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100. What would you if you read that this thread is going to have 100 more of this kind of question?

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Panic, run away, calm down, look for and subsequently relocate myself to the best place to hide.

It also depends on the context. Like, am I in Syria and are soldiers and rebels fighting each other? Then there's not much more that I can do.

Am I in a peaceful country where I am witness to a murder or something? Then I'd call the police.

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I grew up with gunfire being common, but thankfully, it was mostly hunters, since I grew up out in the country. If it was a real combat sort of situation, it's hard to say, but gunfire in and of itself doesn't bother me, aprt from being loud.

lol that's so mean, especially saying something like that to a 13 year old. super fucked up. don't think it's worth a $42k lawsuit though.

It's mean, but freedom of speech should cover being mean.

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in my very limited experience, the type of person who uses "sjw" derogatorily is typically more prevalent, loudmouthed, and obnoxious than the "sjws" themselves

really what else can you do besides report it? i have a pistol permit but no ccdl, and a responsible gun owner doesnt just open fire when they see something bad. you have to consider everything/everyone in the area.

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in my very limited experience, the type of person who uses "sjw" derogatorily is typically more prevalent, loudmouthed, and obnoxious than the "sjws" themselves

also this

people that complain about those that fight for rights never had to. they were born into privilege probably and could never see why "sjw"s make such a fuss. like everythinig, the loudest of the group is the minority, and if cynics cant understand that and judge whole movement based on a very small loud minority, then that is a lack of education on their part.

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this is true

"duh sjws" is obnoxious after a while even if there are far-left extremists. which is why i like to avoid the term in general where possible

everyone is just shit okay

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I confront them, through whatever means I have to. Same for when I do know why.

Additionally I prefer simplicity, but the upset person may not(and usually does not), and that just needlessly complicates communication.

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1. pretend they arent angry because really i dont care

2. self reflect to see if somethingi did was wrong

3. realize of course i didnt do anything wrong but end up buying them food or alcohol anyway because hey why not

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Shrug it off. Because it also depends who it is.

Or this, it wildly depends on the person.

If it's no one important and/or someone no longer important, I simply won't care and they'll get over it, or choke on it

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If I think someone's mad at me, then I usually have an idea of the reason why. If I don't, I ask them if they're mad at me and if they are, why. And if they're willing to tell me, then apologize (if it's my fault) or talk it out (if I don't feel it was my fault). Beyond that, not my problem because I did all I could.

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if i dont know the reason why its because theyre being petty / its for just being an asshole overall 100% of the time so i dont care

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