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100. What would you if you read that this thread is going to have 100 more of this kind of question?

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Family I don't give a shit, friends is another matter entirely though....... :s It'd be hard cutting ties to those people especially if we were really close

thankfully that sounds out of character as fuck with the people that are actually relevant in my life

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Family I don't give a shit, friends is another matter entirely though....... :s It'd be hard cutting ties to those people especially if we were really close

thankfully that sounds out of character as fuck with the people that are actually relevant in my life

this, pretty much exactly

especially in the case of "sexuality/sexual attitude"

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[spoiler=Q1-10]Q1 ... if someone took away your only videogame console?
Break the arm(s) that stole it B: ..

Q2 ... if you're deathly tired, but you can't sleep because there's a loud party going in your neighbourhood?
Put on noise cancelling headphones and go to sleep

Q3 ... if a foreign person (= person you don't know) sends you a contact request in a chat forum (Skype, ICQ etc...)?
I interrogate them before completely accepting their contact request ye

Q4 ... if you got 1 Million $?
Use it on college expenses crai (alternatively buy a hella expensive one way plane ticket to live with someone overseas and just save the money wisely)

Q5 ... if you were ruled by someone like Donald Trump?
Do the alternative in question 4 PROBABLY

Q6 ... if you were the ruler of your country?
Rule it like my nationstate np

Q7 ... if you got the news that a natural catastrophe (hurrican, tsunami, blizzard, forest fire) is going to happen in the area you live in?
Just have to prepare for what's to come and hope for the best really

Q8 ... if a friend / workmate invites you to dinner but you literally can't eat their cooked result?
Just eat it to the best of my ability! Afterall they tried their best uwu
Though if I can't whatsoever, I would try to tell them to the best of my ability without making them upset ;;;;

Q9 ... if a TV or radio station asks you to do a short clip about yourself in form of a short biography?
Decline politely

Q10 ... if you had the chance to travel to space for free?

[spoiler=Q11-20]Q11 ... if you faced a snake in natural surroundings?
Probably be curious of what it is and get a closer look

Q12 ... if you were 80 years old?
Lie in a coffin dead B: ....

Q13 ... if a friend of yours has two tickets for a Justin Bieber gig and asks you to go with him / her?
I would go for his current music probably; Anything earlier I would still go but cry internally just a bit

Q14 ... if you're low of money but could sell very rare and precious things?
Most likely not sell them cause they were all gifts by people I care about a lot

Q17 ... if you can't perform a job or hobby anymore because of a psychical or physical ailment?
Force myself to do it probably regardless because I love it so much

Q18 ... if it's your birthday?
Celebrate it with loved ones uwu

Q20 .. if your family and / or friends don't accept your sexuality and / or sexual attitude of you or a close person of you?
For family, we're based off of two different cultural norms so I would be understandable about it but I would still have the same values about it

Knowing friends though, I don't think they would be like that in the first place unless it somehow is a risk @sexual attitudes

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Family: probably wouldn't matter unless sig other, in which case it's really hard to imagine even having one. I don't really think I'd care enough about someone else over my family?

Friends: kinda depends how bad they were about it. If I could just hang out with the friend separately from the person they object to, I'd do that. If it was my own sexuality they objected to, or they couldn't tolerate me hanging out with someone they objected to, I might have to stop hanging out with them.

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it would be wildly out of character, fortunately


However, if it actually did happen, and if they didn't already want nothing to do with me, then I would:

A) Get a decent job asap

B) Move out asap

C) Get friends to support me (Not necessarily monetarily, but emotional support is always nice. This situation would put me in a horrible mood, so I'd want all the encouragement I could get.)

If your parents react badly to something like that, then there's no telling what they could do. It's always good to have something to fall back in case things turn out sour.

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If it's a piece of clothing, I exchange it at the store and if they ask, I tell them it didn't fit, so I had to exchange it.

Otherwise, I just keep it. It's not like having it would be harming me in any way.

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