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Polygon confirms: bathhouses, swim suits are still in.


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Hm. I was just thinking, it doesn't actually say that they get married right after their S support (although presumably they do), so why couldn't the just have the underage party and their partner make some kind of vow of marriage, and imply that it occurred when the kid was old enough?

Because then you wouldn't have children. If a child did pop up, then that means that statutory rape happened.

As for my opinion on the Elise line, is it stupid? Yes. Do I understand why they did it? Yes. Will it affect my enjoyment of the game? No. Do I honestly care at all? No.

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I'd prefer if you didn't put words in my mouth here. "Incessant negativity on the same subjects gets frustrating"; it doesn't matter what they are. If somebody is volunteering the same opinion over and over, it's going to get annoying.

Those are semantics at best. "Offended", "Annoyed". What's the big difference? The meaning of that line definitely doesn't change by that: Don't blame me if my criticism and/or mockery of a freaking video game is somehow significantly reducing your quality of life.

You saying the game will be "amusing" before going on about "pathetic moral sliminess" makes me wonder if you're not taking things a tad to seriously.

For the record: I said "pathetic sliminess". Maybe a more appropriate term would be "embarrassing" but I felt like this invokes the impression that they get to me more then they do. I also thought about using "shameless", but I figured that word allow for a variety of interpretations and would not be straightforward enough either.

Honestly, from my understanding of the English language, I feel like the words that I ended up choosing are very much on point. Especially the choice of the word "slimy".

Edited by BrightBow
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Hm. I was just thinking, it doesn't actually say that they get married right after their S support (although presumably they do), so why couldn't the just have the underage party and their partner make some kind of vow of marriage, and imply that it occurred when the kid was old enough?

Well as much as we are talking about how young she is, for this time period she would be around the age to be considered an adult. We have a luxury now of living to a nice old age, and allowing our children to not have to mature as fast. Back then you were lucky if you lived past 50, so children grew up faster, they were required to be more mature at a younger age. They were considered adults around the ages of 15-18 depending, so Elise being told to act her age, even though she is probably only 15, and being able to marry isn't that far fetched for the time period. Is it wrong? By now days standards for sure, but back then? Different times call for different measures.

Edited by Tolvir
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Those are semantics at best. "Offended", "Annoyed". What's the big difference? The meaning of that line definitely doesn't change by that: Don't blame me if my criticism and/or mockery of a freaking video game is somehow significantly reducing your quality of life.

For the record: I said "pathetic sliminess". Maybe a more appropriate term would be "embarrassing" but I felt like this invokes the impression that they get to me more then they do. I also thought about using "shameless", but I figured that word allow for a variety of interpretations and would not be straightforward enough.

Honestly, from my understanding of the English language, I feel like the words that I ended up choosing are very much on point. Especially the choice of the word "slimy".

I wasn't arguing semantics in the first place. You seem to have missed my point entirely; anybody saying the same thing over and over gets aggravating (and I'm pretty certain that I'm far from the only person who feels this way).

No, it has not "significantly reduced my quality of life"; could you stop assuming the situation is somehow so much worse than it really is?

"Pathetic sliminess"="Pathetic moral sliminess"; I seriously doubt you were using any other definition for that. It's just semantics, after all.

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I think I'm the only person who laughed at this and went, "God, how many times has this been said about me? Sibling banter. Good times."

. . .I like this explanation. I also think it's kinda lost on those of us who, uh, lacked siblings growing up. :cry:

Don't blame me that you identify with a game to such a degree that you get personally offended if someone mocks and/or criticizes it.

Wrong attitude. Why bother mocking something, when it will produce no meaningful positive change?

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I can't even count the amount of times my sister and I have told each other to "grow up".

Just what is so bad about the line anyway? I swear this fandom will bitch about the most asinine things

So have all of my brothers. Had Leo said that, no one here would've even thought twice about that comment. However, the fact remains that he did not; the line was addressed to the players and Leo might as well have turned towards the camera and said "it's not weird, we promise".

I don't think people "bitch" about it so much as we make fun of how clumsily it's written. Don't get me wrong, most of this game is, but this is a standout example.

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I can't shake the feeling that the line about Elise was a joke on NoA's part, an intentional jab at how localization sometimes ages up characters without changing anything else about them. It's the "technically" part that does it, I think; it's the kind of thing I'd expect someone to say if Elise had a character profile listing her age as 18, and they were joking about it.

Or maybe that's just me, I dunno. Maybe it was a sincere effort at pretending she's older.

Anyway. I'm honestly surprised that the bathhouses and swimsuits are still in, but I'm glad. Compared to earlier news it somehow makes me feel more confident that they did a good job with this translation, even if it's not exactly faithful to the original, changing things with a focus on improvement more than fear of causing offense, which is how I'd rather it be done. While I generally prefer translations that try to stick close to the original while still conveying its intent to a foreign audience, I know that a loose translation can sometimes make things better.

If nothing else, it'll be interesting to compare to the fan translation, at least. See what they changed and speculate on why and all that.

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I can't even count the amount of times my sister and I have told each other to "grow up".

Just what is so bad about the line anyway? I swear this fandom will bitch about the most asinine things

Lmao somebody finally said it, it's obvious why they included this line, people need to chill.

I've been hyping about Fates since before Summer 2015, and in that time there are a few names on this forum that I have come to dread seeing, usually because 90% of the time they only ever have something incredibly negative and deconstructive to say.

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Lmao somebody finally said it, it's obvious why they included this line, people need to chill.

I've been hyping about Fates since before Summer 2015, and in that time there are a few names on this forum that I have come to dread seeing, usually because 90% of the time they only ever have something incredibly negative and deconstructive to say.

To be fair, they definitely have points: the game's writing does suck, and if you go in expecting anything else you'll be disappointed.

Incessantly repeating said points when it may not be the best situation to do so is another story, but that's that.

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I have a hard time seeing Leo's lines as anything but a joke. NoA's writing is wonderfully tongue-in-cheek, and I wouldn't expect anything so blatant. If it had just been "like the adult you are" then I'd agree, but the "that you technically are" is probably just comedy, and IMO they totally succeeded. The writing is superb so far and it has a great localization.

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I wasn't arguing semantics in the first place. You seem to have missed my point entirely; anybody saying the same thing over and over gets aggravating (and I'm pretty certain that I'm far from the only person who feels this way).

No, it has not "significantly reduced my quality of life"; could you stop assuming the situation is somehow so much worse than it really is?

Okay, something is really going wrong here. If you aren't "offended" or I "significantly reduced your quality of life" then why do you get so damn pissed off and throw stuff like this at my face:

You know, why did you even comment if you're only going to be passive-aggressive, all-round negative, and add nothing to the conversation?

I swear some people need a chill pill. There's already potential justification for this, but do you look into that? No; you go straight for the mockery. The localizers wouldn't do something so blatant unless there was some form of reasoning/justification behind that.

I will try again then: Don't blame me that you identify with a game to such a degree that you get that annoyed if someone mocks and/or criticizes it that you need to write such a furious rant.

"Pathetic sliminess"="Pathetic moral sliminess"; I seriously doubt you were using any other definition for that. It's just semantics, after all.

The definition I am using is this (From Wiktionary:) : (slang, figuratively) friendly in a false, calculating way; underhanded; sneaky.

You were using quotation marks. So I just wanted to ensure that this was clarified in order to avoid any more semantics. Which was a legitimate risk because "moral" has nothing to do with this. In fact, "moral sliminess" isn't a thing at all. I guess you are not a native speaker just like me.

Wrong attitude. Why bother mocking something, when it will produce no meaningful positive change?

I do think that it can produce a meaningful change. But how much reason do I even need in order to make a casual, lighthearted comment? ...not that much of this lightheartedness is left at that point.

Edited by BrightBow
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Lmao somebody finally said it, it's obvious why they included this line, people need to chill.

I've been hyping about Fates since before Summer 2015, and in that time there are a few names on this forum that I have come to dread seeing, usually because 90% of the time they only ever have something incredibly negative and deconstructive to say.

Lol I feel ya. But no worries for me since I don't have to view it unless I click "view it anyway?". :P:

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Okay, something is really going wrong here. If you aren't "offended" or I "significantly reduced your quality of life" then why do you get so damn pissed off and throw stuff like this at my face:

I will try again then: Don't blame me that you identify with a game to such a degree that you get that annoyed if someone mocks and/or criticizes it that you need to write such a furious rant.

The definition I am using is this (From Wiktionary:) : (slang, figuratively) friendly in a false, calculating way; underhanded; sneaky.

You were using quotation marks. So I just wanted to ensure that this was clarified in order to avoid any more semantics. Which was a legitimate risk because "moral" has nothing to do with this. In fact, "moral sliminess" isn't a thing at all. I guess you are not a native speaker just like me.

I do think that it can produce a meaningful change. But how much reason do I even need in order to make a casual, lighthearted comment? ...not that much of this lightheartedness is left at that point.

I am a native speaker, and even if I wasn't one of the first definitions to pop up when the word "sliminess" is googled is: "Morally repulsive, as in being dishonest or corrupt."

Besides that, I have nothing else to say on this matter.

EDIT: After a closer reading, perhaps I can make things a bit clearer; I'm somewhat exasperated at people whining and nitpicking over localization changes when most of them have reasoning/justification behind them. As of late, I have bemoaned people's lack of research or thought on the matter in replies to them. I am sorry that I elicited such a response from you as I did.

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I completely agree about Leo just saying that out of frustration because I know from experience that my older siblings (I'm the youngest) would always say things like "you need to act more mature" or "you're not a little kid anymore so you need to start acting more like a grown up" but that was said to me when I was 14-16. I think he's referring more to her attitude and mentality rather than "yeah, you're literally an adult".

So, It might have been better if he said something along the lines of how she's not a kid anymore because that would leave the impression that she's obviously not a kid (9-12) but also hints to the fact that she's either a teenager (13-15) or even just a young adult (16-18). Even though at 16 technically you're still a teenager, you're at the point in your life where you should start acting like a young adult - not a grown adult like 25+ but a young adult. That's just what I think.

There's a lot of ways they could have implied Elise was older than she appeared, or was at least expected to act in a more mature way. I would have worded it "You need to act your age." It hints at the schism between her behavior and actual age without pinning it to a specific construct such as adulthood. "technically an adult" sounds like someone quoting a law book to say "She's technically legal bro :)))))"

I can't shake the feeling that the line about Elise was a joke on NoA's part, an intentional jab at how localization sometimes ages up characters without changing anything else about them. It's the "technically" part that does it, I think; it's the kind of thing I'd expect someone to say if Elise had a character profile listing her age as 18, and they were joking about it.

Or maybe that's just me, I dunno. Maybe it was a sincere effort at pretending she's older.

I almost want to think it's a joke for how totally awkward it is but I don't think NoA should be parodying a controversial element within the game itself. If in the localization, Kamui called Garon a two-dimensional villain, you might have a chuckle at their 4th-wall-leaning commentary but at the same time, they're drawing more attention to a negative aspect and making a joke out of a serious game.

Edited by NekoKnight
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I almost want to think it's a joke for how totally awkward it is but I don't think NoA should be parodying a controversial element within the game itself. If in the localization, Kamui called Garon a two-dimensional villain, you might have a chuckle at their 4th-wall-leaning commentary but at the same time, they're drawing more attention to a negative aspect and making a joke out of a serious game.

Good writing can include both the silly and serious within short intervals effectively; lighthearted scenes make dramatic moments more impactful whereas some comedy gives the reader a chance to catch their breath.

Even if Fates had that kind of writing, however, due to its structure, it wouldn't be able to be taken seriously and at worst would come across as hypocrisy. Like you say, it'd be like localizers saying "look, we're aware of the problems, but there's nothing we can do about them".

Now, again, I think Leo's line about Elise is more clumsy and unintentionally hilarious than anything, but I wouldn't be able to stomach lines like that scattered throughout the entire game.

Also, your sig is hilarious.

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I almost want to think it's a joke for how totally awkward it is but I don't think NoA should be parodying a controversial element within the game itself. If in the localization, Kamui called Garon a two-dimensional villain, you might have a chuckle at their 4th-wall-leaning commentary but at the same time, they're drawing more attention to a negative aspect and making a joke out of a serious game.

Idk, I don't think it's that serious in the first place.

I absolutely adore FE's comical direction that this localization is helping. I can't get behind total seriousness and something like Corrin calling Garon two-dimensional would be funny.

I tend to lean towards camp or comedy. Tones like Xenoblade X, Bayonetta, and as of what I've seen, Fates, are what I love. I also really enjoy fluffy stories like Kirby or Pokemon have. For that reason, I really like wacky hijinx supports and prefer them to serious ones. I love Leo's line to Elise. I actually think it's a really clever way to do humor.

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Good writing can include both the silly and serious within short intervals effectively; lighthearted scenes make dramatic moments more impactful whereas some comedy gives the reader a chance to catch their breath.

Even if Fates had that kind of writing, however, due to its structure, it wouldn't be able to be taken seriously and at worst would come across as hypocrisy. Like you say, it'd be like localizers saying "look, we're aware of the problems, but there's nothing we can do about them".

Now, again, I think Leo's line about Elise is more clumsy and unintentionally hilarious than anything, but I wouldn't be able to stomach lines like that scattered throughout the entire game.

Also, your sig is hilarious.

The game as plenty of moments of levity but self-parody is a different beast entirely. It's NoA adding in extra dialogue to say "We couldn't fix it lololol". I almost want to laugh with them but as "fixing stuff" is specially what NoA is there to do, it reads like "We half-assed our job lololol"

Idk, I don't think it's that serious in the first place.

I absolutely adore FE's comical direction that this localization is helping. I can't get behind total seriousness and something like Corrin calling Garon two-dimensional would be funny.

I tend to lean towards camp or comedy. Tones like Xenoblade X, Bayonetta, and as of what I've seen, Fates, are what I love. I also really enjoy fluffy stories like Kirby or Pokemon have. For that reason, I really like wacky hijinx supports and prefer them to serious ones. I love Leo's line to Elise. I actually think it's a really clever way to do humor.

Some games, like Bayonetta, are all about over the top scenes and self-parody. Fire Emblem is not typically such a series. If they want to go for a certain tone, they need to commit to it.

Kinu's localization named confirmed!

So she's a seal now? Eh, it's a pretty name at least, although I like Kinu as well.

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Selkie? ...Okay, this is one of those very rare occasions where I say the English name is completely stupid and the Japanese one is better. >.>

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