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100. What would you if you read that this thread is going to have 100 more of this kind of question?

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i mean id rather it wouldn't but i don't smoke so it doesn't affect me

in fact it's probably beneficial cuz then i wouldn't have to hold my breath around smokers in public any more

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in fact it's probably beneficial cuz then i wouldn't have to hold my breath around smokers in public any more

^ This. Thank you Kim.

Edited by Naughx
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Probably a happy dance. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke and I'm sure plenty agree.

Technically, Ohio has a ban on indoor public smoking, but I don't think there is one for outdoor. If you're gonna smoke, do it somewhere you won't bother people.

...If you live in apartment, then you need to find somewhere else, the smoke smell was overbearing back when we were in one. Drove me up the wall.

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i don't smoke or like smoking, but people should still be able to (provided they follow smoke-free zones)

also lol @ people thinking five seconds at most of passing and inhaling smoke is going to affect them in any significant way

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Does "at home" particularly have to mean indoors though? If it were limited to indoors then yeah I'd be concerned about fire hazards as well, but if it just means "on your property" then I wouldn't be as concerned about that.


while it would be a huge relief for me to not have to have people smoking around me when I have asthma, I don't think that's really very fair to smokers. My dad smokes (he never smoked inside our house though because he's a good parent and wouldn't expose that to his children) and I can just imagine him never being able to go on long trips ever again because his addiction wouldn't let him. That just sounds awful and I don't think they should be punished for their life mistakes like that (and that's none of our business anyway).

I mostly just like the idea of the designated smoking areas, so not everybody has to get exposed unwillingly to second-hand smoke.

also lol @ people thinking five seconds at most of passing and inhaling smoke is going to affect them in any significant way

In my experience though, there are many times it goes much longer than 5 seconds and my asthma would always disagree with it when I couldn't hold my breath long enough. It was really hard on me.

But it is true that most of the most harmful effects are going to come from somebody you live with... (which is probably what makes that law even worse if it limits to only indoor smoking, because then the rest of that person's family is going to be exposed for way longer whether they smoke or not)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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In my experience though, there are many times it goes much longer than 5 seconds and my asthma would always disagree with it when I couldn't hold my breath long enough. It was really hard on me.

But it is true that most of the most harmful effects are going to come from somebody you live with... (which is probably what makes that law even worse if it limits to only indoor smoking, because then the rest of that person's family is going to be exposed for way longer whether they smoke or not)

I have asthma too, though more prevalent in my younger years, and my dad smoked. Passing smokers were never an issue for me, even back then. Smokers already get enough shit with being taxed to fuck, knowing that it's extremely unhealthy and being generally reviled without people appearing visibly snobbish by holding their breath.

I could understand if you have a bad case of asthma but for most people that do that, it's not the case.

Edited by Tryhard
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I don't care if you smoke outside in your backyard or something, I'm not going into your yard and I stay indoors a lot anyway.

I care if you smoke in areas with lots of people or are not respecting neighbors with it. People smoked a lot in the apartment building I used to live in and the air was full of the smell, it was awful.

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I have asthma too, though more prevalent in my younger years, and my dad smoked. Passing smokers were never an issue for me, even back then. Smokers already get enough shit with being taxed to fuck, knowing that it's extremely unhealthy and being generally reviled without people appearing visibly snobbish by holding their breath.

I could understand if you have a bad case of asthma but for most people that do that, it's not the case.

It's just that it's not only from passing people by, though. I got exposed to smoke watching my little brother's baseball games because they'd sit there smoking half the game. The majority of the time I had this kind of problem was when we were watching races and a bunch of people sitting nearby would be smoking half the time. and fsr moving never helped because the wind always liked to change directions when I did

And of course my dad would say "just ask them to stop" but it doesn't exactly help when you are deathly afraid of interacting with strangers in fear of them getting mad at you for what you're going to request >u>

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Technically, Ohio has a ban on indoor public smoking, but I don't think there is one for outdoor.

there is not a ban on outdoor smoking

source: ohio

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