seems a bit much for something that would be a false rumour at this point. My only hope now is that they replaced it with something of equal value.

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It's not getting completely removed. We still are going to get the convos for it!

Not like were missing much. Kotaku was full of shit saying it'd be completely gone! Ha. Plus were paying 30 dollars less than what Japan charged!

Edited by PuffPuff
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So to make a long story short...

Japan is less conflicted about the whole skinship thing than we are (pretty obvious at this point).


Honestly, not really. If it weren't for the potential removal of it, the vast, vast majority of people over here wouldn't give two shits about it either.

Edited by capmalachi
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Honestly, what makes me not want to get the game at this point is how we got the information and that no one at NoA has the guts to just speak up already.

Makes me feel even more like there's no good reason to remove an entire feature and they just hope that things resolve themselves.

If they really completely removed it my guess is that they were simply too lazy/didn't want to spend money on recording the my room lines in english, and try to cover it up with "Oh no face touching is sooo inappropriate, we can't have that" :dry:

Edited by nika
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If they really completely removed it my guess is that they were simply too lazy/didn't want to spend money on recording the my room lines in english, and try to cover it up with "Oh no face touching is sooo inappropriate, we can't have that" :dry:

Idk, from a voice actor's perspective, I wouldn't be surprised if the voice actors/actresses just weren't comfortable with recording these types of lines. I mean, they can tone down the lines to make it less suggestive sure, but the prospect of voicing characters reacting to being touched/strokes might be off-putting to some of them.

Like, if Matthew Mercer was embarrassed about voicing one confession line, I doubt he would be able to voice MULTIPLE lines in reaction to his character being touched.

If it makes people uncomfortable, I'm not going to blame the voice actors and I'd rather not get anything than have them put themselves through some awkward/uncomfortable situations.

I'm just guessing though - I could be completely wrong.

Edited by carefreejules
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If it turns out they really are going to remove the feature, it'd be very disappointing if they removed the gameplay functionality as well. Considering that a small studio like NIS kept gameplay functionality intact when censoring Mugen Souls, it'd be especially bad if NOA didn't do the same.

I still don't approve of the censorship (I'm on the bandwagon saying it's downright stupid), but if it doesn't take away from the gameplay, it's not a dealbreaker for me.

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Honestly, what makes me not want to get the game at this point is how we got the information and that no one at NoA has the guts to just speak up already.

Makes me feel even more like there's no good reason to remove an entire feature and they just hope that things resolve themselves.

If they really completely removed it my guess is that they were simply too lazy/didn't want to spend money on recording the my room lines in english, and try to cover it up with "Oh no face touching is sooo inappropriate, we can't have that" :dry:

But...getting word from them makes me want to get the game even more now. ^_^

Hope that the dialogue in the my room will be set for Teen audiences.

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Honestly, not really. If it weren't for the potential removal of it, the vast, vast majority of people over here wouldn't give two shits about it either.

...good point.

Honestly, what makes me not want to get the game at this point is how we got the information and that no one at NoA has the guts to just speak up already.

Makes me feel even more like there's no good reason to remove an entire feature and they just hope that things resolve themselves.

If they really completely removed it my guess is that they were simply too lazy/didn't want to spend money on recording the my room lines in english, and try to cover it up with "Oh no face touching is sooo inappropriate, we can't have that" :dry:

It makes no sense why they haven't "officially" and said anything yet.

Whether it's being tooken out or not, (in this kind of situation) I would prefer to be told up front from the main big guys up top than told softly through (and I mean no offense to anyone, but...) someone lower who may not have enough credibility.

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Idk, from a voice actor's perspective, I wouldn't be surprised if the voice actors/actresses just weren't comfortable with recording these types of lines. I mean, they can tone down the lines to make it less suggestive sure, but the prospect of voicing characters reacting to being touched/strokes might be off-putting to some of them.

Like, if Matthew Mercer was embarrassed about voicing one confession line, I doubt he would be able to voice MULTIPLE lines in reaction to his character being touched.

If it makes people uncomfortable, I'm not going to blame the voice actors and I'd rather not get anything than have them put themselves through some awkward/uncomfortable situations.

I'm just guessing though - I could be completely wrong.

I can kind of understand that, but I think it's a shame since my room was the only chance were we really get to hear the characters talking.

It's sad that those little voice clips were removed from the support conversations, it doesn't seem like a big deal but I really missed them when I watched some of the supports.

So if my room is removed then the only time we get to hear the voices of the characters that aren't part of the main story is the confession? and some battle grunts :/:

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Idk, from a voice actor's perspective, I wouldn't be surprised if the voice actors/actresses just weren't comfortable with recording these types of lines. I mean, they can tone down the lines to make it less suggestive sure, but the prospect of voicing characters reacting to being touched/strokes might be off-putting to some of them.

Like, if Matthew Mercer was embarrassed about voicing one confession line, I doubt he would be able to voice MULTIPLE lines in reaction to his character being touched.

If it makes people uncomfortable, I'm not going to blame the voice actors and I'd rather not get anything than have them put themselves through some awkward/uncomfortable situations.

I'm just guessing though - I could be completely wrong.

Honestly, if it makes someone uncomfortable to record lines that are slightly suggestive (it's not like we're talking about hardcore porn here), then I can't help but feel that they might be in the wrong line of work.

Edited by capmalachi
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Honestly, if it makes someone uncomfortable to record lines that are slightly suggestive (it's not like we're talking about hardcore porn here), then I can't help but feel that they might be in the wrong line of work.

Seriously, has anyone even seen the kind of crap Laura Bailey has had in her scripts? They wouldn''t have gotten into this line of work if they cared about what the scripts say.

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Completely agree. Trust me, if a VA was having trouble with the content they were working on, they really wouldn't last long in the business. The only people who could MAYBE pull it off is someone like a Frank Welker and trust me, he isn't in this game.

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Nintendo is a lot like a parent

They don't want their kids (customers) getting exposed to anything sexual or violent.

But they forget that there is a rating on the box for a reason.

This wouldn't have had any real effect on the rating: it's just really weird and degrades the characters.

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