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@Prims: What exactly was the point of calling for more votes on Manix?

@Ms. Miller: OK, never mind about the word confusion but what was it, that kept you from noticing Yolos blunt wagon jump before? I mean that wasn't actually a new thing.

@SB: Can you define why the guy isn't entirely genuine? I know we didn't got far right now but that sounds as vague as a blanket accusation could get.^^;

For my own part, I could get around the Miller wagon on the base that he needed to be pushed to do something productive just to go for the low hanging fruit. But I'm buying the cautious newbie impression, so that case doesn't fills me with determination confidence.^^;

By the way, is the a way to iso read someone here?

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By the way, is the a way to iso read someone here?


If the user's name has spaces (like Ms. Bunch), use stuff like %20 to represent it.

(shamelessly stolen from Mafia Headquarters)


First off, name guide~!

Freyja = Ms. Bunch

Manix = Curly Brace

Elie = Elieson

Normally, I'd hop on the Frejya wagon immediately. However, he managed to get himself lynched, twice, as town, despite doing scummy things like giving up in Realm of Mirrors. Since I remember nothing much of Kirby Mafia, I gave it a quick ISO. The result is the exact same thing that he's doing now. If this is how he acts when there's very little info, I'm more inclined to think that he's typing first and asking questions later, which is null. I don't like it, but I want to wait and see how he reacts once there's more info (which should be sometime after I wake up tomorrow morning, I hope).

Prims pointed out Elieson's last post (here), and I'm inclined to agree. Elieson normally hates RVS like how I strongly dislike people who do nothing but post on the Fates board and whine about everything. However, the linked post reads like he's still in RVS mode.

Manix does the same thing, but he does something and votes for Freyja later, so I'm not as suspicious of him.

if it means anything, I'm googling terms that I don't know as I see them. I actually didn't know what RVS was before I saw it in-topic.

If you don't know what something means, quote it and ask. We'll gladly answer.

is there any reason to keep unlimited oc guy hidden

Is there any reason to reveal Unlimited OC guy? Not sure what to make of this.

With Dorian's latest post, he feels pretty townie. So. . .


##Vote: Elieson

Seriously, going along with RVS is just. . .weird. It ain't much, but it's better than nothing.

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nice self-consciousness


##Vote: Freyjadour

#1 rule of finding scum: they do things that town shouldn't. like care about how they look

lol yeah because town never gets pissed/frustrated/defensive/self conscious when people start to get on their case? Town doesn't want to look like scum either.

Bunch has actually responded to all questions towards him, so this whole "not putting in effort to create content" is easy bs.

What does everyone think about the progression so far? Making reads is pretty impossible as of right now.

We've taken longer to do less tbh, so I'm not worried by the progression.

@SB: Explain why it doesn't seem genuine?

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Unless you absolutely need to keep a read to yourself to get a read on someone else, mind sharing them? Like, you've gotta have an idea of who's town!

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Fairly good with Town Bunch.

Null on Cam, interested in if he's gotten anything from all those questions he asked Bunch.

Dorian leaning Town.

Waiting for Yoloswag to get back for that post. But the questions he asked Bunch gave me gut town.

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@Prims: What exactly was the point of calling for more votes on Manix?

Manix talks a lot and I was hoping it'd start something that he'd react to tellingly.

Why does Dorian look townie, Strawman? Why did you go out of your way to bring up your null read on Cam over any other null reads you have?

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lol yeah because town never gets pissed/frustrated/defensive/self conscious when people start to get on their case? Town doesn't want to look like scum either.

how do i explain this? self-consciousness in the scum case is the whole "trying to look townie", whereas a townie doesn't have to fabricate their game in the same way. it's the underlying tones, you know?

Bunch has actually responded to all questions towards him,

and? not something unique to townies at all.

so this whole "not putting in effort to create content" is easy bs.

went back and tried to figure out what this was referring to, was it related to the exchange that prims and i had (refer #71, #73) which is the only time non-content was mentioned, and not even by me

still marginally confused as to why this is an accusation.

don't really like that strawman posted a bunch of townreads/a nullread (#83) without any indication at all of even a slight scum read. i get that the state of the game doesn't make that easy, but even then there must be ~something~ that is worth noting and pushing (instead of sitting on an rvs vote)

Manix talks a lot and I was hoping it'd start something that he'd react to tellingly.

you're not wrong, but being more busy these days i kinda float in and out (and also just put off posting, like i did for most of today)

also going to sleep. l8r

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Manix talks a lot and I was hoping it'd start something that he'd react to tellingly.

OK and why did you felt the need to reaction test someone you know as talkative, therefore more likely to product content on their own, instead of someone who's harder to get a read on?

However, I still really don't like it but it's clear that this leads me nowhere at the moment, so …


Speaking of leading nowhere, …

##Vote: Cam

I really don't see where your line of questions leads to, so it would be lovely if you could enlighten me here. I also have to wonder about your lack of consideration on the miller claim, it's quite a bit audacious for supposed newbie scum, isn't it?

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Why does Dorian look townie, Strawman? Why did you go out of your way to bring up your null read on Cam over any other null reads you have?

Townie Dorian because solid questioning, follow up, and progression.

Brought up cam to mention his lack of follow up to his posts so far, looking for him to substantiate.

@Manix: Yes scum must fabricate being town, and there's self-consciousness in that. But Town has to also appear genuinely town. There's certain tells of what a town or scum will or won't do that don't always line up with how people act in game, because people are people and don't fully fit into ideal categorizations. So a townie is also self consciously trying to fulfill what it means to be town, and in what Bunch said that was interpreted as scum self-conscious, I did not see that.

The part about content wasn't directed towards you. That was in response to comments from Prims and Cam (and SB's vote which I want him to follow up on) in regards to bunch commenting on the state of the game but not doing anything to change it. Which I see as false considering Bunch made fairly clear responses when questioned, thus putting in an effort to create content. Granted Bunch hasn't commented on much outside of the questions posed to him and his vote on Yoloswag.


##Vote: SB

SB, how does Bunch's content seem fabricated/not genuine? Especially compared to users with arguably less content like Elie and Cam? The former never getting out of rvs, the latter having mostly a string of questions that haven't yet been followed up.

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Guys if you knew how gay I was you'd cry and then throw a party.

Also OK i've officially stopped being involved with other pet projects for vASM and i slept for like 15 hours last night. I'm feeling back on my groove.


-Votes for the Miller claim (didn't acknowledge it)?

-this kinda contradicts this

I'm also not revealing the OC guy because I don't know their proper role and it's most certainly not necessary information for you or the game yet.


-I hate trying to make sense of prims because I thought it was kinda weird that he was sticking on Manix like glue for so long but his justification makes sense because it's pretty much what I was going for and Manix just isn't reacting the way I expect Manix to react. That year long break cooled him down hardcore


-Contradictory to how i thought SB would call out the miller claim before throwing a vote on him, I don't think cam's the kind of player who would do the same.


-Cam's probably on to something with Freyjacase but I can't comfortably dig into it because Freyja's green-status still shows all the gosh darn time and I buy the miller claim and figure if we have a vig they'll just take care of it anyway

-Actually after an ISO freyja is pretty much all cam's posted about since RVS and that's rather bad

-not really looking at anybody else when at least the manix wagon deserves some attention as well as any other people

Status: Feeling scumleans on SB and Cam, and I flubbing hate that every time I try to read prims I get nowhere fast. The above Dorian thing is more of me thinking out loud and commenting rather than casing fwiw


##Vote SB

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I'm super gay <3 <3 <3 <3

Also yoloswag isn't actually going anywhere (but he said he'd be somewhere today) so all he's done is thrown out two RVS votes. Him coming back last night to ask some questions doesn't really mean anything because the questions don't have anything to do with the game

##FoS Yoloswag This is more me just reminding myself that he said he'd be back to spit something out

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-Contradictory to how i thought SB would call out the miller claim before throwing a vote on him, I don't think cam's the kind of player who would do the same.

I have to admit that SB kinda slipped my mind on that matter but how is he more likely to call out the claim than Cam?

Given that SB has only a really brief vote post on that matter while Cam had time to send quite a few questions that way.

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Gay discos are definitely better [Votals 1.2]

Freyjadour (3): Cam, Manix, SB
Elieson (2): Prims, Eclipse
SB (2): Strawman, Elieson
Cam (1): Dorian
Manix (1): Yoloswag
Yoloswag (1): Freyjadour

You have about 26 hours and a half left in this phase! It takes 7 votes to lynch someone. Remember the activity rules, I'd rather not forcesub out anyone!

I'll edit the opening post to include ISOs in a while.

Edited by Mitsuki
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Alright, I have great things to share with you guys.

1. Washington DC is cool. Highly recommend should you ever get the chance.

2. I think SB's currently our best shot at scum. His vote struck me more as "let me make sure I sound justified" than any real attempt to discern Frey's alignment.

##Vote SB

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I feel that eclipse has a nice, authoritative tone that feels town. If there was one person I would be positive for town, it would be her. Manix also has some well made posts.

As for scum, I don't know how I feel about YOLOSWAG considering that he only recently returned to make content, and SB's case seems poorly constructed.

That's about it for me so far. I'd also say that everyone else is null for me ATM.

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I feel that eclipse has a nice, authoritative tone that feels town. If there was one person I would be positive for town, it would be her. Manix also has some well made posts.

As for scum, I don't know how I feel about YOLOSWAG considering that he only recently returned to make content, and SB's case seems poorly constructed.

That's about it for me so far. I'd also say that everyone else is null for me ATM.

So no new scum reads? 'k.

Now, for "new" stuff. . .

Reread SB's posts, and it feels like he's not /effort in this game. This is a bit odd from him, but he's also lacking /effort in Wretched Whispers (RP topic), so I can't tell if he's legit busy or trying to coast.

Elieson needs to read the game (ALL FIVE PAGES OF IT) and respond to the votes on him. What he said about Prims/Manix applies to me/him, as well.

I really don't see where your line of questions leads to, so it would be lovely if you could enlighten me here. I also have to wonder about your lack of consideration on the miller claim, it's quite a bit audacious for supposed newbie scum, isn't it?

We've had miller mafia before (I wish I was joking).

Freyja, your vote is on the guy that you don't know how you feel, versus the guy whose case you don't like. WHAT don't you like about SB's case, and WHY is YOLO worse than SB right now?

Don't really have much to say about the rest of you right now, except that I'm not interested in lynching you guys at the moment. :P:

Would lynch Elieson given his weird behavior as well as not responding to the votes on him. I'm willing to consolidate on SB on the basis that we're running short on time, and coasting!SB means he probably rolled scum again while busy!SB isn't going to contribute a lot. Two people don't exist, Freyja needs to answer questions, and Cam needs to elaborate on his questions (I have no idea what Cam wanted to do with his initial questions of Freyja, but I found 'em helpful).

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Any questions you need answered, I'll answer.

I think SB's post was really vague. He said that it "wasn't genuine" which doesn't really make sense to me. I'd like some elaboration on why he feels that way. Last time something like this happened, Randa ended up getting out of it.

I actually forgot to Unvote last post tbh. I wouldn't say that YOLO is worse than SB.


##Vote: SB

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can we talk about why we're all voting SB

i was asleep for most of yesterday and then was away at a programming competition (we got fucked) today and i don't really feel like playing mafia rn kthx

i'll address things when i'm less salty

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I slept in today and then kind of forgot I was in this game. I was also kind of hoping Manix would respond to my question but it looks like he just blanked it.

Wrt my vote, it looks fake to me because Bunch was trying to be generically helpful imo. They brought up two basically opposite stances on securing a lynch and not wanting large wagons so it looks like trying to produce content without really thinking about it.

I wanted to talk about OC guy because I am vaguely suspicious of them for our conversation (it feels like they're using the fact that they don't have to post as an excuse to not really read) but its kind of pointless bringing it up if nobody knows who they are.

Why would I point out the miller claim? I take that as null mostly and there was even a scum miller in Vhaltz's game now that I think about it so its ??? I don't really like your vote on me when it feels like you have more of an issue with Cam so it looks odd.

Omega's vote kind of sucks too because there's nothing he couldn't have said in his last post (and he said nothing there really)?

The fact that we're around 24h left feels kind of surreal to me and I'm still not really sure who I'd vote? I don't remember enough of how Manix plays to really want to lynch him, Bunch still kind of feels scummy but its not strong and OC guy is kind of the same. If anything I would lynch one of Eli/Omega (I feel like Omega is scummier but there's a better case for Eli?) but this is still hard.


##Vote: Omega

Pedit: forgot about Cam, but this feels like shitposting town Cam rather than concerned scum Cam.

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can we talk about why we're all voting SB

i was asleep for most of yesterday and then was away at a programming competition (we got fucked) today and i don't really feel like playing mafia rn kthx

i'll address things when i'm less salty

We're less than 24 hours away from deadline, lose the salt quickly.

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